Show / Hide Table of Contents
- Adaptors
- AnimationEffect
- AutoCompleteLocale
- BaseComponent
- BaseComponent.DataRequest
- BreakpointChangedEventArgs
- ColorPickerLocale
- ComboBoxLocale
- DataAdaptor
- DataAdaptor<T>
- DataManager
- DataManagerRequest
- DataOperations
- DropDownListLocale
- DropdownsLocale
- DynamicObjectOperation
- FormValidatorLocale
- GlobalAnimationMode
- GlobalOptions
- HorizontalAlign
- ISyncfusionStringLocalizer
- LabelOverflow
- ListBoxLocale
- LocaleData
- MediaBreakpoint
- MultiSelectLocale
- NumericTextBoxLocale
- Operator
- SfBaseComponent
- SfComponentActivator
- SfDataBoundComponent
- SfMediaQuery
- SliderLocale
- SyncfusionBlazor
- SyncfusionBlazorService
- SyncfusionStringLocalizer
- TextWrap
- Theme
- UploaderLocale
- Alignment
- BarcodeExportType
- BarcodeGeneratorDisplayText
- BarcodeMargin
- BarcodeTextMargin
- BarcodeType
- DataMatrixEncoding
- DataMatrixGeneratorDisplayText
- DataMatrixMargin
- DataMatrixSize
- DataMatrixTextMargin
- ErrorCorrectionLevel
- QRCodeGeneratorDisplayText
- QRCodeLogo
- QRCodeTextMargin
- QRCodeVersion
- QRMargin
- SfBarcodeGenerator
- SfDataMatrixGenerator
- SfQRCodeGenerator
- TextPosition
- ValidationFailedEventArgs
- ChangeArgs<TChecked>
- ChangeEventArgs<TChecked>
- CheckBoxModel<TChecked>
- ChipDeletedEventArgs
- ChipEventArgs
- ChipEvents
- ChipItem
- ChipItems
- FabPosition
- IconName
- IconPosition
- IconSize
- LabelPosition
- LinearDirection
- RadialDirection
- SelectionChangedEventArgs
- SelectionType
- SfButton
- SfCheckBox<TChecked>
- SfChip
- SfFab
- SfIcon
- SfInputBase<TChecked>
- SfRadioButton<TChecked>
- SfSpeedDial
- SfSwitch<TChecked>
- SpeedDialAnimationEffect
- SpeedDialAnimationSettings
- SpeedDialBeforeOpenCloseEventArgs
- SpeedDialItem
- SpeedDialItemEventArgs
- SpeedDialItems
- SpeedDialMode
- SpeedDialOpenCloseEventArgs
- SpeedDialRadialSettings
- BlurEventArgs
- CalendarBase<T>
- CalendarEvents<TValue>
- CalendarType
- CalendarView
- CellDetails
- ChangedEventArgs<T>
- ChangeEventArgs<T>
- ClearedEventArgs
- DatePickerClientProps<TValue>
- DatePickerEvents<TValue>
- DatePickerMaskPlaceholder
- DatePickerModel
- DateRangePickerEvents<TValue>
- DateRangePickerModel<TValue>
- DateRangePickerPreset
- DateRangePickerPresets
- DateTimePickerEvents<TValue>
- DateTimePickerMaskPlaceholder
- DateTimePickerModel<T>
- DayHeaderFormats
- DeSelectedEventArgs<T>
- FocusEventArgs
- IDateRangePicker
- ItemEventArgs<T>
- ITimePicker
- MaskPlaceholder
- NavigatedEventArgs
- PopupEventArgs
- PopupObjectArgs
- Presets
- PresetsModel
- RangeEventArgs
- RangePickerEventArgs<TValue>
- RangePopupEventArgs
- RenderDayCellEventArgs
- SelectedEventArgs<T>
- SfCalendar<TValue>
- SfDatePicker<TValue>
- SfDateRangePicker<TValue>
- SfDateTimePicker<TValue>
- SfTimePicker<TValue>
- TimePickerEvents<TValue>
- TimePickerMaskPlaceholder
- TimePickerModel<T>
- Syncfusion.Blazor.Cards
- Alignment
- AnimationType
- Chart3DAnimation
- Chart3DAxes
- Chart3DAxis
- Chart3DAxisLabelRenderEventArgs
- Chart3DAxisLabelStyle
- Chart3DAxisRangeRenderedEventArgs
- Chart3DAxisTitleStyle
- Chart3DBorder
- Chart3DColumn
- Chart3DColumns
- Chart3DCreatedEventArgs
- Chart3DDataBoundComponent
- Chart3DDataLabel
- Chart3DDataLabelBorder
- Chart3DDataLabelFont
- Chart3DDataLabelMargin
- Chart3DDataLabelPosition
- Chart3DDataPointInfo
- Chart3DDefaultBorder
- Chart3DDefaultFont
- Chart3DDefaultLocation
- Chart3DDefaultMargin
- Chart3DDefaultSelectedData
- Chart3DEmptyPointSettings
- Chart3DEventArgs
- Chart3DEventBorder
- Chart3DEventFont
- Chart3DEventLocation
- Chart3DExportedEventArgs
- Chart3DFadeOutMode
- Chart3DLegendBorder
- Chart3DLegendClickEventArgs
- Chart3DLegendContainerPadding
- Chart3DLegendMargin
- Chart3DLegendMode
- Chart3DLegendRenderEventArgs
- Chart3DLegendSettings
- Chart3DLegendTextStyle
- Chart3DLegendTitlePosition
- Chart3DLegendTitleStyle
- Chart3DLocation
- Chart3DMajorGridLines
- Chart3DMajorTickLines
- Chart3DMargin
- Chart3DMinorGridLines
- Chart3DMinorTickLines
- Chart3DMouseEventArgs
- Chart3DPointClickEventArgs
- Chart3DPointRenderEventArgs
- Chart3DPrimaryXAxis
- Chart3DPrimaryYAxis
- Chart3DResizedEventArgs
- Chart3DRow
- Chart3DRows
- Chart3DSelectedDataIndex
- Chart3DSelectedDataIndexes
- Chart3DSelectionChangedEventArgs
- Chart3DSeries
- Chart3DSeriesBorder
- Chart3DSeriesCollection
- Chart3DSeriesRenderEventArgs
- Chart3DSeriesType
- Chart3DShapeType
- Chart3DSubComponent
- Chart3DSubTitleBorder
- Chart3DSubTitleStyle
- Chart3DTextRenderEventArgs
- Chart3DTitleBorder
- Chart3DTitlePosition
- Chart3DTitleStyle
- Chart3DTooltipBorder
- Chart3DTooltipInfo
- Chart3DTooltipLocation
- Chart3DTooltipRenderEventArgs
- Chart3DTooltipSettings
- Chart3DTooltipTextStyle
- ChartRangePadding
- EdgeLabelPlacement
- EmptyPointMode
- ExportType
- HighlightMode
- IChart3DLegendBase
- IChart3DLegendMethods
- IntervalType
- LabelIntersectAction
- LabelPlacement
- LegendPosition
- LegendShape
- RangeIntervalType
- SelectionMode
- SelectionPattern
- SfChart3D
- TextOverflow
- ValueType
- AccumulationChartAnimation
- AccumulationChartAnnotation
- AccumulationChartAnnotations
- AccumulationChartBorder
- AccumulationChartCenter
- AccumulationChartConnector
- AccumulationChartDataLabelBorder
- AccumulationChartDataLabelFont
- AccumulationChartDataPointInfo
- AccumulationChartEmptyPointBorder
- AccumulationChartEmptyPointSettings
- AccumulationChartEvents
- AccumulationChartLegendBorder
- AccumulationChartLegendFont
- AccumulationChartLegendMargin
- AccumulationChartLegendPageSettings
- AccumulationChartLegendPageSettingsTextStyle
- AccumulationChartLegendSettings
- AccumulationChartLocation
- AccumulationChartMargin
- AccumulationChartSelectedDataIndex
- AccumulationChartSelectedDataIndexes
- AccumulationChartSeries
- AccumulationChartSeriesBorder
- AccumulationChartSeriesCollection
- AccumulationChartSubTitleStyle
- AccumulationChartTitleStyle
- AccumulationChartTooltipBorder
- AccumulationChartTooltipSettings
- AccumulationChartTooltipTextStyle
- AccumulationDataLabelSettings
- AccumulationLabelPosition
- AccumulationLegendClickEventArgs
- AccumulationLegendRenderEventArgs
- AccumulationLoadedEventArgs
- AccumulationPoint
- AccumulationPointEventArgs
- AccumulationPointRenderEventArgs
- AccumulationPoints
- AccumulationResizeEventArgs
- AccumulationSelectionCompleteEventArgs
- AccumulationSelectionMode
- AccumulationTextRenderEventArgs
- AccumulationType
- Alignment
- Anchor
- AnimationModel
- AnimationType
- AxisData
- AxisLabelClickEventArgs
- AxisLabelPosition
- AxisLabelRenderEventArgs
- AxisMultiLabelRenderEventArgs
- AxisPosition
- AxisRangeCalculatedEventArgs
- AxisRenderingEventArgs
- BaseLegend
- Border
- BorderModel
- BorderSettings
- BorderType
- BoxPlotMode
- BulletChartAnimation
- BulletChartBorder
- BulletChartCategoryLabelStyle
- BulletChartCommonBorder
- BulletChartCommonFont
- BulletChartDataLabel
- BulletChartDataLabelStyle
- BulletChartEvents
- BulletChartLabelRenderEventArgs
- BulletChartLabelStyle
- BulletChartLegendBorder
- BulletChartLegendLocation
- BulletChartLegendMargin
- BulletChartLegendRenderEventArgs
- BulletChartLegendSettings
- BulletChartLegendTextStyle
- BulletChartMajorTickLines
- BulletChartMargin
- BulletChartMinorTickLines
- BulletChartPointEventArgs
- BulletChartRange
- BulletChartRangeCollection
- BulletChartSubTitleStyle
- BulletChartTitleStyle
- BulletChartTooltip<TValue>
- BulletChartTooltipBorder
- BulletChartTooltipEventArgs
- BulletChartTooltipTextStyle
- BulletChartValueBorder
- ChangedEventArgs
- ChartAnnotation
- ChartAnnotationRendererContainer
- ChartAnnotations
- ChartArea
- ChartAreaBorder
- ChartAreaType
- ChartAxes
- ChartAxis
- ChartAxisCrosshairTooltip
- ChartAxisLabelBorder
- ChartAxisLabelStyle
- ChartAxisLineStyle
- ChartAxisMajorGridLines
- ChartAxisMajorTickLines
- ChartAxisMinorGridLines
- ChartAxisMinorTickLines
- ChartAxisMultiLevelLabelBorder
- ChartAxisMultiLevelLabelTextStyle
- ChartAxisScrollbarSettings
- ChartAxisScrollbarSettingsRange
- ChartAxisTitleStyle
- ChartBorder
- ChartCategories
- ChartCategory
- ChartColumn
- ChartColumns
- ChartCommonBorder
- ChartCommonFont
- ChartCommonMarker
- ChartCommonScrollbarSettings
- ChartCommonScrollbarSettingsRange
- ChartCornerRadius
- ChartCrosshairLine
- ChartCrosshairSettings
- ChartCrosshairTextStyle
- ChartDataBoundComponent
- ChartDataEditSettings
- ChartDataLabel
- ChartDataLabelBorder
- ChartDataLabelFont
- ChartDataLabelMargin
- ChartDataPointInfo
- ChartDefaultConnector
- ChartDefaultFont
- ChartDrawType
- ChartEmptyPointBorder
- ChartEmptyPointSettings
- ChartErrorBarCapSettings
- ChartErrorBarSettings
- ChartEventBorder
- ChartEventLocation
- ChartEvents
- ChartIndicator
- ChartIndicatorAnimation
- ChartIndicatorLowerLine
- ChartIndicatorMacdLine
- ChartIndicatorPeriodLine
- ChartIndicators
- ChartIndicatorUpperLine
- ChartLegendBorder
- ChartLegendMargin
- ChartLegendSettings
- ChartLegendTextStyle
- ChartLocation
- ChartMargin
- ChartMarker
- ChartMarkerBorder
- ChartMarkerOffset
- ChartMouseEventArgs
- ChartMultiLevelLabel
- ChartMultiLevelLabels
- ChartPrimaryXAxis
- ChartPrimaryYAxis
- ChartRangePadding
- ChartRow
- ChartRows
- ChartSegment
- ChartSegments
- ChartSelectedDataIndex
- ChartSelectedDataIndexes
- ChartSeries
- ChartSeriesAnimation
- ChartSeriesBorder
