Keyboard support in WPF Diagram

29 Nov 202410 minutes to read

Diagram provides support to interact with the elements with key gestures. By default, some in-built commands are bound with a relevant set of key combinations.

The following table illustrates list of Commands with key Gesture.

Shortcut Key Command Description
Ctrl + A Select all Select all the Nodes/Connectors in diagram.
Ctrl + C Copy Copy the selected elements in the diagram.
Ctrl + X Cut Cut the selected elements in the diagram.
Ctrl + V Paste Paste the cut or copy the elements in the diagram.
Ctrl + Z Undo Undo(Reverse the last editing action performed on diagram).
Ctrl + Y Redo Redo(Restores the last editing action when no other actions have occurred since the last undo on diagram).
Ctrl + D Duplicate Copies the selected element from the diagram and pastes the copied element into the diagram.
Delete Delete Delete the selected elements in the diagram.
LeftArrow MoveLeft 1. MoveLeft (move the selected elements towards the left by one pixel).
2. MoveLeft (move the diagram page to the left, when scrolling is enabled).
Shift + LeftArrow MoveLeft MoveLeft (move the selected elements towards the left by ten pixels).
RightArrow MoveRight 1. MoveRight (move the selected elements towards the right by one pixel).
2. MoveRight (move the diagram page to the right, when scrolling is enabled).
Shift + RightArrow MoveRight MoveRight (move the selected elements towards the right by ten pixels).
UpArrow MoveUp 1. MoveUp (move the selected elements upwards by one pixel).
2. MoveUp (move the diagram page upwards, when scrolling is enabled).
Shift + UpArrow MoveUp MoveUp (move the selected elements upwards by ten pixels).
DownArrow MoveDown 1. MoveDown (move the selected elements downwards by one pixel).
2. MoveDown (move the diagram page downwards, when scrolling is enabled).
Shift + DownArrow MoveDown MoveDown (move the selected elements downwards by ten pixels).
PageUp MoveTop Moves the diagram page to the topmost position.
PageDown MoveBottom Moves the diagram page to the bottommost position.
Home MoveLeft Moves the diagram page to the leftmost position.
End MoveRight Moves the diagram page to the rightmost position.
MouseScroll Zoom Scrolls the diagram page up and down in a vertical direction.
Shift + MouseScroll Zoom Scrolls the diagram page left and right in a horizontal direction.
Ctrl + MouseScroll Zoom Zoom(Zoom in/Zoom out the diagram).
Ctrl + G Group Grouping the element in the diagram.
Ctrl + Shift + U UnGroup UnGrouping the element in the diagram.
Ctrl + Shift + B SendToBack Moves the selected element behind all the other overlapped elements.
Ctrl + [ SendBackward Moves the selected element behind the underlying element.
Ctrl + Shift + F BringToFront Brings the selected element to front over all the other overlapped elements.
Ctrl + ] BringForward Moves the selected element over the nearest overlapping element.
Ctrl + PlusKey(+) Zoom Zoom in the diagram.
Ctrl + MinusKey(-) Zoom Zoom out the diagram.
Ctrl + 0 (number 0) Reset To reset horizontal Offset, vertical Offset, and zoom level of the Diagram.
Ctrl + Shift + W FitToPage Fit the diagram content into the view with respect to either width, height, or at the whole.
F2 EditAnnotation Enable annotation editing mode of the first selected diagram element.
Enter SelectFocusedItem Selects the focused item.
Tab FocusToNextItem Focus on the item next to the selected item.
Shift + Tab FocusToPreviousItem Focus on the item previous to the selected item.
Ctrl + R RotateRight Rotates the selected node clockwise to 90 degrees.
Ctrl + L RotateLeft Rotates the selected node anticlockwise to 90 degrees.
Ctrl + H HorizontalFlip Flips the selected node in a horizontal direction.
Ctrl + J VerticalFlip Flips the selected node in a vertical direction.
Ctrl + B ToggleBold Adds and removes the Bold text style to the annotation.
Ctrl + I ToggleItalic Adds and removes the Italic text style to the annotation.
Ctrl + U ToggleUnderline Adds and removes the Underline text style to the annotation.
Ctrl + 1 Pointer Tool To select, move or resize the elements in the diagram.
Ctrl + 2 Text Tool To draw a text node.
Ctrl + 3 Connector Tool To draw a orthogonal connector.
Ctrl + 5 Freehand Tool To draw a free hand connections.
Ctrl + 6 Line Tool To draw a straight line connector.
Ctrl + 8 Rectangle Tool To draw a rectangle shaped node.
Ctrl + 9 Ellipse Tool To draw an ellipse shaped node.
Esc Cancel Stops the annotation editing or clears the selection of a diagram element.

To add custom commands, configure or modify key or mouse gesture through Command Manager

View sample in GitHub

See Also

How to map the custom commands to existing gestures (keyboard shortcuts and mouse)?