Clipboard Operations in Windows Forms DataGrid

16 Aug 202324 minutes to read

SfDataGrid provide support for the clipboard operations such as cut, copy and paste the data within control and between other applications such as Notepad, Excel. Clipboard operations copy and paste is enabled by default. The Selected records from SfDataGrid can be copied by pressing Ctrl+C and the content from Clipboard can be pasted to SfDataGrid by pressing Ctrl+V.


Clipboard operations are not supported for the summary rows, add new row and unbound rows.


Copy operation works based on CopyOption property.

CopyOption provides the following options,

None – Disables copy in SfDataGrid.

CopyData – Enables copy in SfDataGrid.

CutData – Enables cut in SfDataGrid.

IncludeHeaders – Column header also copied along with data.

IncludeFormat – Copies the display text with format instead of actual value.

IncludeHiddenColumn – Hidden column also copied to clipboard.

IncludeHeaders, IncludeFormat, IncludeHiddenColumn options should be used along with CopyData option.

this.sfDataGrid1.CopyOption = CopyOptions.CopyData | CopyOptions.IncludeHeaders;
Me.sfDataGrid1.CopyOption = CopyOptions.CopyData Or CopyOptions.IncludeHeaders

Windows forms datagrid displays copy the data in grid


Paste operation works based on PasteOption property.
PasteOption provides the following options,

None – Disables paste in SfDataGrid.

PasteData – Enables paste in SfDataGrid and when an incompatible value is pasted into a record, the pasting operation is skipped for that particular record.

ExcludeFirstLine – This can be used when pasting data copied with IncludeHeader copy option.

IncludeHiddenColumn – Paste the values in hidden columns also.

ExcludeFirstLine, IncludeHiddenColumn options should be used along with PasteData option.

this.sfDataGrid1.PasteOption = PasteOptions.PasteData | PasteOptions.ExcludeFirstLine;
Me.sfDataGrid1.PasteOption = PasteOptions.PasteData Or PasteOptions.ExcludeFirstLine

Windows forms datagrid displays paste the data into grid


Cut operation works based on CopyOption property.

CopyOption provides the following options,

None – Disables cut in SfDataGrid.

CutData – Enabled cut in SfDataGrid.

IncludeHeaders – Column header also copied along with data.

IncludeFormat – Cut the display text with format instead of actual value.

IncludeHiddenColumn – Hidden column also cut to clipboard.

IncludeHeaders, IncludeFormat, IncludeHiddenColumn options should be used along with CutData option.

this.sfDataGrid1.CopyOption = CopyOptions.CutData | CopyOptions.IncludeHeaders;
Me.sfDataGrid1.CopyOption = CopyOptions.CutData Or CopyOptions.IncludeHeaders

Windows forms datagrid displays cut the data in grid

Cancel Copy Operation


Copy operation for any particular row can be canceled by handling the CopyContent event.

this.sfDataGrid1.CopyContent += SfDataGrid1_CopyContent;

void SfDataGrid1_CopyContent(object sender, CutCopyPasteEventArgs e)
    if (((e.OriginalSender as SfDataGrid).SelectedItem as OrderInfo).OrderID == 10004)
        e.Cancel = true;

AddHandler sfDataGrid1.CopyContent, AddressOf SfDataGrid1_CopyContent

Private Sub SfDataGrid1_CopyContent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CutCopyPasteEventArgs)
	If (TryCast((TryCast(e.OriginalSender, SfDataGrid)).SelectedItem, OrderInfo)).OrderID = 10004 Then
		e.Cancel = True
	End If

End Sub


Copy operation for any particular column can be canceled by handling the CopyCellContent event.

this.sfDataGrid1.CopyCellContent += SfDataGrid1_CopyCellContent;
void SfDataGrid1_CopyCellContent(object sender, CellCutCopyPasteEventArgs e)
    if (e.Column.MappingName == "CustomerID")
        e.Cancel = true;
AddHandler sfDataGrid1.CopyCellContent, AddressOf SfDataGrid1_CopyCellContent
Private Sub SfDataGrid1_CopyCellContent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CellCutCopyPasteEventArgs)
	If e.Column.MappingName = "CustomerID" Then
		e.Cancel = True
	End If
End Sub

