Namespace Syncfusion.EJ2.Charts
Defines the empty point mode of the chart. Zero - Used to display empty points as zero. Drop - Used to ignore the empty point while rendering. Average - Used to display empty points as previous and next point average. |
AccumulationAccessibility |
AccumulationAnnotationSettings |
AccumulationAnnotationSettingsBuilder |
AccumulationChart |
AccumulationChartAccessibility |
AccumulationChartAccessibilityBuilder |
AccumulationChartAccumulationAnnotations |
AccumulationChartAccumulationSeriesCollection |
AccumulationChartAnimation |
AccumulationChartAnimationBuilder |
AccumulationChartBorder |
AccumulationChartBorderAccumulationChart |
AccumulationChartBorderBuilder |
AccumulationChartCenter |
AccumulationChartCenterBuilder |
AccumulationChartCenterLabel |
AccumulationChartCenterLabelBuilder |
AccumulationChartConnector |
AccumulationChartConnectorBuilder |
AccumulationChartEmptyPointSettings |
AccumulationChartEmptyPointSettingsBuilder |
AccumulationChartFont |
AccumulationChartFontBuilder |
AccumulationChartLegendAccessibility |
AccumulationChartLegendSettings |
AccumulationChartLegendSettingsBuilder |
AccumulationChartLocation |
AccumulationChartLocationBuilder |
AccumulationChartMargin |
AccumulationChartMarginBuilder |
AccumulationChartSubTitleStyleAccumulationChart |
AccumulationChartTitleStyleAccumulationChart |
AccumulationChartTooltipBorder |
AccumulationChartTooltipSettings |
AccumulationChartTooltipSettingsBuilder |
AccumulationChartTooltipTextStyle |
AccumulationDataLabelSettings |
AccumulationDataLabelSettingsBuilder |
Specifies whether a data point should be highlighted. The options are: None - Disable the Highlight. Point - To highlight a point. |
Defines the AccumulationLabelPosition. They are: Inside - Define the data label position for the accumulation series Inside. Outside - Define the data label position for the accumulation series Outside. |
Defines the SelectionMode, They are: None - Disable the selection. Point - To select a point. |
AccumulationSeries |
AccumulationSeriesBuilder |
Defines the theme of the accumulation chart. They are: Material - Render a accumulation chart with Material theme. Fabric - Render a accumulation chart with Fabric theme. Bootstrap - Render a accumulation chart with Bootstrap theme. HighContrastLight - Render a accumulation chart with HighcontrastLight theme. MaterialDark - Render a accumulation chart with MaterialDark theme. FabricDark - Render a accumulation chart with FabricDark theme. HighContrast - Render a accumulation chart with HighContrast theme. BootstrapDark - Render a accumulation chart with BootstrapDark theme. Bootstrap4 - Render a accumulation chart with Bootstrap4 theme. Tailwind - Render a accumulation chart with Tailwind theme. TailwindDark - Render a accumulation chart with TailwindDark theme. Bootstrap5 - Render a accumulation chart with Bootstrap5 theme. Bootstrap5Dark - Render a accumulation chart with Bootstrap5Dark theme. Fluent - Render a accumulation chart with Fluent theme. FluentDark - Render a accumulation chart with FluentDark theme. Fluent2 - Render a accumulation chart with Fluent2 theme. Fluent2Dark - Render a accumulation chart with Fluent2Dark theme. Material3 - Render a accumulation chart with Material3 theme. Material3Dark - Render a accumulation chart with Material3Dark theme. |
Defines the Accumulation Chart series type. Pie - Accumulation chart Pie series type. Funnel - Accumulation chart Funnel series type. Pyramid - Accumulation chart Pyramid series type. |
Defines the alignment. They are: Near - Align the element to the left. Center - Align the element to the center. Far - Align the element to the right. |
Defines the strip line text position. They are: Start - Places the strip line text at the start. Middle - Places the strip line text in the middle. End - Places the strip line text at the end. |
AxisBorderAxes |
AxisBorderPrimaryXAxis |
AxisBorderPrimaryYAxis |
AxisCrosshairTooltipPrimaryXAxis |
AxisCrosshairTooltipPrimaryYAxis |
Defines the position of axis labels. They are: Outside - Render the axis label with position outside the axis. Inside - Render the axis label with position inside the axis. |
AxisLabelStyleAxes |
AxisLabelStylePrimaryXAxis |
AxisLabelStylePrimaryYAxis |
AxisLineStylePrimaryXAxis |
AxisLineStylePrimaryYAxis |
AxisMajorGridLinesPrimaryXAxis |
AxisMajorGridLinesPrimaryYAxis |
AxisMajorTickLinesPrimaryXAxis |
AxisMajorTickLinesPrimaryYAxis |
AxisMinorGridLinesPrimaryXAxis |
AxisMinorGridLinesPrimaryYAxis |
AxisMinorTickLinesPrimaryXAxis |
AxisMinorTickLinesPrimaryYAxis |
Defines the position of the axis tick and labels. They are: Inside - Place the ticks or labels inside to the axis line. Outside - Place the ticks or labels outside to the axis line. |
AxisScrollbarSettingsPrimaryXAxis |
AxisScrollbarSettingsPrimaryYAxis |
AxisTitleStyleAxes |
AxisTitleStylePrimaryXAxis |
AxisTitleStylePrimaryYAxis |
Defines the border type for multi level labels. They are: Rectangle - A rectangular border around the labels. Brace - A brace-style border around the labels. WithoutBorder - No border around the labels. WithoutTopBorder - No top border around the labels. WithoutTopandBottomBorder - No top and bottom borders around the labels. CurlyBrace - A curly brace-style border around the labels. |
