Row Height Customization in Windows Forms DataGrid (SfDataGrid)

21 Jan 202524 minutes to read

The height of the default row and Header row can be changed by using the SfDataGrid.RowHeight and SfDataGrid.HeaderRowHeight property.

//Set the row height for the default row.
this.sfDataGrid.RowHeight = 40;

//Set the row height for header row
this.sfDataGrid.HeaderRowHeight = 70;
'Set the row height for the default row.
Me.sfDataGrid.RowHeight = 40

'Set the row height for header row
Me.sfDataGrid.HeaderRowHeight = 70

Row Height Customization

Set Height for the Specific Row

The row height of the particular row can be set by using the RowHeights property.

this.sfDataGrid.TableControl.RowHeights[2] = 50;
Me.sfDataGrid.TableControl.RowHeights(2) = 50

The row height of particular row can also be set by using the QueryRowHeight event.

this.sfDataGrid.QueryRowHeight += sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight;
void sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight(object sender, QueryRowHeightEventArgs e)
    if (e.RowIndex == 2)
        e.Height = 50;
        e.Handled = true;
AddHandler Me.sfDataGrid.QueryRowHeight, AddressOf sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight
Private Sub sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As QueryRowHeightEventArgs)
	If e.RowIndex = 2 Then
		e.Height = 50
		e.Handled = True
	End If
End Sub

Height for the Specific Row

Fit Row Height based on its Content

The row height can be fit based on its content in QueryRowHeight event using GetAutoRowHeight method. This improves the readability of the content and it does not affect the loading performance of the WinForms DataGrid (SfDataGrid) as the QueryRowHeight event triggered for rows in on-demand.
GetAutoRowHeight method returns true when the row height is calculated for record & header rows and returns false for other rows. Calculated height based on content set to the out parameter and you can assign the calculated height to the Height property ofQueryRowHeightEventArgs.

RowAutoFitOptions autoFitOptions = new RowAutoFitOptions();
this.sfDataGrid.QueryRowHeight += sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight;

//To get the calculated height from GetAutoRowHeight method.
int autoHeight;
void sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight(object sender, QueryRowHeightEventArgs e)
    if (this.sfDataGrid.AutoSizeController.GetAutoRowHeight(e.RowIndex, autoFitOptions, out autoHeight))
        if (autoHeight > 24)
            e.Height = autoHeight;
            e.Handled = true;
Private autoFitOptions As New RowAutoFitOptions()
AddHandler Me.sfDataGrid.QueryRowHeight, AddressOf sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight

'To get the calculated height from GetAutoRowHeight method.
Private autoHeight As Integer
Private Sub sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As QueryRowHeightEventArgs)
	If Me.sfDataGrid.AutoSizeController.GetAutoRowHeight(e.RowIndex, autoFitOptions, autoHeight) Then
		If autoHeight > 24 Then
			e.Height = autoHeight
			e.Handled = True
		End If
	End If
End Sub

Fit Row Height based on its Content

Here, row heights are customized based on the large text content.

Auto-Fit Row Height Options

RowAutoFitOptions have the following properties,

  1. ExcludeColumns – By default, GetAutoRowHeight method calculates the row height based on all columns. To skip the specific columns from the row height calculation, add that columns to the ExcludeColumns property.

  2. CanIncludeHiddenColumns – The hidden columns can also be consider for the row height calculation by setting the CanIncludeHiddenColumns as true.

Calculate Height based on Certain Columns

The row height can be calculated based on the particular columns by using the ExcludeColumns of the RowAutoFitOptions in the QueryRowHeight event.

