Selection in WPF Diagram (SfDiagram)
29 Nov 20247 minutes to read
Selector provides a visual representation of selected elements. It behaves like a container and enables you to update the size, position, and rotation angle of the selected elements through interaction and programmatically. Single or multiple elements can be selected at a time.
Single Selection
An element can be selected by clicking that element. During single click, all previously selected items are cleared.The following image shows how the selected elements are visually represented.
Selecting a Group
When a child element of any Group is clicked, its contained Group is selected instead of the child element. With consecutive clicks on the selected element, selection is changed from top to bottom in the hierarchy of parent Group to its children.
Multiple Selection
Multiple elements can be selected with the following ways.
You can select the group of elements that are contiguous (i.e. next to each other) by clicking one element, and then holding Shift and clicking the last element. All the element in the specified region are then selected.
During single click, any existing item in the selection list be cleared, and only the item clicked recently is there in the selection list. To avoid cleaning the old selected item, Ctrl key must be on hold when clicking.
Selection rectangle / Rubber band selection
Clicking and dragging the Diagram area allows to create a rectangular region. The elements that are covered under the rectangular region are selected at the end.
Multiple selected elements are visually represented as shown.
- SelectorChangedEvent will notify you the OffsetX, OffsetY, Height, Width, Rotate Angle and interaction state with their old and new values. To explore about arguments, please refer to SelectorChangedEventArgs .
Selection mode
SingleSelectionMode and MultipleSelectionMode properties of SfDiagram
allows us to decide which kind of selection need to be handle .To explore about modes, please refer to SingleSelectionMode and MultipleSelectionMode.
SingleSelectionMode | Description |
Select | Enables or disables single selection mode as Select. It is used to stop Unselection again click the same node which means the node remains always selected. |
ToggleSelection | Enables or disables single selection mode as ToggleSelection.It is used to perform selection or unselection again click the same node. |
<Syncfusion:SfDiagram x:Name="Diagram"
SfDiagram Diagram = new SfDiagram();
Diagram.SingleSelectionMode = SingleSelectionMode.Select;
MultipleSelectionMode | Description |
Default | Enables all behaviors of the control. |
HoldKeyAndTap | Enables or disables elements that can be selected by holding a key and tapping. |
JustTap | Enables or disables elements that can be selected by tapping. |
RubberBandCompleteIntersect | Enables or disables the selection of elements that are completely positioned within the selection rectangle. |
RubberBandPartialIntersect | Elements intersecting with the selection rectangle will be selected. |
Select/Unselect the elements programmatically
The IsSelected
Property is used to select/unselect the elements at runtime.
The following code example illustrates how to select/unselect an item programmatically.
// Selects an elements
node.IsSelected = true;
// Unselect an element
node.IsSelected = false;
Selection Indicator Style
Multiple Selection will show the preview for the selected items. We have provided customization option for the appearance of the Preview.
Style | Behavior |
NodeSelectionIndicatorStyle | Defines the customization option for Selection Preview for the Node. |
ConnectorSelectionIndicatorStyle | Defines the customization option for Selection Preview for the Connector. |
FirstSelectionIndicatorStyle | Defines the customization option for selection preview of first selected item. |
<Style TargetType="Shape" x:Key="FirstSelectionindicatorstyle">
<Setter Property="StrokeThickness" Value="2"/>
<Setter Property="Stroke" Value="Orange"/>
<Style TargetType="Shape" x:Key="NodeSelectionindicatorstyle">
<Setter Property="StrokeThickness" Value="2"/>
<Setter Property="Stroke" Value="Blue"/>
<Style TargetType="Shape" x:Key="connectorselectionindicatorstyle">
<Setter Property="StrokeThickness" Value="2"/>
<Setter Property="Stroke" Value="Red"/>
<Syncfusion:SfDiagram x:Name="Diagram"
FirstSelectionIndicatorStyle="{StaticResource FirstSelectionindicatorstyle}"
NodeSelectionIndicatorStyle="{StaticResource NodeSelectionindicatorstyle}"
ConnectorSelectionIndicatorStyle="{StaticResource connectorselectionindicatorstyle}">
SfDiagram Diagram = new SfDiagram();
Diagram.NodeSelectionIndicatorStyle = this.Resources["NodeSelectionindicatorstyle"] as Style;
Diagram.FirstSelectionIndicatorStyle = this.Resources["FirstSelectionindicatorstyle"] as Style;
Diagram.ConnectorSelectionIndicatorStyle = this.Resources["connectorselectionindicatorstyle"] as Style;
Selector handle display mode
Diagram control provides support to change the selection handle display mode of the Node, Connector, and Group by using the SelectorHandleDisplayMode
SelectorHandleDisplayMode | Description | Output |
Default | It is used to display selection handle display mode as larger size bubbles. | |
CompactSelector | It is used to display selection handle display mode as compact size rectangle. |
ItemSelectingEvent and ItemSelectedEvent for selecting an element, will notify you the item and its original source. To explore about arguments ,please refer to DiagramPreviewEventArgs and ItemSelectedEventArgs .
ItemUnselectingEvent and ItemUnselectedEvent for unselecting an element, will notify you the item and its original source.To explore about arguments ,please refer to DiagramPreviewEventArgs and DiagramEventArgs .
See Also
How to customize the selection behavior of nodes and connectors?
How to disable the selection in Diagram?
How to bind the SelectedItems property of SfDiagram to ViewModel property?
How to customize the appearance of the node selector?
How to use the property grid for diagram elements?
How to customize the Selection behavior?