Preview Settings in WPF Diagram (SfDiagram)

29 Nov 20241 minute to read

SfDiagram provides support to drag objects as an outline without affecting original object. When multiple elements are selected, outline of every selected element will be moved.

Preview Dragging can be enabled by assigning values other than PreviewMode.Preview to SfDiagram.PreviewSettings.PreviewMode.

Drag the preview of the node instead of original object

By default, Outline of the connectors connected to the dragging objects will be in disabled state. But, you can able to view the outline of the connectors, by holding dragging objects for certain time span. ConnectorRefreshingSpan property of PreviewSettings allows you to specify the time span and the value should be greater than 300ms.

this.diagram.PreviewSettings = new PreviewSettings() { PreviewMode = PreviewMode.Preview, ConnectorRefreshingSpan = 300 };

Refresh the orginal object with specific time


Appearance of the preview can be modified using PreviewStyle property of PreviewSettings.

var previewStyle = new Style();
previewStyle.TargetType = typeof(Shape);
previewStyle.Setters.Add(new Setter() { Property = Shape.StrokeProperty, Value = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.CornflowerBlue) });
previewStyle.Setters.Add(new Setter() { Property = Shape.StrokeThicknessProperty, Value = 1.5 });
previewStyle.Setters.Add(new Setter() { Property = Shape.StrokeDashArrayProperty, Value = new DoubleCollection { 3, 3 } });
this.diagram.PreviewSettings = new PreviewSettings() { PreviewMode = PreviewMode.Preview, ConnectorRefreshingSpan = 300, PreviewStyle = previewStyle };

customization of drag preview

View sample in GitHub.