RowAutoFitOptions autoFitOptions = new RowAutoFitOptions();
// The list contains the column names that will excluded from the height calculation in GetAutoRowHeight method.
List<string> excludeColumns = new List<string>() { "CustomerID", "OrderID" };
autoFitOptions.ExcludeColumns = excludeColumns;

this.sfDataGrid.QueryRowHeight += sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight;

//To get the calculated height from GetAutoRowHeight method.
int autoHeight;
void sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight(object sender, QueryRowHeightEventArgs e)
    if (this.sfDataGrid.AutoSizeController.GetAutoRowHeight(e.RowIndex, autoFitOptions, out autoHeight))
        if (autoHeight > 24)
            e.Height = autoHeight;
            e.Handled = true;
Private autoFitOptions As New RowAutoFitOptions()
' The list contains the column names that will excluded from the height calculation in GetAutoRowHeight method.
Private excludeColumns As New List(Of String)() From {"CustomerID", "OrderID"}
autoFitOptions.ExcludeColumns = excludeColumns

AddHandler Me.sfDataGrid.QueryRowHeight, AddressOf sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight

'To get the calculated height from GetAutoRowHeight method.
Private autoHeight As Integer
Private Sub sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As QueryRowHeightEventArgs)
	If Me.sfDataGrid.AutoSizeController.GetAutoRowHeight(e.RowIndex, autoFitOptions, autoHeight) Then
		If autoHeight > 24 Then
			e.Height = autoHeight
			e.Handled = True
		End If
	End If
End Sub

Reset the RowHeight at Runtime

The row height of particular or all rows in View can be reset at runtime to get the updated height from QueryRowHeight event handler by using the InvalidateRowHeight and Reset methods.

InvalidateRowHeight – Resets the height of particular row.
RowHeightManager.Reset – Resets the height for all rows in View.

//Resets the row height for particular row.

//Resets the height for all rows in View.

'Resets the row height for particular row.

'Resets the height for all rows in View.


Update RowHeight while Editing

The row height of the currently edited row can be updated based on its content by using the CurrentCellEndEdit event.
In this event call the InvalidateRowHeight to reset the current row height. Then call the Invalidate method of TableControl to refresh the view. Now the QueryRowHeight event is called again for edited row alone and row height is calculated based on edited content.

RowAutoFitOptions autoFitOptions = new RowAutoFitOptions();

this.sfDataGrid.QueryRowHeight += sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight;
this.sfDataGrid.CurrentCellEndEdit += sfDataGrid_CurrentCellEndEdit;

void sfDataGrid_CurrentCellEndEdit(object sender, CurrentCellEndEditEventArgs e)

//To get the calculated height from GetAutoRowHeight method.
int autoHeight;
void sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight(object sender, QueryRowHeightEventArgs e)
    if (this.sfDataGrid.AutoSizeController.GetAutoRowHeight(e.RowIndex, autoFitOptions, out autoHeight))
        if (autoHeight > 24)
            e.Height = autoHeight;
            e.Handled = true;
Private autoFitOptions As New RowAutoFitOptions()
AddHandler Me.sfDataGrid.QueryRowHeight, AddressOf sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight
AddHandler Me.sfDataGrid.CurrentCellEndEdit, AddressOf sfDataGrid_CurrentCellEndEdit
Private Sub sfDataGrid_CurrentCellEndEdit(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CurrentCellEndEditEventArgs)
End Sub
'To get the calculated height from GetAutoRowHeight method.
Private autoHeight As Integer
Private Sub sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As QueryRowHeightEventArgs)
If Me.sfDataGrid.AutoSizeController.GetAutoRowHeight(e.RowIndex, autoFitOptions, autoHeight) Then
If autoHeight > 24 Then
e.Height = autoHeight
e.Handled = True
End If
End If
End Sub

Change HeaderRow Height based on its Content

By default, auto height is supported for the headers is QueryRowHeight event. The auto row height can only set for the header row by using the GetHeaderIndex method to decide whether the row index is header or not in QueryRowHeight event.