- ChartSeriesCollection
- ChartSeriesConnector
- ChartSeriesType
- ChartShape
- ChartSorting
- ChartStripline
- ChartStriplineBorder
- ChartStriplines
- ChartStriplineTextStyle
- ChartSubComponent
- ChartSubTitleStyle
- ChartTitleStyle
- ChartTooltipBorder
- ChartTooltipInfo
- ChartTooltipSettings
- ChartTooltipTextStyle
- ChartTrendline
- ChartTrendlineAnimation
- ChartTrendlineMarker
- ChartTrendlines
- ChartZoomSettings
- ConnectorType
- Constants
- CrosshairAxisInfo
- CrosshairMoveEventArgs
- DataEditingEventArgs
- DataLabelRenderingEventArgs
- DataPoint
- EdgeLabelMode
- EdgeLabelPlacement
- EmptyPointMode
- ErrorBarDirection
- ErrorBarMode
- ErrorBarType
- ExportEventArgs
- ExportType
- FeatureType
- FinancialDataFields
- FlagType
- FontSettings
- GroupMode
- HighlightMode
- IAccumulationChart
- IBulletChart
- IBulletChartTooltip
- ILegend
- ILegendBase
- ILegendBaseMethods
- ILegendMethods
- IntervalType
- ISparkline
- ISparklineTooltip
- LabelAlignment
- LabelIntersectAction
- LabelLocation
- LabelPlacement
- LabelPosition
- LabelsPlacement
- LegendBase
- LegendClickEventArgs
- LegendItemStyleBorder
- LegendPosition
- LegendRenderEventArgs
- LegendShape
- LegendSymbols
- LineType
- LoadedEventArgs
- MacdType
- MarkerExplode
- MarkerRenderingEventArgs
- MarkerSettingModel
- MultiLevelLabelClickEventArgs
- OffsetModel
- Orientation
- OrientationType
- PeriodSelector
- PeriodSelectorPosition
- Point
- PointEventArgs
- PointInfo
- PointRegionEventArgs
- PointRenderEventArgs
- PointXY
- Position
- PrintEventArgs
- PyramidMode
- RangeIntervalType
- RangeLabelIntersectAction
- RangeLabelRenderEventArgs
- RangeLoadedEventArgs
- RangeNavigatorAnimation
- RangeNavigatorBorder
- RangeNavigatorEvents
- RangeNavigatorLabelStyle
- RangeNavigatorMajorGridLines
- RangeNavigatorMajorTickLines
- RangeNavigatorMargin
- RangeNavigatorPeriod
- RangeNavigatorPeriods
- RangeNavigatorPeriodSelectorSettings
- RangeNavigatorRangeTooltipSettings
- RangeNavigatorSeries
- RangeNavigatorSeriesBorder
- RangeNavigatorSeriesCollection
- RangeNavigatorStyleSettings
- RangeNavigatorThumbBorder
- RangeNavigatorThumbSettings
- RangeNavigatorTooltipBorder
- RangeNavigatorTooltipTextStyle
- RangeNavigatorType
- RangeResizeEventArgs
- RangeSelectorLabelPlacement
- RangeSelectorRenderEventArgs
- RangeTooltipRenderEventArgs
- RangeValueType
- Regions
- RenderType
- ResizeEventArgs
- ScrollEventArgs
- Segment
- SelectionCompleteEventArgs
- SelectionMode
- SelectionPattern
- SelectionStyleComponent
- SeriesCategories
- SeriesRenderEventArgs
- SeriesRenderingEventArgs
- SeriesValueType
- SfAccumulationChart
- SfBulletChart<TValue>
- SfChart
- SfRangeNavigator
- SfSmithChart
- SfSparkline<TValue>
- SfStockChart
- Shape
- SharedTooltipRenderEventArgs
- Size
- SizeType
- SkeletonType
- SmithChartAlignment
- SmithChartAnimationCompleteEventArgs
- SmithChartAxisLabelRenderEventArgs
- SmithChartAxisLine
- SmithChartBorder
- SmithChartCommonBorder
- SmithChartCommonFont
- SmithChartDataLabelConnectorLine
- SmithChartDataLabelTextStyle
- SmithChartEvents
- SmithChartExportEventArgs
- SmithChartFont
- SmithChartHorizontalAxis
- SmithChartHorizontalAxisLabelStyle
- SmithChartHorizontalAxisLine
- SmithChartHorizontalMajorGridLines
- SmithChartHorizontalMinorGridLines
- SmithChartLabelIntersectAction
- SmithChartLegendBorder
- SmithChartLegendItemStyle
- SmithChartLegendLocation
- SmithChartLegendRenderEventArgs
- SmithChartLegendSettings
- SmithChartLegendTextStyle
- SmithChartLegendTitle
- SmithChartLegendTitleTextStyle
- SmithChartLoadedEventArgs
- SmithChartMajorGridLines
- SmithChartMargin
- SmithChartMinorGridLines
- SmithChartPoint
- SmithChartRadialAxis
- SmithChartRadialAxisLabelStyle
- SmithChartRadialAxisLine
- SmithChartRadialMajorGridLines
- SmithChartRadialMinorGridLines
- SmithChartResizeEventArgs
- SmithChartSeries
- SmithChartSeriesCollection
- SmithChartSeriesDatalabel
- SmithChartSeriesDataLabelBorder
- SmithChartSeriesMarker
- SmithChartSeriesMarkerBorder
- SmithChartSeriesRenderEventArgs
- SmithChartSeriesTooltip
- SmithChartSeriesTooltipBorder
- SmithChartSubtitle
- SmithChartSubtitleTextStyle
- SmithChartTextRenderEventArgs
- SmithChartTitle
- SmithChartTitleFont
- SmithChartTitleTextStyle
- SmithChartTooltipEventArgs
- SparklineAxisLineSettings
- SparklineAxisSettings
- SparklineBorder
- SparklineContainerArea
- SparklineContainerAreaBorder
- SparklineDataLabelBorder
- SparklineDataLabelOffset
- SparklineDataLabelSettings
- SparklineEvents
- SparklineFont
- SparklineMarkerBorder
- SparklineMarkerSettings
- SparklinePadding
- SparklinePointEventArgs
- SparklineRangeBand
- SparklineRangeBandSettings
- SparklineRangePadding
- SparklineResizeEventArgs
- SparklineTooltipBorder
- SparklineTooltipSettings<TValue>
- SparklineTooltipTextStyle
- SparklineTrackLineSettings
- SparklineType
- SparklineValueType
- SplineType
- StepPosition
- StockChartAnnotation
- StockChartAnnotations
- StockChartAxes
- StockChartAxis
- StockChartAxisCrosshairTooltip
- StockChartAxisData
- StockChartAxisLabelRenderEventArgs
- StockChartAxisLabelStyle
- StockChartAxisLineStyle
- StockChartAxisMajorGridLines
- StockChartAxisMajorTickLines
- StockChartAxisMinorGridLines
- StockChartAxisMinorTickLines
- StockChartAxisStripLine
- StockChartAxisStripLineBorder
- StockChartAxisStripLines
- StockChartAxisStripLineTextStyle
- StockChartAxisTitleStyle
- StockChartChartArea
- StockChartChartAreaBorder
- StockChartChartBorder
- StockChartChartMargin
- StockChartCommonAnimation
- StockChartCommonAxis
- StockChartCommonConnector
- StockChartCommonCrosshairTooltip
- StockChartCommonLineStyle
- StockChartCommonMajorGridLines
- StockChartCommonMajorTickLines
- StockChartCommonMinorGridLines
- StockChartCommonMinorTickLines
- StockChartCommonStripLine
- StockChartCornerRadius
- StockChartCrosshairLine
- StockChartCrosshairSettings
- StockChartDataLabel
- StockChartDatalabelBorder
- StockChartDataLabelSettings
- StockChartEmptyPointBorder
- StockChartEmptyPointSettings
- StockChartEventArgs
- StockChartEvents
- StockChartFont
- StockChartIndicator
- StockChartIndicatorAnimation
- StockChartIndicators
- StockChartLegendMargin
- StockChartLegendSettings
- StockChartLegendTextStyle
- StockChartLowerLine
- StockChartMacdLine
- StockChartMargin
- StockChartMarkerBorder
- StockChartMarkerSettings
- StockChartMouseEventArgs
- StockChartPeriod
- StockChartPeriodChangedEventArgs
- StockChartPeriodLine
- StockChartPeriods
- StockChartPointEventArgs
- StockChartPrimaryXAxis
- StockChartPrimaryYAxis
- StockChartRangeChangeEventArgs
- StockChartRow
- StockChartRowBorder
- StockChartRows
- StockChartSelectedDataIndex
- StockChartSelectedDataIndexes
- StockChartSeries
- StockChartSeriesAnimation
- StockChartSeriesBorder
- StockChartSeriesCollection
- StockChartSeriesMarker
- StockChartStockEvent
- StockChartStockEvents
- StockChartStockEventsBorder
- StockChartStockEventsTextStyle
- StockChartTitleStyle
- StockChartTooltipBorder
- StockChartTooltipSettings
- StockChartTooltipTextStyle
- StockChartTrendline
- StockChartTrendlineMarkerBorder
- StockChartTrendlines
- StockChartUpperLine
- StockChartZoomingEventArgs
- StockChartZoomSettings
- SubTitleRenderEventArgs
- SvgPrintExport
- TargetType
- TechnicalIndicators
- TemplateData
- TextOverflow
- TextPosition
- TextRenderEventArgs
- ThumbType
- TickPosition
- TitleRenderEventArgs
- ToolbarItems
- ToolbarMode
- TooltipDisplayMode
- TooltipPosition
- TooltipRenderEventArgs
- TrendlineTypes
- Units
- ValueType
- VisibleRangeModel
- VisibleType
- ZIndex
- ZoomingEventArgs
- ZoomMode
- Alignment
- AnimationCompleteEventArgs
- AnnotationRenderEventArgs
- AxisLabelRenderEventArgs
- CircularGaugeAnnotation
- CircularGaugeAnnotations
- CircularGaugeAnnotationTextStyle
- CircularGaugeAnnotationTooltipBorder
- CircularGaugeAnnotationTooltipSettings
- CircularGaugeAnnotationTooltipTextStyle
- CircularGaugeAxes
- CircularGaugeAxis
- CircularGaugeAxisLabelFont
- CircularGaugeAxisLabelStyle
- CircularGaugeAxisLineStyle
- CircularGaugeAxisMajorTicks
- CircularGaugeAxisMinorTicks
- CircularGaugeBorder
- CircularGaugeBorderSettings
- CircularGaugeCap
- CircularGaugeCapBorder
- CircularGaugeEvents
- CircularGaugeFontSettings
- CircularGaugeLegendBorder
- CircularGaugeLegendMargin
- CircularGaugeLegendSettings
- CircularGaugeLegendShapeBorder
- CircularGaugeLegendTextStyle
- CircularGaugeLinearGradient
- CircularGaugeMargin
- CircularGaugeMarginSettings
- CircularGaugeNeedleTail
- CircularGaugeNeedleTailBorder
- CircularGaugePointer
- CircularGaugePointerAnimation
- CircularGaugePointerBorder
- CircularGaugePointers
- CircularGaugeRadialGradient
- CircularGaugeRange
- CircularGaugeRanges
- CircularGaugeRangeTooltipBorder
- CircularGaugeRangeTooltipSettings
- CircularGaugeRangeTooltipTextStyle
- CircularGaugeTickSettings
- CircularGaugeTitleStyle
- CircularGaugeTooltipBorder
- CircularGaugeTooltipSettings
- CircularGaugeTooltipTextStyle
- ColorStop
- ColorStops
- ExportType
- GaugeDirection
- GaugeShape
- GradientPosition
- HiddenLabel
- InnerPosition
- LegendLocation
- LegendPosition
- LegendRenderEventArgs
- LinearGradient
- LoadedEventArgs
- MarkerTextStyle
- MouseEventArgs
- OuterPosition
- PointerDragEventArgs
- PointerRangePosition
- PointerType
- Position
- PrintEventArgs
- RadialGradient
