Class PivotViewDataSourceSettings<TValue>
Allows the following pivot report information such as rows, columns, values, filters, etc., that are used to render the pivot table and field list.
: Allows to set the database name of SSAS cube as string type that used to retrieve the data from the specified connection string. Note: It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
: Allows you to set the SSAS cube name as string type that used to retrieve data for pivot table rendering. Note: It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
: Allows to set the provider type to identify the given connection is either Relational or SSAS to render the pivot table and field list.
: Allows to set the URL as string type, which helps to identify the service endpoint where the data are processed and retrieved to render the pivot table and field list. Note: It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
: Allows you to set the specific culture code as number type to render pivot table with desired localization.
By default, the pivot table displays with culture code 1033, which indicates "en-US" locale. Note: It is applicale only for OLAP data source.
: Allows you to set the data source as JSON collection to the pivot report either from local or from remote server to the render the pivot that and field list.
You can fetch JSON data from remote server by using DataManager. Note: It is applicable only for relational data source.
: Allows specific fields associated with field information that needs to be displayed in row axis of pivot table.
: Allows specific fields associated with field information that needs to be displayed in column axis of pivot table.
: Allows specific fields associated with field information that needs to be displayed as aggregated numeric values in pivot table.
: Allows to filter the values in other axis based on the collection of filter fields in pivot table.
: Allows you to restrict the specific field(s) from displaying it in the field list UI.
You may also be unable to render the pivot table with this field(s) by doing so. Note: It is applicable only for relational data source.
: Allows you to either expand or collapse all the headers that are displayed in the pivot table.
By default, all the headers are collapsed in the pivot table. Note: It is applicable only for Relational data.
: Allows you to set the value fields that to be plotted either in row or column axis in the pivot table.
: Allows specific fields associated with either selective or conditional-based filter members that used to be displayed in the pivot table.
: Allows specific fields associated with sort settings to order their members either in ascending or descending that used to be displayed in the pivot table.
By default, the data source containing fields are display with Ascending order alone. To use this option, it requires the enableSorting
property to be true.
: Allows to perform sort operation to order members of a specific fields either in ascending or descending that used to be displayed in the pivot table.
: Allows specific fields used to display the values with specific format that used to be displayed in the pivot table.
For example, to display a specific field with currency formatted values in the pivot table, the set the format
property to be C.
: Allows specific fields used to display their the headers to be either expanded or collapsed in the pivot table.
: Allows to sort individual value field and its aggregated values either in row or column axis to ascending or descending order.
: Allows to create new calculated fields from the bound data source or using simple formula with basic arithmetic operators in the pivot table.
: Allows to perform filter operation based on the selective filter members of the specific fields used to be displayed in the pivot table.
: Allows to perform filter operation based on the selective headers used to be displayed in the pivot table.
: Allows to perform filter operation based only on value fields and its resultant aggregated values over other fields defined in row and column axes that used to be displayed in the pivot table.
: Allows to show or hide sub-totals in both rows and columns axis of the pivot table.
: Allows to show or hide sub-totals in row axis of the pivot table.
: Allows to show or hide sub-totals in column axis of the pivot table.
: Allows to show or hide grand totals in both rows and columns axis of the pivot table.
: Allows to show or hide grand totals in row axis of the pivot table.
: Allows to show or hide grand totals in column axis of the pivot table.
: Allows the grand totals to be displayed in either the top or bottom position in the pivot table's row and column axis.By default, the grand totals are displayed at the bottom of the pivot table's row and column axis.
: Gets or sets an enum value that will allow the row and column sub-totals to be displayed at the top or bottom of the header group in the pivot table.
Note: By default, the column sub-totals are displayed at the bottom and row sub-totals are displayed at the top of their header group in the pivot table.
: Allows the undefined headers to be displayed in the pivot table, when the specific field(s) are not defined in the raw data.
For example, if the raw data for the field ‘Country’ is defined as “United Kingdom” and “State” is not defined means, it will be shown as “United Kingdom >> Undefined” in the header section.