Windows forms datagrid displays copied the particular column and row in grid

Cancel Paste Operation


Paste operation for any particular row can be canceled by handling the PasteContent event.

this.sfDataGrid1.PasteContent += SfDataGrid1_PasteContent;

void SfDataGrid1_PasteContent(object sender, CutCopyPasteEventArgs e)
    if (((e.OriginalSender as SfDataGrid).SelectedItem as OrderInfo).OrderID == 10004)
        e.Cancel = true;
AddHandler sfDataGrid1.PasteContent, AddressOf SfDataGrid1_PasteContent

Private Sub SfDataGrid1_PasteContent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CutCopyPasteEventArgs)
	If (TryCast((TryCast(e.OriginalSender, SfDataGrid)).SelectedItem, OrderInfo)).OrderID = 10004 Then
		e.Cancel = True
	End If
End Sub


Paste operation for any particular column can be canceled by handling the PasteCellContent event.

this.sfDataGrid1.PasteCellContent += SfDataGrid1_PasteCellContent;

void SfDataGrid1_PasteCellContent(object sender, CellCutCopyPasteEventArgs e)
    if (e.Column.MappingName == "CustomerID")
        e.Cancel = true;
AddHandler sfDataGrid1.PasteCellContent, AddressOf SfDataGrid1_PasteCellContent

Private Sub SfDataGrid1_PasteCellContent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CellCutCopyPasteEventArgs)
	If e.Column.MappingName = "CustomerID" Then
		e.Cancel = True
	End If
End Sub

Windows forms datagrid displays particular column and row paste in grid

Change the Clipboard Text


SfDataGrid allows to change the clipboard value while copying the values to the clipboard by handling the CopyCellContent event.
The below code example changes the clipboard value as 100 instead of cell value 10003 in SfDataGrid while copying the record.

void SfDataGrid1_CopyCellContent(object sender, CellCutCopyPasteEventArgs e)
    if (e.Column.MappingName == "OrderID" && ((e.OriginalSender as SfDataGrid).SelectedItem as OrderInfo).OrderID == 10003)
        e.ClipboardValue = "100";
Private Sub SfDataGrid1_CopyCellContent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CellCutCopyPasteEventArgs)
	If e.Column.MappingName = "OrderID" AndAlso (TryCast((TryCast(e.OriginalSender, SfDataGrid)).SelectedItem, OrderInfo)).OrderID = 10003 Then
		e.ClipboardValue = "100"
	End If
End Sub

Windows forms datagrid displays edit the text while copying data


SfDataGrid allows to change the clipboard value while pasting the values from the clipboard by handling the PasteCellContent event.

The below code example changes the clipboard value as 100 instead of cell value 10003 in SfDataGrid while pasting the record to the SfDataGrid.

void SfDataGrid_PasteCellContent(object sender, CellCutCopyPasteEventArgs e)
    if (e.Column.MappingName == "OrderID" && ((e.OriginalSender as SfDataGrid).SelectedItem as OrderInfo).OrderID == 10003)
        e.ClipboardValue = "100";
Private Sub SfDataGrid_PasteCellContent(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CellCutCopyPasteEventArgs)
	If e.Column.MappingName = "OrderID" AndAlso (TryCast((TryCast(e.OriginalSender, SfDataGrid)).SelectedItem, OrderInfo)).OrderID = 10003 Then
		e.ClipboardValue = "100"
	End If
End Sub

Windows forms datagrid displays editing the text while paste the data

Handling Programmatically

Copy Programmatically

Copy the selected records in SfDataGrid by using Copy method in ClipboardController of SfDataGrid.


Copy a record by selecting the record using MoveToCurrentCell method and Copy method in ClipboardController of SfDataGrid.

RowColumnIndex rowColumnIndex = new RowColumnIndex();
rowColumnIndex.RowIndex = 2;
rowColumnIndex.ColumnIndex = 2;
Dim rowColumnIndex As New RowColumnIndex()
rowColumnIndex.RowIndex = 2
rowColumnIndex.ColumnIndex = 2

Copy the multiple records by selecting group of records using SelectRows method and Copymethod in ClipboardController of SfDataGrid.

this.sfDataGrid1.SelectRows(1, 3);
Me.sfDataGrid1.SelectRows(1, 3)

Copy Rows without Selecting

The records can be copied without selection by using CopyRowsToClipboard method in ClipboardController of SfDataGrid.


