Export to Excel in Flutter DataGrid (SfDataGrid)

26 Jun 202318 minutes to read

The SfDataGrid provides support to export the content to Excel with several customization options.

Add dependency

The following dependencies must be added to your pubspec.yaml file for exporting to Excel.

  • DART
  • dependencies:
    syncfusion_flutter_datagrid_export: ^xx.x.xx

    NOTE: Here, xx.x.xx denotes the current version of Syncfusion Flutter DataGrid Export package.

    Import package

    Import the following package in your Dart code.

    import 'package:syncfusion_flutter_datagrid_export/export.dart';
    import 'package:syncfusion_flutter_xlsio/xlsio.dart';

    Export the SfDataGrid by using the following extension methods present in the SfDataGridState class.

    Add GlobalKey for the DataGrid

    Create the GlobalKey using the SfDataGridState class. Exporting related methods are available in the SfDataGridState class.

    Set the created GlobalKey to the SfDataGrid.

    final GlobalKey<SfDataGridState> key = GlobalKey<SfDataGridState>();

    The following code illustrates how to create and export a SfDataGrid to Excel using the global key.

    final GlobalKey<SfDataGridState> key = GlobalKey<SfDataGridState>();
    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      return Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: const Text(
            'Syncfusion Flutter DataGrid Export',
            overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
        body: Column(
          crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
          children: <Widget>[
              height: 50.0,
              width: 150.0,
              padding: const EdgeInsets.all(10.0),
              child: MaterialButton(
                  color: Colors.blue,
                  child: const Center(
                      child: Text(
                    'Export to Excel',
                    style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white),
                  onPressed: () async {
                    final Workbook workbook =
                    final List<int> bytes = workbook.saveAsStream();
                    await helper.saveAndLaunchFile(bytes, 'DataGrid.xlsx');
              child: SfDataGrid(
                key: key,
                source: employeeDataSource,
                columns: <GridColumn>[
                      columnName: 'ID',
                      label: Container(
                          padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
                          alignment: Alignment.center,
                          child: const Text(
                      columnName: 'Name',
                      label: Container(
                          padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
                          alignment: Alignment.center,
                          child: const Text('Name'))),
                      columnName: 'Designation',
                      label: Container(
                          padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
                          alignment: Alignment.center,
                          child: const Text(
                            overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
                      columnName: 'Salary',
                      label: Container(
                          padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
                          alignment: Alignment.center,
                          child: const Text('Salary'))),

    Save the Excel document as a file

    To save the file as an Excel document, it’s necessary to include mobile, web and desktop platform-specific file generating code.

    Export DataGrid to Excel workbook

    You can export the data to Excel Workbook by using the exportToExcelWorkbook method from the key.currentState of the DataGrid.

    final Workbook workbook = key.currentState!.exportToExcelWorkbook();
    final List<int> bytes = workbook.saveAsStream();
    File('DataGrid.xlsx').writeAsBytes(bytes, flush: true);

    Export DataGrid to Excel sheet

    Export the data to Excel Worksheet by using the exportToExcelWorksheet method from the key.currentState of the DataGrid.

    final Workbook workbook = Workbook();
    final Worksheet worksheet = workbook.worksheets[0];
    final List<int> bytes = workbook.saveAsStream();
    File('DataGrid.xlsx').writeAsBytes(bytes, flush: true);

    Exporting options

    Exclude columns when exporting

    By default, all the columns in the SfDataGrid are exported to Excel. To exclude certain columns when exporting to Excel, add those column names to the excludeColumns parameter.

    Workbook workbook = key.currentState!
        .exportToExcelWorkbook(excludeColumns: ['Name']);
    final List<int> bytes = workbook.saveAsStream();

    excel shows the grid with excluded columns

    Exclude table summaries when exporting

    By default, table summaries in the SfDataGrid are exported to Excel. Set the exportTableSummaries parameter as false to export the SfDataGrid without table summaries.

    Workbook workbook = key.currentState!
        .exportToExcelWorkbook(exportTableSummaries: false);
    final List<int> bytes = workbook.saveAsStream();

    Exclude stacked headers when exporting

    By default, stacked headers in the SfDataGrid are exported to Excel. Set the exportStackedHeaders parameter as false to export the SfDataGrid without stacked headers.

    Workbook workbook = key.currentState!
        .exportToExcelWorkbook(exportStackedHeaders: false);
    final List<int> bytes = workbook.saveAsStream();

    Change the start row and column index when exporting

    By default, the DataGrid is exported from the (0,0) index in an Excel sheet. Export the data from a specific row and column indexes in an Excel worksheet by setting the startColumnIndex and startRowIndex properties.

    Workbook workbook = key.currentState!
        .exportToExcelWorkbook(startRowIndex: 3, startColumnIndex: 2);
    final List<int> bytes = workbook.saveAsStream();

    Export the selected rows to Excel

    By default, the entire grid is exported to Excel. Export the selected rows only by passing the dataGridController.selectedRows to rows parameter in exportToExcelWorksheet and exportToExcelWorkbook methods.

    Workbook workbook = key.currentState!
        .exportToExcelWorkbook(rows: dataGridController.selectedRows);
    final List<int> bytes = workbook.saveAsStream();

    Row height and column width customization

    By default, SfDataGrid.rowHeight and SfDataGrid.defaultColumnWidth properties will be set to the cells in the Excel sheet. To customize the row height and column width in Excel, you can use the defaultRowHeight and defaultColumnWidth properties. But these properties are only applicable when the exportRowHeight and exportColumnWidth properties are false.

