Class PivotViewGridSettings
Allows the set of options to customize rows, columns, values cell and its content in the pivot table. The following options to customize the pivot table are:
: Allow the height of the pivot table content to be set,
meaning that the height given should be applied without considering the column headers in the pivot table.
: Allow to set width of the pivot table. Note: The pivot table will not display less than 400px,
as it is the minimum width to the component.
: Allow the options for customizing the cell borders of each cell to be displayed in the pivot table.
For example, to display a pivot table without cell borders, set the property gridLines
to None.
: Allow the contents of the cells to be wrapped when they exceed the width of the cells in the pivot table.
: Allows options to wrap either column and row header or value or both header and cell content.
For example, to allow the wrap option to value cells alone, then set the property wrapMode
to Content in the textWrapSettings
: Allows to reorder a specific column header from one index to another index in the pivot table by drag-and-drop.
: Allows the columns to be resized by clicking and dragging the right edge of the column headers.
: Allow to set height to the pivot table rows commonly.
: Allow to set width to the pivot table columns commonly.
: Allows the contents of the cell overflow to be displayed in the pivot table.
For example, to truncate the cell content of a cell when it overflows with respect to its cell width, set the property clipMode
to Clip.
: Allows a row or column or cell to be highlighted by simply clicking or arrow key in the pivot table.
: Allow set of options to customize the selection of a row or column or cell by simply clicking on the arrow key in the pivot table.
For example, to highlight both rows and columns with multiple selection, set the properties mode
to Both and type
to Multiple in selectionSettings
: Allows to highlight specific row in the pivot table during initial rendering. For example, to highlight the pivot table's first row, set the property selectedRowIndex
to 0.
: Allows to show built-in context with pre-defined menu option or custom menu options by simply right clicking on the pivot table cell.
Namespace: Syncfusion.Blazor.PivotView
Assembly: Syncfusion.Blazor.dll
public class PivotViewGridSettings : OwningComponentBase
public PivotViewGridSettings()
Allows to reorder a specific column header from one index to another index in the pivot table by drag-and-drop.
Reordering allows only at the same level as the column headers in the pivot table.
public bool AllowReordering { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Boolean |
Allows the columns to be resized by clicking and dragging the right edge of the column headers.
In RTL mode, user can click and drag the left edge of the header cell to resize the column.
public bool AllowResizing { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Boolean |
Allows a row or column or cell to be highlighted by simply clicking or arrow key in the pivot table.
public bool AllowSelection { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Boolean |
Allow to enable the content of the cells to be wrapped when they exceed the width of the cells in the pivot table.
public bool AllowTextWrap { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Boolean |
Allows the component to be fit based on the width of its columns.
public bool AutoFit { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Boolean |
Allows the contents of the cell overflow to be displayed in the pivot table.
For example, to truncate the cell content of a cell when it overflows with respect to its cell width, set the property ClipMode
to Clip.
The modes available are:
: Allow the content of a cell to truncate when it overflows its content area.
: Allows the content of a cell to be displayed as an ellipse when it overflows its content area.
: Allows the cell content to be displayed as an ellipse when its content area is overflowing.
And the tooltip will also be displayed while hovering on the ellipsis applied cell.
public PivotTableClipMode ClipMode { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
PivotTableClipMode |
Allow to set width to the pivot table columns commonly.
By default, the columnWidth property is set as 110 pixels to each column except the first column. The first column always defined as row headers in the pivot table. For first column, 250 pixels and 200 pixels are set respectively with and without grouping bar.
public double ColumnWidth { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Double |
Allows to show built-in context with pre-defined menu option or custom menu options by simply right clicking on the pivot table cell.
The options available are:
: Allows to show the drill-through dialog over the pivot table to perform drill-through operations.
: Allows to expand the collaped row or column headers in the pivot table.
: Allows to collapse the expaned row or column headers in the pivot table.
: Allows to show the calculated field dialog over the pivot table to perform calculated field operations.
Pdf Export
: Allows to export the pivot table as PDF format.
Excel Export
: Allows to export the pivot table as Excel format.
Csv Export
: Allows to export the pivot table as CSV format.
Sort Ascending
: Allows to perform ascending order with repect to the values on selected cell contained row or column in the pivot table.
Sort Descending
: Allows to perform descending order with repect to the values on selected cell contained row or column in the pivot table.