Cut Programmatically

Cut the selected records in SfDataGrid by using Cut method in ClipboardController of SfDataGrid.


Cut the entire record in SfDataGrid by selecting whole SfDataGrid using SelectAll method and Cut method in ClipboardController of SfDataGrid.


Paste Programmatically

Paste the clipboard value into SfDataGrid by using Paste method in ClipboardController of SfDataGrid.


Paste the clipboard value into selected record by selecting the record using MoveToCurrentCell method and Paste method in ClipboardController of SfDataGrid.

RowColumnIndex rowColumnIndex = new RowColumnIndex();
rowColumnIndex.RowIndex = 2;
rowColumnIndex.ColumnIndex = 2;
Dim rowColumnIndex As New RowColumnIndex()
rowColumnIndex.RowIndex = 2
rowColumnIndex.ColumnIndex = 2

Customizing Copy Paste Behavior

The SfDataGrid performs clipboard operations in DataGridClipboardController class. The default copy paste behaviors can be customized by overriding DataGridClipboardController class and setting it to ClipboardController.

public class CustomClipboardController : DataGridClipboardController
    public CustomClipboardController(SfDataGrid dataGrid) : base(dataGrid)
Public Class CustomClipboardController
	Inherits DataGridClipboardController
	Public Sub New(ByVal dataGrid As SfDataGrid)
	End Sub
End Class
this.sfDataGrid.ClipboardController = new CustomClipboardController(this.sfDataGrid);
Me.sfDataGrid.ClipboardController = New CustomClipboardController(Me.sfDataGrid)

Paste a Record into Many Rows

By default, one row can be copied and pasted into another row when selection is enabled in the SfDataGrid. The following code shows how to copy one row and paste it into all the selected rows by overriding the PasteToRow method in DataGridClipboardController class.

public class CustomClipboardController : DataGridClipboardController
    SfDataGrid dataGrid;
    public CustomClipboardController(SfDataGrid dataGrid) : base(dataGrid)
        this.dataGrid = dataGrid;
    protected override void PasteToRow(object clipBoardContent, object selectedRecords)
        var text = Clipboard.GetText();
        string[] clipBoardText = Regex.Split(text, @"\r\n");

        //Get the clipBoardText and check if the clipBoardText is more than one row

        //means call the base.
        if (clipBoardText.Count() > 1)
            base.PasteToRow(clipBoardContent, selectedRecords);
        var selectedRecord = this.dataGrid.SelectedItems;
        for (int i = 0; i < selectedRecord.Count; i++)
            //Get the selected records for paste the copied row.
            selectedRecords = selectedRecord[i];

            //Call the PasteToRow method with clipBoardContent and selectedRecords
            base.PasteToRow(clipBoardContent, selectedRecords);
Public Class CustomClipboardController
	Inherits DataGridClipboardController
	Private dataGrid As SfDataGrid
	Public Sub New(ByVal dataGrid As SfDataGrid)
		Me.dataGrid = dataGrid
	End Sub
	Protected Overrides Sub PasteToRow(ByVal clipBoardContent As Object, ByVal selectedRecords As Object)
		Dim text = Clipboard.GetText()
		Dim clipBoardText() As String = Regex.Split(text, "\r\n")

		'Get the clipBoardText and check if the clipBoardText is more than one row

		'means call the base.
		If clipBoardText.Count() > 1 Then
			MyBase.PasteToRow(clipBoardContent, selectedRecords)
		End If
		Dim selectedRecord = Me.dataGrid.SelectedItems
		For i As Integer = 0 To selectedRecord.Count - 1
			'Get the selected records for paste the copied row.
			selectedRecords = selectedRecord(i)

			'Call the PasteToRow method with clipBoardContent and selectedRecords
			MyBase.PasteToRow(clipBoardContent, selectedRecords)
		Next i
	End Sub
End Class