RowAutoFitOptions autoFitOptions = new RowAutoFitOptions();
//Enable TextWrapping for the column header
sfDataGrid.Columns[0].AllowHeaderTextWrapping = true;
this.sfDataGrid.QueryRowHeight += sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight;

//To get the calculated height from GetAutoRowHeight method.
int autoHeight;
void sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight(object sender, QueryRowHeightEventArgs e)
    //checked whether the row index is header or not.
    if (this.sfDataGrid.TableControl.GetHeaderIndex() == e.RowIndex)
        if (this.sfDataGrid.AutoSizeController.GetAutoRowHeight(e.RowIndex, autoFitOptions, out autoHeight))
            if (autoHeight > 24)
                e.Height = autoHeight;
                e.Handled = true;
Private autoFitOptions As New RowAutoFitOptions()
'Enable TextWrapping for the column header
Private sfDataGrid.Columns(0).AllowHeaderTextWrapping = True
AddHandler Me.sfDataGrid.QueryRowHeight, AddressOf sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight

'To get the calculated height from GetAutoRowHeight method.
Private autoHeight As Integer
Private Sub sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As QueryRowHeightEventArgs)
	'checked whether the row index is header or not.
	If Me.sfDataGrid.TableControl.GetHeaderIndex() = e.RowIndex Then
		If Me.sfDataGrid.AutoSizeController.GetAutoRowHeight(e.RowIndex, autoFitOptions, autoHeight) Then
			If autoHeight > 24 Then
				e.Height = autoHeight
				e.Handled = True
			End If
		End If
	End If
End Sub

Change HeaderRow Height based on its Content

Change StackedHeaderRow Height based on its Content

By default, auto height is supported for StackedHeaderRows in QueryRowHeight event. To specify the auto height for the stacked header row alone, check the row index with StackedHeaderRows count in the QueryRowHeight event.

this.sfDataGrid.StackedHeaderRows.Add(new StackedHeaderRow()
    Name = "StackedHeader1",
    StackedColumns = new StackedColumns()
              new StackedColumn()
                   ChildColumns = "OrderID,CustomerID,ProductName",
                    HeaderText = "The over all customer details including the OrderID, Customer ID and product name for the KYC information"

RowAutoFitOptions autoFitOptions = new RowAutoFitOptions();
sfDataGrid.Columns[0].AllowHeaderTextWrapping = true;
sfDataGrid.Columns[0].AllowTextWrapping = true;
this.sfDataGrid.QueryRowHeight += sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight;

//To get the calculated height from GetAutoRowHeight method.
int autoHeight;
void sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight(object sender, QueryRowHeightEventArgs e)
    //checked whether the row index is stacked header or not.
    if (e.RowIndex < this.sfDataGrid.StackedHeaderRows.Count)
        if (this.sfDataGrid.AutoSizeController.GetAutoRowHeight(e.RowIndex, autoFitOptions, out autoHeight))
            if (autoHeight > 24)
                e.Height = autoHeight;
                e.Handled = true;
Me.sfDataGrid.StackedHeaderRows.Add(New StackedHeaderRow() With {.Name = "StackedHeader1", .StackedColumns = New StackedColumns() With { New StackedColumn() With {.ChildColumns = "OrderID,CustomerID,ProductName", .HeaderText = "The over all customer details including the OrderID, Customer ID and product name for the KYC information"} }})

Dim autoFitOptions As New RowAutoFitOptions()
sfDataGrid.Columns(0).AllowHeaderTextWrapping = True
sfDataGrid.Columns(0).AllowTextWrapping = True
AddHandler Me.sfDataGrid.QueryRowHeight, AddressOf sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight

'To get the calculated height from GetAutoRowHeight method.
Dim autoHeight As Integer
Private Sub sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As QueryRowHeightEventArgs)
	'checked whether the row index is stacked header or not.
	If e.RowIndex < Me.sfDataGrid.StackedHeaderRows.Count Then
		If Me.sfDataGrid.AutoSizeController.GetAutoRowHeight(e.RowIndex, autoFitOptions, autoHeight) Then
			If autoHeight > 24 Then
				e.Height = autoHeight
				e.Handled = True
			End If
		End If
	End If
End Sub

Change StackedHeaderRow Height based on its Content

Change default record row height

The height for the record rows can be set within the QueryRowHeight event. SfDataGrid doesn’t have any method to check for the default record row. It can be done by checking whether the record corresponding to the row index is a RecordEntry or not.

