UML Diagrams

21 Dec 20235 minutes to read

UML (Unified Modeling Language) Diagrams serve as a standardized means to represent diverse facets of a system, facilitating communication and comprehension for software developers, analysts, and stakeholders. UML Behavioral Diagrams, specifically, play a crucial role in visualizing, specifying, constructing, and documenting the dynamic aspects of a system. They aid in visualizing and determining the model, execution flow, state, or behavior of the system at a specific time.

UML Diagram Shapes

Creating UML Diagrams involves the selection and combination of various UML shapes to provide a visual representation of a system’s architecture. Each shape carries a distinct meaning and usage, collectively contributing to the overall clarity and comprehensibility of the diagram.

The list of UML Diagram Shapes are available in the diagram resource dictionary, as follows:

Resource Name Shape Name Output Shape
UMLActivity Action Action
  Initial Initial
  Final Final
  FlowFinal FlowFinal
  ForkNode ForkNode
  JoinNode JoinNode
  MergeNode MergeNode
  ObjectNode ObjectNode
  SendSignal SendSignal
  AcceptEvent AcceptEvent
  WaitTime WaitTime
  Note Note
  ActivityEdge ActivityEdge
UMLUseCase User User
  UseCase UseCase
  SubSystem SubSystem
  AssociationLink AssociationLink
  DependencyLink DependencyLink
  GeneralizationLink GeneralizationLink
  IncludeLink IncludeLink
  ExtendLink ExtendLink
UMLStateDiagram SimpleState SimpleState
  StateWithInternalBehaviour StateWithInternalBehaviour
  CompositeState CompositeState
  Initial Initial
  Final Final
  Choice Choice
  Note Note
UMLRelationship StrongEntity StrongEntity
  Attribute Attribute
  MultivaluedAttribute MultivaluedAttribute
  StrongRelationship StrongRelationship