Create New Records while Pasting

By default, when pasting the clipboard values to the SfDataGrid, it changes the values of the already existing records. The following code example shows how to add the copied records as new rows to the SfDataGrid by overriding the PasteToRows method in DataGridClipboardController class.

public class CustomClipboardController : DataGridClipboardController
    SfDataGrid dataGrid;
    public CustomClipboardController(SfDataGrid dataGrid) : base(dataGrid)
        this.dataGrid = dataGrid;
    protected override void PasteToRows(object clipboardRows)
        var copiedRecord = (string[])clipboardRows;
        int copiedRecordsCount = copiedRecord.Count();
        //Based on the clipboard count added the new record to be pasted.
        if (copiedRecordsCount > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < copiedRecordsCount; i++)
                // Creates new record.
                for (int j = 0; j < this.dataGrid.Columns.Count; j++)
                    var record = copiedRecord[i];
                    string[] splitRecord = Regex.Split(record, @"\t");
                    //Adds the new record by using the PasteToCell method, by passing       the created data, particular column, and clipboard value.
                    this.PasteToCell(this.dataGrid.View.CurrentAddItem, this.dataGrid.Columns[j], splitRecord[j]);
                // Commits the pasted record.
Public Class CustomClipboardController
	Inherits DataGridClipboardController
	Private dataGrid As SfDataGrid
	Public Sub New(ByVal dataGrid As SfDataGrid)
		Me.dataGrid = dataGrid
	End Sub
	Protected Overrides Sub PasteToRows(ByVal clipboardRows As Object)
		Dim copiedRecord = CType(clipboardRows, String())
		Dim copiedRecordsCount As Integer = copiedRecord.Count()
		'Based on the clipboard count added the new record to be pasted.
		If copiedRecordsCount > 0 Then
			For i As Integer = 0 To copiedRecordsCount - 1
				' Creates new record.
				For j As Integer = 0 To Me.dataGrid.Columns.Count - 1
					Dim record = copiedRecord(i)
					Dim splitRecord() As String = Regex.Split(record, "\t")
					'Adds the new record by using the PasteToCell method, by passing       the created data, particular column, and clipboard value.
					Me.PasteToCell(Me.dataGrid.View.CurrentAddItem, Me.dataGrid.Columns(j), splitRecord(j))
				Next j
				' Commits the pasted record.
			Next i
		End If
	End Sub
End Class

Paste the Copied Data by Custom Column Order

By default, the SfDataGrid pastes the data only from the first column. The copied data can be pasted anywhere in the SfDataGrid by deriving a new class from DataGridClipboardController and overriding the PasteToRow virtual method.

public class CustomClipboardController : DataGridClipboardController
    SfDataGrid dataGrid;
    public CustomClipboardController(SfDataGrid dataGrid) : base(dataGrid)
        this.dataGrid = dataGrid;
    protected override void PasteToRow(object clipboardContent, object selectedRecords)
        //Splits the row into number of cells by using \t.
        clipboardContent = Regex.Split(clipboardContent.ToString(), @"\t");
        var copyValue = (string[])clipboardContent;
        //For Row selection
        int columnIndex = 0;
        //Gets the current cell column index.
        var index = this.dataGrid.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex;
        foreach (var column in dataGrid.Columns)
            if (index >= dataGrid.Columns.Count)
            if (copyValue.Count() <= this.dataGrid.Columns.IndexOf(column))
            // Calls the PasteToCell method and passes the copied data and pastes the column index.
            PasteToCell(selectedRecords, this.dataGrid.Columns[index], copyValue[columnIndex]);
Public Class CustomClipboardController
	Inherits DataGridClipboardController
	Private dataGrid As SfDataGrid
	Public Sub New(ByVal dataGrid As SfDataGrid)
		Me.dataGrid = dataGrid
	End Sub
	Protected Overrides Sub PasteToRow(ByVal clipboardContent As Object, ByVal selectedRecords As Object)
		'Splits the row into number of cells by using \t.
		clipboardContent = Regex.Split(clipboardContent.ToString(), "\t")
		Dim copyValue = CType(clipboardContent, String())
		'For Row selection
		Dim columnIndex As Integer = 0
		'Gets the current cell column index.
		Dim index = Me.dataGrid.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex
		For Each column In dataGrid.Columns
			If index >= dataGrid.Columns.Count Then
			End If
			If copyValue.Count() <= Me.dataGrid.Columns.IndexOf(column) Then
				Exit For
			End If
			' Calls the PasteToCell method and passes the copied data and pastes the column index.
			PasteToCell(selectedRecords, Me.dataGrid.Columns(index), copyValue(columnIndex))
			index += 1
			columnIndex += 1
		Next column
	End Sub
End Class