this.sfDataGrid.QueryRowHeight += sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight;

void sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight(object sender, QueryRowHeightEventArgs e)

    if (this.IsDefaultRow(e.RowIndex))
        e.Handled = true;
        e.Height = 50;

bool IsDefaultRow(int rowIndex)
    if (this.sfDataGrid.View.TopLevelGroup != null)
        var startIndex = this.sfDataGrid.TableControl.ResolveStartIndexBasedOnPosition();
        var record = this.sfDataGrid.View.TopLevelGroup.DisplayElements[rowIndex - startIndex];
        return record != null && record is RecordEntry;
        return !(this.sfDataGrid.TableControl.IsTableSummaryIndex(rowIndex) ||
         this.sfDataGrid.IsAddNewRowIndex(rowIndex) ||
         this.sfDataGrid.IsFilterRowIndex(rowIndex) ||
         this.sfDataGrid.TableControl.GetHeaderIndex() == rowIndex);
AddHandler Me.sfDataGrid.QueryRowHeight, AddressOf sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight

Private Sub sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As QueryRowHeightEventArgs)

    If Me.IsDefaultRow(e.RowIndex) Then
        e.Handled = True
        e.Height = 50
    End If
End Sub

Private Function IsDefaultRow(ByVal rowIndex As Integer) As Boolean
    If Me.sfDataGrid.View.TopLevelGroup IsNot Nothing Then
        Dim startIndex = Me.sfDataGrid.TableControl.ResolveStartIndexBasedOnPosition()
        Dim record = Me.sfDataGrid.View.TopLevelGroup.DisplayElements(rowIndex - startIndex)
        Return record IsNot Nothing AndAlso TypeOf record Is RecordEntry
        Return Not (Me.sfDataGrid.TableControl.IsTableSummaryIndex(rowIndex) OrElse
                    Me.sfDataGrid.IsAddNewRowIndex(rowIndex) OrElse
                    Me.sfDataGrid.IsFilterRowIndex(rowIndex) OrElse
                    Me.sfDataGrid.TableControl.GetHeaderIndex() = rowIndex)
    End If
End Function

Change default record row height without grouping

Change default record row height with grouping

Change add new row height

The height of the add new row can be set by using SfDataGrid.IsAddNewRowIndex method within the QueryRowHeight event.

this.sfDataGrid.QueryRowHeight += sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight;

void sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight(object sender, QueryRowHeightEventArgs e)

    if (this.sfDataGrid.IsAddNewRowIndex(e.RowIndex))
        e.Handled = true;
        e.Height = 50;
AddHandler Me.sfDataGrid.QueryRowHeight, AddressOf sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight

Private Sub sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As QueryRowHeightEventArgs)

    If Me.sfDataGrid.IsAddNewRowIndex(e.RowIndex) Then
        e.Handled = True
        e.Height = 50
    End If
End Sub

Change add new row height

Change filter row height

The height of the filter row can be set by using SfDataGrid.IsFilterRowIndex method within the QueryRowHeight event.

this.sfDataGrid.QueryRowHeight += sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight;

void sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight(object sender, QueryRowHeightEventArgs e)
    if (this.sfDataGrid.IsFilterRowIndex(e.RowIndex))
        e.Handled = true;
        e.Height = 50;
AddHandler Me.sfDataGrid.QueryRowHeight, AddressOf sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight

Private Sub sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As QueryRowHeightEventArgs)
	If Me.sfDataGrid.IsFilterRowIndex(e.RowIndex) Then
		e.Handled = True
		e.Height = 50
	End If
End Sub

Change filter row height

Change caption summary row height

The height of the caption summary rows can be set within the QueryRowHeight event. SfDataGrid doesn’t have any method to check for the caption summary row. It can be done by checking whether the record corresponding to the row is a Group or not.

