Drag and Drop in Windows Forms Grid Control
21 Jan 202511 minutes to read
GridControl supports drag and drop functionality, which allows to drag and drop values from range of cells within a grid or multiple grids. It is required to set the AllowDrop property to true
for achieving this support.
// Enabling DragDrop for GridControl.
this.gridControl1.AllowDrop = true;
'Enabling DragDrop for GridControl.
Me.gridControl1.AllowDrop = True
Drag and Drop between Multiple Grids
It is also possible to drag and drop between the two or more GridControls by enabling the AllowDrop
property for both of the GridControls.
// Enabling DragDrop for the first GridControl.
this.gridControl1.AllowDrop = true;
// Enabling DragDrop for the second GridControl.
this.gridControl2.AllowDrop = true;
'Enabling DragDrop for the first GridControl.
Me.gridControl1.AllowDrop = True
'Enabling DragDrop for the second GridControl.
Me.gridControl2.AllowDrop = True
OLE Drag Drop operation is also possible between GridControl and any other text editors.
Column ordering
In GridControl, the drag drop functionality is available in between the columns of the Grid. This can be achieved by setting the ControllerOptions property as DragColumnHeader
this.gridControl1.ControllerOptions = GridControllerOptions.DragColumnHeader;
Me.gridControl1.ControllerOptions = GridControllerOptions.DragColumnHeader
It is also possible to stop the drag drop functionality between columns by using the below code,
this.gridControl1.ControllerOptions ~= GridControllerOptions.DragColumnHeader;
Me.gridControl1.ControllerOptions ~= GridControllerOptions.DragColumnHeader
Disabling Drag and Drop for a Particular Column Header
There is an event named QueryAllowDragColumnHeader which gets fired while dragging the header. This event can be used to prevent drag drop operation between particular headers by setting the AllowDrag property to false
this.gridControl1.QueryAllowDragColumnHeader += new GridQueryDragColumnHeaderEventHandler(gridControl1_QueryAllowDragColumnHeader);
void gridControl1_QueryAllowDragColumnHeader(object sender, GridQueryDragColumnHeaderEventArgs e)
// Prevents dragging in 2nd column.
if (e.Column == 2)
e.AllowDrag = false;
Private Me.gridControl1.QueryAllowDragColumnHeader += New GridQueryDragColumnHeaderEventHandler(AddressOf gridControl1_QueryAllowDragColumnHeader)
Private Sub gridControl1_QueryAllowDragColumnHeader(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GridQueryDragColumnHeaderEventArgs)
'Prevents dragging in 2nd column.
e.AllowDrag = False
End Sub
Customizing drag and drop
It is possible to control the clipboard format of the data that is being be dragged by using the Model.Options.DragDropDropTargetFlags. Check the enumeration GridDragDropFlags to see the full set of options that are supported.
// Accepts only text values while dropping the contents.
gridControl2.Model.Options.DragDropDropTargetFlags = GridDragDropFlags.Text;
'Accepts only text values while dropping the contents.
gridControl2.Model.Options.DragDropDropTargetFlags = GridDragDropFlags.Text
// Accepts both text values and appearance while dropping the contents.
gridControl2.Model.Options.DragDropDropTargetFlags = GridDragDropFlags.Text | GridDragDropFlags.Styles;
'Accepts both text values and appearance while dropping the contents.
gridControl2.Model.Options.DragDropDropTargetFlags = GridDragDropFlags.Text Or GridDragDropFlags.Styles
Drag-Drop Events
It is also possible to move or copy the contents from one grid to another by using events. There are three events related to Drag and Drop.
To change the effects of the contents while dropping, Effect property can be used.
this.gridControl2.DragOver += new DragEventHandler(gridControl2_DragOver);
void gridControl2_DragOver(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
// Contents that are been dragged over gridControl2 will be copied.
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy;
AddHandler gridControl2.DragOver, AddressOf gridControl2_DragOver
Private Sub gridControl2_DragOver(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DragEventArgs)
'Contents that are been dragged over gridControl2 will be copied.
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy
End Sub
Preventing drag and drop
The contents alone can be prevented while dropping by setting the Effect property as None
this.gridControl2.DragOver += new DragEventHandler(gridControl2_DragOver);
void gridControl2_DragOver(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
// Contents that are been dragged over gridControl2 will not be moved or copied.
