Summaries in MAUI DataGrid (SfDataGrid)

The data grid supports to display the concise information about the bound data objects using summaries. The control provides the following summary types:

  • Caption Summary - Used to display the summary information in the caption of the group.
  • Group Summary - Used to display summary information of data objects in each group.
  • Table Summary - Used to display the summary information at top and/or bottom in SfDataGrid.

DataGrid with summary rows

Summary rows are represented by using the DataGridSummaryRow that hold summary information of columns in the SummaryColumns property . The SummaryColumns contains the collection of DataGridSummaryColumn which carries name, format, and summary aggregate type of the column.

Derive additional information from the data like sum, average, maximum, minimum, and count using summaries in the data grid. These summary values can be computed for groups or for the entire control using DataGridSummaryRow and DataGridSummaryColumn that implements ISummaryRow and ISummaryColumn interfaces.


The Summary does not refresh with data. To update the summary for the newly added row, or for the modified summary column, set the SfDataGrid.View.LiveDataUpdateMode to LiveDataUpdateMode.AllowDataShaping or LiveDataUpdateMode.AllowSummaryUpdate.

Caption summaries

The data grid provides built-in support for caption summaries. The caption summary value calculated based on the records in a group. The summary information will be displayed in the caption of group.

Formatting built-in caption summary

By default, the caption summary rows in the data grid are displayed using the SfDataGrid.GroupCaptionTextFormat property.

Default group caption format is {ColumnName}: {Key} - {ItemsCount} Items.

  • ColumnName: Displays the name of the currently grouped column.
  • Key: Displays the key value of the group.
  • ItemsCount: Displays the number of items in a group.

DataGrid with formatting in caption summary row

You can customize the group caption text format by setting the SfDataGrid.GroupCaptionTextFormat property. The code example below illustrates how to customize the group caption text in the data grid:

<sfGrid:SfDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
                       ItemsSource="{Binding OrderInfoCollection}"
                       GroupCaptionTextFormat="{}{ColumnName}: {Key}">
            <sfgrid:GroupColumnDescription ColumnName="Salary" />
// Customized group caption text
dataGrid.GroupCaptionTextFormat = "{ColumnName}: {Key}";

The following screenshot shows the outcome of the previous code:

DataGrid with formatting in caption summary row

Customize the column name in the group caption summary

The column name in the group caption summary text can be customized using the DisplayName property.

If the DisplayName property is set, the specified display name will appear in the group caption summary text. If it is null, the column name will be displayed instead.

<sfGrid:SfDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
                       ItemsSource="{Binding OrderInfoCollection}"
            <sfGrid:GroupColumnDescription ColumnName="Salary" DisplayName="Income" />
GroupColumnDescription groupColumnDescription = new GroupColumnDescription
    ColumnName = "Salary",
    DisplayName = "Income"

The following screenshot shows the outcome of the previous code:

DataGrid with DisplayName in group caption summary text

Displaying summary for a row

Display summary information in a row by setting the DataGridSummaryRow.ShowSummaryInRow property to true and define summary columns. You have to define the DataGridSummaryRow.Title based on the DataGridSummaryColumn.Name property in order to format the values of the summary columns in the row.

        <sfGrid:DataGridSummaryRow Title="Total Salary :{TotalSalary} for {ProductCount} members"
                <sfGrid:DataGridSummaryColumn Name="TotalSalary"
                                              SummaryType="Int32Aggregate" />
                <sfGrid:DataGridSummaryColumn Name="ProductCount"
                                              SummaryType="CountAggregate" />
DataGridSummaryRow summaryRow = new DataGridSummaryRow();
summaryRow.Title = "Total Salary:{TotalSalary} for {ProductCount} members";
summaryRow.ShowSummaryInRow = true;
summaryRow.SummaryColumns.Add(new DataGridSummaryColumn()
    Name = "TotalSalary",
    MappingName = "Salary",
    Format = "{Sum:c}",
    SummaryType = SummaryType.DoubleAggregate
summaryRow.SummaryColumns.Add(new DataGridSummaryColumn()
    Name = "ProductCount",
    MappingName = "Salary",
    Format = "{Count}",
    SummaryType = SummaryType.CountAggregate
sfGrid.CaptionSummaryRow= summaryRow;

