Waterfall Chart in .NET MAUI Chart

27 Mar 20236 minutes to read

Waterfall Chart

WaterfallSeries clarifies the cumulative effect of a set of provided positive and negative values. The series is represented by a rectangle and a connector between the rectangles. To render a waterfall chart, create an instance of WaterfallSeries, and add it to the Series collection property of the SfCartesianChart

  • SummaryBindingPath of the string type is used to get or set the path value on the source subject to serve summary values to the series.
  • SummaryPointsBrush of brush type is used to change the fill of the summary segment of the series. .
  • NegativePointsBrush of brush type is used to change the fill of the negative segment of the series.
  • AllowAutoSum of bool type is used to change the summary segment calculation. By default, the property is true. When disabling this property, it renders the segment by using the y value of provided ItemsSource collection.
  • ShowConnectorLine of bool type is used to enable or disable the connector line. By default, the property value is true.

            <chart:WaterfallSeries ItemsSource="{Binding Sales}"
SfCartesianChart chart = new SfCartesianChart();
    CategoryAxis xAxis = new CategoryAxis();
    NumericalAxis yAxis = new NumericalAxis();
    ViewModel viewModel = new ViewModel();

    WaterfallSeries series = new WaterfallSeries()
        ItemsSource =new viewModel().Sales;
        XBindingPath = "Department";
        YBindingPath = "Value";
        SummaryBindingPath = "IsSummary";
        SummaryPointsBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Blue);
        NegativePointsBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red);
        AllowAutoSum = True;
        ShowConnectorLine = True;

Waterfall Chart in MAUI Chart

Connector line customization

The connector line can be customized by applying the ConnectorLineStyle property of the series.
The following code example illustrates how to apply style for connector line.

            <chart:WaterfallSeries ItemsSource="{Binding Sales}"
                    <chart:ChartLineStyle Stroke="DarkViolet" StrokeWidth=2>
WaterfallSeries series = new WaterfallSeries()
        ItemsSource =new viewModel().Sales;
        XBindingPath = "Department";
        YBindingPath = "Value"

    WaterfallSeries.ConnectorLineStyle = new ChartLineStyle
        Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.DarkViolet),
        StrokeThickness = 2


Connector line customization in Waterfall Chart