Column and Bar in WPF Charts (SfChart)

6 Jan 20253 minutes to read

Column Chart

Column Charts plot discrete rectangles for the given values. The following code example demonstrates the usage of ColumnSeries.

<chart:ColumnSeries Interior="#7F7F7F" ItemsSource="{Binding SneakersDetail}"           

XBindingPath="Brand" YBindingPath="ItemsCount1"   />
ColumnSeries series = new ColumnSeries()

    ItemsSource = new ViewModel().SneakersDetail,

    XBindingPath = "Brand",

    YBindingPath = "ItemsCount1",

    Interior = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(0x7F, 0x7F, 0x7F))



WPF Column Chart


You can also explore our WPF Column Chart example to know how to render and configure the column chart.

Bar Chart

Bar Charts are similar to column series, excepts its orientation. The following code examples shows how to use BarSeries.

<chart:BarSeries ItemsSource="{Binding CategoricalDatas}" XBindingPath="Category" 

YBindingPath="Value" Interior="#7F7F7F" />
BarSeries series = new BarSeries()

    ItemsSource = new ViewModel().CategoricalDatas,

    XBindingPath = "Category",

    YBindingPath = "Value",

    Interior = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(0x7F, 0x7F, 0x7F))


WPF Bar Chart


You can also explore our WPF Bar Chart example to know how to render and configure the bar chart.


Spacing property of series is used to decide the width of a segment. Spacing value ranges from 0 to 1. The following code illustrates how to set Spacing property of the series,

<Chart:ColumnSeries Chart:ChartSeriesBase.Spacing="0.8"/>
ColumnSeries series = new ColumnSeries()

ChartSeriesBase.SetSpacing(series, 0.8);

WPF Chart displays Spacing between Columns

Segment Spacing

SegmentSpacing property is used to set the spacing among the segments, when multiple series are added in chart. Its value ranges from 0 to 1. The following code illustrates how to use the SegmentSpacing property in series,

<Chart:SfChart >

<Chart:ColumnSeries SegmentSpacing="0.6"/>

<Chart:ColumnSeries SegmentSpacing="0.6"/>

SfChart chart = new SfChart();

ColumnSeries series1 = new ColumnSeries()


    SegmentSpacing = 0.6,



ColumnSeries series2 = new ColumnSeries()


    SegmentSpacing = 0.6



WPF Chart displays Column Segment Spacing