The following screenshot shows the outcome for both values of ShowSummaryInRow to true:

DataGrid with customized caption summary row

Displaying summary for column

To display summary information in a column, you need to set the DataGridSummaryRow.ShowSummaryInRow to false and define summary columns using the SfDataGrid.DataGridSummaryColumn object. The DataGridSummaryColumn object has several important properties:

  • Name: This property defines the name of the DataGridSummaryColumn, which is used to identify the column in the DataGridSummaryRow and provide a title for it.
  • MappingName: This property defines the corresponding column name used for the summary calculation.
  • SummaryType: This property defines the SummaryType enum property, which determines the type of aggregate function used for the summary calculation.

The DataGrid control provides several predefined aggregates, such as CountAggregate, Int32Aggregate, and DoubleAggregate. When the summary type is set as Custom, you can define a CustomAggregate class object to calculate custom summaries.

The Format property defines a string property that formats the summary value and displays it. The Format property can have two parts separated by a colon (:). The first part denotes the aggregate function name, and the second part denotes the display format of the summary value.

Please refer to the Formatting Summary section for more information on how to format the summary, and the Aggregate Types section to learn about the different summary types.

In the following code snippet, a summary is defined for the Salary column:

        <sfGrid:DataGridSummaryRow Name="CaptionSummary"
                <sfGrid:DataGridSummaryColumn Name="CaptionSummary"
                                              SummaryType="DoubleAggregate" />
DataGridSummaryRow summaryRow = new DataGridSummaryRow();
summaryRow.ShowSummaryInRow = false;
summaryRow.SummaryColumns.Add(new DataGridSummaryColumn()
    Name = "CaptionSummary",
    MappingName = "Salary",
    Format = "{Sum:c}",
    SummaryType = SummaryType.DoubleAggregate
sfGrid.CaptionSummaryRow= summaryRow;

DataGrid with caption summary cells customized


The CaptionSummaryColumn text will be aligned based on the DataGridColumn.TextAlignment.

Caption summary template

The data grid allows you to host any view(s) inside a caption summary for the entire row or for individual columns by loading a template.

Displaying template for a row

The template for a caption summary row can be customized by using the SfDataGrid.CaptionSummaryTemplate property. This allows you to define a custom template according to your requirements.

Please refer to the code example below, where a label is loaded in the caption summary template of the caption summary row:

            <local:GroupCaptionConverter x:Key="SummaryConverter" />
    <sfgrid:SfDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
                       ItemsSource="{Binding OrderInfoCollection}">
                <StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal">
                    <Label Text="{Binding Converter={StaticResource SummaryConverter}, ConverterParameter = {x:Reference dataGrid} }"
                            <Style TargetType="Label">
                                <Setter Property="FontAttributes"
                                        Value="Bold, Italic" />
            <sfgrid:DataGridSummaryRow Name="CaptionSummary"
                                       Title="Total Salary: {CaptionSummary}">
                    <sfgrid:DataGridSummaryColumn Name="CaptionSummary"
                                                  SummaryType="DoubleAggregate" />
// To write a converter, follow the code example:
public class GroupCaptionConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        var data = value != null ? value as Group : null;
        if (data != null)
            SfDataGrid dataGrid = (SfDataGrid)parameter;
            var summaryText = SummaryCreator.GetSummaryDisplayTextForRow((value as Group).SummaryDetails, dataGrid.View);

            return summaryText;
        return null;
    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        return null;

DataGrid with template loaded for entire caption summary row


The DataTemplateSelector can also be directly assigned to the CaptionSummaryTemplate.

Displaying template for a column

The template for a caption summary column can be customized by using the DataGridSummaryColumn.Template property. This allows you to define a custom template according to your requirements.