Defines the box plot mode for box and whisker chart series. They are: Exclusive - Series render based on exclusive mode. Inclusive - Series render based on inclusive mode. Normal - Series render based on normal mode. |
BulletChart |
BulletChartAnimation |
BulletChartAnimationBuilder |
BulletChartBorder |
BulletChartBorderBuilder |
BulletChartBulletChartLegendSettings |
BulletChartBulletChartLegendSettingsBuilder |
BulletChartBulletDataLabel |
BulletChartBulletDataLabelBuilder |
BulletChartBulletLabelStyle |
BulletChartBulletLabelStyleBuilder |
BulletChartBulletRangeCollection |
BulletChartBulletTooltipSettings |
BulletChartBulletTooltipSettingsBuilder |
BulletChartCategoryLabelStyleBulletChart |
BulletChartContainerBorder |
BulletChartLabelStyleBulletChart |
BulletChartLegendTextStyle |
BulletChartLocation |
BulletChartLocationBuilder |
BulletChartMajorTickLines |
BulletChartMajorTickLinesBuilder |
BulletChartMargin |
BulletChartMarginBuilder |
BulletChartMinorTickLines |
BulletChartMinorTickLinesBuilder |
BulletChartSubtitleStyleBulletChart |
BulletChartTooltipBorder |
BulletChartValueBorder |
BulletDataLabelLabelStyleDataLabel |
BulletTooltipSettingsTextStyleTooltip |
CenterLabelTextStyleCenterLabel |
Chart |
Chart3D |
Chart3DAnimation |
Chart3DAnimationBuilder |
Chart3DAxes |
Chart3DAxis |
Chart3DAxisBuilder |
Chart3DAxisLabelStyleAxes |
Chart3DAxisLabelStylePrimaryXAxis |
Chart3DAxisLabelStylePrimaryYAxis |
Chart3DAxisMajorGridLinesPrimaryXAxis |
Chart3DAxisMajorGridLinesPrimaryYAxis |
Chart3DAxisMajorTickLinesPrimaryXAxis |
Chart3DAxisMajorTickLinesPrimaryYAxis |
Chart3DAxisMinorGridLinesPrimaryXAxis |
Chart3DAxisMinorGridLinesPrimaryYAxis |
Chart3DAxisMinorTickLinesPrimaryXAxis |
Chart3DAxisMinorTickLinesPrimaryYAxis |
Chart3DAxisTitleStyleAxes |
Chart3DAxisTitleStylePrimaryXAxis |
Chart3DAxisTitleStylePrimaryYAxis |
Chart3DBorder |
Chart3DBorderBuilder |
Chart3DBorderChart3D |
Chart3DColumn |
Chart3DColumnBuilder |
Chart3DContainerPadding |
Chart3DContainerPaddingBuilder |
Defines the LabelPosition, They are. top - Position the label on top of the point. bottom - Position the label on bottom of the point. middle - Position the label to middle of the point. |
Chart3DDataLabelSettings |
Chart3DDataLabelSettingsBuilder |
Chart3DEmptyPointSettings |
Chart3DEmptyPointSettingsBuilder |
Defines the tooltip fade out mode of the chart. Click - Used to remove the tooltip on click. Move - Used to remove the tooltip with some delay. |
Chart3DFont |
Chart3DFontBuilder |
Chart3DLegendBorder |
Chart3DLegendLocation |
Chart3DLegendMargin |
Defines the mode for rendering legend items. Series - Render legend items based on visible series. Point - Render legend items based on points. |
Chart3DLegendSettings |
Chart3DLegendSettingsBuilder |
Chart3DLegendTextStyle |
Chart3DLegendTitleStyle |
Chart3DLocation |
Chart3DLocationBuilder |
Chart3DMajorGridLines |
Chart3DMajorGridLinesBuilder |
Chart3DMajorTickLines |
Chart3DMajorTickLinesBuilder |
Chart3DMargin |
Chart3DMarginBuilder |
Chart3DMarginChart3D |
Chart3DMinorGridLines |
Chart3DMinorGridLinesBuilder |
Chart3DMinorTickLines |
Chart3DMinorTickLinesBuilder |
Chart3DPrimaryXAxis |
Chart3DPrimaryYAxis |
Chart3DRow |
Chart3DRowBuilder |
Chart3DRows |
Chart3DSelectedDataIndex |
Chart3DSelectedDataIndexBuilder |
Chart3DSelectedDataIndexes |
Defines the 3D chart SelectionMode, They are. none - Disable the selection. series - To select a series. point - To select a point. cluster - To select a cluster of point. |
Chart3DSeries |
Chart3DSeriesBuilder |
Chart3DSeriesCollection |
Defines the type series in 3D chart. They are column - Renders the column series. bar - Renders the stacking column series stackingColumn - Renders the stacking column series. stackingBar - Renders the stacking bar series. StackingColumn100 - Renders the stacking column series. StackingBar100 - Renders the stacking bar 100 percent series. |
Chart3DSubTitleStyleChart3D |
Chart3DTextFont |
Chart3DTextFontBuilder |
Chart3DTitleBorder |
Chart3DTitleBorderBuilder |
Chart3DTitleSettings |
Chart3DTitleSettingsBuilder |
Chart3DTooltipBorder |
Chart3DTooltipSettings |
Chart3DTooltipSettingsBuilder |
ChartAccessibility |
ChartAccessibilityBuilder |
ChartAnimation |
ChartAnimationBuilder |
ChartAnnotation |
ChartAnnotationBuilder |
ChartAnnotations |
ChartAnnotationSettingsAccessibility |
ChartArea |
ChartAreaBorderChartArea |
ChartAreaBuilder |
ChartAreaMargin |
ChartAxes |
ChartAxis |
ChartAxisBuilder |
ChartAxisLine |
ChartAxisLineBuilder |
ChartBaseAccessibility |
ChartBorder |
ChartBorderBuilder |
ChartBorderChart |
ChartCategories |
ChartCategory |
ChartCategoryBuilder |
ChartColumn |
ChartColumnBuilder |
ChartColumns |
ChartConnector |
ChartConnectorBuilder |
ChartCornerRadius |
ChartCornerRadiusBuilder |
ChartCrosshairSettings |
ChartCrosshairSettingsBuilder |
ChartCrosshairTooltip |
ChartCrosshairTooltipBuilder |
ChartDataLabelSettings |
ChartDataLabelSettingsBuilder |
ChartDragSettings |
ChartDragSettingsBuilder |
Type of series to be drawn in radar or polar series. They are: Line - Renders the line series. Column - Renders the column series. Area - Renders the area series. Scatter - Renders the scatter series. Spline - Renders the spline series. StackingColumn - Renders the stacking column series. StackingArea - Renders the stacking area series. RangeColumn - Renders the range column series. SplineArea - Renders the spline area series. |
