Scatter Chart in Flutter Cartesian Charts (SfCartesianChart)

5 Oct 20238 minutes to read

To render a scatter chart, create an instance of ScatterSeries, and add it to the series collection property of SfCartesianChart. The following properties can be used to customize the scatter segment appearance.

  • color - changes the color of the series.
  • opacity - controls the transparency of the chart series.
  • borderWidth - changes the stroke width of the series.
  • borderColor - changes the stroke color of the series.
    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        final List<ChartData> chartData = [
            ChartData(DateTime(2010), 32),
            ChartData(DateTime(2011), 40),
            ChartData(DateTime(2012), 34),
            ChartData(DateTime(2013), 52),
            ChartData(DateTime(2014), 42),
            ChartData(DateTime(2015), 38),
            ChartData(DateTime(2016), 41),
         return Scaffold(
            body: Center(
                child: Container(
                    child: SfCartesianChart(
                        primaryXAxis: DateTimeAxis(),
                        series: <CartesianSeries>[
                            // Renders scatter chart
                            ScatterSeries<ChartData, DateTime>(
                                dataSource: chartData,
                                xValueMapper: (ChartData data, _) => data.x,
                                yValueMapper: (ChartData data, _) => data.y

Scatter chart

Change shape and size of the scatter

The shape property is used to change the rendering shape of scatter series. The available shapes are circle, rectangle, pentagon, verticalLine, horizontalLine, diamond, triangle, image, and invertedTriangle. If image shape is specified, then you can assign the image using the image property.

The height and width properties of markerSettings can be used to change the height and width of the scatter series, respectively.

    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
         final List<ChartData> chartData = [
            ChartData(DateTime(2010), 32),
            ChartData(DateTime(2011), 40),
            ChartData(DateTime(2012), 34),
            ChartData(DateTime(2013), 52),
            ChartData(DateTime(2014), 42),
            ChartData(DateTime(2015), 38),
            ChartData(DateTime(2016), 41),
         return Scaffold(
            body: Center(
                child: Container(
                    child: SfCartesianChart(
                        primaryXAxis: DateTimeAxis(),
                        series: <CartesianSeries>[
                            ScatterSeries<ChartData, DateTime>(
                                dataSource: chartData,
                                xValueMapper: (ChartData data, _) => data.x,
                                yValueMapper: (ChartData data, _) => data.y,
                                markerSettings: MarkerSettings(
                                    height: 15,
                                    width: 15,
                                    // Scatter will render in diamond shape
                                    shape: DataMarkerType.diamond

Scatter shape

See Also