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.None;
AddHandler gridControl2.DragOver, AddressOf gridControl2_DragOver
Private Sub gridControl2_DragOver(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DragEventArgs)
'Contents that are been dragged over gridControl2 will not be moved or copied.
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.None
End Sub
Blocking the Data before Dragging
QueryCanOleDragRange event can be used to identify in which range the contents are been moved. It is also possible to cancel the process of Drag and drop operations by using the Cancel
this.gridControl1.QueryCanOleDragRange += new GridQueryCanOleDragRangeEventHandler(gridControl1_QueryCanOleDragRange);
void gridControl1_QueryCanOleDragRange(object sender, GridQueryCanOleDragRangeEventArgs e)
// Drag Drop process will be canceled.
e.Cancel = true;
Private Me.gridControl1.QueryCanOleDragRange += New GridQueryCanOleDragRangeEventHandler(AddressOf gridControl1_QueryCanOleDragRange)
Private Sub gridControl1_QueryCanOleDragRange(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GridQueryCanOleDragRangeEventArgs)
'Drag Drop process will be canceled.
e.Cancel = True
End Sub
Dragging and dropping for merged cells
Drag Drop can also be done for merged cells but while dropping the contents to another location, the merging of cells operation will be canceled. To overcome this problem make use of the QueryCanOleDragRange event and add the merged range in the selection property.
//QueryCanOleDragRange event.
void gridControl1_QueryCanOleDragRange(object sender, GridQueryCanOleDragRangeEventArgs e)
if (e.Range.Left != e.Range.Right || e.Range.Top!=e.Range.Bottom)
'QueryCanOleDragRange event.
Private Sub gridControl1_QueryCanOleDragRange(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GridQueryCanOleDragRangeEventArgs)
If e.Range.Left <> e.Range.Right OrElse e.Range.Top<>e.Range.Bottom Then
End If
End Sub
For more info regarding the Drag Drop related queries please refer our KB articles which can be viewed over here.
Retaining the Dragged Contents
By default while moving the contents from one grid to another using drag and drop operation, the contents of the first grid will be moved completely to the second grid. To overcome this make use of the QueryDragDropMoveClearCells event and set the Cancel
property as true
this.gridControl1.Model.QueryDragDropMoveClearCells += new CancelEventHandler(Model_QueryDragDropMoveClearCells);
void Model_QueryDragDropMoveClearCells(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
// Cancels the Clearing of Cells in the Grid.
e.Cancel = true;
AddHandler gridControl1.Model.QueryDragDropMoveClearCells, AddressOf Model_QueryDragDropMoveClearCells
Private Sub Model_QueryDragDropMoveClearCells(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CancelEventArgs)
'Cancels the Clearing of Cells in the Grid.
e.Cancel = True
End Sub
Obtaining the Dragging Range
QueryOleDataSourceData is another event which is used to get the range of cells that is being copied by using OLE Drag Drop operations.
gridControl1.QueryOleDataSourceData += new GridQueryOleDataSourceDataEventHandler(gridControl1_QueryOleDataSourceData);
void gridControl1_QueryOleDataSourceData(object sender, GridQueryOleDataSourceDataEventArgs e)
// Gets the selected range that is been dragged.
string s = e.RangeList.ToString();
AddHandler gridControl1.QueryOleDataSourceData, AddressOf gridControl1_QueryOleDataSourceData
Private Sub gridControl1_QueryOleDataSourceData(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GridQueryOleDataSourceDataEventArgs)
'Gets the selected range that is been dragged.
Dim s As string = e.RangeList.ToString()
End Sub
Finding the Row Index and Column Index of the Dropped Grid
It is possible to get the row index and column index while drag and drop the contents to the exact location by using the Model.OleDropAtRowCol event.
gridControl3.Model.OleDropAtRowCol += new GridOleDropAtRowColEventHandler(Model_OleDropAtRowCol);
void Model_OleDropAtRowCol(object sender, GridOleDropAtRowColEventArgs e)
this.richTextBox1.Text = "Contents are dropped in the RowIndex " + e.RowIndex + " and ColIndex " + e.ColIndex;
AddHandler gridControl3.Model.OleDropAtRowCol, AddressOf Model_OleDropAtRowCol
Private Sub Model_OleDropAtRowCol(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GridOleDropAtRowColEventArgs)
Me.richTextBox1.Text = "Contents are dropped in the RowIndex " & e.RowIndex & " and ColIndex " & e.ColIndex
End Sub