ChartEmptyPointSettings |
ChartEmptyPointSettingsBuilder |
ChartErrorBarCapSettings |
ChartErrorBarCapSettingsBuilder |
ChartErrorBarSettings |
ChartErrorBarSettingsBuilder |
ChartFont |
ChartFontBuilder |
ChartIndicator |
ChartIndicatorBuilder |
ChartIndicators |
ChartLabelBorder |
ChartLabelBorderBuilder |
ChartLegendBorder |
ChartLegendSettings |
ChartLegendSettingsBuilder |
ChartLegendTextStyle |
ChartLegendTitleStyle |
ChartLocation |
ChartLocationBuilder |
ChartMajorGridLines |
ChartMajorGridLinesBuilder |
ChartMajorTickLines |
ChartMajorTickLinesBuilder |
ChartMargin |
ChartMarginBuilder |
ChartMarginChart |
ChartMarkerSettings |
ChartMarkerSettingsBuilder |
ChartMinorGridLines |
ChartMinorGridLinesBuilder |
ChartMinorTickLines |
ChartMinorTickLinesBuilder |
ChartMultiLevelLabel |
ChartMultiLevelLabelBuilder |
ChartMultiLevelLabels |
ChartParetoOptions |
ChartParetoOptionsBuilder |
ChartPrimaryXAxisChart |
ChartPrimaryYAxisChart |
ChartRangeColorSetting |
ChartRangeColorSettingBuilder |
ChartRangeColorSettings |
Defines the range padding of axis. They are: Auto - Padding Normal is applied for orientation vertical axis and None is applied for orientation horizontal axis. None - Padding cannot be applied to the axis. Normal - Padding is applied to the axis based on the range calculation. Additional - Interval of the axis is added as padding to the minimum and maximum values of the range. Round - Axis range is rounded to the nearest possible value divided by the interval. |
ChartRow |
ChartRowBuilder |
ChartRows |
ChartScrollbarSettings |
ChartScrollbarSettingsBuilder |
ChartScrollbarSettingsRange |
ChartScrollbarSettingsRangeBuilder |
ChartSegment |
ChartSegmentBuilder |
ChartSegments |
ChartSelectedDataIndex |
ChartSelectedDataIndexBuilder |
ChartSelectedDataIndexes |
ChartSeries |
ChartSeriesAccessibility |
ChartSeriesAccessibilityBuilder |
ChartSeriesBuilder |
ChartSeriesCollection |
Defines the type of series in chart. They are: Line - Renders the line series. Column - Renders the column series. Area - Renders the area series. Pie - Renders the pie series. Polar - Renders the polar series. Radar - Renders the radar series. Bar - Renders the stacking column series Histogram - Renders the histogram series StackingColumn - Renders the stacking column series. StackingArea - Renders the stacking area series. StackingLine - Renders the stacking line series. StackingBar - Renders the stacking bar series. StackingColumn100 - Renders the stacking column series. StackingArea100 - Renders the stacking area 100 percent series StackingLine100 - Renders the stacking line 100 percent series. StackingBar100 - Renders the stacking bar 100 percent series. StepLine - Renders the step line series. StepArea - Renders the step area series. Scatter - Renders the scatter series. Spline - Renders the spline series RangeColumn - Renders the rangeColumn series. Hilo - Renders the hilo series HiloOpenClose - Renders the HiloOpenClose series Waterfall - Renders the Waterfall series RangeArea - Renders the rangeArea series. RangeStepArea - Renders the rangeStepArea series. Candle - Renders the candle series. SplineRangeArea - Renders the splineRangeArea series. BoxAndWhisker - Renders the Box and whisker series. MultiColoredLine - Renders the multi color line series. MultiColoredArea - Renders the multi color area series. Pareto- Renders the pareto series. |
Defines the shape of marker. They are: Circle - Renders a circle. Rectangle - Renders a rectangle. Triangle - Renders a triangle. Diamond - Renders a diamond. Cross - Renders a cross. Plus - Renders a Plus. HorizontalLine - Renders a horizontalLine. VerticalLine - Renders a verticalLine. Pentagon- Renders a pentagon. InvertedTriangle - Renders a invertedTriangle. Image - Renders a image. |
ChartStripLine |
ChartStripLineBuilder |
ChartStripLines |
ChartSubTitleStyleChart |
Defines theme of the chart. They are: Material - Render a chart with Material theme. Fabric - Render a chart with Fabric theme. Bootstrap - Render a chart with Bootstrap theme. HighContrastLight - Render a chart with HighcontrastLight theme. MaterialDark - Render a chart with MaterialDark theme. FabricDark - Render a chart with FabricDark theme. HighContrast - Render a chart with HighContrast theme. BootstrapDark - Render a chart with BootstrapDark theme. Bootstrap4 - Render a chart with Bootstrap4 theme. Tailwind - Render a chart with Tailwind theme. TailwindDark - Render a chart with TailwindDark theme. Bootstrap5 - Render a chart with Bootstrap5 theme. Bootstrap5Dark - Render a chart with Bootstrap5Dark theme. Fluent - Render a chart with Fluent theme. FluentDark - Render a chart with FluentDark theme. Fluent2 - Render a chart with Fluent2 theme. Fluent2Dark - Render a chart with Fluent2Dark theme. Material3 - Render a chart with Material3 theme. Material3Dark - Render a chart with Material3Dark theme. |
ChartTitleSettings |
ChartTitleSettingsBuilder |
ChartToolbarPosition |
ChartToolbarPositionBuilder |
ChartTooltipBorder |
ChartTooltipSettings |
ChartTooltipSettingsBuilder |
ChartTooltipTextStyle |
ChartTrendline |
ChartTrendlineBuilder |
ChartTrendLineMarkerBorder |
ChartTrendlines |