: Allow options to perform calculations over a group of values (exclusively for value fields bound in value axis) using the aggregation option in the pivot table.
public List<PivotTableContextMenuItem> ContextMenuItems { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Collections.Generic.List<PivotTableContextMenuItem> |
Allow the options for customizing the cell borders of each cell to be displayed in the pivot table.
For example, to display a pivot table without cell borders, set the property gridLines to None. The modes available are,
: Allows the cell border to be displayed both horizontally and vertically in the pivot table.
: Allows no cell borders to be displayed in the pivot table.
: Allows the cell border to be shown horizontally in the pivot table.
: Allows the cell border to be shown vertically in the pivot table.
: Allows the display of the cell borders based on the theme used in the pivot table.
public PivotTableGridLine GridLines { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
PivotTableGridLine |
Allow the height of the pivot table content to be set, meaning that the height given should be applied without considering the column headers in the pivot table.
public string Height { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.String |
Allow options to print either the current page shown in the pivot table on its own or the entire pivot table.
The options available are:
: Prints the entire pivot table.
: Prints the current page shown in the pivot table on its own.
public PivotTablePrintMode PrintMode { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
PivotTablePrintMode |
Allow to set height to the pivot table rows commonly.
By default, the rowHeight property is set as 36 pixels for desktop layout and 48 pixels for mobile layout. The height of the column headers alone may vary when grouping bar feature is enabled.
public double RowHeight { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Double |
Allows to highlight specific row in the pivot table during initial rendering.
For example, to highlight the pivot table's first row, set the property SelectedRowIndex
to 0.
You can get the currently selected row index of the pivot table from the
property using pivot table instance at run-time.
public double SelectedRowIndex { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Double |
Allows set of options to customize the selection of a row or column or cell by simply clicking on the arrow key in the pivot table.
The options available are:
Mode - Allow options to highlight either row wise or column wise or specific cells in the pivot table. For expample, to highlight the columns, set the property
modeto Column.
cellSelectionMode: Allow options to customize the mode of selection to highlight either row wise or column wise or specific cell in the pivot table. For example, to apply the selection that includes in between cells of rows within the range, set the property
cellSelectionModeto Box.
type: Allow options to customize the selection type to highlight either row wise or column wise or specific cell in the pivot table. For example, to highlight multiple rows or columns or cells, set the property
typeto Multiple.
checkboxOnly: Allows the selection options to highlight the rows in the pivot table using checkbox selection on their own.
persistSelection: Allows you to keep selections in rows or columns or cells while performing all operations in the pivot table.
checkboxMode: Allow options to customize the checkbox selection mode in the pivot table. For example, to select multiple rows one by one through simple clicking on rows, set the property
checkboxModeto Default.
enableSimpleMultiRowSelection`: Allows to perform multiple selection in rows with single clicks without using SHIFT or CTRL keys.
public PivotViewSelectionSettings SelectionSettings { get; set; }
Property Value
Allows the options for customizing the content of the cells to be wrapped in either rows and column headers or values or both headers and values in the pivot table.
For example, to wrap the contents of the value cells in the pivot table, then set the property WrapMode
to Content in the textWrapSettings
The options available are:
: Allows the content of the cells to be wrapped in both headers and values.
: Allows the content of the cells to be wrapped in rows and column headers alone.
: Allows the content of the cells to be packed for the value cells alone.
public PivotViewTextWrapSettings TextWrapSettings { get; set; }
Property Value
Allow to set width of the pivot table.
The pivot table will not display less than 400px, as it is the minimum width to the component.
public string Width { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.String |
protected override void BuildRenderTree(RenderTreeBuilder __builder)
Type | Name | Description |
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Rendering.RenderTreeBuilder | __builder |
Dispose the unmanaged resources.
public virtual void Dispose()
Dispose unmanaged resources in the component.
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Boolean | disposing | Boolean value to dispose the object. |
Method invoked when the component is ready to start, having received its initial parameters from its parent in the render tree. Override this method if you will perform an asynchronous operation and want the component to refresh when that operation is completed.
protected override Task OnInitializedAsync()
Type | Description |
System.Threading.Tasks.Task | A System.Threading.Tasks.Task representing any asynchronous operation. |
Method invoked when the component has received parameters from its parent in the render tree, and the incoming values have been assigned to properties.
protected override Task OnParametersSetAsync()
Type | Description |
System.Threading.Tasks.Task | A System.Threading.Tasks.Task representing any asynchronous operation. |