    If the exportRowHeight and exportColumnWidth properties are true, the SfDataGrid.headerRowHeight and SfDataGrid.rowHeight properties are considered for row heights in Excel and the actual width of the column is considered for columns in Excel.

    Workbook workbook = key.currentState!.exportToExcelWorkbook(
        exportRowHeight: false,
        exportColumnWidth: false,
        defaultRowHeight: 35,
        defaultColumnWidth: 120);
    final List<int> bytes = workbook.saveAsStream();

    Styling cells based on the cell type in Excel

    Customize the cell styles based on cell type using the cellExport parameter, which is a callback in the exportToExcelWorkbook and exportToExcelWorksheet methods.

    final Workbook workbook = key.currentState!.exportToExcelWorkbook(
        cellExport: (DataGridCellExcelExportDetails details) {
      if (details.cellType == DataGridExportCellType.columnHeader) {
        details.excelRange.cellStyle.backColor = '#42A5F5';
      } else if (details.cellType == DataGridExportCellType.row) {
        details.excelRange.cellStyle.backColor = '#FFA726';
    final List<int> bytes = workbook.saveAsStream();

    excel shows the cell styling

    Cell customization when exporting

    Customize cell values while exporting

    The cell value can be customized while exporting to Excel by directly setting the cell value of a cell to the excelRange.value property available in the argument of cellExport callback.

    final Workbook workbook = key.currentState!.exportToExcelWorkbook(
        cellExport: (DataGridCellExcelExportDetails details) {
      if (details.cellType == DataGridExportCellType.row &&
          details.cellValue == 'Project Lead') {
        details.excelRange.value = 'Lead';
    final List<int> bytes = workbook.saveAsStream();

    excel shows the cell customization

    Customize the cells based on the column

    You can customize the column style based on the column name when exporting to Excel by using the cellExport parameter.

    final Workbook workbook = key.currentState!.exportToExcelWorkbook(
        cellExport: (DataGridCellExcelExportDetails details) {
      if (details.cellType == DataGridExportCellType.row &&
          details.columnName == 'Name') {
          ..bold = true
          ..fontColor = '#F44336';
    final List<int> bytes = workbook.saveAsStream();

    Customize Exporting Behavior

    Customize the exporting behavior by overriding the available methods in the DataGridToExcelConverter Customize the exporting behavior by overriding the available methods in the converter parameter in the exportToExcelWorksheet or exportToExcelWorkbook method.

    class CustomDataGridToExcelConverter extends DataGridToExcelConverter {
      void exportColumnHeader(SfDataGrid dataGrid, GridColumn column,
          String columnName, Worksheet worksheet) {
        // TODO: Add your requirements in exportColumnHeader
        super.exportColumnHeader(dataGrid, column, columnName, worksheet);
      void exportColumnHeaders(SfDataGrid dataGrid, Worksheet worksheet) {
        // TODO: Add your requirements in exportColumnHeaders
        super.exportColumnHeaders(dataGrid, worksheet);
      void exportRow(SfDataGrid dataGrid, DataGridRow row, GridColumn column,
          Worksheet worksheet) {
        // TODO: Add your requirements in exportRow
        super.exportRow(dataGrid, row, column, worksheet);
      void exportRows(
          SfDataGrid dataGrid, List<DataGridRow> rows, Worksheet worksheet) {
        // TODO: Add your requirements in exportRows
        super.exportRows(dataGrid, rows, worksheet);
      void exportStackedHeaderRow(SfDataGrid dataGrid,
          StackedHeaderRow stackedHeaderRow, Worksheet worksheet) {
        // TODO: Add your requirements in exportStackedHeaderRow
        super.exportStackedHeaderRow(dataGrid, stackedHeaderRow, worksheet);
      void exportStackedHeaderRows(SfDataGrid dataGrid, Worksheet worksheet) {
        // TODO: Add your requirements in exportStackedHeaderRows
        super.exportStackedHeaderRows(dataGrid, worksheet);
      void exportTableSummaryRow(SfDataGrid dataGrid,
          GridTableSummaryRow summaryRow, Worksheet worksheet) {
        // TODO: Add your requirements in exportTableSummaryRow
        super.exportTableSummaryRow(dataGrid, summaryRow, worksheet);
      void exportTableSummaryRows(SfDataGrid dataGrid,
          GridTableSummaryRowPosition position, Worksheet worksheet) {
        // TODO: Add your requirements in exportTableSummaryRows
        super.exportTableSummaryRows(dataGrid, position, worksheet);
      Object? getCellValue(DataGridRow row, GridColumn column) {
        // TODO: Add your requirements in getCellValue
        super.getCellValue(row, column);

    The following code sample illustrates how to create an instance of the CustomDataGridToExcelConverter class and set the instance to the converter parameter in the exportToExcelWorksheet or exportToExcelWorkbook method.

    CustomDataGridToExcelConverter converter = CustomDataGridToExcelConverter();
    Workbook workbook = key.currentState!.exportToExcelWorkbook(converter: converter);
    final List<int> bytes = workbook.saveAsStream();