ChartZoomSettings |
ChartZoomSettingsBuilder |
CircularChart3D |
CircularChart3DAnimation |
CircularChart3DAnimationBuilder |
CircularChart3DBorder |
CircularChart3DBorderBuilder |
CircularChart3DConnector |
CircularChart3DConnectorBuilder |
CircularChart3DContainerBorder |
CircularChart3DContainerPadding |
CircularChart3DContainerPaddingBuilder |
CircularChart3DDataLabelFont |
CircularChart3DDataLabelFontBuilder |
CircularChart3DDataLabelSettings |
CircularChart3DDataLabelSettingsBuilder |
CircularChart3DEmptyPointSettings |
CircularChart3DEmptyPointSettingsBuilder |
CircularChart3DFont |
CircularChart3DFontBuilder |
Defines the HighlightMode. Options are: None - Disable the highlight. Point - Highlights a point. |
Defines the Circular 3D data label positions. They can be: 'Inside': Define the data label position inside the circular 3D series. 'Outside': Define the data label position outside the circular 3D series. |
CircularChart3DLegendSettings |
CircularChart3DLegendSettingsBorderLegendSettings |
CircularChart3DLegendSettingsBuilder |
CircularChart3DLegendSettingsMarginLegendSettings |
CircularChart3DLegendSettingsTextStyleLegendSettings |
CircularChart3DLegendSettingsTitleStyleLegendSettings |
CircularChart3DLocation |
CircularChart3DLocationBuilder |
CircularChart3DMargin |
CircularChart3DMarginBuilder |
CircularChart3DSelectedDataIndex |
CircularChart3DSelectedDataIndexBuilder |
CircularChart3DSelectedDataIndexes |
Defines the SelectionMode. Options are: None - Disable the selection. Point - Selects a point. |
CircularChart3DSeries |
CircularChart3DSeriesBuilder |
CircularChart3DSeriesCollection |
CircularChart3DSubTitleStyleCircularChart3D |
Defines the themes for the circular 3D chart. |
CircularChart3DTooltipBorder |
CircularChart3DTooltipSettings |
CircularChart3DTooltipSettingsBuilder |
CircularChart3DTooltipSettingsLocationTooltip |
CircularChart3DTooltipTextStyle |
Defines the type of connector lines in an accumulation series. The options are: Line - Accumulation series Connector line type as Straight line. Curve - Accumulation series Connector line type as Curved line. |
ContainerAreaBorderContainerArea |
CrosshairSettingsLineCrosshair |
Defines the Alignment. They are: None - Shows all the labels. Hide - Hide the label when it intersect. Rotate90 - Rotate the label to 90 degree when it intersect. |
DataLabelSettingsBorderDataLabel |
DataLabelSettingsFontDataLabel |
Defines edge data label placement for datalabel, if exceeds the sparkline area horizontally. None - Edge data label shown as clipped text. Shift - Edge data label moved inside the sparkline area. Hide - Edge data label will hide, if exceeds the sparkline area. |
Defines the edge label placement for an axis. They are: None - No action will be perform. Hide - Edge label will be hidden. Shift - Shift the edge labels. |
Defines the empty point mode of the chart. They are: Gap - Used to display empty points as space. Zero - Used to display empty points as zero. Drop - Used to ignore the empty point while rendering. Average - Used to display empty points as previous and next point average. |
EmptyPointSettingsBorderEmptyPointSettings |
Defines the direction of error bar. They are: Both - Renders the error bar in both directions. Minus - Renders the error bar in the negative direction. Plus - Renders the error bar in the positive direction. |
Defines the modes of error bar. They are: Vertical - Renders a vertical error bar. Horizontal - Renders a horizontal error bar. Both - Renders error bars on both sides. |
Defines the type of the error bar. They are: Fixed - Renders a fixed type error bar. Percentage - Renders a percentage type error bar. StandardDeviation - Renders a standard deviation type error bar. StandardError -Renders a standard error type error bar. Custom -Renders a custom type error bar. |
Defines the tooltip fade out mode of the chart. They are: Click - Used to remove the tooltip on click. Move - Used to remove the tooltip with some delay. |
It defines flow direction of the bullet chart. Forward Backward |
Defines the financial data fields. They are: High - Represents the highest price in the stocks over time. Low - Represents the lowest price in the stocks over time. Open - Represents the opening price in the stocks over time. Close - Represents the closing price in the stocks over time. |
Flag type for stock events. |
Specifies the available modes for rendering a funnel chart. |
Defines the mode of the group. Point - When choosing points, the selected points get grouped. Value - When choosing values, the points which less then values get grouped. |
Defines the selection mode. They are: None - Disable the selection. Series - To select a series. Point - To select a point. Cluster - To select a cluster of point. |
Defines the interval type of datetime axis. They are: Auto - Define the interval of the axis based on data. Years - Define the interval of the axis in years. Months - Define the interval of the axis in months. Days - Define the interval of the axis in days. Hours - Define the interval of the axis in hours. Minutes - Define the interval of the axis in minutes. Seconds - Define the interval of the axis in seconds. |
Label alignment of the axis Near Middle Far |