Paste the copied row in AddNewRow

By default, the copied row cannot be pasted in AddNewRow. The following code shows how to paste the copied row in AddNewRow by overriding the PasteTextToRow method in DataGridClipboardController class.

public partial class Form1 : Form
     public Form1()
         this.sfDataGrid.AddNewRowPosition = RowPosition.Top;
         this.sfDataGrid.ClipboardController = new CustomClipBoardController(this.sfDataGrid);

protected override void PasteTextToRow()
    bool isAddNewRow = this.DataGrid.IsAddNewRowIndex(this.DataGrid.CurrentCell.RowIndex);

    if (isAddNewRow)
        IDataObject dataObject = null;
        dataObject = Clipboard.GetDataObject();
        var clipBoardContent = dataObject.GetData(DataFormats.UnicodeText) as string;
        string[] records = Regex.Split(clipBoardContent.ToString(), @"\r\n");

        if (!this.DataGrid.View.IsAddingNew)

        string[] record = Regex.Split(records[0], @"\t");
        var provider = this.DataGrid.View.GetPropertyAccessProvider();
        var rowData = (this.DataGrid.View as CollectionViewAdv).CurrentAddItem;

        //Paste the copied row in each cell.
        foreach (var column in this.DataGrid.Columns)
            CommitValue(rowData, column, provider, record[this.DataGrid.Columns.IndexOf(column)]);

        this.DataGrid.TableControl.Invalidate(this.DataGrid.TableControl.GetRowRectangle(this.DataGrid.GetAddNewRowIndex(), false));
Partial Public Class Form1
	Inherits Form
	Public Sub New()
		Me.sfDataGrid.AddNewRowPosition = RowPosition.Top
		Me.sfDataGrid.ClipboardController = New CustomClipBoardController(Me.sfDataGrid)
	End Sub
End Class

Public Class CustomClipBoardController
	Inherits DataGridClipboardController
	Private DataGrid As SfDataGrid
	Public Sub New(ByVal datagrid As SfDataGrid)
		Me.DataGrid = datagrid
	End Sub

	Protected Overrides Sub PasteTextToRow()
		Dim isAddNewRow As Boolean = Me.DataGrid.IsAddNewRowIndex(Me.DataGrid.CurrentCell.RowIndex)

		If isAddNewRow Then
			Dim dataObject As IDataObject = Nothing
			dataObject = Clipboard.GetDataObject()
			Dim clipBoardContent = TryCast(dataObject.GetData(DataFormats.UnicodeText), String)
			Dim records() As String = Regex.Split(clipBoardContent.ToString(), "\r\n")

			If Not Me.DataGrid.View.IsAddingNew Then
			End If

			Dim record() As String = Regex.Split(records(0), "\t")
			Dim provider = Me.DataGrid.View.GetPropertyAccessProvider()
			Dim rowData = (TryCast(Me.DataGrid.View, CollectionViewAdv)).CurrentAddItem

			'Paste the copied row in each cell.
			For Each column In Me.DataGrid.Columns
				CommitValue(rowData, column, provider, record(Me.DataGrid.Columns.IndexOf(column)))
			Next column

			Me.DataGrid.TableControl.Invalidate(Me.DataGrid.TableControl.GetRowRectangle(Me.DataGrid.GetAddNewRowIndex(), False))
		End If
	End Sub
End Class

Download sample from below location,
Sample location


The copied row can be pasted only after initiating the AddNewRow by editing.

See also

How to append the new text in clipboard which is not available in DataGrid(SfDataGrid)