Class SankeyLegendMargin
Gets or sets the options for customizing the bottom, left, right, top margin of the legend in the Sankey Chart.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Syncfusion.Blazor.Sankey
Assembly: Syncfusion.Blazor.dll
public class SankeyLegendMargin : SankeyBaseMargin
Use this class to customize the margin of the legend in the SfSankey to enhance the visual appearance.
<SfSankey Width="600px" Height="400px" Nodes=@Nodes Links=@Links Title="Device Usage" SubTitle="-2023">
<SankeyLegendSettings Visible="true" Position="SankeyLegendPosition.Bottom" Height="10" Width="10">
<SankeyLegendMargin Left="10" Right="10" Top="10" Bottom="10"> </SankeyLegendMargin>
<SankeyLegendTextStyle FontSize="10px" FontFamily="Roboto" FontWeight="600" Color="Black" FontStyle="italic">
<SankeyLegendTitleStyle FontSize="14px" FontFamily="Roboto" FontWeight="800" Color="Black" FontStyle="italic">
@code {
public List<SankeyDataNode> Nodes = new List<SankeyDataNode>();
public List<SankeyDataLink> Links = new List<SankeyDataLink>();
protected override void OnInitialized()
Nodes = new List<SankeyDataNode>()
new SankeyDataNode() { Id = "Female", Label = new SankeyDataLabel() { Text = "Female (58%)" } },
new SankeyDataNode() { Id = "Male", Label = new SankeyDataLabel() { Text = "Male (42%)" } },
new SankeyDataNode() { Id = "Tablet", Label = new SankeyDataLabel() { Text = "Tablet (12%)" } },
new SankeyDataNode() { Id = "Mobile", Label = new SankeyDataLabel() { Text = "Mobile (40%)" } },
new SankeyDataNode() { Id = "Desktop", Label = new SankeyDataLabel() { Text = "Desktop (48%)" } },
new SankeyDataNode() { Id = "< 18", Label = new SankeyDataLabel() { Text = "< 18 years (8%)" } },
new SankeyDataNode() { Id = "18-26", Label = new SankeyDataLabel() { Text = "18-26 years (35%)" } },
new SankeyDataNode() { Id = "27-40", Label = new SankeyDataLabel() { Text = "27-40 years (38%)" } },
new SankeyDataNode() { Id = "> 40", Label = new SankeyDataLabel() { Text = "> 40 years (19%)" } }
Links = new List<SankeyDataLink>()
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Female", TargetId = "Tablet", Value = 12 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Female", TargetId = "Mobile", Value = 14 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Female", TargetId = "Desktop", Value = 32 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Male", TargetId = "Mobile", Value = 26 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Male", TargetId = "Desktop", Value = 16 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Tablet", TargetId = "< 18", Value = 4 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Tablet", TargetId = "> 40", Value = 8 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Mobile", TargetId = "< 18", Value = 4 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Mobile", TargetId = "18-26", Value = 24 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Mobile", TargetId = "27-40", Value = 10 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Mobile", TargetId = "> 40", Value = 2 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Desktop", TargetId = "18-26", Value = 11 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Desktop", TargetId = "27-40", Value = 28 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Desktop", TargetId = "> 40", Value = 9 }
public SankeyLegendMargin()