Defines the alignment. They are: None - Shows all the labels. Hide - Hide the label when it intersect. Trim - Trim the label when it intersect. Wrap - Wrap the label when it intersect. MultipleRows - Arrange the label in multiple row when it intersect. Rotate45 - Rotate the label to 45 degree when it intersect. Rotate90 - Rotate the label to 90 degree when it intersect. |
Specifies text overflow options when the text overflowing the container. They are: Ellipsis - Specifies an ellipsis (“...”) to the clipped text. clip - Specifies to break a word once it is too long to fit on a line by itself. |
Defines the label placement for category axis. They are: BetweenTicks - Render the label between the ticks. OnTicks - Render the label on the ticks. |
Defines the label position. They are: Outer - Position the label outside the point. Top - Position the label on top of the point. Bottom - Position the label on bottom of the point. Middle - Position the label to middle of the point. Auto - Position the label based on series. |
It defines label placement of bullet chart. Outside Inside |
Defines how the legend items are arranged. The available options are: |
Defines the mode of the legend in the chart. They are: Series - Render legend items based on visible series. Point - Render legend items based on points. Range - Render legend items based on range color mapping conditions. Gradient - Render legend items based on gradient color mapping conditions. |
Defines the position of the legend. They are: Auto - Places the legend based on the area type. Top - Displays the legend on the top of the chart. Left - Displays the legend on the left of the chart. Bottom - Displays the legend on the bottom of the chart. Right - Displays the legend on the right of the chart. Custom - Displays the legend based on the given x and y value. |
LegendSettingsAccessibility |
LegendSettingsBorderLegendSettings |
LegendSettingsTextStyleLegendSettings |
LegendSettingsTitleStyleLegendSettings |
Defines the shape of legend. They are: Circle - Renders a circle. Rectangle - Renders a rectangle. Triangle - Renders a triangle. Diamond - Renders a diamond. Cross - Renders a cross. HorizontalLine - Renders a horizontalLine. VerticalLine - Renders a verticalLine. Pentagon - Renders a pentagon. InvertedTriangle - Renders a invertedTriangle. SeriesType -Render a legend shape based on series type. Image - Renders a image. |
Defines the position of the legend title. They are: Top - Align the title to the top. Left - Align the title to the left. Right - Align the title to the right. |
LegendTitleTextStyleTitle |
Defines the mode of line in crosshair. They are: None - Hides both the vertical and horizontal crosshair lines. Both - Shows both the vertical and horizontal crosshair lines. Vertical - Shows the vertical line. Horizontal - Shows the horizontal line. |
Defines the type of MACD indicator. The options are: Line - Displays only the MACD line and signal line. Histogram - Displays only the MACD histogram. Both - Displays the MACD line, signal line, and histogram. |
MarkerSettingsBorderMarker |
MarkerSettingsDataLabelMarker |
MultiLevelLabelsPrimaryXAxis |
MultiLevelLabelsPrimaryXAxisCategories |
MultiLevelLabelsPrimaryXAxisCategoriesBuilder |
MultiLevelLabelsPrimaryXAxisCategoriesExtends |
MultiLevelLabelsPrimaryXAxisExtends |
MultiLevelLabelsPrimaryXAxisLabelBorder |
MultiLevelLabelsPrimaryXAxisTextStyle |
MultiLevelLabelsPrimaryYAxis |
MultiLevelLabelsPrimaryYAxisCategories |
MultiLevelLabelsPrimaryYAxisCategoriesBuilder |
MultiLevelLabelsPrimaryYAxisCategoriesExtends |
MultiLevelLabelsPrimaryYAxisExtends |
MultiLevelLabelsPrimaryYAxisLabelBorder |
MultiLevelLabelsPrimaryYAxisTextStyle |
MultiLevelLabelsTextStyleMultiLevelLabels |
Defines the Label Placement for axis. They are betweenTicks - Render the label between the ticks. onTicks - Render the label on the ticks. auto - Render the label between or on the ticks based on data. |
It defines orientation of the bullet chart. horizontal vertical |
ParetoOptionsMarkerParetoOptions |
Defines the position of the period selector. They are: Top: Places the period selector at the top. Bottom: Places the period selector at the bottom. |
Defines the Position. They are: Top - Align the element to the top. Middle - Align the element to the center. Bottom - Align the element to the bottom. |
Defines the mode of the pyramid. Linear - Height of the pyramid segments reflects the values. Surface - Surface/Area of the pyramid segments reflects the values. |
Range |
RangeBuilder |
Defines the interval type of datetime axis. They are: Auto - Define the interval of the axis based on data. Quarter - Define the interval of the axis based on data. Years - Define the interval of the axis in years. Months - Define the interval of the axis in months. Weeks - Define the interval of the axis in weeks Days - Define the interval of the axis in days. Hours - Define the interval of the axis in hours. Minutes - Define the interval of the axis in minutes. |
Defines the intersect action. They are none - Shows all the labels. hide - Hide the label when it intersect. |
RangeNavigator |
RangeNavigatorAnimation |
RangeNavigatorAnimationBuilder |
RangeNavigatorBorder |
RangeNavigatorBorderBuilder |
RangeNavigatorFont |
RangeNavigatorFontBuilder |
RangeNavigatorMajorGridLines |
RangeNavigatorMajorGridLinesBuilder |
RangeNavigatorMajorTickLines |