: Allows to show the value field header always in pivot table, even if it holds a single field in the value field axis.
: Allows a collection of values fields to change the appearance of the pivot table value cells with different style properties such as background color, font color, font family, and font size based on specific conditions.
: Allows to show custom string to the empty value cells that used to display in the pivot table. You can fill empty value cells with any value like “0”, ”-”, ””, “(blank)”, etc.
: Allows specific fields to group their data on the basis of their type.
For example, the date type fields can be formatted and displayed based on year, quarter, month, and more. Likewise, the number type fields can be grouped range-wise, such as 1-5, 6-10, etc.
You can perform custom group to the string type fields that used to displayed in the pivot table.
: Allows the pivot button with specific value field caption along with the aggregation type, to be displayed in the grouping bar and field list UI.
For example, if the value field "Sold Amount" is aggregated with Sum, it will be displayed with caption "Sum of Sold Amount" in its pivot button.
: Allows you to set the credential information to access the specified SSAS cube. Note: It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Syncfusion.Blazor.PivotView
Assembly: Syncfusion.Blazor.dll
public class PivotViewDataSourceSettings<TValue> : SfDataBoundComponent, IPivotViewDataSourceSettings
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
TValue | A type which provides schema for the pivot component. |
public PivotViewDataSourceSettings()
Allows to perform filter operation based on the selective headers used to be displayed in the pivot table.
public bool AllowLabelFilter { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Boolean |
Allows to perform filter operation based on the selective filter members of the specific fields used to be displayed in the pivot table.
public bool AllowMemberFilter { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Boolean |
Allows to perform filter operation based only on value fields and its resultant aggregated values over other fields defined in row and column axes that used to be displayed in the pivot table.
public bool AllowValueFilter { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Boolean |
Allows to show the value field header always in pivot table, even if it holds a single field in the value field axis.
public bool AlwaysShowValueHeader { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Boolean |
Allows you to set the credential information to access the specified SSAS cube.
It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
public PivotViewAuthentication Authentication { get; set; }
Property Value
Allows to create new calculated fields from the bound data source or using simple formula with basic arithmetic operators in the pivot table.
public List<PivotViewCalculatedFieldSetting> CalculatedFieldSettings { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Collections.Generic.List<PivotViewCalculatedFieldSetting> |
Allows to set the database name of SSAS cube as string type that used to retrieve the data from the specified connection string.
It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
public string Catalog { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.String |
Allows specific fields associated with field information that needs to be displayed in column axis of pivot table. The following configurations which are applicable are as follows:
: Allows you to set the field name that needs to be displayed in column axis of pivot table.
: Allows you to set caption to the specific field. It will be used to display instead of its name in pivot table component's UI.
: Allows you to display all members items of a specific field to the pivot table,
even doesn't have any data in its row/column intersection in data source. Note: It is applicable only for relational data source.
: Allows to show or hide sub-totals to a specific field in column axis of the pivot table.
: Allows you to set whether the specified field is a named set or not. In general,
the named set is a set of dimension members or a set expression (MDX query) to be created as a dimension in the SSAS OLAP cube itself. Note: It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
: Allows to set whether the specified field is a calculated field or not.
In general, the calculated field is created from the bound data source or using simple formula with basic arithmetic operators in the pivot table. Note: It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
: Allows you to show or hide the filter icon of a specific field that used to be displayed on the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI.
This filter icon is used to filter the members of a specified field at runtime in the pivot table.
: Allows you to show or hide the sort icon of a specific field that used to be displayed in the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI.
This sort icon is used to order members of a specified field either in ascending or descending at runtime.
: Allows you to show or hide the remove icon of a specific field that used to be displayed in the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI.
This remove icon is used to remove the specified field during runtime.
: Allows you to show or hide the edit icon of a specific field that used to be displayed on the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI.
This edit icon is used to modify caption, formula, and format of a specified calculated field at runtime that to be displayed in the pivot table.