Here’s an example code snippet that demonstrates how to load a label in the template of a caption summary column:

             <local:GroupCaptionConverter x:Key="SummaryConverter" />
     <sfgrid:SfDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
                       ItemsSource="{Binding OrderInfoCollection}"
            <sfgrid:DataGridTextColumn MappingName="OrderID" />
            <sfgrid:DataGridTextColumn MappingName="Salary" />
            <sfgrid:DataGridTextColumn MappingName="CustomerID" />
            <sfgrid:DataGridSummaryRow Name="CaptionSummary"
                                       Title="Salary: {CaptionSummary}">
                    <sfgrid:DataGridSummaryColumn Name="CaptionSummary"
                                <StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal"
                                    <Label Text="{Binding Converter={StaticResource SummaryConverter}, ConverterParameter {x:Reference dataGrid} }"
                                            <Style TargetType="Label">
                                                <Setter Property="FontAttributes"
                                                        Value="Italic" />
// To write a converter, follow the code example:
public class GroupCaptionConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        var data = value != null ? value as Group : null;
        if (data != null)
            SfDataGrid dataGrid = (SfDataGrid)parameter;
            var summaryText = SummaryCreator.GetSummaryDisplayTextForRow((value as Group).SummaryDetails, dataGrid.View);
            return summaryText;
        return null;
    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        return null;

DataGrid with template loaded for individual caption summary column

Group summary

Group summary values are calculated based on the records within each group. The summary information will be displayed at the bottom of each group. You can view the group summary row by expanding the corresponding group header. The data grid allows for the addition of any number of group summary rows.

To add group summary rows in the data grid, you can add the DataGridSummaryRow objects to the SfDataGrid.GroupSummaryRows collection.

Displaying summary in the row

Summary information can be displayed in the entire row by setting the DataGridSummaryRow.ShowSummaryInRow property to true and defining summary columns. The DataGridSummaryRow.Title property needs to be defined based on the DataGridSummaryRow.Name property in order to format the values of the summary columns in a row.

Please refer to the Formatting Summary section to learn more about how to format the summary.

<sfgrid:SfDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
                       ItemsSource="{Binding OrderInfoCollection}"
            <sfgrid:GroupColumnDescription ColumnName="Salary" />
            <sfgrid:DataGridSummaryRow ShowSummaryInRow="True"
                                       Title="Total Salary: {Salary} for {customerID} members">
                    <sfgrid:DataGridSummaryColumn Name="Salary"
                    <sfgrid:DataGridSummaryColumn Name="customerID"
this.dataGrid.GroupSummaryRows.Add(new DataGridSummaryRow()
    ShowSummaryInRow = true,
    Title = "Total Salary: {Salary} for {customerID} members",
    SummaryColumns = new ObservableCollection<ISummaryColumn>()
        new DataGridSummaryColumn()
        new DataGridSummaryColumn()

DataGrid with group summary

Displaying summary in the column

The summary information can be displayed in a column by setting the DataGridSummaryRow.ShowSummaryInRow property to false and defining summary columns. To calculate the summary based on a column, you need to specify the following properties:

DataGridSummaryColumn.MappingName: This property provides the MappingName of the column (the property name of the data object) for which you want to calculate the summary.
DataGridSummaryColumn.SummaryType: This property provides different built-in summary calculation functions for various types.
DataGridSummaryColumn.Format: This property allows you to specify a format string for the summary based on the supported function name in the specified SummaryType.

Please refer to the Formatting Summary section to learn more about how to format the summary, and the Aggregate Types section to understand the different Summary Types.

In the following code snippet, a summary is defined for the Salary and CustomerID columns:

<sfgrid:SfDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
                       ItemsSource="{Binding OrderInfoCollection}"
            <sfgrid:DataGridSummaryRow ShowSummaryInRow="False">
                    <sfgrid:DataGridSummaryColumn Name="Salary"
this.dataGrid.GroupSummaryRows.Add(new DataGridSummaryRow()
    ShowSummaryInRow = false,
    SummaryColumns = new ObservableCollection<ISummaryColumn>()
        new DataGridSummaryColumn()

DataGrid with customized summary for group summary cells

Group summary template

The data grid allows you to host any view(s) inside a group summary for the entire row or individual columns by loading a template.