RangeNavigatorMajorTickLinesBuilder |
RangeNavigatorMargin |
RangeNavigatorMarginBuilder |
RangeNavigatorNavigatorBorderRangeNavigator |
RangeNavigatorPeriod |
RangeNavigatorPeriodBuilder |
RangeNavigatorPeriods |
RangeNavigatorPeriodSelectorSettings |
RangeNavigatorPeriodSelectorSettingsBuilder |
RangeNavigatorRangenavigatorSeries |
RangeNavigatorRangenavigatorSeriesBuilder |
RangeNavigatorRangenavigatorSeriesCollection |
RangeNavigatorRangeTooltipSettings |
RangeNavigatorRangeTooltipSettingsBuilder |
RangeNavigatorStyleSettings |
RangeNavigatorStyleSettingsBuilder |
RangeNavigatorThumbSettings |
RangeNavigatorThumbSettingsBuilder |
It defines type of series in the range navigator. line column area |
RangeTooltipSettingsBorderTooltip |
RangeTooltipSettingsTextStyleTooltip |
Specifies the data types that the axis can handle: Double: This type is used for rendering a numeric axis to accommodate numeric data. DateTime: This type is utilized for rendering a date-time axis to manage date-time data. Logarithmic: This type is applied for rendering a logarithmic axis to handle a wide range of values. DateTimeCategory: This type is used to render a date time category axis for managing business days. |
Defines regions of an annotation. They are: Chart - Specifies the chart coordinates. Series - Specifies the series coordinates. |
Defines render type of smithchart. They are Impedance - Render a smithchart with Impedance type. Admittance - Render a smithchart with Admittance type. |
ScrollbarSettingsRangeScrollbarSettings |
Defines the segment axis. They are: X - Segment calculation rendered based on the horizontal axis. Y - Segment calculation rendered based on the vertical axis. |
Defines the selection mode. They are: None - Disable the selection. Series - To select a series. Point - To select a point. Cluster - To select a cluster of point DragXY - To select points, by dragging with respect to both horizontal and vertical axis DragX - To select points, by dragging with respect to horizontal axis. DragY - To select points, by dragging with respect to vertical axis. Lasso - To select points, by dragging with respect to free form. |
Highlighting or selecting patterns in chart. They are: None - Sets none as highlighting or selecting pattern. Chessboard - Sets chess board as highlighting or selecting pattern. Dots - Set dots as highlighting or selecting pattern. DiagonalForward - Sets diagonal forward as highlighting or selecting pattern. Crosshatch -Sets crosshatch as highlighting or selecting pattern. Pacman - Sets pacman highlighting or selecting pattern. Diagonalbackward - Set diagonal backward as highlighting or selecting pattern. Grid - Set grid as highlighting or selecting pattern. Turquoise - Sets turquoise as highlighting or selecting pattern. Star - Sets star as highlighting or selecting pattern. Triangle - Sets triangle as highlighting or selecting pattern. Circle - Sets circle as highlighting or selecting pattern. Tile - Sets tile as highlighting or selecting pattern. Horizontaldash - Sets horizontal dash as highlighting or selecting pattern. Verticaldash - Sets vertical dash as highlighting or selecting pattern. Rectangle - Sets rectangle as highlighting or selecting pattern. Box - Sets box as highlighting or selecting pattern. Verticalstripe - Sets vertical stripe as highlighting or selecting pattern. Horizontalstripe - Sets horizontal stripe as highlighting or selecting pattern. Bubble - Sets bubble as highlighting or selecting pattern. |
SeriesBorderSeries |
SeriesMarkerSeries |
Defines the shape of the data in columns and bars. They are: Rectangle - Displays the data in a column and bar chart in a rectangle shape. Cylinder - Displays the data in a column and bar chart in a cylinder shape. |
Defines the unit of strip line size. They are: Auto - In numeric axis, it will consider a number and DateTime axis, it will consider as milliseconds. Pixel - The stripline gets their size in pixel. Year - The stripline size is based on year in the DateTime axis. Month - The stripline size is based on month in the DateTime axis. Day - The stripline size is based on day in the DateTime axis. Hour - The stripline size is based on hour in the DateTime axis. Minutes - The stripline size is based on minutes in the DateTime axis. Seconds - The stripline size is based on seconds in the DateTime axis. |
Defines the skeleton type for the axis. They are: Date - It formats date only. DateTime - It formats date and time. Time - It formats time only. |
Smithchart |
Defines the Alignment. They are near - Align the element to the left. center - Align the element to the center. far - Align the element to the right. |
SmithchartAxisLabelStyleHorizontalAxis |
Defines actions for handling overlapping labels in a smith chart. They are: Hide - Hide the overlapped axis label. None - Render all axis labels, even if they overlap. |
SmithchartLegendBorder |
SmithchartLegendBorderBuilder |
SmithchartLegendItemStyle |
SmithchartLegendItemStyleBuilder |
SmithchartLegendLocation |
SmithchartLegendLocationBuilder |
SmithchartLegendTitle |
SmithchartLegendTitleBuilder |
SmithchartRadialAxisSmithchart |
SmithchartSeriesMarker |
SmithchartSeriesMarkerBorder |
SmithchartSeriesMarkerBorderBuilder |
SmithchartSeriesMarkerBuilder |
SmithchartSeriesMarkerDataLabel |