this.sfDataGrid.QueryRowHeight += sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight;

void sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight(object sender, QueryRowHeightEventArgs e)
    if (this.sfDataGrid.View.TopLevelGroup != null)
        if (this.IsCaptionSummaryRow(e.RowIndex))
            e.Handled = true;
            e.Height = 50;

bool IsCaptionSummaryRow(int rowIndex)
    var startIndex = this.sfDataGrid.TableControl.ResolveStartIndexBasedOnPosition();
    var record = this.sfDataGrid.View.TopLevelGroup.DisplayElements[rowIndex - startIndex];

    return record != null && record is Group;
AddHandler Me.sfDataGrid.QueryRowHeight, AddressOf sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight

Private Sub sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As QueryRowHeightEventArgs)

    If Me.sfDataGrid.View.TopLevelGroup IsNot Nothing Then
        If Me.IsCaptionSummaryRow(e.RowIndex) Then
            e.Handled = True
            e.Height = 50
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Function IsCaptionSummaryRow(ByVal rowIndex As Integer) As Boolean
	Dim startIndex = Me.sfDataGrid.TableControl.ResolveStartIndexBasedOnPosition()
	Dim record = Me.sfDataGrid.View.TopLevelGroup.DisplayElements(rowIndex - startIndex)

	Return record IsNot Nothing AndAlso TypeOf record Is Group
End Function

Change caption summary row height

Change group summary row height

The height of the group summary rows can be set within the QueryRowHeight event. SfDataGrid doesn’t have any method to check for the group summary row. It can be done by checking whether the record corresponding to the row index is a SummaryRecordEntryor not.

this.sfDataGrid.QueryRowHeight += sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight;

void sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight(object sender, QueryRowHeightEventArgs e)
    if (this.sfDataGrid.View.TopLevelGroup != null)
        if (this.IsGroupSummaryRow(e.RowIndex))
            e.Handled = true;
            e.Height = 50;

bool IsGroupSummaryRow(int rowIndex)
    var startIndex = this.sfDataGrid.TableControl.ResolveStartIndexBasedOnPosition();
    var record = this.sfDataGrid.View.TopLevelGroup.DisplayElements[rowIndex - startIndex];

    return record != null && record is SummaryRecordEntry;
AddHandler Me.sfDataGrid.QueryRowHeight, AddressOf sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight

Private Sub sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As QueryRowHeightEventArgs)

    If Me.sfDataGrid.View.TopLevelGroup IsNot Nothing Then
        If Me.IsGroupSummaryRow(e.RowIndex) Then
            e.Handled = True
            e.Height = 50
        End If
    End If
End Sub

Private Function IsGroupSummaryRow(ByVal rowIndex As Integer) As Boolean
	Dim startIndex = Me.sfDataGrid.TableControl.ResolveStartIndexBasedOnPosition()
	Dim record = Me.sfDataGrid.View.TopLevelGroup.DisplayElements(rowIndex - startIndex)

	Return record IsNot Nothing AndAlso TypeOf record Is SummaryRecordEntry
End Function

Change group summary row height

Change TableSummaryRow Height

The row height of the table summary row can be changed in the QueryRowHeight event by using the IsTableSummaryIndex method. This method will check and return true, if the given row index is the table summary row otherwise return false.

this.sfDataGrid.QueryRowHeight += sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight;

//To get the calculated height from GetAutoRowHeight method.
void sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight(object sender, QueryRowHeightEventArgs e)
    //checked whether the row index is table summary row or not.
    if (sfDataGrid.TableControl.IsTableSummaryIndex(e.RowIndex))
        e.Height = 50;
        e.Handled = true; 
AddHandler Me.sfDataGrid.QueryRowHeight, AddressOf sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight

'To get the calculated height from GetAutoRowHeight method.
Private Sub sfDataGrid_QueryRowHeight(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As QueryRowHeightEventArgs)
	'checked whether the row index is table summary row or not.
	If sfDataGrid.TableControl.IsTableSummaryIndex(e.RowIndex) Then
		e.Height = 50
		e.Handled = True
	End If
End Sub

Change TableSummaryRow Height