Displaying template for a row

The template for a group summary row can be customized by using the SfDataGrid.GroupSummaryTemplate property.

Refer to the code example below, which demonstrates how to load a label in the group summary template of a group summary row:

            <local:GroupSummaryConverter x:Key="SummaryConverter" />
    <sfgrid:SfDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
                       ItemsSource="{Binding OrderInfoCollection}">
                <StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal">
                    <Label Text="{Binding Converter={StaticResource SummaryConverter}, ConverterParameter = {x:Reference dataGrid} }"
                            <Style TargetType="Label">
                                <Setter Property="FontAttributes"
                                        Value="Bold, Italic" />
            <sfgrid:DataGridSummaryRow Title="salary {Salary}"
                    <sfgrid:DataGridSummaryColumn Name="Salary"
// To write a converter, follow the code example:
public class GroupSummaryConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        var data = value != null ? value as SummaryRecordEntry : null;
        if (data != null)
            SfDataGrid dataGrid = (SfDataGrid)parameter;
            var summaryText = SummaryCreator.GetSummaryDisplayText(data,"Salary",dataGrid.View);
            return "Total Salary:" + " " + summaryText.ToString();
        return null;
    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        return null;

DataGrid with template loaded for entire group summary row


The DataTemplateSelector can also be directly assigned to the SfDataGrid.GroupSummaryTemplate.

Displaying template for a column

The template for a group summary column can be customized by using the GridSummaryColumn.Template property. This allows you to define a custom template according to your requirements.

Please refer to the code example below, which demonstrates how to load a label in the template of a group summary column:

            <local:GroupSummaryConverter x:Key="SummaryConverter" />
    <sfgrid:SfDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
                       ItemsSource="{Binding OrderInfoCollection}"
            <sfgrid:DataGridTextColumn MappingName="OrderID" />
            <sfgrid:DataGridTextColumn MappingName="Salary" />
            <sfgrid:DataGridTextColumn MappingName="CustomerID" />
            <sfgrid:DataGridTextColumn MappingName="Country" />
            <sfgrid:DataGridSummaryRow ShowSummaryInRow="False">
                    <sfgrid:DataGridSummaryColumn Name="Salary"
                                <StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal"
                                    <Label Text="{Binding Converter={StaticResource SummaryConverter}, ConverterParameter {x:Reference dataGrid} }"
                                            <Style TargetType="Label">
                                                <Setter Property="FontAttributes"
                                                        Value="Italic" />
// To write a converter, follow the code example:
public class GroupSummaryConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        var data = value != null ? value as SummaryRecordEntry : null;
        if (data != null)
            SfDataGrid dataGrid = (SfDataGrid)parameter;
            var summaryText = SummaryCreator.GetSummaryDisplayText(data,"Salary",dataGrid.View);
            return summaryText.ToString();
        return null;
    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        return null;

DataGrid with template loaded for individual group summary cell

Table summaries

The data grid provides built-in support for table summaries. The table summary value is calculated based on all records in the control.

You can add table summary row in the data grid by adding the DataGridTableSummaryRow to the SfDataGrid.TableSummaryRows collection.

The following screenshot illustrates table summary rows in the data grid:

