- Grid Level Zooming
- Cell Level Zooming
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Zooming in Windows Forms Grid Control
4 Apr 20241 minute to read
The GridControl allows the user to zoom in or out to the entire grid as well as the individual cells. To have this zooming support in grid, the Syncfusion.GridHelperClasses.Windows.dll assembly needs to be added into the assembly reference.
Grid Level Zooming
The grid can be zoomed to the specific percentage by using the ZoomGrid method. To get the actual zooming percentage after the grid gets zoomed, use the GetCurrentZoomSize method. It will return the current zooming percentage of the grid.
//Enable zooming in GridControl
ZoomGrid zoom = new ZoomGrid(this.gridControl1);
//Zoom the grid with the specific percentage
//To get the current zoom size of the GridControl
int size = zoom.GetCurrentZoomSize(this.gridControl1);
'Enable zooming in GridControl
Dim zoom As New ZoomGrid(Me.gridControl1)
'Zoom the grid with the specific percentage
'To get the current zoom size of the GridControl
Dim size As Integer = zoom.GetCurrentZoomSize(Me.gridControl1)
Cell Level Zooming
This facilitates to display the clicked cell content in a maximized form. This support can be enabled by setting ZoomGrid.ZoomGridControlCell property to true
//To enable cell level zooming in GridControl
ZoomGrid.ZoomGridControlCell = true;
'To enable cell level zooming in GridControl
ZoomGrid.ZoomGridControlCell = True
The cell level zooming should be enabled for the grid only when the zooming percentage is