- RadiusCalculateEventArgs
- ResizeEventArgs
- SfCircularGauge
- TooltipRenderEventArgs
- AdaptorBase
- Aggregate
- ApiAdaptor
- BlazorAdaptor
- ColumnFilter
- CRUDModel<T>
- DataResult
- DataResult<T>
- DataUtil
- EnumerableOperation
- FilterBehavior
- FilterType
- GraphQLAdaptor
- GraphQLAdaptorOptions
- GraphQLMutation
- Group<T>
- GroupResult
- IDataAdaptor
- ListSortDirection
- ODataAdaptor
- ODataV4Adaptor
- Query
- QueryableOperation
- RequestOptions
- SearchFilter
- SfDataManager
- Sort
- SortColumn
- SortDescriptionIndex
- SortedColumn
- SortOrder
- UrlAdaptor
- Utils
- ValueConvert
- WebApiAdaptor
- WhereFilter
- Syncfusion.Blazor.DataForm
- Chart3DPathOptions
- CircleOptions
- DataVizCommonHelper
- EllipseOptions
- FontOptions
- ImageOptions
- LocationModel
- OffsetModel
- PathOptions
- PatternOptions
- Rect
- RectOptions
- ShapeName
- Svg3DPath
- SvgAxisGroup
- SvgCircle
- SvgClass
- SvgEllipse
- SvgImage
- SvgLine
- SvgPath
- SvgPattern
- SvgPolygon
- SvgRect
- SvgRendering
- SvgText
- SymbolOptions
- TextLocation
- TextOptions
- AlignmentMode
- AlignmentOptions
- Annotation
- AnnotationAlignment
- AnnotationConstraints
- AutoScrollChangeEventArgs
- BackgroundStyle
- BasicShape
- BezierConnectorSettings
- BezierSegment
- BezierSegmentEditOrientation
- BezierSmoothness
- BoundaryConstraints
- BpmnActivity
- BpmnActivityType
- BpmnDataObject
- BpmnDataObjectType
- BpmnDataStore
- BpmnEvent
- BpmnEventTrigger
- BpmnEventType
- BpmnExpandedSubProcess
- BpmnFlow
- BpmnFlowType
- BpmnGateway
- BpmnGatewayType
- BpmnLoopCharacteristic
- BpmnMessage
- BpmnSubProcessType
- BpmnTaskType
- BpmnTextAnnotation
- BranchDirection
- BranchType
- ClickEventArgs
- CollectionChangedAction
- CollectionChangedEventArgs
- CollectionChangingEventArgs
- CommandKeyArgs
- CommandManager
- CommonController
- CommonElement
- ConnectionChangedEventArgs
- ConnectionChangingEventArgs
- ConnectionController
- ConnectionObject
- Connector
- ConnectorConstraints
- ConnectorDrawingController
- ConnectorFixedUserHandle
- ConnectorSegment
- ConnectorSegmentType
- ConnectorShape
- ContextMenuItem
- ContextMenuSettings
- ControlPointsVisibility
- DataSourceSettings
- DecoratorSettings
- DecoratorShape
- DiagramAction
- DiagramCanvas
- DiagramCollapseIcon
- DiagramCollapseIcons
- DiagramConstraints
- DiagramContainer
- DiagramElement
- DiagramElementAction
- DiagramElementMouseEventArgs
- DiagramElementTooltip
- DiagramExpandIcon
- DiagramExpandIcons
- DiagramExportFormat
- DiagramExportSettings
- DiagramFlipMode
- DiagramGridLines
- DiagramHistoryManager
- DiagramHtmlElement
- DiagramIcon
- DiagramInteractions
- DiagramKeys
- DiagramMargin
- DiagramMenuClickEventArgs
- DiagramMenuOpeningEventArgs
- DiagramMouseEventArgs
- DiagramObject
- DiagramObjectCollection<T>
- DiagramOverviewConstraints
- DiagramPoint
- DiagramPrintExportRegion
- DiagramPrintSettings
- DiagramRect
- DiagramRegion
- DiagramRuler
- DiagramScale
- DiagramSelectionSettings
- DiagramSize
- DiagramSvgElement
- DiagramTemplates
- DiagramThickness
- DiagramTooltip
- Direction
- DistributeOptions
- DragController
- DraggingEventArgs
- DragLeaveEventArgs
- DragStartEventArgs
- DropEventArgs
- EndPointChangedEventArgs
- EndPointChangingEventArgs
- FitMode
- FitOptions
- FixedUserHandle
- FixedUserHandleAlignment
- FixedUserHandleClickEventArgs
- FixedUserHandleController
- FlipDirection
- FlowchartLayoutSettings
- FlowShape
- GradientBrush
- GradientStop
- GridType
- HistoryAddingEventArgs
- HistoryChangedAction
- HistoryChangedEventArgs
- HistoryEntry
- HistoryEntryBase
- HistoryEntryChangeType
- HistoryEntryType
- HorizontalAlignment
- HorizontalGridLines
- HorizontalRuler
- HyperlinkSettings
- IDiagramObject
- IDiagramPrintExportSettings
- ImageAlignment
- ImageElement
- ImageShape
- InteractionControllerBase
- KeyboardCommand
- KeyEventArgs
- KeyGesture
- Lane
- Layout
- LayoutMargin
- LayoutOrientation
- LayoutType
- LinearGradientBrush
- LineRoutingSettings
- ModifierKeys
- MouseButtons
- Node
- NodeBase
- NodeBasicShapes
- NodeConstraints
- NodeDrawingController
- NodeFixedUserHandle
- NodeFlowShapes
- NodeGroup
- NodeShapes
- Orientation
- OrthogonalSegment
- PageMargin
- PageOrientation
- PageSettings
- PathAnnotation
- PathElement
- PathShape
- Phase
- PointPort
- PolygonDrawingController
- PolylineDrawingController
- Port
- PortConnectionDirection
- PortConstraints
- PortShapes
- PortVisibility
- PositionChangedEventArgs
- PositionChangingEventArgs
- PropertyChangedEventArgs
- RadialGradientBrush
- RelativeMode
- ResizeController
- RotationChangedEventArgs
- RotationChangingEventArgs
- RotationController
- RoutingTypes
- RubberBandSelectionMode
- RulerSettings
- ScrollChangedEventArgs
- ScrollLimitMode
- ScrollSettings
- SegmentCollectionChangeEventArgs
- SegmentThumbSettings
- SegmentThumbShapes
- SelectionChangedEventArgs
- SelectionChangingEventArgs
- SelectionController
- SelectorConstraints
- SfDiagramComponent
- Shadow
- Shape
- ShapeAnnotation
- ShapeStyle
- SizeChangedEventArgs
- SizeChangingEventArgs
- SizingMode
- SnapConstraints
- SnapSettings
- StackPanel
- StraightSegment
- SubTreeAlignmentType
- Swimlane
- SwimlaneChild
- SwimlaneHeader
- TextAlign
- TextAnnotationDirection
- TextChangeEventArgs
- TextDecoration
- TextElement
- TextOverflow
- TextShape
- TextStyle
- TextWrap
- TickAlignment
- TreeInfo
- UnitMode
- UserHandle
- Vector
- VerticalAlignment
- VerticalGridLines
- VerticalRuler
- VisibleTarget
- Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.Overview
- Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.SymbolPalette
- AutoFitType
- BaselineAlignment
- BeforeOpenCloseCustomContentMenuEventArgs
- BeforePaneSwitchEventArgs
- BiDirectionalOverride
- BorderSettings
- BorderType
- CellVerticalAlignment
- CharacterFormatProperties
- CheckBoxFormFieldInfo
- CheckBoxSizeType
- ClickEventArgs
- CommentDeleteEventArgs
- CompatibilityMode
- ContainerContentChangeEventArgs
- ContainerDocumentChangeEventArgs
- ContainerSelectionChangeEventArgs
- ContainerServerActionSettingsModel
- ContentChangeEventArgs
- ContextMenuModule
- ContextType
- CustomContentMenuEventArgs
- CustomToolbarItemModel
- DialogType
- DocumentChangeEventArgs
- DocumentEditorContainerEvents
- DocumentEditorEvents
- DocumentEditorKeyDownEventArgs
- DocumentEditorSettingsModel
- DocumentSettings
- DropDownFormFieldInfo
- EditorHistoryModule
- EditorModule
- FieldInfo
- FindOption
- FollowCharacterType
- FootEndNoteNumberFormat
- FormattingExceptions
- FormatType
- FormFieldData
- FormFieldFillEventArgs
- FormFieldInfo
- FormFieldSettingsModel
- FormFieldType
- FormFillingMode
- HeaderFooterType
- HeightType
- HighlightColor
- HyperlinkType
- IDocumentEditor
- IDocumentEditorContainer
- ImageFormat
- LayoutType
- LineSpacingType
- LineStyle
- ListLevelPattern
- ListType
- MenuItemModel
- OutlineLevel
- PageFitType
- ParagraphFormatProperties
- PasteOptions
- ProtectionType
- RequestNavigateEventArgs
- RevisionActionEventArgs
- RevisionActionType
- RevisionType
- SearchModule
- SearchResultsChangeEventArgs
- SearchResultsModule
- SectionBreakType
- SectionFormatProperties
- SelectionCellFormatModule
- SelectionChangeEventArgs
- SelectionCharacterFormatModule
- SelectionColumnFormat
- SelectionHeaderFooter
- SelectionImageFormatModule
- SelectionModule
- SelectionParagraphFormatModule
- SelectionRowFormatModule
- SelectionSectionFormatModule
- SelectionSettings
- SelectionTableFormatModule
- ServerActionSettingsModel
- SfDocumentEditor
- SfDocumentEditorContainer
- SpellCheckerModule
- Strikethrough
- StyleType
- TabJustification
- TabLeader
- TableAlignment
- TableOfContentsSettings
- TextAlignment
- TextFormFieldInfo
- TextFormFieldType
- TextureStyle
- ToolbarItem
- ToolbarModule
- Underline
- ViewChangeEventArgs
- WidthType
- ZoomFactorChangeEventArgs
- ActionBeginEventArgs
- ActionCompleteEventArgs
- ActionCompleteEventArgs<TItem>
- AutoCompleteEvents<TValue, TItem>
- AutoCompleteFieldSettings
- AutoCompleteModel
- AutoCompleteTemplates<TItem>
- BeforeItemRenderEventArgs<T>
- BeforeOpenEventArgs
- ChangeEventArgs<TValue, TItem>
- CheckBoxPosition
- ChipSelectedEventArgs<T>
- ClosedEventArgs
- ComboBoxEvents<TValue, TItem>
- ComboBoxFieldSettings
- ComboBoxModel
- ComboBoxTemplates<TItem>
- CustomValueEventArgs<T>
- CustomValueSpecifierEventArgs<T>
- DataBoundEventArgs
- DataItems<TVal>
- DragEventArgs<T>
- DropDownListEvents<TValue, TItem>
- DropDownListFieldSettings
- DropDownListModel<TValue, TItem>
- DropDownListTemplates<TItem>
- DropEventArgs<T>
- FieldSettingsModel
- FilteringEventArgs
- FilterType
- HightLightType
- KeyActions
- ListBoxChangeEventArgs<TValue, TItem>
- ListBoxEvents<TValue, TItem>
- ListBoxFieldSettings
- ListBoxKeyDownEventArgs
- ListBoxModel<T>
- ListBoxSelectionSettings
- ListBoxTemplates<TItem>
- ListBoxToolbarSettings
- ListOptions<T>
- MentionClosingEventArgs
- MentionFieldSettings
- MentionFilteringEventArgs<T>
- MentionOpeningEventArgs
- MentionValueSelectedEventArgs<T>
- MentionValueSelectingEventArgs<T>
- MultiSelectChangeEventArgs<T>
- MultiSelectEvents<TValue, TItem>
- MultiSelectFieldSettings
- MultiSelectModel<T>
- MultiSelectTemplates<TItem>
- PopupDisplayMode
- PopupEventArgs
- RemoveEventArgs<T>
- SearchType
- SelectAllEventArgs<T>
- SelectedData<TItem>
- SelectEventArgs<T>
- SelectionMode
