Keyboard support in WPF Diagram
29 Nov 202410 minutes to read
Diagram provides support to interact with the elements with key gestures. By default, some in-built commands are bound with a relevant set of key combinations.
The following table illustrates list of Commands with key Gesture.
Shortcut Key | Command | Description |
Ctrl + A | Select all | Select all the Nodes/Connectors in diagram. |
Ctrl + C | Copy | Copy the selected elements in the diagram. |
Ctrl + X | Cut | Cut the selected elements in the diagram. |
Ctrl + V | Paste | Paste the cut or copy the elements in the diagram. |
Ctrl + Z | Undo | Undo(Reverse the last editing action performed on diagram). |
Ctrl + Y | Redo | Redo(Restores the last editing action when no other actions have occurred since the last undo on diagram). |
Ctrl + D | Duplicate | Copies the selected element from the diagram and pastes the copied element into the diagram. |
Delete | Delete | Delete the selected elements in the diagram. |
LeftArrow | MoveLeft | 1. MoveLeft (move the selected elements towards the left by one pixel). 2. MoveLeft (move the diagram page to the left, when scrolling is enabled). |
Shift + LeftArrow | MoveLeft | MoveLeft (move the selected elements towards the left by ten pixels). |
RightArrow | MoveRight | 1. MoveRight (move the selected elements towards the right by one pixel). 2. MoveRight (move the diagram page to the right, when scrolling is enabled). |
Shift + RightArrow | MoveRight | MoveRight (move the selected elements towards the right by ten pixels). |
UpArrow | MoveUp | 1. MoveUp (move the selected elements upwards by one pixel). 2. MoveUp (move the diagram page upwards, when scrolling is enabled). |
Shift + UpArrow | MoveUp | MoveUp (move the selected elements upwards by ten pixels). |
DownArrow | MoveDown | 1. MoveDown (move the selected elements downwards by one pixel). 2. MoveDown (move the diagram page downwards, when scrolling is enabled). |
Shift + DownArrow | MoveDown | MoveDown (move the selected elements downwards by ten pixels). |
PageUp | MoveTop | Moves the diagram page to the topmost position. |
PageDown | MoveBottom | Moves the diagram page to the bottommost position. |
Home | MoveLeft | Moves the diagram page to the leftmost position. |
End | MoveRight | Moves the diagram page to the rightmost position. |
MouseScroll | Zoom | Scrolls the diagram page up and down in a vertical direction. |
Shift + MouseScroll | Zoom | Scrolls the diagram page left and right in a horizontal direction. |
Ctrl + MouseScroll | Zoom | Zoom(Zoom in/Zoom out the diagram). |
Ctrl + G | Group | Grouping the element in the diagram. |
Ctrl + Shift + U | UnGroup | UnGrouping the element in the diagram. |
Ctrl + Shift + B | SendToBack | Moves the selected element behind all the other overlapped elements. |
Ctrl + [ | SendBackward | Moves the selected element behind the underlying element. |
Ctrl + Shift + F | BringToFront | Brings the selected element to front over all the other overlapped elements. |
Ctrl + ] | BringForward | Moves the selected element over the nearest overlapping element. |
Ctrl + PlusKey(+) | Zoom | Zoom in the diagram. |
Ctrl + MinusKey(-) | Zoom | Zoom out the diagram. |
Ctrl + 0 (number 0) | Reset | To reset horizontal Offset, vertical Offset, and zoom level of the Diagram. |
Ctrl + Shift + W | FitToPage | Fit the diagram content into the view with respect to either width, height, or at the whole. |
F2 | EditAnnotation | Enable annotation editing mode of the first selected diagram element. |
Enter | SelectFocusedItem | Selects the focused item. |
Tab | FocusToNextItem | Focus on the item next to the selected item. |
Shift + Tab | FocusToPreviousItem | Focus on the item previous to the selected item. |
Ctrl + R | RotateRight | Rotates the selected node clockwise to 90 degrees. |
Ctrl + L | RotateLeft | Rotates the selected node anticlockwise to 90 degrees. |
Ctrl + H | HorizontalFlip | Flips the selected node in a horizontal direction. |
Ctrl + J | VerticalFlip | Flips the selected node in a vertical direction. |
Ctrl + B | ToggleBold | Adds and removes the Bold text style to the annotation. |
Ctrl + I | ToggleItalic | Adds and removes the Italic text style to the annotation. |
Ctrl + U | ToggleUnderline | Adds and removes the Underline text style to the annotation. |
Ctrl + 1 | Pointer Tool | To select, move or resize the elements in the diagram. |
Ctrl + 2 | Text Tool | To draw a text node. |
Ctrl + 3 | Connector Tool | To draw a orthogonal connector. |
Ctrl + 5 | Freehand Tool | To draw a free hand connections. |
Ctrl + 6 | Line Tool | To draw a straight line connector. |
Ctrl + 8 | Rectangle Tool | To draw a rectangle shaped node. |
Ctrl + 9 | Ellipse Tool | To draw an ellipse shaped node. |
Esc | Cancel | Stops the annotation editing or clears the selection of a diagram element. |
To add custom commands, configure or modify key or mouse gesture through Command Manager
See Also
How to map the custom commands to existing gestures (keyboard shortcuts and mouse)?