DataGrid with table summary

        <sfGrid:DataGridTableSummaryRow Title="Total Salary :{TotalSalary} for {ProductCount} members"
                <sfGrid:DataGridSummaryColumn Name="TotalSalary"
                                              SummaryType="DoubleAggregate" />
                <sfGrid:DataGridSummaryColumn Name="ProductCount"
                                              SummaryType="CountAggregate" />
        <sfGrid:DataGridTableSummaryRow Position="Top"
                <sfGrid:DataGridSummaryColumn Name="TotalSalary"
                                              SummaryType="DoubleAggregate" />
DataGridTableSummaryRow summaryRow1 = new DataGridTableSummaryRow();
summaryRow1.Title = "Total Salary:{TotalSalary} for {ProductCount} members";
summaryRow1.ShowSummaryInRow = true;
summaryRow1.Position = Position.Top;
summaryRow1.SummaryColumns.Add(new DataGridSummaryColumn()
    Name = "TotalSalary",
    MappingName = "Salary",
    Format = "{Sum:C0}",
    SummaryType = SummaryType.DoubleAggregate
summaryRow1.SummaryColumns.Add(new DataGridSummaryColumn()
    Name = "ProductCount",
    MappingName = "Salary",
    Format = "{Count}",
    SummaryType = SummaryType.CountAggregate

DataGridTableSummaryRow summaryRow2 = new DataGridTableSummaryRow();
summaryRow2.ShowSummaryInRow = false;
summaryRow2.Position = Position.Top;
summaryRow2.SummaryColumns.Add(new DataGridSummaryColumn()
    Name = "TotalSalary",
    MappingName = "Salary",
    Format = "{Sum:C0}",
    SummaryType = SummaryType.DoubleAggregate

DataGrid with table summary

Displaying summary in a row

Display summary information in a row by setting the DataGridTableSummaryRow.ShowSummaryInRow to true and define summary columns. You have to define the DataGridTableSummaryRow.Title based on the DataGridSummaryColumn.Name property to format summary columns values in a row.

        <sfGrid:DataGridTableSummaryRow Title="Total Salary :{TotalSalary} for {ProductCount} members"
                <sfGrid:DataGridSummaryColumn Name="TotalSalary"
                                              SummaryType="DoubleAggregate" />
                <sfGrid:DataGridSummaryColumn Name="ProductCount"
                                              SummaryType="CountAggregate" />
DataGridTableSummaryRow summaryRow = new DataGridTableSummaryRow();
summaryRow.Title = "Total Salary:{TotalSalary} for {ProductCount} members";
summaryRow.ShowSummaryInRow = true;
summaryRow.SummaryColumns.Add(new DataGridSummaryColumn()
    Name = "TotalSalary",
    MappingName = "Salary",
    Format = "{Sum:C0}",
    SummaryType = SummaryType.DoubleAggregate
summaryRow.SummaryColumns.Add(new DataGridSummaryColumn()
    Name = "ProductCount",
    MappingName = "Salary",
    Format = "{Count}",
    SummaryType = SummaryType.CountAggregate

The following screenshot shows the table summary row if ShowSummaryInRow is true:

DataGrid with customized table summary for entire row

Displaying summary in a column

Display summary information in a column by setting DataGridTableSummaryRow.ShowSummaryInRow to false and defining summary columns. DataGridSummaryColumn is the object of DataGridTableSummaryRow.SummaryColumns collection that contains the following important properties:

  • Name: Defines name of the DataGridSummaryColumn to denote the DataGridSummaryColumn in DataGridTableSummaryRow with title.
  • MappingName: Defines the corresponding column name for the summary calculation.
  • SummaryType: Defines the SummaryType (enum) property to define the aggregate type for the summary calculation.

The data grid control provides the following predefined aggregates:

  • CountAggregate
  • Int32Aggregate
  • DoubleAggregate

CustomAggregate defines the CustomAggregate class object when the summary type is set as Custom that calculates custom summaries.

The Format defines the string property that formats the summary value and displays it. The Format property may contains two parts that are separated by a colon (:). First part denotes the aggregate function name, and second part denotes display format of the summary value.

Refer to the Formatting Summary section to know more about how to format summary and Aggregate Types section to know about different summary types.

