Record Navigation Control in Windows Forms Grid Control

21 Jan 202510 minutes to read

The GridRecordNavigationControl is used to navigate between records using a navigation bar at the bottom of the grid.

Adding Record Navigation

The record navigation control can be added throw the designer as well as the code.


The GridGroupingControl has the built-in support for Record Navigation control.

Through Designer

It can be drag and drop from the Toolbox window from the designer along with the GridControl. The step-by-step procedure to create GridRecordNavigationControl through designer is given below,

  1. Drag and drop the GridRecordNavigationControl from the toolbox on the form.
  2. Size and position in the proper place.


  3. Drag the GridControl from toolbox and drop it on the GridRecordNavigationControl properly which was shown in below screenshot.


  4. Populate the GridControl with data.


  5. Run the application and get the following screenshot as an Output.


Through Code

The GridRecordNavigationControl can also be programmatically added to the GridControl.

//Create the Grid record Navigation control.
GridRecordNavigationControl recordNavigationControl1 = new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.GridRecordNavigationControl();

this.recordNavigationControl1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(32, 48);
this.recordNavigationControl1.MaxLabel = "of 50";
this.recordNavigationControl1.MaxRecord = 50;
this.recordNavigationControl1.NavigationBarWidth = 237;
this.recordNavigationControl1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(520, 256);
this.recordNavigationControl1.SplitBars = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.DynamicSplitBars.Both;

//Create the GridControl.
GridControl gridControl1 = new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.GridControl();

this.gridControl1.ColCount = 6;
this.gridControl1.NumberedRowHeaders = false;
this.gridControl1.RowCount = 50;

//Add the grid to the Record Navigation control.

//Add the Record Navigation control to the form.
'Create the Grid record Navigation control.
Dim recordNavigationControl1 As GridRecordNavigationControl = New Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.GridRecordNavigationControl()

Me.recordNavigationControl1.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(32, 48)
Me.recordNavigationControl1.MaxLabel = "of 50"
Me.recordNavigationControl1.MaxRecord = 50
Me.recordNavigationControl1.NavigationBarWidth = 237
Me.recordNavigationControl1.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(520, 256)
Me.recordNavigationControl1.SplitBars = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.DynamicSplitBars.Both

'Create the GridControl.
Dim gridControl1 As GridControl = New Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.GridControl()

Me.gridControl1.ColCount = 6
Me.gridControl1.NumberedRowHeaders = False
Me.gridControl1.RowCount = 50

'Add the grid to the Record Navigation control.

'Add the Record Navigation control to the form.


Customizing Record Navigation Control

The GridRecordNavigationControl provides the following list of properties for customization,

Changing the Text of the Navigation

By default the Record navigation bar will display the ‘Record’ at the prefix of the navigation bar text. This can be changed by setting the Label property as of follows,

//Label for navigation bar
this.recordNavigationControl.Label = "Row";
' Label for navigation bar
Me.recordNavigationControl.Label = "Row"

Appending the Text to the Navigation Bar

The Record navigation bar text can be append with the desired text by setting the MaxLabel property.

//To display the text in navigation bar
this.recordNavigationControl.MaxLabel = "of 1000";
'To display the text in navigation bar
Me.recordNavigationControl.MaxLabel = "of 1000"


Setting the Maximum Record Count

The maximum number of record position can be set by using MaxRecord property.

//set maximum record position as 1000
this.recordNavigationControl.MaxRecord = 1000;
'set maximum record position as 1000
Me.recordNavigationControl.MaxRecord = 1000

The maximum record count can be reset to default by using the ResetMaxRecord method.

//Reset the maximum record 
'Reset the maximum record 

Setting the Minimum Record Position

The minimum number of record position can be set by using MinRecord property.

//set minimum record position as 1
this.recordNavigationControl.MinRecord = 1;
'set minimum record position as 1
Me.recordNavigationControl.MinRecord = 1

The minimum record position can be reset to default by using the ResetMinRecord method.

//Reset the minimum record count
'Reset the minimum record count

Setting the width of the Navigation Bar

The width of the navigation bar can be changed by setting the NavigationBarWidth property.

//Set the width of the navigation bar
this.recordNavigationControl.NavigationBarWidth = 600;
'Set the width of the navigation bar
Me.recordNavigationControl.NavigationBarWidth = 600


Changing the Back Color for the Navigation Bar

To set back color for the record navigation bar, use the NavigationBarBackColor property as of follows.

//Set the back color for navigation bar
this.recordNavigationControl.NavigationBarBackColor = Color.LightGreen;
'Set the back color for navigation bar
Me.recordNavigationControl.NavigationBarBackColor = Color.LightGreen


Resetting the Arrow Color

The disable arrow back color can be reset to default by using the ResetDisabledArrowColor method.

//Reset the color of the disabled arrow backcolor
'Reset the color of the disabled arrow backcolor

The enabled arrow back color can be reset to default by using the ResetEnabledArrowColor method.

//Reset the back color of the enable arrow 
'Reset the back color of the enable arrow 

The record navigation bar back color can be reset to default by using the ResetNavigationBarBackColor method.

//Reset the back color of the Navigation Bar
'Reset the back color of the Navigation Bar

The grid records can be programmatically navigate by using the NavigationBar method. The followings are the methods used for navigation,

//Moves the current record position to the first row 

//Moves the current record position to the last row 

//Moves the current record position to the next row 

//Moves the current record position to the previous row 
'Moves the current record position to the first row 

'Moves the current record position to the last row 

'Moves the current record position to the next row 

'Moves the current record position to the previous row 

Changing the Visibility of the Arrow Buttons

The visibility of the arrow buttons can be changed by setting the NavigationButtons property appropriate value from the DisplayArrowButtons enumeration such as,

Single – Used to show only the next and previous buttons in the navigation bar.

All – Used to show all the buttons from the navigation bar. This is the default option.

None – Does not display any buttons in the record navigation bar.

//Display only next and previous buttons in the navigation bar
this.gridRecordNavigationControl1.NavigationButtons = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.DisplayArrowButtons.Single;
'Display only next and previous buttons in the navigation bar
Me.gridRecordNavigationControl1.NavigationButtons = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.DisplayArrowButtons.Single


Applying Visual Style

The GridRecordNavigationControl can be displayed with Metro and Default theme. It can be applied by setting the Style property as of follows,

//Setting the Visual Style for Record navigation bar
this.gridRecordNavigationControl1.Style = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Appearance.Metro;
'Setting the Visual Style for Record navigation bar
Me.gridRecordNavigationControl1.Style = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Appearance.Metro