: Allows you to restrict the specific field's pivot button that is used to drag on runtime in the grouping bar and field list UI.
This will prevent you from modifying the current report.
: Allows you to expand or collapse all of the pivot table's headers for a specific field.
public List<PivotViewColumn> Columns { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Collections.Generic.List<PivotViewColumn> |
Allows a collection of values fields to change the appearance of the pivot table value cells with different style properties such as background color, font color, font family, and font size based on specific conditions.
public List<PivotViewConditionalFormatSetting> ConditionalFormatSettings { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Collections.Generic.List<PivotViewConditionalFormatSetting> |
Allows you to set the SSAS cube name as string type that used to retrieve data for pivot table rendering.
It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
public string Cube { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.String |
Allows you to set the data source as JSON collection to the pivot report either from local or from remote server to the render the pivot that and field list. You can fetch JSON data from remote server by using DataManager.
It is applicable only for relational data source.
public IEnumerable<TValue> DataSource { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TValue> |
Event invokes collapsed in the pivot table.
public EventCallback<IEnumerable<TValue>> DataSourceChanged { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.EventCallback<System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TValue>> |
Allows specific fields used to display their the headers to be either expanded or collapsed in the pivot table.
public List<PivotViewDrilledMember> DrilledMembers { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Collections.Generic.List<PivotViewDrilledMember> |
Allows to show custom string to the empty value cells that used to display in the pivot table. You can fill empty value cells with any value like “0”, ”-”, ””, “(blank)”, etc.
public string EmptyCellsTextContent { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.String |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the pivot table retrieves the data source that is already populated on the server-side with grouping and aggregation performed on the server.
public bool EnableServerSideAggregation { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Boolean |
Setting this property to true
can improve performance when dealing with large data sets since the data aggregation is performed on the server-side.
Allows to perform sort operation to order members of a specific fields either in ascending or descending that used to be displayed in the pivot table.
public bool EnableSorting { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Boolean |
Allows you to restrict the specific field(s) from displaying it in the field list UI. You may also be unable to render the pivot table with this field(s) by doing so.
It is applicable only for relational data source.
public string[] ExcludeFields { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.String[] |
Allows you to either expand or collapse all the headers that are displayed in the pivot table. By default, all the headers are collapsed in the pivot table.
It is applicable only for Relational data.
public bool ExpandAll { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Boolean |
Allows specific fields associated with field information that can be used while creating fieldlist. The following configurations which are applicable are as follows:
: Allows you to set the field name which is going to configure while creating the fieldlist.
: Allows you to set caption to the specific field. It will be used to display instead of its name in pivot table component's UI.
: Allows you to display all members items of a specific field to the pivot table,
even doesn't have any data in its row/column intersection in data source. Note: It is applicable only for relational data source.
: Allows to show or hide sub-totals to a specific field in row axis of the pivot table.
: Allows you to set whether the specified field is a named set or not. In general,
the named set is a set of dimension members or a set expression (MDX query) to be created as a dimension in the SSAS OLAP cube itself. Note: It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
: Allows to set whether the specified field is a calculated field or not.
In general, the calculated field is created from the bound data source or using simple formula with basic arithmetic operators in the pivot table. Note: It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
: Allows you to show or hide the filter icon of a specific field that used to be displayed on the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI.
This filter icon is used to filter the members of a specified field at runtime in the pivot table.
: Allows you to show or hide the sort icon of a specific field that used to be displayed in the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI.
This sort icon is used to order members of a specified field either in ascending or descending at runtime.
: Allows you to show or hide the remove icon of a specific field that used to be displayed in the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI.
This remove icon is used to remove the specified field during runtime.
: Allows you to show or hide the edit icon of a specific field that used to be displayed on the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI.
This edit icon is used to modify caption, formula, and format of a specified calculated field at runtime that to be displayed in the pivot table.
: Allows you to restrict the specific field's pivot button that is used to drag on runtime in the grouping bar and field list UI.