In the following code snippet, summary is defined for Salary column:

        <sfGrid:DataGridTableSummaryRow Name="TableSummary"
                <sfGrid:DataGridSummaryColumn Name="TableSummary"
                                              SummaryType="DoubleAggregate" />
DataGridTableSummaryRow summaryRow = new DataGridTableSummaryRow();
summaryRow.ShowSummaryInRow = false;
summaryRow.SummaryColumns.Add(new DataGridSummaryColumn()
    Name = "TableSummary",
    MappingName = "Salary",
    Format = "{Sum:C0}",
    SummaryType = SummaryType.DoubleAggregate

The following screenshot shows the table summary row if ShowSummaryInRow is false.

DataGrid with customized table summary for individual cells

Positioning TableSummaryRows

The data grid add table summary rows either at top or bottom positions using the DataGridTableSummaryRow.Position property.

        <sfGrid:DataGridTableSummaryRow Position="Top"
                <sfGrid:DataGridSummaryColumn Name="TotalSalary"
                                              SummaryType="DoubleAggregate" />
        <sfGrid:DataGridTableSummaryRow Position="Bottom"
                                        Title="Total Salary :{TotalSalary} for {ProductCount} members">
                <sfGrid:DataGridSummaryColumn Name="TotalSalary"
                                              SummaryType="DoubleAggregate" />
                <sfGrid:DataGridSummaryColumn Name="ProductCount"
                                              SummaryType="CountAggregate" />
DataGridTableSummaryRow topSummaryRow = new DataGridTableSummaryRow();
topSummaryRow.Position = Position.Top;
topSummaryRow.ShowSummaryInRow = false;
topSummaryRow.SummaryColumns.Add(new DataGridSummaryColumn()
    Name = "TotalSalary",
    MappingName = "Salary",
    Format = "{Sum:C0}",
    SummaryType = SummaryType.DoubleAggregate

DataGridTableSummaryRow bottomSummaryRow = new DataGridTableSummaryRow();
bottomSummaryRow.Position = Position.Bottom;
bottomSummaryRow.Title = "Total Salary:{TotalSalary} for {ProductCount} members";
bottomSummaryRow.ShowSummaryInRow = true;
bottomSummaryRow.SummaryColumns.Add(new DataGridSummaryColumn()
    Name = "TotalSalary",
    MappingName = "Salary",
    Format = "{Sum:C0}",
    SummaryType = SummaryType.DoubleAggregate
bottomSummaryRow.SummaryColumns.Add(new DataGridSummaryColumn()
    Name = "ProductCount",
    MappingName = "Salary",
    Format = "{Count}",
    SummaryType = SummaryType.CountAggregate

The below screenshot illustrates the positioning of table summary rows in SfDataGrid.

Customizing table summary row position in a DataGrid

Table summary template

The data grid hosts any view(s) inside a table summary for the entire row or for individual columns by loading a template.

Displaying template for a row

The template for a table summary row can be set by using SfDataGrid.TableSummaryTemplate and it can be customized based on the requirement.

Refer the below code example in which a label is loaded in the table summary template of table summary row.

            <local:TableSummaryConverter x:Key="SummaryConverter" />
        <sfgrid:SfDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
                           ItemsSource="{Binding OrderInfoCollection}"
                <sfgrid:DataGridNumericColumn MappingName="OrderID" />
                <sfgrid:DataGridTextColumn MappingName="EmployeeID" />
                <sfgrid:DataGridTextColumn MappingName="FirstName" />
                <sfgrid:DataGridTextColumn MappingName="LastName" />
                    <StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal"
                        <Label Text="{Binding Converter={StaticResource SummaryConverter}, ConverterParameter = {x:Reference dataGrid} }"
                                <Style TargetType="Label">
                                    <Setter Property="FontAttributes"
                                            Value="Italic" />
                <sfgrid:DataGridTableSummaryRow Title="Total Salary :{TotalSalary} for {ProductCount} members"
                        <sfgrid:DataGridSummaryColumn Name="TotalSalary"
                                                      SummaryType="DoubleAggregate" />
public class TableSummaryConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        var data = value != null ? value as SummaryRecordEntry : null;
        if (data != null)
            SfDataGrid dataGrid = (SfDataGrid)parameter;
            var summaryText = SummaryCreator.GetSummaryDisplayText(data, "Salary", dataGrid.View);
            return "Total Value:" + " " + summaryText.ToString();

        return null;

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        return null;

Table summary template in a row

Displaying template for a column

The template for a table summary column can be set by using DataGridSummaryColumn.Template and it can be customized based on the requirement.