SmithchartSeriesMarkerDataLabelBorder |
SmithchartSeriesMarkerDataLabelBorderBuilder |
SmithchartSeriesMarkerDataLabelBuilder |
SmithchartSeriesMarkerDataLabelConnectorLine |
SmithchartSeriesMarkerDataLabelConnectorLineBuilder |
SmithchartSeriesTooltip |
SmithchartSeriesTooltipBorder |
SmithchartSeriesTooltipBorderBuilder |
SmithchartSeriesTooltipBuilder |
SmithchartSmithchartAxis |
SmithchartSmithchartAxisBuilder |
SmithchartSmithchartAxisLine |
SmithchartSmithchartAxisLineBuilder |
SmithchartSmithchartBorder |
SmithchartSmithchartBorderBuilder |
SmithchartSmithchartFont |
SmithchartSmithchartFontBuilder |
SmithchartSmithchartLegendSettings |
SmithchartSmithchartLegendSettingsBuilder |
SmithchartSmithchartMajorGridLines |
SmithchartSmithchartMajorGridLinesBuilder |
SmithchartSmithchartMargin |
SmithchartSmithchartMarginBuilder |
SmithchartSmithchartMinorGridLines |
SmithchartSmithchartMinorGridLinesBuilder |
SmithchartSmithchartSeries |
SmithchartSmithchartSeriesBuilder |
SmithchartSmithchartSeriesCollection |
SmithchartSubtitle |
SmithchartSubtitleBuilder |
Defines Theme of the smithchart. They are Material - Render a smithchart with Material theme. Fabric - Render a smithchart with Fabric theme. |
SmithchartTitle |
SmithchartTitleBuilder |
Sparkline |
SparklineAxisSettings |
SparklineAxisSettingsBuilder |
SparklineBorderSparkline |
SparklineContainerArea |
SparklineContainerAreaBuilder |
SparklineDataLabelSettingsBorderDataLabelSettings |
SparklineDataLabelSettingsTextStyleDataLabelSettings |
SparklineLabelOffset |
SparklineLabelOffsetBuilder |
SparklineLineSettings |
SparklineLineSettingsBuilder |
SparklineMarkerSettingsBorderMarkerSettings |
SparklinePadding |
SparklinePaddingBuilder |
SparklineRangeBandSetting |
SparklineRangeBandSettingBuilder |
SparklineRangeBandSettings |
Defines the range padding of series.
SparklineSparklineBorder |
SparklineSparklineBorderBuilder |
SparklineSparklineDataLabelSettings |
SparklineSparklineDataLabelSettingsBuilder |
SparklineSparklineFont |
SparklineSparklineFontBuilder |
SparklineSparklineMarkerSettings |
SparklineSparklineMarkerSettingsBuilder |
SparklineSparklineTooltipSettings |
SparklineSparklineTooltipSettingsBuilder |
Defines Theme of the sparkline. They are: Material - Render a sparkline with Material theme. Fabric - Render a sparkline with Fabric theme. Bootstrap - Render a sparkline with Bootstrap theme. HighContrast - Render a sparkline with HighContrast theme. Dark - Render a sparkline with Dark theme. |
SparklineTrackLineSettings |
SparklineTrackLineSettingsBuilder |
Specifies the sparkline types.
Specifies the sparkline data value types.
It defines type of spline. They are: Natural - Used to render a natural spline. Cardinal - Used to render a cardinal spline. Clamped - Used to render a clamped spline. Monotonic - Used to render a monotonic spline. |
Defines the position for the steps in the step line, step area, and step range area chart types. They are: Left: Steps start from the left side of the 2nd point. Center: Steps start between the data points. Right: Steps start from the right side of the 1st point. |
StockChart |
StockChartAnimation |
StockChartAnimationBuilder |
StockChartAnnotationSettings |
StockChartAnnotationSettingsBuilder |
StockChartAxisLabelStyleAxes |
StockChartAxisLine |
StockChartAxisLineBuilder |
StockChartBorder |
StockChartBorderBuilder |
StockChartChartArea |
StockChartChartAreaBorder |
StockChartChartAreaBuilder |
StockChartChartBorder |
StockChartChartMargin |
StockChartConnector |
StockChartConnectorBuilder |
StockChartContainerPadding |
StockChartContainerPaddingBuilder |
StockChartCornerRadius |
StockChartCornerRadiusBuilder |
StockChartCrosshairLine |
StockChartCrosshairSettings |
StockChartCrosshairSettingsBuilder |
StockChartCrosshairTooltip |
StockChartCrosshairTooltipBuilder |
StockChartDataLabel |
StockChartDatalabelBorder |
StockChartDataLabelSettings |
StockChartDataLabelSettingsBuilder |
StockChartEmptyPointBorder |
StockChartEmptyPointSettings |
StockChartEmptyPointSettingsBuilder |
StockChartFont |
StockChartFontBuilder |
StockChartIndicatorAnimationIndicators |
StockChartLegendBorder |
StockChartLegendSettingsMarginLegendSettings |
StockChartLegendTextStyle |
StockChartLegendTitleStyle |
StockChartLocation |
StockChartLocationBuilder |
StockChartLowerLine |
StockChartMajorGridLines |
StockChartMajorGridLinesBuilder |
StockChartMajorTickLines |
StockChartMajorTickLinesBuilder |
StockChartMargin |
StockChartMarginBuilder |
StockChartMarkerBorder |
StockChartMarkerSettings |
StockChartMarkerSettingsBuilder |
StockChartMinorGridLines |
StockChartMinorGridLinesBuilder |
StockChartMinorTickLines |
StockChartMinorTickLinesBuilder |
StockChartPeriodLine |
StockChartPrimaryXAxis |
StockChartPrimaryXAxisCrosshairTooltip |
StockChartPrimaryXAxisLabelFont |
StockChartPrimaryXAxisLineStyle |
StockChartPrimaryXAxisMajorGridLines |
StockChartPrimaryXAxisMajorTickLines |
StockChartPrimaryXAxisMinorGridLines |
StockChartPrimaryXAxisMinorTickLines |
StockChartPrimaryXAxisTitleStyle |
StockChartPrimaryYAxis |
StockChartPrimaryYAxisCrosshairTooltip |
StockChartPrimaryYAxisLabelFont |
StockChartPrimaryYAxisLineStyle |
StockChartPrimaryYAxisMajorGridLines |
StockChartPrimaryYAxisMajorTickLines |
StockChartPrimaryYAxisMinorGridLines |