This will prevent you from modifying the current report.
public List<PivotViewField> FieldMapping { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Collections.Generic.List<PivotViewField> |
Allows to filter the values in other axis based on the collection of filter fields in pivot table. The following configurations which are applicable are as follows:
: Allows you to set the field name that needs to be displayed in row/column/value/filter axis of pivot table.
: Allows you to set caption to the specific field. It will be used to display instead of its name in pivot table component's UI.
: Allows you to set whether the specified field is a named set or not. In general,
the named set is a set of dimension members or a set expression (MDX query) to be created as a dimension in the SSAS OLAP cube itself. Note: It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
: Allows to set whether the specified field is a calculated field or not.
In general, the calculated field is created from the bound data source or using simple formula with basic arithmetic operators in the pivot table. Note: It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
: Allows you to show or hide the filter icon of a specific field that used to be displayed on the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI.
This filter icon is used to filter the members of a specified field at runtime in the pivot table.
: Allows you to show or hide the remove icon of a specific field that used to be displayed in the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI.
This remove icon is used to remove the specified field during runtime.
: Allows you to show or hide the edit icon of a specific field that used to be displayed on the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI.
This edit icon is used to modify caption, formula, and format of a specified calculated field at runtime that to be displayed in the pivot table.
: Allows you to restrict the specific field's pivot button that is used to drag on runtime in the grouping bar and field list UI.
This will prevent you from modifying the current report.
public List<PivotViewFilter> Filters { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Collections.Generic.List<PivotViewFilter> |
Allows specific fields associated with either selective or conditional-based filter members that used to be displayed in the pivot table.
public List<PivotViewFilterSetting> FilterSettings { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Collections.Generic.List<PivotViewFilterSetting> |
Allows specific fields used to display the values with specific format that used to be displayed in the pivot table.
For example, to display a specific field with currency formatted values in the pivot table, the set the Format
property to be C.
public List<PivotViewFormatSetting> FormatSettings { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Collections.Generic.List<PivotViewFormatSetting> |
Allows the grand totals to be displayed in either the top or bottom position in the pivot table's row and column axis. The options available are:
- BottomAllows the grand totals to be displayed in bottom position in the pivot table's row and column axis.
- TopAllows the grand totals to be displayed in top position in the pivot table's row and column axis.
public GrandTotalsPosition GrandTotalsPosition { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
GrandTotalsPosition |
Allows specific fields to group their data on the basis of their type. For example, the date type fields can be formatted and displayed based on year, quarter, month, and more. Likewise, the number type fields can be grouped range-wise, such as 1-5, 6-10, etc. You can perform custom group to the string type fields that used to displayed in the pivot table.
public List<PivotViewGroupSetting> GroupSettings { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Collections.Generic.List<PivotViewGroupSetting> |
Allows you to set the specific culture code as number type to render pivot table with desired localization. By default, the pivot table displays with culture code 1033, which indicates "en-US" locale.
It is applicale only for OLAP data source.
public double LocaleIdentifier { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Double |
Allows to set the provider type to identify the given connection is either Relational or SSAS to render the pivot table and field list. The following options are:
: Allows to render the pivot table with JSON data collection either fetch at local or remote server.
: Allows to render the pivot table with OLAP data fetch from OLAP cube.
public ProviderType ProviderType { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
ProviderType |
Sets the roles that can access restricted OLAP cube information, such as measures and dimensions, that can be rendered in a pivot table. Multiple roles can be assigned by separating them with commas.
Note: It is only applicable for OLAP data sources.
public string Roles { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.String |
Each role assigned to the OLAP cube can only access restricted information, ensuring that sensitive data is protected. The roles parameter is a string that contains a comma-separated list of the roles that can access the OLAP cube. If no roles are specified, the value defaults to an empty string.
Allows specific fields associated with field information that needs to be displayed in row axis of pivot table. The following configurations which are applicable are as follows:
: Allows you to set the field name that needs to be displayed in row axis of pivot table.