Refer the below code example in which a label is loaded in the template of table summary column.

            <local:TableSummaryConverter x:Key="SummaryConverter" />
        <sfgrid:SfDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
                           ItemsSource="{Binding OrderInfoCollection}"
                <sfgrid:DataGridNumericColumn MappingName="OrderID" />
                <sfgrid:DataGridTextColumn MappingName="EmployeeID" />
                <sfgrid:DataGridTextColumn MappingName="FirstName" />
                <sfgrid:DataGridTextColumn MappingName="LastName" />
                <sfgrid:DataGridTableSummaryRow Title="Total Salary :{TotalSalary} for {ProductCount} members"
                        <sfgrid:DataGridSummaryColumn Name="TotalSalary"
                                    <StackLayout Orientation="Horizontal"
                                        <Label Text="{Binding Converter={StaticResource SummaryConverter}, ConverterParameter ={x:Reference dataGrid} }"
                                                <Style TargetType="Label">
                                                    <Setter Property="FontAttributes"
                                                            Value="Italic" />
// To write a converter, follow the code example:
public class TableSummaryConverter : IValueConverter
    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        var data = value != null ? value as SummaryRecordEntry : null;
        if (data != null)
            SfDataGrid dataGrid = (SfDataGrid)parameter;
            var summaryText = SummaryCreator.GetSummaryDisplayText(data, "Salary", dataGrid.View);

            return summaryText.ToString();

        return null;

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        return null;

Table summary template in a column


The DataTemplateSelector can also be directly assigned to the SfDataGrid.TableSummaryTemplate.

Formatting summary

In the following sections, the formatting is explained using the TableSummary.

Formatting summary value

Format the summary value by setting the appropriate format after the aggregate function followed by a colon(:) in the DataGridSummaryColumn.Format property.

In the following code snippet Salary column summary is formatted using C0 format specifier. Refer to here to know about how to set different formats.

        <sfGrid:DataGridTableSummaryRow ShowSummaryInRow="False">
                <sfGrid:DataGridSummaryColumn Name="TableSummary"
                                              SummaryType="DoubleAggregate" />
DataGridTableSummaryRow summaryRow = new DataGridTableSummaryRow();
summaryRow.ShowSummaryInRow = false;
summaryRow.SummaryColumns.Add(new DataGridSummaryColumn()
    Name = "TableSummary",
    MappingName = "Salary",
    Format = "{Sum:C0}",
    SummaryType = SummaryType.DoubleAggregate
sfGrid.TableSummaryRows= summaryRow;

Formatting summary value in a DataGrid

Displaying additional content in summary

Append additional content with summary value using the DataGridSummaryColumn.Format property.

In the following code snippet Total: text is appended before summary value:

        <sfGrid:DataGridTableSummaryRow ShowSummaryInRow="False">
                <sfGrid:DataGridSummaryColumn Name="TableSummary"
                                              Format="Total: {Sum:C0}"
                                              SummaryType="DoubleAggregate" />
DataGridTableSummaryRow summaryRow = new DataGridTableSummaryRow();
summaryRow.ShowSummaryInRow = false;
summaryRow.SummaryColumns.Add(new DataGridSummaryColumn()
    Name = "TableSummary",
    MappingName = "Salary",
    Format = "Total:{Sum:C0}",
    SummaryType = SummaryType.DoubleAggregate
sfGrid.TableSummaryRows= summaryRow;

Displaying additional content in summary in a DataGrid

Aggregate types

Specify different summary aggregate types by using the DataGridSummaryColumn.SummaryType property, and use the built-in function in DataGridSummaryColumn.Format.