- SelectionSettingsModel
- SfAutoComplete<TValue, TItem>
- SfComboBox<TValue, TItem>
- SfDropDownBase<T>
- SfDropDownList<TValue, TItem>
- SfListBox<TValue, TItem>
- SfMention<TItem>
- SfMultiSelect<TValue, TItem>
- SortOrder
- TaggingEventArgs<T>
- ToolBarPosition
- ToolbarSettingsModel
- VirtualListData
- VirtualScrollProperties<T>
- VisualMode
- AccessPermission
- ActionEventArgs
- BeforeDownloadEventArgs<TValue>
- BeforeImageLoadEventArgs<TValue>
- BeforePopupOpenCloseEventArgs
- BeforeSendEventArgs
- ClipMode
- DownloadData<TValue>
- ErrorDetails
- FailureEventArgs
- FileDetails
- FileDragEventArgs<TValue>
- FileLoadEventArgs<TValue>
- FileManagerAjaxSettings
- FileManagerColumn
- FileManagerColumns
- FileManagerContextMenuSettings
- FileManagerCustomToolbarItem
- FileManagerCustomToolbarItems
- FileManagerDetailsViewSettings
- FileManagerDirectoryContent
- FileManagerEvents<TValue>
- FileManagerNavigationPaneSettings
- FileManagerPageSettings
- FileManagerResponse<T>
- FileManagerSearchSettings
- FileManagerToolbarSettings
- FileManagerUploadSettings
- FileOpenEventArgs<TValue>
- FileSelectEventArgs<TValue>
- FileSelectionEventArgs<TValue>
- FilterType
- FolderCreatedEventArgs<TValue>
- FolderCreateEventArgs<TValue>
- ItemRenamedEventArgs<TValue>
- ItemRenameEventArgs<TValue>
- ItemsDeletedEventArgs<TValue>
- ItemsDeleteEventArgs<TValue>
- ItemsMovedEventArgs<TValue>
- ItemsMoveEventArgs<TValue>
- ItemsUploadedEventArgs<TValue>
- ItemsUploadEventArgs<TValue>
- MenuClickEventArgs<TValue>
- MenuItemModel
- MenuOpenEventArgs<TValue>
- PopupOpenCloseEventArgs
- ReadEventArgs<TValue>
- SearchedEventArgs<TValue>
- SearchEventArgs<TValue>
- SfFileManager<TValue>
- SortOrder
- SuccessEventArgs<TValue>
- TextAlign
- ToolbarClickEventArgs<TValue>
- ToolbarCreateEventArgs
- ToolBarItemModel
- UploadListCreateArgs
- UploadMode
- ValidationMessages
- ViewType
- Action
- BeforeCopyEventArgs
- BeforeTooltipRenderEventArgs<TValue>
- ConnectorLine
- DependencyType
- DurationUnit
- EditMode
- FilterHierarchyMode
- GanttActionEventArgs<TValue>
- GanttAddDialogField
- GanttAddDialogFields
- GanttAssignmentFields<TValue, TAssignment>
- GanttBottomTierSettings
- GanttColumn
- GanttColumnChooserSettings
- GanttColumns
- GanttCriticalPathSettings
- GanttDataOperations
- GanttDayWorkingTime
- GanttDayWorkingTimeCollection
- GanttDialogFieldType
- GanttDialogOpenedEventArgs<TValue>
- GanttDialogOpenEventArgs<TValue>
- GanttEditDialogField
- GanttEditDialogFields
- GanttEditSettings
- GanttEventMarker
- GanttEventMarkers
- GanttEvents<TValue>
- GanttFilterSettings
- GanttHoliday
- GanttHolidayRange
- GanttHolidays
- GanttIndicator
- GanttKeySettings
- GanttLabelSettings<TValue>
- GanttPdfExportProperties
- GanttPdfTheme
- GanttResource<TValue, TResources>
- GanttResourceColumn
- GanttResourceFields<TResources>
- GanttRowCreatedEventArgs<T>
- GanttRowCreatingEventArgs<T>
- GanttRowDeletedEventArgs<T>
- GanttRowDeletingEventArgs<T>
- GanttRowUpdatedEventArgs<T>
- GanttRowUpdatingEventArgs<T>
- GanttSearchSettings
- GanttSegmentData
- GanttSegmentFields<TValue, TSegments>
- GanttSelectionSettings
- GanttSortDescriptor
- GanttSortDescriptors
- GanttSortSettings
- GanttSplitterSettings
- GanttTaskbarSettings
- GanttTaskFields
- GanttTaskModel
- GanttTaskPredecessor
- GanttTaskResourceData
- GanttTemplates<TValue>
- GanttTimelineFormat
- GanttTimelineFormatter
- GanttTimelineSettings
- GanttTimelineTierSettings
- GanttTooltipSettings<TValue>
- GanttTopTierSettings
- GanttZoomTimelineSettings
- GridLine
- IGantt
- IGanttTaskModel<TValue>
- PdfExportedEventArgs
- PdfExportEventArgs
- PdfGanttCell
- PdfGanttStyle
- PdfHeaderQueryCellInfoEventArgs
- PdfLabelSettings
- PdfQueryCellInfoEventArgs<TValue>
- PdfQueryTaskbarInfoEventArgs<TValue>
- PdfQueryTimelineCellInfoEventArgs
- PdfTaskbar
- PdfTaskbarColor
- QueryChartRowInfoEventArgs<TValue>
- ResourceAssignmentChangeEventArgs<TAssignment>
- RowDOM
- RowPosition
- ScheduleMode
- SegmentEventArgs<TSegments>
- SfGantt<TValue>
- SplitterView
- TaskbarEditedEventArgs<T>
- TaskbarEditingEventArgs<TValue>
- TaskConnectorChangedEventArgs<TValue>
- TaskConnectorChangeEventArgs<TValue>
- TaskType
- TimelineViewMode
- ValidateMode
- ViewType
- WorkUnit
- ZoomAction
- ZoomedEventArgs
- ZoomEventArgs
- Action
- ActionEventArgs<T>
- AdaptiveMode
- AggregateTemplateContext
- AggregateTemplateType
- AggregateType
- BatchChanges<T>
- BeforeAutoFillCellEventArgs<T>
- BeforeAutoFillEventArgs
- BeforeBatchAddArgs<T>
- BeforeBatchCancelArgs<T>
- BeforeBatchDeleteArgs<T>
- BeforeBatchSaveArgs<T>
- BeforeCellPasteEventArgs<T>
- BeforeCopyPasteEventArgs
- BeforeDataBoundArgs<T>
- BeginEditArgs<T>
- BooleanEditCellParams
- Border
- BorderLineStyle
- CaptionTemplateContext
- CellDeselectEventArgs<T>
- CellDOM
- CellEditArgs<T>
- CellSaveArgs<T>
- CellSavedArgs<T>
- CellSelectEventArgs<T>
- CellSelectingEventArgs<T>
- CellSelectionMode
- CheckboxFilterSearchingEventArgs
- CheckboxSelectionType
- ClipMode
- ColumnChooserEventArgs
- ColumnChooserFooterTemplateContext
- ColumnChooserTemplateContext
- ColumnMenuClickEventArgs
- ColumnMenuItemModel
- ColumnMenuOpenEventArgs
- ColumnQueryModeType
- ColumnReorderedEventArgs
- ColumnReorderingEventArgs
- ColumnType
- ColumnVisibilityChangedEventArgs
- ColumnVisibilityChangingEventArgs
- CommandButtonOptions
- CommandButtonType
- CommandClickEventArgs<T>
- CommandModel
- ContentType
- ContextMenuClickEventArgs<T>
- ContextMenuItemModel
- ContextMenuOpenEventArgs<T>
- ContextMenuTarget
- DateEditCellParams
- DateTimeEditCellParams<T>
- DetailDataBoundEventArgs<T>
- DetailsCollapsedEventArgs<T>
- DetailsCollapsingEventArgs<T>
- DetailsExpandedEventArgs<T>
- DetailsExpandingEventArgs<T>
- DetailTemplateCell
- DetailTemplateRow
- DetailTemplateSettings
- DialogSettings
- Dimension
- DropDownEditCellParams
- EditCanceledEventArgs<T>
- EditCancelingEventArgs<T>
- EditMode
- EditType
- EmptyRecordTemplateContext
- ExcelAggregateEventArgs
- ExcelCaptionTemplateArgs
- ExcelCell
- ExcelDetailRowMode
- ExcelDetailTemplateCell
- ExcelDetailTemplateEventArgs<T>
- ExcelDetailTemplateRow
- ExcelDetailTemplateRowSettings
- ExcelExportProperties
- ExcelFooter
- ExcelHeader
- ExcelHeaderQueryCellInfoEventArgs
- ExcelHorizontalAlign
- ExcelQueryCellInfoEventArgs<T>
- ExcelRow
- ExcelStyle
- ExcelTheme
- ExcelVerticalAlign
- ExportType
- FailureEventArgs
- FilterBarMode
- FilterDialogOpenedEventArgs
- FilterDialogOpeningEventArgs
- FilteredEventArgs
- FilteringEventArgs
- FilterItemTemplateContext
- FilterSettings
- FilterType
- FilterUI
- FreezeDirection
- FreezeLineMovedEventArgs
- FreezeLineMovingEventArgs
- GridAggregate
- GridAggregateColumn
- GridAggregateColumns
- GridAggregates
- GridColumn
- GridColumnChooserItem
- GridColumnChooserItemGroup
- GridColumnChooserSettings
- GridColumns
- GridCommandColumn
- GridCommandColumns
- GridEditSettings
- GridEventBaseArgs
- GridEvents<TValue>
- GridFilterColumn
- GridFilterColumns
- GridFilterSettings
- GridForeignColumn<TValue>
- GridGroupSettings
- GridInfiniteScrollSettings
- GridKeySettings
- GridLine
- GridPageChangedEventArgs
- GridPageChangingEventArgs
- GridPageSettings
- GridRowDropSettings
- GridSearchSettings
- GridSelectionSettings
- GridSortColumn
- GridSortColumns
- GridSortSettings
- GridTemplates
- GridTextWrapSettings
- GroupedEventArgs
- GroupingEventArgs
- HeaderCellInfoEventArgs
- HierarchyGridPrintMode
- Hyperlink
- IEditorSettings
- IFilterOperator
- IGridColumn
- MultipleExport
- MultipleExportType
- NewRowPosition
- NumericEditCellParams
- OnRowEditStartEventArgs
- PageOrientation
- ParentRowInfo<T>
- PdfAggregateEventArgs
- PdfBorder
- PdfCaptionTemplateArgs
- PdfContentStyle
- PdfDashStyle
- PdfDetailRowMode
- PdfDetailTemplateCell
- PdfDetailTemplateEventArgs<T>
- PdfDetailTemplateRow
- PdfDetailTemplateRowSettings
- PdfElementStyle
- PdfExportProperties
- PdfExportPropertiesBase
- PdfFooter
- PdfGridFont
- PdfHeader
- PdfHeaderFooterContent
- PdfHeaderFooterElement
- PdfHeaderQueryCellInfoEventArgs
- PdfHorizontalAlign
- PdfPageNumberType
- PdfPageSize
- PdfPoints
- PdfPosition
- PdfQueryCellInfoEventArgs<T>
- PdfSize
- PdfTextStyle
- PdfTheme
- PdfThemeStyle
- PdfVerticalAlign
- PredicateModel
- PredicateModel<T>
- PrintMode
- QueryCellInfoEventArgs<T>
- RecordClickEventArgs<T>
- RecordDoubleClickEventArgs<T>
- RefreshAggregate<TValue>
- ResizeArgs
- RowCreatedEventArgs<T>
- RowCreatingEventArgs<T>
- RowDataBoundEventArgs<T>
- RowDeletedEventArgs<T>
- RowDeletingEventArgs<T>
- RowDeselectEventArgs<T>
- RowDirection
- RowDragEventArgs<T>
- RowDragStartingEventArgs<T>
- RowDroppedEventArgs<T>
- RowDroppingEventArgs<T>
- RowEditedEventArgs<T>
- RowEditingEventArgs<T>
- RowInfo<T>
- RowSelectEventArgs<T>
- RowSelectingEventArgs<T>
- RowUpdatedEventArgs<T>
- RowUpdatingEventArgs<T>
- SearchedEventArgs
- SearchingEventArgs
- SelectionMode
- SelectionType
- SfGrid<TValue>
- SortColumn
- SortDirection
- SortedEventArgs
- SortingEventArgs
- StringEditCellParams
- TextAlign
- TimeEditCellParams
- ValidationRules
- ValidatorTemplateContext
- WrapMode
- AdaptorType
- Alignment
- BorderType
- BubbleType
- CellClickEventArgs
- CellDoubleClickEventArgs
- CellType
- ClientXY
- ColorGradientMode
- ExportType
- HeatMapAxisLabelBorder
- HeatMapAxisMultiLevelCategories
