Formula Bar in Windows Forms Grid Control

21 Jan 20254 minutes to read

The formula bar is derived from the TextBox control which is used to bind to the CurrentCell of GridControl. This is similar to the formula bar in Excel. It will allow to view and edit the formula and values of the current cell.

To have the formula bar in the form, open the designer and drag and drop the GridAwareTextBox from the toolbox along with the GridControl.

The GridAwareTextBox can be synchronized with GridControl using WireGrid method.

//Synchronize GridAwareTextBox with the Grid
'Synchronize GridAwareTextBox with the Grid


Note: If the cell has formula, GridAwareTextBox will display the formula instead of calculated value.


Applying Back color

GridAwareTextBox background color can be customized based on the editable state of the current cell. EnabledBackColor property is used to set background color when current cell is editable and DisabledBackColor property is used to set background color when current cell is disabled for editing.

// To set the back color for the GridAwareTextBox while editing 
this.gridAwareTextBox1.EnabledBackColor = Color.Yellow;

// To set the back color for the formula bar when editing is disabled in the current cell
this.gridAwareTextBox1.DisabledBackColor = Color.Orange;
' To set the back color for the GridAwareTextBox while editing 
Me.gridAwareTextBox1.EnabledBackColor = Color.Yellow

' To set the back color for the GridAwareTextBox when editing is disabled in the current cell
Me.gridAwareTextBox1.DisabledBackColor = Color.Orange



Auto Suggestion

To enable the auto suggestion of formulas while editing the cell, set the AutoSuggestFormula property to true before wiring the formula bar with the grid.

//Enable Auto Suggest
this.gridAwareTextBox1.AutoSuggestFormula = true;
'Enable Auto Suggest
Me.gridAwareTextBox1.AutoSuggestFormula = True

The custom collections can also use for the auto suggestion in the formula bar. To add the custom suggestion list to the GridAwareTextBox, set the AutoCompleteSource value as AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource and then add the custom collection to AutoSuggestCustomSource collection.

//Set Auto Complete Mode to append the suggestion while typing the text
this.gridAwareTextBox1.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend;

// Set custom collection to be displayed while typing on the GridAwareTextBox
this.gridAwareTextBox1.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource;

string[] items = new string[] { "Boolean", "Base", "Bold", "Bind", "Integer" };

//Add the items to the Auto Complete Custom Source
'Set Auto Complete Mode to append the suggestion while typing the text
Me.gridAwareTextBox1.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend

' Set custom collection to be displayed while typing on the GridAwareTextBox
Me.gridAwareTextBox1.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource

Dim items() As String = { "Boolean", "Base", "Bold", "Bind", "Integer" }

'Add the items to the Auto Complete Custom Source


Multi-line Support

Formula Bar can be used like multi-line textbox. While typing the text in the current cell the content will be automatically wrapped into the next row while reaching the width of the GridAwareTextBox.

// Enable Multi-Line GridAwareTextBox
this.gridAwareTextBox1.Multiline = true;
' Enable Multi-Line GridAwareTextBox
Me.gridAwareTextBox1.Multiline = True



Formula bar supports all the events and methods which are provided by the TextBox control.

Unwire Formula Bar

The formula bar can be unwired from the grid by using the UnwireGrid method. It will break the connection between the grid and the formula bar.

//Unwire the Grid from the GridAwareTextBox
'Unwire the Grid from the GridAwareTextBox