OHLC Chart in .NET MAUI Chart

28 Aug 20247 minutes to read

OHLC (Open-High-Low-Close) charts are the type of financial charts used to represent the price movement of an asset over a specific period. OHLC charts consist of four data points: the opening price, the high price, the low price, and the closing price for each period. To render an OHLC chart, create an instance of HiLoOpenCloseSeries, and add it to the Series collection property of the SfCartesianChart.


The Cartesian chart has Series as its default content.

A collection of five values is required to plot a point on an OHLC chart, including the X-value, open value, high value, low value, and close value. Use the following collection.

ObservableCollection<Model> StockData = new ObservableCollection<Model>();
StockData.Add(new Model { Year = "2000", High = 50, Low = 40, Open = 47, Close = 45 });
StockData.Add(new Model { Year = "2001", High = 50, Low = 35, Open = 45, Close = 40 });
StockData.Add(new Model { Year = "2002", High = 40, Low = 30, Open = 37, Close = 40 });
StockData.Add(new Model { Year = "2003", High = 50, Low = 35, Open = 40, Close = 45 });
StockData.Add(new Model { Year = "2004", High = 45, Low = 30, Open = 35, Close = 32 });
StockData.Add(new Model { Year = "2005", High = 50, Low = 35, Open = 40, Close = 45 });
StockData.Add(new Model { Year = "2006", High = 40, Low = 31, Open = 36, Close = 34 });
StockData.Add(new Model { Year = "2007", High = 48, Low = 38, Open = 43, Close = 40 });
StockData.Add(new Model { Year = "2008", High = 55, Low = 45, Open = 48, Close = 50 });
StockData.Add(new Model { Year = "2009", High = 45, Low = 30, Open = 35, Close = 40 });
StockData.Add(new Model { Year = "2010", High = 50, Low = 40, Open = 40, Close = 35 });


    <chart:HiLoOpenCloseSeries ItemsSource="{Binding StockData}"
SfCartesianChart chart = new SfCartesianChart();
CategoryAxis primaryAxis = new CategoryAxis();
NumericalAxis secondaryAxis = new NumericalAxis();

HiLoOpenCloseSeries series = new HiLoOpenCloseSeries()
    ItemsSource = new ViewModel().StockData,
    XBindingPath = "Year",
    Open = "Open",
    High = "High",
    Low = "Low",
    Close = "Close",

this.Content = chart;

OHLC chart type in MAUI Chart

Bull and Bear Color

In the OHLC chart, the BullishFill property is used to specify a fill color for the segments that indicates an increase in the stock price in the measured time interval, and the BearishFill property is used to specify a fill color for the segments that indicates a decrease in the stock price in the measured time interval.




    <chart:HiLoOpenCloseSeries ItemsSource="{Binding StockData}"

SfCartesianChart chart = new SfCartesianChart();
CategoryAxis primaryAxis = new CategoryAxis();
NumericalAxis secondaryAxis = new NumericalAxis();

HiLoOpenCloseSeries series = new HiLoOpenCloseSeries()
    ItemsSource = new ViewModel().StockData,
    XBindingPath = "Year",
    Open = "Open",
    High = "High",
    Low = "Low",
    Close = "Close",
    BullishFill = Colors.Blue,
    BearishFill = Colors.Orange,

this.Content = chart;

OHLC chart fill color in MAUI Chart