- HeatMapAxisMultiLevelLabelsTextStyle
- HeatMapAxisTitleTextStyle
- HeatMapBubbleDataMapping
- HeatMapBubbleSize
- HeatMapCellBorder
- HeatMapCellRenderEventArgs
- HeatMapCellSettings
- HeatMapCellTextStyle
- HeatMapCommonAxis
- HeatMapConstant
- HeatMapDataSourceSettings
- HeatMapEventArgs
- HeatMapEvents
- HeatMapFillColor
- HeatMapFont
- HeatMapLegendSettings
- HeatMapLegendTextStyle
- HeatMapLegendTitle
- HeatMapLegendTitleTextStyle
- HeatMapMargin
- HeatMapMouseEventArgs
- HeatMapMultiLevelLabel
- HeatMapMultiLevelLabels
- HeatMapPalette
- HeatMapPalettes
- HeatMapPaletteSettings
- HeatMapTitleSettings
- HeatMapTitleTextStyle
- HeatMapTooltipBorder
- HeatMapTooltipSettings
- HeatMapXAxis
- HeatMapXAxisMultiLevelLabelBorder
- HeatMapXAxisTextStyle
- HeatMapXAxisTitle
- HeatMapXAxisTitleTextStyle
- HeatMapYAxis
- HeatMapYAxisMultiLevelLabelBorder
- HeatMapYAxisTextStyle
- HeatMapYAxisTitle
- HeatMapYAxisTitleTextStyle
- IHeatMap
- IntervalType
- LabelDisplayType
- LabelIntersectAction
- LabelType
- LegendPosition
- LegendRenderEventArgs
- LoadedEventArgs
- PaletteType
- PointEventArgs
- RectModel
- ResizeEventArgs
- SelectedEventArgs
- SfHeatMap<TValue>
- Size
- SVGTooltip
- TextOverflow
- ThemeStyle
- TooltipEventArgs
- Touches
- ValueType
- CropEventArgs
- CroppedEventArgs
- CropSelectionSettings
- FileOpenEventArgs
- FinetuneEventArgs
- FinetuneValueChangedEventArgs
- FlipEventArgs
- FlippedEventArgs
- FrameChangedEventArgs
- FrameChangeEventArgs
- FrameLineStyle
- FrameType
- HistoryChangedAction
- HistoryChangedEventArgs
- HistoryEntryAction
- ImageDimension
- ImageEditorArrowHeadType
- ImageEditorClickEventArgs
- ImageEditorDirection
- ImageEditorDropDownItemModel
- ImageEditorEvents
- ImageEditorFileType
- ImageEditorFinetuneSettings
- ImageEditorFontFamily
- ImageEditorPoint
- ImageEditorSelectionSettings
- ImageEditorTemplates
- ImageEditorToolbarItemModel
- ImageEditorUploadSettings
- ImageEditorZoomSettings
- ImageFilteredEventArgs
- ImageFilterEventArgs
- ImageFilterOption
- ImageFinetuneOption
- ImageFinetuneValue
- ImageFrameSettings
- ImageResizedEventArgs
- ImageResizeEventArgs
- PanEventArgs
- QuickAccessToolbarEventArgs
- RedactSettings
- RedactType
- RotatedEventArgs
- RotateEventArgs
- SaveEventArgs
- SelectionChangeEventArgs
- SfImageEditor
- ShapeChangedEventArgs
- ShapeChangeEventArgs
- ShapeSettings
- ShapeType
- ToolbarEventArgs
- ZoomedEventArgs
- ZoomEventArgs
- ZoomTrigger
- ActionBeginEventArgs<TValue>
- ActionBlur
- ActionEventArgs<TValue>
- BeginEditEventArgs
- ChangeEventArgs<TValue>
- EditableType
- EditorComponent
- EndEditEventArgs
- InPlaceEditorButtton
- InPlaceEditorCancelButton
- InPlaceEditorEvents<TValue>
- InPlaceEditorPopupSettings
- InPlaceEditorRequestData<TValue>
- InPlaceEditorSaveButton
- InPlaceEditorTemplate
- InputType
- OpenType
- RenderMode
- SfInPlaceEditor<TValue>
- ActionCompleteEventArgs
- AsyncSettingsModel
- AutoComplete
- BeforeOpenCloseEventArgs
- BeforeRemoveEventArgs
- BeforeUploadEventArgs
- BlurEventArgs
- ButtonsPropsModel
- CancelEventArgs
- ChangedEventArgs
- ChangeEventArgs<T>
- ClearingEventArgs
- ColorPickerEventArgs
- ColorPickerMode
- ColorPickerValue
- ColorRange
- ColorRangeDataModel
- ColorValueType
- DropEffect
- FailureEventArgs
- FileInfo
- FileListRenderingEventArgs
- FilesPropModel
- FloatLabelType
- FocusEventArgs
- FocusInEventArgs
- FocusOutEventArgs
- FormEventArgs
- IInput
- InputEventArgs
- InputType
- LabelPosition
- MaskBlurEventArgs
- MaskChangeEventArgs
- MaskClientProps
- MaskFocusEventArgs
- ModeSwitchEventArgs
- NumericBlurEventArgs<T>
- NumericFocusEventArgs<T>
- NumericTextBoxEvents<TValue>
- NumericTextBoxModel<T>
- OpenEventArgs
- OtpFocusInEventArgs
- OtpFocusOutEventArgs
- OtpInputEventArgs
- OtpInputStyle
- OtpInputType
- PaletteTileEventArgs
- PauseResumeEventArgs
- Placement
- PrecisionType
- ProgressEventArgs
- RatingHoverEventArgs
- RatingItemContext
- RemovingEventArgs
- Resize
- ResponseEventArgs
- SelectedEventArgs
- SfColorPicker
- SfInputTextBase<TValue>
- SfInputTextBase<TValue>.ButtonGroups
- SfMaskedTextBox
- SfNumericTextBox<TValue>
- SfOtpInput
- SfRating
- SfSignature
- SfSlider<TValue>
- SfTextArea
- SfTextBox
- SfUploader
- SignatureChangeEventArgs
- SignatureFileType
- SignatureSaveEventArgs
- SliderChangeEventArgs<T>
- SliderColorRanges
- SliderEvents<TValue>
- SliderLimits
- SliderOrientation
- SliderTickEventArgs
- SliderTickRenderedEventArgs
- SliderTicks
- SliderTooltip
- SliderTooltipEventArgs<T>
- SliderType
- SuccessEventArgs
- TextAreaFocusInEventArgs
- TextAreaFocusOutEventArgs
- TextAreaInputEventArgs
- TextAreaValueChangeEventArgs
- TextBoxModel
- TextTransform
- TooltipPlacement
- TooltipShowOn
- UploadChangeEventArgs
- UploaderAsyncSettings
- UploaderButtons
- UploaderEvents
- UploaderFiles
- UploaderModel
- UploaderTemplates
- UploaderUploadedFiles
- UploadFiles
- UploadingEventArgs
- ValidationMessages
- AssistView
- AssistViewPrompt
- AssistViewPromptRequestedEventArgs
- AssistViews
- AssistViewToolbar
- AssistViewToolbarItem
- AssistViewToolbarItemClickedEventArgs
- ChatMessage
- ChatMessageSendEventArgs
- ChatToolbarItem
- ChatToolbarItemClickedEventArgs
- ChatUserTypingEventArgs
- CustomView
- HeaderToolbar
- HeaderToolbarItem
- MessageStatusModel
- MessageTemplateContext
- PromptItemTemplateContext
- PromptSuggestionItemTemplateContext
- PromptToolbar
- PromptToolbarItem
- ResponseItemTemplateContext
- ResponseToolbar
- ResponseToolbarItem
- SfAIAssistView
- SfChatUI
- SuggestionTemplateContext
- TimeBreakTemplateContext
- TypingUsersTemplateContext
- UserModel
- ActionEventArgs<TValue>
- CardClickEventArgs<TValue>
- CardRenderedEventArgs<TValue>
- ColumnModel
- ConstraintType
- CurrentAction
- DataBindingEventArgs<TValue>
- DataBoundEventArgs<TValue>
- DialogCloseEventArgs<TValue>
- DialogFieldsModel
- DialogFieldType
- DialogOpenEventArgs<TValue>
- DragEventArgs<TValue>
- IKanban
- KanbanCardSettings
- KanbanColumn
- KanbanColumns
- KanbanDialogSettings
- KanbanDialogSettingsField
- KanbanDialogSettingsFields
- KanbanEvents<TValue>
- KanbanSortSettings
- KanbanStackedHeader
- KanbanStackedHeaders
- KanbanSwimlaneSettings
- KanbanTargetDetails<TValue>
- KanbanTemplates
- QueryCellInfoEventArgs<TValue>
- SelectionType
- SfKanban<TValue>
- SortDirection
- SortOrderBy
- StackedHeaderModel
- SwimlaneSettingsModel
- SwimlaneSortEventArgs
- BeforeExpandEventArgs
- ChangeEventArgs
- DashboardLayoutEvents
- DashboardLayoutPanel
- DashboardLayoutPanels
- DraggedEventArgs
- DragStartArgs
- DragStopArgs
- ExpandedEventArgs
- Orientation
- PanelModel
- PanePropertiesModel
- ResizableHandle
- ResizeArgs
- ResizeEventArgs
- ResizingEventArgs
- SfDashboardLayout
- SfSplitter
- SfTimeline
- SplitterEvents
- SplitterPane
- SplitterPanes
- SplitterTemplates
- TimelineAlignment
- TimelineItem
- TimelineItemContext
- TimelineItems
- TimelineOrientation
- TimelineRenderedEventArgs
- AnnotationRenderEventArgs
- AxisLabelRenderEventArgs
- ColorStop
- ColorStops
- ContainerType
- ExportType
- GradientPosition
- InnerPosition
- LinearGaugeAnnotation
- LinearGaugeAnnotationFont
- LinearGaugeAnnotations
- LinearGaugeAxes
- LinearGaugeAxis
- LinearGaugeAxisLabelFont
- LinearGaugeAxisLabelStyle
- LinearGaugeBorder
- LinearGaugeBorderSettings
- LinearGaugeContainer
- LinearGaugeContainerBorder
- LinearGaugeEvents
- LinearGaugeFontSettings
- LinearGaugeLine
- LinearGaugeLinearGradient
- LinearGaugeMajorTicks
- LinearGaugeMargin
- LinearGaugeMarginSettings
- LinearGaugeMarkerTextStyle
- LinearGaugeMinorTicks
- LinearGaugePointer
- LinearGaugePointerBorder
- LinearGaugePointers
- LinearGaugeRadialGradient
- LinearGaugeRange
- LinearGaugeRangeBorder
- LinearGaugeRanges
- LinearGaugeRangeTooltipBorder
- LinearGaugeRangeTooltipSettings
- LinearGaugeRangeTooltipTextStyle
- LinearGaugeTickSettings
- LinearGaugeTitleStyle
- LinearGaugeTooltipBorder
- LinearGaugeTooltipSettings
- LinearGaugeTooltipTextStyle
- LinearGradient
- LoadedEventArgs
- LoadEventArgs
- MarkerType
- MouseEventArgs
- Orientation
- OuterPosition
- Placement
- Point
- PointerDragEventArgs
- Position
- PrintEventArgs
- RadialGradient
- ResizeEventArgs
- SfLinearGauge
- TooltipPosition
- TooltipRenderEventArgs
- ValueChangeEventArgs
- Syncfusion.Blazor.Lists
- Alignment
- AnimationCompleteEventArgs
- AnnotationAlignment
- AnnotationRenderingEventArgs
- ArrowPosition
- BubbleClickEventArgs
- BubbleMoveEventArgs
- BubbleRenderingEventArgs
- BubbleType
- Coordinate
- ExportType
- GeometryType
- IBubble
- ILayer
- IMarker
- InitialMarkerSelection
- InitialMarkerSelectionSettings
- IntersectAction
- LabelIntersectAction
- LabelPosition
- LabelRenderingEventArgs
- LayerRenderingEventArgs
- LegendArrangement
- LegendMode
- LegendPosition
- LegendRenderingEventArgs
- LegendShape
- LegendType
- LoadedEventArgs
- LoadEventArgs
- MapPanEventArgs
- MapsAnnotation
- MapsAnnotations
- MapsAreaBorder
- MapsAreaSettings
- MapsArrow
- MapsBaseEventArgs
- MapsBorder
- MapsBorderSettings
- MapsBubble<TValue>
- MapsBubbleBorder
- MapsBubbleColorMapping
- MapsBubbleColorMappings
- MapsBubbleHighlightBorder
- MapsBubbleHighlightSettings
- MapsBubbleSelectionBorder
- MapsBubbleSelectionSettings
- MapsBubbleSettings
- MapsBubbleTooltipBorder
- MapsBubbleTooltipSettings
- MapsBubbleTooltipTextStyle
