Selection in .NET MAUI Chart

26 Jun 20245 minutes to read

The SfCartesianChart provides selection behavior support, which allows you to select or highlight a segment (data points) or a series in the chart using the DataPointSelectionBehavior and SeriesSelectionBehavior.

Enable data point selection

To enable the data point selection, create an instance of the series SelectionBehavior property.

    . . .
        <chart:ColumnSeries ItemsSource="{Binding Data}" 
                <chart:DataPointSelectionBehavior SelectionBrush="#314A6E"/>
SfCartesianChart chart = new SfCartesianChart();
. . .
DataPointSelectionBehavior selection = new DataPointSelectionBehavior();

ColumnSeries series = new ColumnSeries()
    ItemsSource = new ViewModel().Data,
    XBindingPath = "Demand",
    YBindingPath = "Year2010",
    SelectionBehavior = selection

Enable series selection

To enable the series selection, create an instance of the cartesian chart SelectionBehavior property.

    . . .
        <chart:SeriesSelectionBehavior SelectionBrush="#314A6E"/>
        <chart:ColumnSeries ItemsSource="{Binding Data}" 
        <chart:ColumnSeries ItemsSource="{Binding Data}" 
        <chart:ColumnSeries ItemsSource="{Binding Data}" 
SfCartesianChart chart = new SfCartesianChart();
. . .
SeriesSelectionBehavior selection = new SeriesSelectionBehavior();
chart.SelectionBehavior = selection;

ColumnSeries series1 = new ColumnSeries()
    ItemsSource = new ViewModel().Data,
    XBindingPath = "Country",
    YBindingPath = "Kids",
ColumnSeries series2 = new ColumnSeries()
{ . . . };
ColumnSeries series3 = new ColumnSeries()
{ . . . };


Behavior customization

The following properties are used to customize the ChartSelectionBehavior:

  • Type - Gets or sets the ChartSelectionType for the selection behavior.
    Chart selection types:
    • Single - The user can select only one item at a time
    • SingleDeselect - The user can select and deselect only one item at a time.
    • Multiple - The user can select and deselect multiple items at a time.
    • None - The user can’t select any item.
  • SelectionBrush - Gets or sets the brush color for the selection.
  • SelectedIndex - Gets or sets the value of the index to be selected.
  • SelectedIndexes - Gets or sets the list of indexes to be selected.
  • ClearSelection - Used to reset all the selection customizations to default.


The following selection events are available in the ChartSelectionBehavior.


The SelectionChanging event occurs before the data point is being selected. This is a cancelable event. The following properties are contained in the event arguments:

  • NewIndexes - Gets the index of the selected items.
  • OldIndexes - Gets the index of the deselected items.
  • Cancel - Gets or sets a value indicating whether to continue the selection.


The SelectionChanged event occurs after a data point has been selected. The following properties are contained in the event arguments:

  • NewIndexes - Gets the index of the selected items.
  • OldIndexes - Gets the index of the deselected items.