: Allows you to set caption to the specific field. It will be used to display instead of its name in pivot table component's UI.
: Allows you to display all members items of a specific field to the pivot table,
even doesn't have any data in its row/column intersection in data source. Note: It is applicable only for relational data source.
: Allows to show or hide sub-totals to a specific field in row axis of the pivot table.
: Allows you to set whether the specified field is a named set or not. In general,
the named set is a set of dimension members or a set expression (MDX query) to be created as a dimension in the SSAS OLAP cube itself. Note: It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
: Allows to set whether the specified field is a calculated field or not.
In general, the calculated field is created from the bound data source or using simple formula with basic arithmetic operators in the pivot table. Note: It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
: Allows you to show or hide the filter icon of a specific field that used to be displayed on the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI.
This filter icon is used to filter the members of a specified field at runtime in the pivot table.
: Allows you to show or hide the sort icon of a specific field that used to be displayed in the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI.
This sort icon is used to order members of a specified field either in ascending or descending at runtime.
: Allows you to show or hide the remove icon of a specific field that used to be displayed in the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI.
This remove icon is used to remove the specified field during runtime.
: Allows you to show or hide the edit icon of a specific field that used to be displayed on the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI.
This edit icon is used to modify caption, formula, and format of a specified calculated field at runtime that to be displayed in the pivot table.
: Allows you to restrict the specific field's pivot button that is used to drag on runtime in the grouping bar and field list UI.
This will prevent you from modifying the current report.
: Allows you to expand or collapse all of the pivot table's headers for a specific field.
public List<PivotViewRow> Rows { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Collections.Generic.List<PivotViewRow> |
Allows the pivot button with specific value field caption along with the aggregation type, to be displayed in the grouping bar and field list UI. For example, if the value field "Sold Amount" is aggregated with Sum, it will be displayed with caption "Sum of Sold Amount" in its pivot button.
public bool ShowAggregationOnValueField { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Boolean |
Allows to show or hide grand totals in column axis of the pivot table.
public bool ShowColumnGrandTotals { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Boolean |
Gets or sets a callback of the bound value.
public EventCallback<bool> ShowColumnGrandTotalsChanged { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.EventCallback<System.Boolean> |
Allows to show or hide sub-totals in column axis of the pivot table.
public bool ShowColumnSubTotals { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Boolean |
Gets or sets a callback of the bound value.
public EventCallback<bool> ShowColumnSubTotalsChanged { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.EventCallback<System.Boolean> |
Allows to show or hide grand totals in both rows and columns axis of the pivot table.
public bool ShowGrandTotals { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Boolean |
Gets or sets a callback of the bound value.
public EventCallback<bool> ShowGrandTotalsChanged { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.EventCallback<System.Boolean> |
Allows the undefined headers to be displayed in the pivot table, when the specific field(s) are not defined in the raw data. For example, if the raw data for the field ‘Country’ is defined as “United Kingdom” and “State” is not defined means, it will be shown as “United Kingdom >> Undefined” in the header section.
public bool ShowHeaderWhenEmpty { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Boolean |
Allows to show or hide grand totals in row axis of the pivot table.
public bool ShowRowGrandTotals { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Boolean |
Gets or sets a callback of the bound value.
public EventCallback<bool> ShowRowGrandTotalsChanged { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.EventCallback<System.Boolean> |
Allows to show or hide sub-totals in row axis of the pivot table.
public bool ShowRowSubTotals { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Boolean |
Gets or sets a callback of the bound value.
public EventCallback<bool> ShowRowSubTotalsChanged { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.EventCallback<System.Boolean> |
Allows to show or hide sub-totals in both rows and columns axis of the pivot table.
public bool ShowSubTotals { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Boolean |
Gets or sets a callback of the bound value.
public EventCallback<bool> ShowSubTotalsChanged { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.EventCallback<System.Boolean> |
Allows specific fields associated with sort settings to order their members either in ascending or descending that used to be displayed in the pivot table.
