Class SankeyLegendMargin
Gets or sets the options for customizing the bottom, left, right, top margin of the legend in the Sankey Chart.
Namespace: Syncfusion.Blazor.Sankey
Assembly: Syncfusion.Blazor.dll
public class SankeyLegendMargin : SankeyComponentBase
Use this class to customize the margin of the legend in the SfSankey to enhance the visual appearance.
<SfSankey Width="600px" Height="400px" DataSource="@SankeyData"Title="Device Usage" SubTitle="-2023">
<SankeyTitleStyle FontSize="16px" FontFamily="Roboto" FontWeight="800" ></SankeyTitleStyle>
<SankeySubtitleStyle FontSize="10px" FontFamily="Roboto" FontWeight="400" ></SankeySubtitleStyle>
<SankeyNodes Width="30" Alignment="SankeyNodeAlign.Left" Offset="10" Padding="10">
<SankeyLinks Color="blue" ColorType="ColorType.Source" HighlightOpacity="1" InactiveOpacity="0.3" Opacity="0.7"> </SankeyLinks>
<SankeyLabels Visible="true" FontSize="12" Color="black" FontFamily="Arial" FontWeight="400" Padding="8"></SankeyLabels>
<SankeyMargin Left="10" Right="10" Top="10" Bottom="10"></SankeyMargin>
<SankeyLegendSettings Visible="true" Position="SankeyLegendPosition.Bottom" Height="10" Width="10" >
<SankeyLegendMargin Left="10" Right="10" Top="10" Bottom="10"> </SankeyLegendMargin>
<SankeyLegendTextStyle FontSize="10px" FontFamily="Roboto" FontWeight="600" Color="Black" FontStyle="italic"></SankeyLegendTextStyle>
<SankeyLegendTitleStyle FontSize="14px" FontFamily="Roboto" FontWeight="800" Color="Black" FontStyle="italic"></SankeyLegendTitleStyle>
@code {
public SankeyData SankeyData = new SankeyData()
Nodes = new List<SankeyDataNode>(),
Links = new List<SankeyDataLink>()
protected override void OnInitialized()
SankeyData.Nodes = new List<SankeyDataNode>()
new SankeyDataNode() { Id = "Female", Label = new SankeyDataLabel() { Text = "Female (58%)" } },
new SankeyDataNode() { Id = "Male", Label = new SankeyDataLabel() { Text = "Male (42%)" } },
new SankeyDataNode() { Id = "Tablet", Label = new SankeyDataLabel() { Text = "Tablet (12%)" } },
new SankeyDataNode() { Id = "Mobile", Label = new SankeyDataLabel() { Text = "Mobile (40%)" } },
new SankeyDataNode() { Id = "Desktop", Label = new SankeyDataLabel() { Text = "Desktop (48%)" } },
new SankeyDataNode() { Id = "< 18", Label = new SankeyDataLabel() { Text = "< 18 years (8%)" } },
new SankeyDataNode() { Id = "18-26", Label = new SankeyDataLabel() { Text = "18-26 years (35%)" } },
new SankeyDataNode() { Id = "27-40", Label = new SankeyDataLabel() { Text = "27-40 years (38%)" } },
new SankeyDataNode() { Id = "> 40", Label = new SankeyDataLabel() { Text = "> 40 years (19%)" } }
SankeyData.Links = new List<SankeyDataLink>()
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Female", TargetId = "Tablet", Value = 12 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Female", TargetId = "Mobile", Value = 14 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Female", TargetId = "Desktop", Value = 32 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Male", TargetId = "Mobile", Value = 26 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Male", TargetId = "Desktop", Value = 16 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Tablet", TargetId = "< 18", Value = 4 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Tablet", TargetId = "> 40", Value = 8 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Mobile", TargetId = "< 18", Value = 4 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Mobile", TargetId = "18-26", Value = 24 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Mobile", TargetId = "27-40", Value = 10 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Mobile", TargetId = "> 40", Value = 2 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Desktop", TargetId = "18-26", Value = 11 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Desktop", TargetId = "27-40", Value = 28 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Desktop", TargetId = "> 40", Value = 9 }
public SankeyLegendMargin()
Sets and gets the bottom margin for the legend of Sankey Chart component.
public double Bottom { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Double | Accepts double value in pixels. The default value is 5. |
Use this property to set the bottom margin for the legend of Sankey Chart component.
Sets and gets the left margin for the legend of Sankey Chart component.
public double Left { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Double | Accepts double value in pixels. The default value is 5. |
Use this property to set the left margin for the legend of Sankey Chart component.
Sets and gets the right margin for the legend of Sankey Chart component.
public double Right { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Double | Accepts double value in pixels. The default value is 5. |
Use this property to set the right margin for the legend of Sankey Chart component.
Sets and gets the top margin for the legend of Sankey Chart component.
public double Top { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Double | Accepts double value in pixels. The default value is 5. |
Use this property to set the top margin for the legend of Sankey Chart component.