- MapsCenterPosition
- MapsColorMapping
- MapsDataLabelSettings
- MapsEvents
- MapsFontSettings
- MapsHighlightSettings
- MapsInitialShapeSelection
- MapsInitialShapeSelectionSettings
- MapsLayer<TValue>
- MapsLayerDataLabelBorder
- MapsLayerDataLabelTextStyle
- MapsLayerHighlightBorder
- MapsLayerHighlightSettings
- MapsLayerMarkerClusterBorder
- MapsLayerMarkerClusterConnectorLineSettings
- MapsLayerMarkerClusterLabelStyle
- MapsLayers
- MapsLayerSelectionBorder
- MapsLayerSelectionSettings
- MapsLayerTooltipBorder
- MapsLayerTooltipSettings
- MapsLayerTooltipTextStyle
- MapsLegendBorder
- MapsLegendSettings
- MapsLegendShapeBorder
- MapsLegendTextStyle
- MapsLegendTitle
- MapsLegendTitleStyle
- MapsMargin
- MapsMarker<TValue>
- MapsMarkerBorder
- MapsMarkerClusterSettings
- MapsMarkerHighlightBorder
- MapsMarkerHighlightSettings
- MapsMarkerSelectionBorder
- MapsMarkerSelectionSettings
- MapsMarkerSettings
- MapsMarkerTooltipBorder
- MapsMarkerTooltipSettings
- MapsMarkerTooltipTextStyle
- MapsNavigationLine
- MapsNavigationLineHighlightBorder
- MapsNavigationLineHighlightSettings
- MapsNavigationLines
- MapsNavigationLineSelectionBorder
- MapsNavigationLineSelectionSettings
- MapsPolygon
- MapsPolygonHighlightBorder
- MapsPolygonHighlightSettings
- MapsPolygons
- MapsPolygonSelectionBorder
- MapsPolygonSelectionSettings
- MapsPolygonTooltipSettings
- MapsSelectionSettings
- MapsShapeBorder
- MapsShapeColorMapping
- MapsShapeColorMappings
- MapsShapeSettings
- MapsSubtitleSettings
- MapsSubtitleTextStyle
- MapsTitleSettings
- MapsTitleTextStyle
- MapsToggleLegendBorder
- MapsToggleLegendSettings
- MapsTooltipSettings
- MapsZoomSettings
- MapsZoomToolbarButton
- MapsZoomToolbarSettings
- MapsZoomToolbarTooltipSettings
- MapZoomEventArgs
- MarkerClickEventArgs
- MarkerClusterClickEventArgs
- MarkerClusterMoveEventArgs
- MarkerDragEndEventArgs
- MarkerDragStartEventArgs
- MarkerMouseLeaveEventArgs
- MarkerMoveEventArgs
- MarkerRenderingEventArgs
- MarkerType
- MinMaxLatitudeLongitude
- MouseEventArgs
- MouseMoveEventArgs
- Orientation
- PanDirection
- PolygonShapeType
- PositionValues
- PrintEventArgs
- ProjectionType
- ResizeEventArgs
- SelectionEventArgs
- SfMaps
- ShapeRenderingEventArgs
- ShapeSelectedEventArgs
- SmartLabelMode
- ToolbarItem
- TooltipGesture
- TooltipRenderEventArgs
- Type
- ActionBeginEventArgs
- ActionCompleteEventArgs<TItem>
- CustomValueUpdateEventArgs<TItem>
- FilteringEventArgs
- FilterType
- FloatLabelType
- FooterTemplateContext
- GroupTemplateContext
- IMultiColumnComboBox
- MultiColumnComboboxColumn
- MultiColumnComboboxColumns
- PopupClosingEventArgs
- PopupOpeningEventArgs
- SfMultiColumnComboBox<TValue, TItem>
- TextOverflowMode
- TextWrapElement
- ValueChangeEventArgs<TValue, TItem>
- ValueSelectEventArgs<TItem>
- AccordionAnimationCollapse
- AccordionAnimationExpand
- AccordionAnimationSettings
- AccordionClickArgs
- AccordionEvents
- AccordionItem
- AccordionItemModel
- AccordionItems
- ActionEventArgs
- AddEventArgs
- AppBarColor
- AppBarMode
- AppBarPosition
- AppBarSeparator
- AppBarSpacer
- BeforeOpenCloseMenuEventArgs<T>
- BreadcrumbClickedEventArgs
- BreadcrumbItem
- BreadcrumbItemRenderingEventArgs
- BreadcrumbItems
- BreadcrumbOverflowMode
- BreadcrumbTemplates
- CarouselAnimationEffect
- CarouselButtonVisibility
- CarouselIndicatorsType
- CarouselItem
- CarouselSlideDirection
- CarouselSwipeMode
- ChangeEventArgs
- ClickEventArgs
- CollapsedEventArgs
- CollapseEventArgs
- ContentLoad
- DataBoundEventArgs<T>
- DataSourceChangedEventArgs<T>
- DdtAction
- DdtChangeEventArgs<T>
- DdtFilteringEventArgs
- DdtVisualMode
- DisplayMode
- DragAndDropEventArgs
- DragEventArgs
- DropDownTreeField<TItem>
- EventArgs
- ExpandAction
- ExpandedEventArgs
- ExpandEventArgs
- ExpandMode
- FailureEventArgs
- HeaderModel
- HeaderPosition
- IDropDownTree
- IndicatorsTemplateContext
- ItemAlign
- ItemModel
- ItemType
- MenuAnimationSettings
- MenuEffect
- MenuEventArgs<T>
- MenuEvents<TValue>
- MenuFieldSettings
- MenuItem
- MenuItemModel
- MenuItems
- MenuTemplates<TValue>
- NodeCheckEventArgs
- NodeClickEventArgs
- NodeData
- NodeEditEventArgs
- NodeExpandEventArgs
- NodeKeyPressEventArgs
- NodeRenderEventArgs<T>
- NodeSelectEventArgs
- OpenCloseMenuEventArgs<T>
- Orientation
- OverflowMode
- OverflowOption
- PageChangedEventArgs
- PageChangingEventArgs
- PagerItemClickEventArgs
- PagerTemplateContext
- PageSizeChangedArgs
- PageSizeChangingArgs
- RemoveEventArgs
- SelectedItemTemplate<T>
- SelectEventArgs
- SelectingEventArgs
- SfAccordion
- SfAppBar
- SfBreadcrumb
- SfCarousel
- SfContextMenu<TValue>
- SfDropDownTree<TValue, TItem>
- SfMenu<TValue>
- SfPager
- SfSidebar
- SfSidebarContainer
- SfStepper
- SfTab
- SfToolbar
- SfTreeView<TValue>
- SidebarPosition
- SidebarType
- SortOrder
- StepperAnimationSettings
- StepperChangedEventArgs
- StepperChangeEventArgs
- StepperClickedEventArgs
- StepperLabelPosition
- StepperOrientation
- StepperRenderedEventArgs
- StepperStatus
- StepperStep
- StepperSteps
- StepperType
- TabAnimationNext
- TabAnimationPrevious
- TabAnimationSettings
- TabEvents
- TabHeader
- TabItem
- TabItemModel
- TabItems
- TabSwipeMode
- ToolbarEvents
- ToolbarItem
- ToolbarItems
- TreeEffect
- TreeViewAnimationCollapse
- TreeViewAnimationExpand
- TreeViewEvents<TValue>
- TreeViewFieldChild<TValue>
- TreeViewFieldOptions<TValue>
- TreeViewFieldsSettings<TValue>
- TreeViewNodeAnimationSettings
- TreeViewTemplates<TValue>
- ButtonType
- MessageCloseEventArgs
- MessageSeverity
- MessageVariant
- ProgressDirection
- SfMessage
- SfSkeleton
- SfToast
- ShimmerEffect
- SkeletonType
- ToastAnimationSettings
- ToastAnimationSettingsModel
- ToastAnimationsModel
- ToastBeforeCloseArgs
- ToastBeforeOpenArgs
- ToastButton
- ToastButtons
- ToastClickEventArgs
- ToastCloseArgs
- ToastEasing
- ToastEffect
- ToastEvents
- ToastHideAnimationSettings
- ToastModel
- ToastOpenArgs
- ToastPosition
- ToastPositionModel
- ToastShowAnimationSettings
- ToastTemplates
- AggregateEventArgs
- AggregateMenuOpenEventArgs
- AggregateTypes
- AuthenticationInfo
- AxisSet
- BeforeExportEventArgs
- BeginDrillThroughEventArgs
- CalculatedFieldCreateEventArgs
- CalculatedFields
- CalculatedFieldSettings
- CellClickEventArgs
- CellSelectedObject
- ChartLabelInfo
- ChartSelectionMode
- ChartSeriesCreatedEventArgs
- ChartSeriesType
- ColumnRenderEventArgs
- Condition
- ConditionalFormatSettings
- CustomGroups
- DataOptions
- DataSourceType
- DateGroup
- DateMembers
- DateOperators
- DrillArgs<T>
- DrilledItem
- DrillOptions
- DrillThroughEventArgs
- EditCompletedEventArgs<T>
- EditMode
- EnginePopulatedEventArgs
- EnginePopulatingEventArgs
- FetchReportArgs
- Field
- FieldDragStartEventArgs
- FieldDropEventArgs
- FieldDroppedEventArgs
- FieldItemInfo
- FieldListRefreshedEventArgs
- FieldOptions
- FieldRemoveEventArgs
- Filter
- FilterType
- FormatSettings
- FormatType
- GrandTotalsPosition
- GroupSettings
- GroupType
- HyperCellClickEventArgs
- IPivotFieldList
- IPivotFieldListDataSourceSettings
- IPivotView
- IPivotViewDataSourceSettings
- LabelOperators
- LabelPosition
- LevelPos
- LoadEventArgs<T>
- LoadReportArgs
- MemberEditorOpenEventArgs
- MemberFilteringEventArgs
- Members
- Mode
- MultipleAxisMode
- NewReportArgs
- NumberFormattingEventArgs
- Operators
- PagerPosition
- PdfBorder
- PdfBorderStyle
- PdfCellRenderArgs
- PdfStyle
- PdfTheme
- PdfThemeStyle
- PivotAccumulationChartSelectionMode
- PivotActionBeginEventArgs
- PivotActionCompleteEventArgs<T>
- PivotActionFailureEventArgs
- PivotActionInfo<T>
- PivotAuthentication
- PivotCalculatedFieldSetting
- PivotCellSelectedEventArgs
- PivotCellSelectionMode
- PivotChartAlignment
- PivotChartAnchor
- PivotChartAreaSettings
- PivotChartAxisLine
- PivotChartAxisPosition
- PivotChartBorder
- PivotChartBorderType
- PivotChartCommonBorder
- PivotChartCommonFont
- PivotChartConnectorStyle
- PivotChartConnectorType
- PivotChartCornerRadius
- PivotChartCrosshairSettings
- PivotChartCrosshairTooltip
- PivotChartCrosshairTooltipTextStyle
- PivotChartData
- PivotChartDataLabel
- PivotChartDrawType
- PivotChartEdgeLabelPlacement
- PivotChartEmptyPointBorder
- PivotChartEmptyPointMode
- PivotChartEmptyPointSettings
- PivotChartErrorBarCapSettings
- PivotChartErrorBarDirection
- PivotChartErrorBarMode
- PivotChartErrorBarType
- PivotChartErrorSettings
- PivotChartGroupModes
- PivotChartIndexes
- PivotChartLabelBorder
- PivotChartLabelIntersectAction
- PivotChartLabelPlacement
- PivotChartLabelPosition
- PivotChartLegendBorder
- PivotChartLegendMargin
- PivotChartLegendPosition
- PivotChartLegendSettings
- PivotChartLegendShape
- PivotChartLegendTextStyle
- PivotChartLineType
- PivotChartMajorGridLines
- PivotChartMajorTickLines
- PivotChartMarginSettings
- PivotChartMarkerDataLabel
- PivotChartMarkerDataLabelBorder
- PivotChartMarkerDataLabelFont
- PivotChartMarkerDataLabelMargin
- PivotChartMarkerSettings
- PivotChartMinorGridLines
- PivotChartMinorTickLines
- PivotChartPrimaryXAxis
- PivotChartPrimaryXAxisBorder
- PivotChartPrimaryXAxisCrosshairTooltip
- PivotChartPrimaryXAxisFont
- PivotChartPrimaryXAxisLineStyle
- PivotChartPrimaryXAxisMajorGridLines
- PivotChartPrimaryXAxisMajorTickLines
- PivotChartPrimaryXAxisMinorGridLines
- PivotChartPrimaryXAxisMinorTickLines
- PivotChartPrimaryXAxisStripBorder