StockChartPrimaryYAxisMinorTickLines |
StockChartPrimaryYAxisTitleStyle |
StockChartSeriesBorder |
StockChartSeriesMarker |
StockChartStockChartAnnotations |
StockChartStockChartAxes |
StockChartStockChartAxis |
StockChartStockChartAxisBuilder |
StockChartStockChartIndicator |
StockChartStockChartIndicatorBuilder |
StockChartStockChartIndicators |
StockChartStockChartLegendSettings |
StockChartStockChartLegendSettingsBuilder |
StockChartStockChartPeriod |
StockChartStockChartPeriodBuilder |
StockChartStockChartPeriods |
StockChartStockChartRow |
StockChartStockChartRowBuilder |
StockChartStockChartRows |
StockChartStockChartSelectedDataIndex |
StockChartStockChartSelectedDataIndexBuilder |
StockChartStockChartSelectedDataIndexes |
StockChartStockChartSeries |
StockChartStockChartSeriesBuilder |
StockChartStockChartSeriesCollection |
StockChartStockChartTrendlines |
StockChartStockEvent |
StockChartStockEventBuilder |
StockChartStockEvents |
StockChartStockEventsBorder |
StockChartStockEventsTextStyle |
StockChartStockTooltipSettings |
StockChartStockTooltipSettingsBuilder |
StockChartTitleStyle |
StockChartTrendlines |
StockChartTrendlinesBuilder |
StockChartUpperLine |
StockChartZoomSettings |
StockChartZoomSettingsBuilder |
StockTooltipSettingsBorderTooltip |
StockTooltipSettingsTextStyleTooltip |
StripLineSettingsBorderStripLines |
StripLineSettingsTextStyleStripLines |
StripLinesPrimaryXAxis |
StripLinesPrimaryXAxisBorder |
StripLinesPrimaryXAxisExtends |
StripLinesPrimaryXAxisTextStyle |
StripLinesPrimaryYAxis |
StripLinesPrimaryYAxisBorder |
StripLinesPrimaryYAxisExtends |
StripLinesPrimaryYAxisTextStyle |
SubtitleTextStyleSubtitle |
TechnicalIndicatorAccessibility |
TechnicalIndicatorAnimationIndicators |
TechnicalIndicatorLowerLineIndicators |
TechnicalIndicatorPeriodLineIndicators |
Defines the type of technical indicators. They are: Sma - Predicts the trend using simple moving average approach. Ema - Predicts the trend using exponential moving average approach. Tma - Predicts the trend using triangle moving average approach. Atr - Predicts the trend using average true range approach. AccumulationDistribution - Predicts the trend using accumulation distribution approach. Momentum - Predicts the trend using momentum approach. Rsi - Predicts the trend using RSI approach. Macd - Predicts the trend using moving average convergence divergence approach. Stochastic - Predicts the trend using stochastic approach. BollingerBands - Predicts the trend using bollinger approach. |
TechnicalIndicatorUpperLineIndicators |
Defines the alignment of the line break axis labels. They are: Center - Align the label with center. Left - Align the label with left. Right - Align the label with right. |
Defines the Text overflow. They are: None - Shown the chart title with overlap if exceed. Wrap - Shown the chart title with wrap if exceed. Trim - Shown the chart title with trim if exceed. |
It defines Text anchor of bullet chart. Left Right Top Bottom |
Specifies text wrap options when the text overflowing the container. They are: Normal - Specifies to break words only at allowed break points. Wrap - Specifies to break a word once it is too long to fit on a line by itself. AnyWhere - Specifies to break a word at any point if there are no otherwise-acceptable break points in the line. |
ThumbSettingsBorderThumb |
It defines type of thump in the range navigator. circle rectangle |
It defines tick placement of bullet chart. Outside Inside |
TitleFontTitle |
Defines the position of the title. They are: Top - Displays the title on the top of chart. Left - Displays the title on the left of chart. Bottom - Displays the title on the bottom of chart. Right - Displays the title on the right of chart. Custom - Displays the title based on given x and y value. |
TitleSettingsAccessibility |
It defines display mode for the range navigator tooltip. always OnDemand |
Defines the tooltip position. They are: Fixed - Place the tooltip in the fixed position. Nearest- Tooltip moves along with the mouse. |
Defines the type of trendlines. They are: Linear - Defines the linear trendline. Exponential - Defines the exponential trendline. Polynomial - Defines the polynomial trendline. Power - Defines the power trendline. Logarithmic - Defines the logarithmic trendline. MovingAverage - Defines the moving average trendline. |
Defines coordinate units of an annotation. They are: Pixel - Specifies the pixel value. Point - Specifies the axis value. |
Specifies the data types that the axis can handle. They are: Double: This type is used for rendering a numeric axis to accommodate numeric data. DateTime: This type is utilized for rendering a date-time axis to manage date-time data. Category: This type is employed for rendering a category axis to manage categorical data. Logarithmic: This type is applied for rendering a logarithmic axis to handle a wide range of values. DateTimeCategory: This type is used to render a date time category axis for managing business days. |
Specifies the order of the strip line. |
Defines the zooming mode. They are: X,Y - Chart will be zoomed with respect to both the vertical and horizontal axis. X - Chart will be zoomed with respect to the horizontal axis. Y - Chart will be zoomed with respect to the vertical axis. |
ZoomSettingsAccessibility |