Deletion in WPF Diagram (SfDiagram)

14 Jun 20241 minute to read

Selected objects can be deleted by using the Delete key or In-built Delete command through QuickCommand.

  • ItemDeletedEvent will notify you with the deleted item in argument. To explore about arguments , please refer to ItemDeletedEventArgs.

  • ItemDeletingEvent will notify you with the item , option to cancel the deleting operation of item and option to decide on deleting dependent Connector when its Source/Target gets deleting. To explore about arguments , please refer to ItemDeletingEventArgs.

(diagram.Info as IGraphInfo).ItemDeletingEvent += MainWindow_ItemDeletingEvent;

/// <summary>
/// DiagramPreviewEventArgs is the Base class for EventArgs.
/// Casting the args will help us to get ItemDeletingEventArgs.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender"></param>
/// <param name="args"></param>
private void MainWindow_ItemDeletingEvent(object sender, DiagramPreviewEventArgs args)
    //For Deleting Node Without its Dependent Connector

    (args as ItemDeletingEventArgs).DeleteDependentConnector = false;