- PivotChartPrimaryXAxisStripFont
- PivotChartPrimaryXAxisStripLineSetting
- PivotChartPrimaryXAxisStripLineSettings
- PivotChartPrimaryXAxisTitleStyle
- PivotChartPrimaryYAxis
- PivotChartPrimaryYAxisBorder
- PivotChartPrimaryYAxisCrosshairTooltip
- PivotChartPrimaryYAxisFont
- PivotChartPrimaryYAxisLineStyle
- PivotChartPrimaryYAxisMajorGridLines
- PivotChartPrimaryYAxisMajorTickLines
- PivotChartPrimaryYAxisMinorGridLines
- PivotChartPrimaryYAxisMinorTickLines
- PivotChartPrimaryYAxisStripBorder
- PivotChartPrimaryYAxisStripFont
- PivotChartPrimaryYAxisStripLineSetting
- PivotChartPrimaryYAxisStripLineSettings
- PivotChartPrimaryYAxisTitleStyle
- PivotChartPyramidModes
- PivotChartSegment
- PivotChartSegments
- PivotChartSeries
- PivotChartSeriesAnimation
- PivotChartSeriesBorder
- PivotChartSettings
- PivotChartShape
- PivotChartSizeType
- PivotChartSplineType
- PivotChartStripLines
- PivotChartSubTitleStyle
- PivotChartTextOverflow
- PivotChartTitleStyle
- PivotChartToolbarItems
- PivotChartTooltipBorder
- PivotChartTooltipSettings
- PivotChartTooltipTextStyle
- PivotChartTrendline
- PivotChartTrendlineAnimation
- PivotChartTrendlineMarker
- PivotChartTrendlines
- PivotChartTrendlineTypes
- PivotChartZIndex
- PivotChartZoomMode
- PivotChartZoomSettings
- PivotColumn
- PivotConditionalFormatSettings
- PivotConditionalFormattingStyle
- PivotCustomGroupSettings
- PivotEditInfo<T>
- PivotExportInfo
- PivotFieldListAuthentication
- PivotFieldListCalculatedFieldSetting
- PivotFieldListCalculatedFieldSettings
- PivotFieldListColumn
- PivotFieldListColumns
- PivotFieldListConditionalFormatSetting
- PivotFieldListConditionalFormatSettings
- PivotFieldListCustomGroup
- PivotFieldListCustomGroups
- PivotFieldListDataSourceSettings<TValue>
- PivotFieldListDrilledMember
- PivotFieldListDrilledMembers
- PivotFieldListEvents<TValue>
- PivotFieldListField
- PivotFieldListFieldMapping
- PivotFieldListFilter
- PivotFieldListFilters
- PivotFieldListFilterSetting
- PivotFieldListFilterSettings
- PivotFieldListFormatSetting
- PivotFieldListFormatSettings
- PivotFieldListGroupSetting
- PivotFieldListGroupSettings
- PivotFieldListRow
- PivotFieldListRows
- PivotFieldListSortSetting
- PivotFieldListSortSettings
- PivotFieldListStyle
- PivotFieldListTemplates
- PivotFieldListValue
- PivotFieldListValues
- PivotFieldListValueSortSettings
- PivotFieldOptions
- PivotFilterSetting
- PivotFormatSetting
- PivotGroupSetting
- PivotPagerTemplateContext
- PivotPieChartCenter
- PivotReportInfo
- PivotSortSetting
- PivotTableCheckboxSelectionType
- PivotTableClipMode
- PivotTableContextMenuItem
- PivotTableGridLine
- PivotTablePrintMode
- PivotTableSelectionType
- PivotToolbarInfo
- PivotTooltipTemplateContext
- PivotValueSortSettings
- PivotViewAuthentication
- PivotViewCalculatedFieldSetting
- PivotViewCalculatedFieldSettings
- PivotViewCellEditSettings
- PivotViewColumn
- PivotViewColumns
- PivotViewConditionalFormatSetting
- PivotViewConditionalFormatSettings
- PivotViewConditionalSetting
- PivotViewConditionalSettings
- PivotViewCustomGroup
- PivotViewCustomGroups
- PivotViewDataSourceSettings<TValue>
- PivotViewDisplayOption
- PivotViewDrilledMember
- PivotViewDrilledMembers
- PivotViewEvents<TValue>
- PivotViewField
- PivotViewFieldMapping
- PivotViewFilter
- PivotViewFilters
- PivotViewFilterSetting
- PivotViewFilterSettings
- PivotViewFormatSetting
- PivotViewFormatSettings
- PivotViewGridSettings
- PivotViewGroupingBarSettings
- PivotViewGroupSetting
- PivotViewGroupSettings
- PivotViewHyperlinkSettings
- PivotViewPagerSettings
- PivotViewPageSettings
- PivotViewRow
- PivotViewRows
- PivotViewSelectionSettings
- PivotViewSortSetting
- PivotViewSortSettings
- PivotViewStyle
- PivotViewTemplates
- PivotViewTextWrapSettings
- PivotViewValue
- PivotViewValues
- PivotViewValueSortSettings
- PivotViewVirtualScrollSettings
- Primary
- ProviderType
- RemoveReportArgs
- RenameReportArgs
- SaveReportArgs
- SelectionMode
- SelectionSettings
- SfPivotFieldList<TValue>
- SfPivotView<TValue>
- Sort
- Sorting
- Style
- SubTotalsPosition
- SummaryTypes
- ToolbarArgs
- ToolbarItems
- ValueOperators
- ValueSortSettings
- View
- WrapMode
- AnimationModel
- BeforeCloseEventArgs
- BeforeOpenEventArgs
- ButtonType
- CloseEventArgs
- CollisionAxis
- CollisionType
- DialogAnimationOptions
- DialogAnimationSettings
- DialogButton
- DialogButtonOptions
- DialogButtons
- DialogDimension
- DialogEffect
- DialogEvents
- DialogOptions
- DialogPositionData
- DialogTemplates
- DragEventArgs
- DragStartEventArgs
- DragStopEventArgs
- Effect
- OpenEventArgs
- OpenMode
- OverlayModalClickEventArgs
- PopupModel
- Position
- PositionDataModel
- ResizeDirection
- SfDialog
- SfDialogProvider
- SfDialogService
- SfTooltip
- TargetType
- TipPointerPosition
- TooltipAnimationSettings
- TooltipEventArgs
- TooltipTemplates
- AnnotationRenderEventArgs
- CornerType
- ModeType
- ProgressBarAnimation
- ProgressBarAnnotation
- ProgressBarAnnotations
- ProgressBarEvents
- ProgressBarLabelStyle
- ProgressBarMargin
- ProgressBarRangeColor
- ProgressBarRangeColors
- ProgressType
- ProgressValueEventArgs
- SfProgressBar
- TextAlignmentType
- TextRenderEventArgs
- ChangeEventArgs
- ColumnType
- DisplayMode
- HeaderTemplateModel
- NamedParameterSql
- OperatorsModel
- ParameterSql
- QueryBuilderColumn
- QueryBuilderColumns
- QueryBuilderColumnValidation
- QueryBuilderEvents<TValue>
- QueryBuilderField
- QueryBuilderOperator
- QueryBuilderOperatorType
- QueryBuilderRule
- QueryBuilderShowButtons
- QueryBuilderTemplates
- RuleChangeEventArgs
- RuleDragStartingEventArgs
- RuleDroppedEventArgs
- RuleDroppingEventArgs
- RuleModel
- SfQueryBuilder<TValue>
- SortDirection
- UniqueFilterMode
- BackstageBackButtonSettings
- BackstageItemClickEventArgs
- BackstageMenuItem
- BackstageMenuItems
- CollapseEventArgs
- ColorPickerCloseEventArgs
- ColorPickerOpenedEventArgs
- ColorPickerOpenEventArgs
- ColorPickerSelectedEventArgs
- ComboBoxChangeEventArgs
- ComboBoxFilterEventArgs
- ComboBoxPopupClosedEventArgs
- ComboBoxPopupCloseEventArgs
- ComboBoxPopupOpenedEventArgs
- ComboBoxPopupOpenEventArgs
- ComboBoxSelectEventArgs
- DisplayMode
- DropDownItemRenderEventArgs
- DropDownItemSelectEventArgs
- DropDownPopupClosedEventArgs
- DropDownPopupCloseEventArgs
- DropDownPopupOpenedEventArgs
- DropDownPopupOpenEventArgs
- ExpandEventArgs
- FileMenuClosedEventArgs
- FileMenuCloseEventArgs
- FileMenuItemRenderEventArgs
- FileMenuItemSelectEventArgs
- FileMenuOpenedEventArgs
- FileMenuOpenEventArgs
- GalleryGroup
- GalleryItem
- GalleryItemContext
- GalleryItemHoverEventArgs
- GalleryItemRenderEventArgs
- GalleryPopupCloseEventArgs
- GalleryPopupOpenEventArgs
- GallerySelectedEventArgs
- GallerySelectEventArgs
- GroupButtonClickEventArgs
- GroupButtonItem
- GroupButtonSelection
- HelpPaneTemplate
- LauncherClickEventArgs
- Orientation
- OverflowPopupEventArgs
- RibbonBackstageMenuSettings
- RibbonButtonSettings
- RibbonCheckBoxSettings
- RibbonCollection
- RibbonCollections
- RibbonColorPickerSettings
- RibbonComboBoxSettings
- RibbonDropDownSettings
- RibbonFileMenuSettings
- RibbonGallerySettings
- RibbonGroup
- RibbonGroupButtonSettings
- RibbonGroups
- RibbonItem
- RibbonItemContext
- RibbonItems
- RibbonItemSize
- RibbonItemType
- RibbonLayout
- RibbonSplitButtonSettings
- RibbonTab
- RibbonTabs
- RibbonTooltipSettings
- SfRibbon
- SplitButtonClickedEventArgs
- SplitButtonItemRenderEventArgs
- SplitButtonItemSelectedEventArgs
- SplitButtonPopupClosedEventArgs
- SplitButtonPopupCloseEventArgs
- SplitButtonPopupOpenedEventArgs
- SplitButtonPopupOpenEventArgs
- TabSelectedEventArgs
- TabSelectingEventArgs
- TileRenderEventArgs
- ActionBeginEventArgs
- ActionCompleteEventArgs
- ActionOnScroll
- AfterImageDeleteEventArgs
- AudioCommandsArgs
- AudioToolbarCommand
- AudioToolbarItemModel
- BeforeImageDropEventArgs
- BeforeQuickToolbarOpenArgs
- BlurEventArgs
- ChangeEventArgs
- ColorItemBase
- CommandName
- CommandsHeight
- CommandsWidth
- DestroyedEventArgs
- DialogCloseEventArgs
- DialogOpenEventArgs
- DialogType
- DisplayLayoutOptions
- DropDownButtonItemBase
- DropDownItemModel
- EditorMode
- EnterKeyTag
- ExecuteCommandOption
- FileUploadChangeEventArgs
- FileUploadFailedEventArgs
- FileUploadingEventArgs
- FileUploadSuccessEventArgs
- FocusEventArgs
- HtmlStatus
- ImageCommandsArgs
- ImageDisplay
- ImageFailedEventArgs
- ImageInputSource
- ImageSuccessEventArgs
- ImageToolbarCommand
- ImageToolbarItemModel
- ImageUploadChangeEventArgs
- ImageUploadingEventArgs
- Item
- LinkCommandsArgs
- LinkToolbarCommand
- LinkToolbarItemModel
- MarkdownStatus
- MediaDeletedEventArgs
- MetaTag
- PasteCleanupArgs
- QuickToolbarEventArgs
- ResizeArgs
- ResourcesModel
- ResponseEventArgs
- RichTextEditorAudioSettings
- RichTextEditorBackgroundColor
- RichTextEditorBulletFormatList
- RichTextEditorCustomToolbarItem
- RichTextEditorCustomToolbarItems
- RichTextEditorDialogSettings
- RichTextEditorEvents
- RichTextEditorExportPdf
- RichTextEditorExportWord
- RichTextEditorFontColor
- RichTextEditorFontFamily
- RichTextEditorFontSize
- RichTextEditorFormat
- RichTextEditorIFrameSettings
- RichTextEditorImageSettings
- RichTextEditorImportWord
- RichTextEditorInlineMode
- RichTextEditorMarkdownOptions
- RichTextEditorMediaSettings
- RichTextEditorNumberFormatList