List of predefined aggregate types and its built-in functions are as follows:

Aggregate Type Built-in function
CountAggregate Count
Int32Aggregate Count, max, min, average, and sum.
DoubleAggregate Count, max, min, average, and sum.
Custom Used for custom summaries

Custom summaries

The data grid implements your own aggregate functions when the built-in aggregate functions do not meet your requirement.

Summary values can be calculated based on custom logic using the DataGridSummaryColumn.CustomAggregate property.

Implementing custom aggregate

  1. Create a custom aggregate class by deriving from ISummaryAggregate interface.
  2. In the CalculateAggregateFunc() method, you have to calculate the summary and assign it to the property.

In the following code snippet, Standard Deviation is calculated for quantity of products:

public class CustomAggregate : ISummaryAggregate
    public double StdDev { get; set; }
    public Action<System.Collections.IEnumerable, string, System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor> CalculateAggregateFunc()
        return (items, property, pd) =>
            var enumerableItems = items as IEnumerable<OrderInfo>;
            if (pd.Name == "StdDev")
                this.StdDev = enumerableItems.StdDev<OrderInfo>(q => q.OrderID);

public static class LinqExtensions
    public static double StdDev<T>(this IEnumerable<T> values, Func<T, double?> selector)
        double value = 0;
        var count = values.Count();
        if (count > 0)
            double? avg = values.Average(selector);
            double sum = values.Select(selector).Sum(d =>
                if (d.HasValue)
                    return Math.Pow(d.Value - avg.Value, 2);
                return 0.0;
            value = Math.Sqrt((sum) / (count - 1));
        return value;

Assign the custom aggregate to DataGridSummaryColumn.CustomAggregate property and set the SummaryType as Custom. DataGridSummaryColumn.Format property is defined based on property name in custom aggregate StdDev.

        <sfGrid:DataGridTableSummaryRow Title="Standard Deviation:{TableSummary}"
                <sfGrid:DataGridSummaryColumn Name="TableSummary"
                                              CustomAggregate="{StaticResource customAggregate}"
                                              SummaryType="Custom" />
DataGridTableSummaryRow summaryRow = new DataGridTableSummaryRow();
summaryRow.Title = "Standard Deviation:{TableSummary}";
summaryRow.ShowSummaryInRow = true;
summaryRow.SummaryColumns.Add(new DataGridSummaryColumn
    Name = "TableSummary",
    CustomAggregate  = new CustomAggregate(),
    MappingName = "OrderID",
    Format = "{StdDev}",
    SummaryType = Syncfusion.Data.SummaryType.Custom
dataGrid.TableSummaryRows = summaryRow;

DataGrid with custom aggregate


The above custom summaries section is explained using TableSummary.

Overriding summary renderer

Each summary cell in the data grid is associated with its own cell renderer. The data grid allows to extend this renderer to customize the grid cells based on your requirement. Customization can be applied by overriding the available virtual methods in the each cell renderer.

Each summary has a specific key using which the custom summary renderer can be registered to the SfDataGrid.CellRenderers collection. Remove the key from collection and add a new entry with the same key along with the instance of custom renderer to register.

Types of summary Renderer Key
Table summary DataGridTableSummaryCellRenderer TableSummary

Customizing table summary

The data grid allows customizing the table summary by extending the DataGridTableSummaryCellRenderer class.

To customize the table summary, follow the code example:

// To remove default summary and Add custom summary.
public class Summary : ContentPage
    public Summary()
        dataGrid.CellRenderers.Add("TableSummary", new DataGridTableSummaryCellRendererExt());

public class DataGridTableSummaryCellRendererExt : DataGridTableSummaryCellRenderer
    protected override void OnSetCellStyle(DataColumnBase dataColumn)

        if (dataColumn.ColumnElement != null && dataColumn.ColumnElement.Content is SfDataGridLabel label)
            dataColumn.ColumnElement.Background = Colors.Green;

            label.HorizontalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Start;
            label.FontSize = 16;
            label.FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold;
            label.TextColor = Colors.White;

The following screenshot shows the final outcome upon execution of the above code.

Customize table summary using custom cell renderer