By default, the data source containing fields are display with Ascending order alone. To use this option, it requires the EnableSorting
property to be true.
public List<PivotViewSortSetting> SortSettings { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Collections.Generic.List<PivotViewSortSetting> |
Gets or sets an enum value that will allow the row and column sub-totals to be displayed at the top or bottom of the header group in the pivot table.
Note: By default, the column sub-totals are displayed at the bottom and row sub-totals are displayed at the top of their header group in the pivot table.
public SubTotalsPosition SubTotalsPosition { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
SubTotalsPosition |
Allows to define the data source type.
public DataSourceType Type { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
DataSourceType |
Allows to set the URL as string type, which helps to identify the service endpoint where the data are processed and retrieved to render the pivot table and field list.
It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
public string Url { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.String |
Allows you to set the value fields that to be plotted either in row or column axis in the pivot table.
public string ValueAxis { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.String |
Allows specific fields associated with field information that needs to be displayed as aggregated numeric values in pivot table. The following configurations which are applicable are as follows:
: Allows you to set the field name that needs to be displayed in row/column/value/filter axis of pivot table.
: Allows you to set caption to the specific field. It will be used to display instead of its name in pivot table component's UI.
: Allows to display the values in the pivot table with appropriate aggregations such as sum, product, count, average, etc… Note: It is applicable only for relational data source.
: Allows you to set the selective field, which used to display the values with either
DifferenceFrom or PercentageOfDifferenceFrom or PercentageOfParentTotal aggregate types. Note: It is applicable only for relational data source.
: Allows you to set the selective item of a specific field, which used to display the values with either DifferenceFrom or PercentageOfDifferenceFrom aggregate types.
The selective item should be set the from field specified in the baseField property. Note: It is applicable only for relational data source.
: Allows to set whether the specified field is a calculated field or not.
In general, the calculated field is created from the bound data source or using simple formula with basic arithmetic operators in the pivot table. Note: It is applicable only for OLAP data source.
: Allows you to show or hide the remove icon of a specific field that used to be displayed in the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI.
This remove icon is used to remove the specified field during runtime.
: Allows you to show or hide the value type icon of a specific field that used to be displayed in the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI.
This value type icon helps to select the appropriate aggregation type to specified value field at runtime.
: Allows you to show or hide the edit icon of a specific field that used to be displayed on the pivot button of the grouping bar and field list UI.
This edit icon is used to modify caption, formula, and format of a specified calculated field at runtime that to be displayed in the pivot table.
: Allows you to restrict the specific field's pivot button that is used to drag on runtime in the grouping bar and field list UI.
This will prevent you from modifying the current report.
public List<PivotViewValue> Values { get; set; }
Property Value
Type |
System.Collections.Generic.List<PivotViewValue> |
Allows to sort individual value field and its aggregated values either in row or column axis to ascending or descending order.
public PivotViewValueSortSettings ValueSortSettings { get; set; }
Property Value
protected override void BuildRenderTree(RenderTreeBuilder __builder)
Type | Name | Description |
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Rendering.RenderTreeBuilder | __builder |
Method invoked when the component is ready to start, having received its initial parameters from its parent in the render tree. Override this method if you will perform an asynchronous operation and want the component to refresh when that operation is completed.
protected override Task OnInitializedAsync()
Type | Description |
System.Threading.Tasks.Task | A System.Threading.Tasks.Task representing any asynchronous operation. |
Method invoked when the component has received parameters from its parent in the render tree, and the incoming values have been assigned to properties.
protected override Task OnParametersSetAsync()
Type | Description |
System.Threading.Tasks.Task | A System.Threading.Tasks.Task representing any asynchronous operation. |
Method invoked when the component has received parameters from its parent in the render tree, and the incoming values have been assigned to properties.
protected Task ParametersSet()
Type | Description |
System.Threading.Tasks.Task | A System.Threading.Tasks.Task representing any asynchronous operation. |