- RichTextEditorPasteCleanupSettings
- RichTextEditorQuickToolbarSettings
- RichTextEditorTableSettings
- RichTextEditorToolbarSettings
- RichTextEditorVideoSettings
- SanitizeAttribute
- SaveFormat
- SfRichTextEditor
- ShiftEnterKeyTag
- ShortcutKeys
- TableCommandsArgs
- TableToolbarCommand
- TableToolbarItemModel
- ToolbarClickEventArgs
- ToolbarCommand
- ToolbarItemModel
- ToolbarStatusEventArgs
- ToolbarType
- VideoCommandsArgs
- VideoToolbarCommand
- VideoToolbarItemModel
- SankeyBaseMargin
- SankeyBaseTextStyle
- SankeyColorType
- SankeyDataLabel
- SankeyDataLink
- SankeyDataNode
- SankeyEventArgs
- SankeyEventFont
- SankeyExportedEventArgs
- SankeyExportType
- SankeyLabelRenderEventArgs
- SankeyLabelSettings
- SankeyLegendItemHoverEventArgs
- SankeyLegendMargin
- SankeyLegendPosition
- SankeyLegendRenderEventArgs
- SankeyLegendSettings
- SankeyLegendTextStyle
- SankeyLegendTitleStyle
- SankeyLinkContext
- SankeyLinkEventArgs
- SankeyLinkRenderEventArgs
- SankeyLinkSettings
- SankeyMargin
- SankeyNodeAlign
- SankeyNodeContext
- SankeyNodeEventArgs
- SankeyNodeRenderEventArgs
- SankeyNodeSettings
- SankeyOrientation
- SankeySize
- SankeySizeChangedEventArgs
- SankeySubtitleStyle
- SankeyTitleStyle
- SankeyTooltipRenderEventArgs
- SankeyTooltipSettings
- SankeyTooltipTextStyle
- SfSankey
- ActionEventArgs<T>
- ActionType
- AppointmentType
- CellClickEventArgs
- CellDOM
- CurrentAction
- DataBindingEventArgs<T>
- DataBoundEventArgs<T>
- DateRangeTemplateContext
- DragEventArgs<T>
- ElementInfo<T>
- ElementType
- EndType
- EventClickArgs<T>
- EventRenderedArgs<T>
- EventSettingsField
- ExcelFormat
- ExportFieldInfo
- ExportOptions
- FieldDescription
- FieldEndTime
- FieldEndTimezone
- FieldIsAllDay
- FieldLocation
- FieldRecurrenceException
- FieldRecurrenceId
- FieldRecurrenceRule
- FieldStartTime
- FieldStartTimezone
- FieldSubject
- HeaderRowsModel
- HeaderRowType
- ISchedule
- IScheduleEventSettings
- IScheduleResources
- MoreEventsClickArgs
- NavigateOptions
- NavigatingEventArgs
- Orientation
- PopupCloseEventArgs<T>
- PopupOpenEventArgs<T>
- PopupType
- PrintOptions
- RecurrenceEditorChangeEventArgs
- RecurrenceEditorEvents
- RecurrenceHelper
- RenderCellEventArgs
- RepeatType
- ResizeEventArgs<T>
- Resource
- ResourceDetails<T>
- ScheduleEvents<TValue>
- ScheduleEventSettings<TValue>
- ScheduleField
- ScheduleGroup
- ScheduleHeaderRow
- ScheduleHeaderRows
- ScheduleQuickInfoTemplates
- ScheduleResource<TValue, TItem>
- ScheduleResources
- ScheduleTemplates
- ScheduleTimeScale
- ScheduleView
- ScheduleViewGroup
- ScheduleViews
- ScheduleViewTimeScale
- ScheduleWorkHours
- ScrollEventArgs<T>
- ScrollOptions
- SfRecurrenceEditor
- SfSchedule<TValue>
- SpannedEventPlacement
- TemplateContext
- TemplateType
- TimezoneFields
- ValidationRules
- View
- Actions
- AddSignatureEventArgs
- AjaxHeader
- AjaxRequestFailureEventArgs
- AllowedInteraction
- AnnotationAddEventArgs
- AnnotationBaseEventArgs<T>
- AnnotationDataFormat
- AnnotationDoubleClickEventArgs
- AnnotationMode
- AnnotationMouseoverEventArgs
- AnnotationMoveEventArgs
- AnnotationPropertiesChangeEventArgs
- AnnotationRemoveEventArgs
- AnnotationResizeEventArgs
- AnnotationResizerLocation
- AnnotationResizerShape
- AnnotationSelectEventArgs
- AnnotationToolbarItem
- AnnotationType
- AnnotationUnselectEventArgs
- BaseEventArgs<T>
- Bookmark
- BookmarkDestination
- BorderStyle
- Bound
- CalibrationUnit
- CommandExecutedEventArgs
- Comment
- ContextMenuAction
- ContextMenuItem
- CursorType
- DisplayMode
- DocumentEditedEventArgs
- DocumentInfo
- DownloadEndEventArgs
- DownloadStartEventArgs
- DynamicStampItem
- EditingAction
- ExportFailureEventArgs
- ExportStartEventArgs
- ExportSuccessEventArgs
- ExtractTextCompletedEventArgs
- FontStyle
- FormField
- FormFieldClickArgs
- FormFieldDataFormat
- FormFieldType
- HyperlinkClickEventArgs
- HyperlinkMouseOverArgs
- ImportFailureEventArgs
- ImportStartEventArgs
- ImportSuccessEventArgs
- InteractionMode
- KeyboardCommand
- KeyGesture
- LineHeadStyle
- LinkTarget
- LoadEventArgs
- LoadFailedEventArgs
- MobileToolbarItem
- MoveSignatureEventArgs
- PageChangeEventArgs
- PageClickEventArgs
- PageMouseoverEventArgs
- PageTextContent
- PdfAnnotation
- PdfAnnotationProperties
- PdfKeys
- PdfModifierKeys
- PdfToolbarItem
- PdfViewerAjaxRequestSettings
- PdfViewerAnnotationSelectorSettings
- PdfViewerAnnotationSettings
- PdfViewerAreaSettings
- PdfViewerArrowSettings
- PdfViewerBase
- PdfViewerCircleSettings
- PdfViewerCommandManager
- PdfViewerCommentPanelSettings
- PdfViewerContextMenuSettings
- PdfViewerCustomStamp
- PdfViewerCustomStampSettings
- PdfViewerDistanceSettings
- PdfViewerEvents
- PdfViewerFreeTextSettings
- PdfViewerHandwrittenSignatureSettings
- PdfViewerHighlightSettings
- PdfViewerInkAnnotationSettings
- PdfViewerLineSettings
- PdfViewerMeasurementSettings
- PdfViewerPerimeterSettings
- PdfViewerPolygonSettings
- PdfViewerRadiusSettings
- PdfViewerRectangleSettings
- PdfViewerScrollSettings
- PdfViewerServerActionSettings
- PdfViewerShapeLabelSettings
- PdfViewerShapeSettings
- PdfViewerSignatureDialogSettings
- PdfViewerSquigglySettings
- PdfViewerStampSettings
- PdfViewerStickyNotesSettings
- PdfViewerStrikethroughSettings
- PdfViewerTextMarkupSettings
- PdfViewerTextSearchColorSettings
- PdfViewerTileRenderingSettings
- PdfViewerToolbarSettings
- PdfViewerUnderlineSettings
- PdfViewerVolumeSettings
- PrintEndEventArgs
- PrintMode
- PrintStartEventArgs
- Rect
- RemoveSignatureEventArgs
- ResizeSignatureEventArgs
- Review
- SfPdfViewer2
- SignatureBaseEventArgs<T>
- SignaturePropertiesChangeEventArgs
- SignatureSelectEventArgs
- SignatureType
- SignStampItem
- StandardBusinessStampItem
- TextAlignment
- TextBound
- TextContent
- TextSearchCompleteEventArgs
- TextSearchHighlightEventArgs
- TextSearchStartEventArgs
- TextSelectionEndEventArgs
- TextSelectionStartEventArgs
- ThumbnailClickEventArgs
- ToolbarItem
- UnloadEventArgs
- ValidateFormFieldsArgs
- VertexPoint
- ZoomChangeEventArgs
- ZoomMode
- Syncfusion.Blazor.SfPdfViewer.KeyboardInteractions
- Syncfusion.Blazor.SmartComponents
- Syncfusion.Blazor.Spinner
- AnimationEffect
- BeforeOpenCloseMenuEventArgs
- ButtonGroupButton
- ClickEventArgs
- DropDownButtonEvents
- DropDownMenuAnimationEffect
- DropDownMenuAnimationSettings
- DropDownMenuItem
- DropDownMenuItems
- MenuEventArgs
- OpenCloseMenuEventArgs
- ProgressButtonAnimationSettings
- ProgressButtonEvents
- ProgressButtonSpinSettings
- ProgressEventArgs
- SelectionMode
- SfButtonGroup
- SfDropDownButton
- SfProgressButton
- SfSplitButton
- SpinPosition
- SplitButtonEvents
- SplitButtonIconPosition
- BeforeCellPasteEventArgs<T>
- BeforeCopyPasteEventArgs
- CheckBoxChangeEventArgs<T>
- CopyHierarchyType
- EditMode
- FilterHierarchyMode
- FilterType
- IndentationChangedEventArgs<T>
- IndentationChangingEventArgs<T>
- ITreeGridRowModel<TValue>
- PageSizeMode
- RecordClickEventArgs<T>
- RowCollapsedEventArgs<T>
- RowCollapsingEventArgs<T>
- RowExpandedEventArgs<T>
- RowExpandingEventArgs<T>
- RowPosition
- RowTemplateTreeColumn
- SfTreeGrid<TValue>
- TreeGridAggregate
- TreeGridAggregateColumn
- TreeGridAggregateColumns
- TreeGridAggregates
- TreeGridColumn
- TreeGridColumnChooserItem
- TreeGridColumnChooserItemGroup
- TreeGridColumnChooserSettings
- TreeGridColumns
- TreeGridCommandColumn
- TreeGridCommandColumns
- TreeGridEditSettings
- TreeGridEvents<TValue>
- TreeGridExcelExportProperties
- TreeGridFilterColumn
- TreeGridFilterColumns
- TreeGridFilterSettings
- TreeGridKeySettings
- TreeGridPageSettings
- TreeGridPdfExportProperties
- TreeGridRowDropSettings
- TreeGridSearchSettings
- TreeGridSelectionSettings
- TreeGridSortColumn
- TreeGridSortColumns
- TreeGridSortSettings
- TreeGridTemplates
- TreeGridTextWrapSettings
- WrapMode
- Alignment
- ClickEventArgs
- ColorMapping
- DoubleClickEventArgs
- DrillEndEventArgs
- DrillStartEventArgs
- ExportType
- HighLightMode
- ItemClickEventArgs
- ItemHighlightEventArgs
- ItemMoveEventArgs
- ItemRenderingEventArgs
- ItemSelectedEventArgs
- ITreeMap
- LabelAlignment
- LabelIntersectAction
- LabelPlacement
- LabelPosition
- LayoutMode
- LegendItemRenderingEventArgs
- LegendMode
- LegendOrientation
- LegendPosition
- LegendRenderingEventArgs
- LegendShape
- LoadedEventArgs
- LoadEventArgs
- MarkerShape
- PrintEventArgs
- RenderingMode
- ResizeEventArgs
- RightClickEventArgs
- SelectionMode
- SfTreeMap<TValue>
- TreeMapBorder
- TreeMapBorderSettings
- TreeMapEvents
- TreeMapFontSettings
- TreeMapHeaderStyle
- TreeMapHighlightBorder
- TreeMapHighlightSettings
- TreeMapInitialDrillSettings
- TreeMapLeafBorder
- TreeMapLeafColorMapping
- TreeMapLeafColorMappings
- TreeMapLeafItemSettings
- TreeMapLeafLabelStyle
- TreeMapLegendBorder
- TreeMapLegendLocation
- TreeMapLegendSettings
- TreeMapLegendShapeBorder
- TreeMapLegendTextStyle
- TreeMapLegendTitle
- TreeMapLegendTitleStyle
- TreeMapLevel
- TreeMapLevelBorder
- TreeMapLevelColorMapping
- TreeMapLevelColorMappings
- TreeMapLevels
- TreeMapMargin
- TreeMapSelectionBorder
- TreeMapSelectionSettings
- TreeMapSubtitleSettings
- TreeMapSubtitleTextStyle
- TreeMapTitleSettings
- TreeMapTitleTextStyle
- TreeMapTooltipArgs
- TreeMapTooltipBorder
- TreeMapTooltipSettings
- TreeMapTooltipTextStyle
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