Class SankeyLinkSettings
Represents the link settings in the SfSankey.
Namespace: Syncfusion.Blazor.Sankey
Assembly: Syncfusion.Blazor.dll
public class SankeyLinkSettings : SankeyComponentBase
<SfSankey Width="600px" Height="400px" Nodes=@Nodes Links=@Links Title="Device Usage" SubTitle="-2023">
<SankeyNodeSettings Width="30" Alignment="SankeyNodeAlign.Left" Offset="10" Padding="10"></SankeyNodeSettings>
<SankeyLinkSettings Color="blue" ColorType="SankeyColorType.Source" HighlightOpacity="1" InactiveOpacity="0.3" Opacity="0.7"></SankeyLinkSettings>
<SankeyLabelSettings Visible="true" FontSize="12" Color="black" FontFamily="Arial" FontWeight="400" Padding="8"></SankeyLabelSettings>
@code {
public List<SankeyDataNode> Nodes = new List<SankeyDataNode>();
public List<SankeyDataLink> Links = new List<SankeyDataLink>();
protected override void OnInitialized()
Nodes = new List<SankeyDataNode>()
new SankeyDataNode() { Id = "Female", Label = new SankeyDataLabel() { Text = "Female (58%)" } },
new SankeyDataNode() { Id = "Male", Label = new SankeyDataLabel() { Text = "Male (42%)" } },
new SankeyDataNode() { Id = "Tablet", Label = new SankeyDataLabel() { Text = "Tablet (12%)" } },
new SankeyDataNode() { Id = "Mobile", Label = new SankeyDataLabel() { Text = "Mobile (40%)" } },
new SankeyDataNode() { Id = "Desktop", Label = new SankeyDataLabel() { Text = "Desktop (48%)" } },
new SankeyDataNode() { Id = "< 18", Label = new SankeyDataLabel() { Text = "< 18 years (8%)" } },
new SankeyDataNode() { Id = "18-26", Label = new SankeyDataLabel() { Text = "18-26 years (35%)" } },
new SankeyDataNode() { Id = "27-40", Label = new SankeyDataLabel() { Text = "27-40 years (38%)" } },
new SankeyDataNode() { Id = "> 40", Label = new SankeyDataLabel() { Text = "> 40 years (19%)" } }
Links = new List<SankeyDataLink>()
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Female", TargetId = "Tablet", Value = 12 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Female", TargetId = "Mobile", Value = 14 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Female", TargetId = "Desktop", Value = 32 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Male", TargetId = "Mobile", Value = 26 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Male", TargetId = "Desktop", Value = 16 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Tablet", TargetId = "< 18", Value = 4 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Tablet", TargetId = "> 40", Value = 8 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Mobile", TargetId = "< 18", Value = 4 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Mobile", TargetId = "18-26", Value = 24 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Mobile", TargetId = "27-40", Value = 10 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Mobile", TargetId = "> 40", Value = 2 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Desktop", TargetId = "18-26", Value = 11 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Desktop", TargetId = "27-40", Value = 28 },
new SankeyDataLink() { SourceId = "Desktop", TargetId = "> 40", Value = 9 }
public SankeyLinkSettings()
Gets or sets the color of the links in the Sankey chart.
public string Color { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.String | A string value specifying the color of the links. This value can be defined in hex or rgba format. The default value is null. |
If not specified, the links will use the default color of the chart.
Gets or sets the type of color used for the links.
public Nullable<SankeyColorType> ColorType { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Nullable<SankeyColorType> | A value from the ColorType enum that specifies how the color is applied to the links. The default value is Blend. |
Gets or sets the highlight opacity of the links when they are hovered over.
public double HighlightOpacity { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Double | A double value between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque) representing the highlight opacity. The default value is 0.8. |
This property is useful for improving user experience by making the links more visible when hovered over.
Gets or sets the opacity of the links when they are inactive.
public double InactiveOpacity { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Double | A double value between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque) representing the inactive opacity of the links. The default value is 0.2. |
This can help visually distinguish inactive links from active ones in the chart.
Gets or sets the opacity of the links.
public double Opacity { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Double | A double value between 0.0 (fully transparent) and 1.0 (fully opaque) representing the opacity of the links. The default value is 0.8. |
Adjusting this property affects the visibility of the links. A value of 0.0 will make the links invisible.