Namespace Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.Grouping
Used to provide support custom color option. |
Implements data bar cell based the provided properties and conditions. |
A collection which hold the conditionalDataBarRule objects. |
Enumerator class for ConditionalFormatDataBarRuleCollectionEnumerator elements of a ConditionalFormatDataBarRuleCollection. |
Base class used to create IconSets, DataSets, color scaling. |
A collection contains ConditionalFormatRuleBase objects. |
Used for Rule base collection enumeration. |
Show the Custom Collection Editor dialog. |
Provides data about the cancelable |
Defines the class that provides data for FilterBarSelectedItemChanged event that occurs after an item is selected through the filtered dropdown. |
Defines the class that provides data for FilterBarSelectedItemChanging event that occurs when an item is selected through the filtered dropdown. |
Implements the GridColumnDescriptor which provides mapping information to a column of the underlying data source. |
A record element for adding new records to the underlying data source. This element represents the empty record that is shown above the table records and / or below the records for each group and implements logic to add new records. |
The section with the AddNewRecord: |
Represents the row for the caption bar of a group. |
This is a specialized version of the GridCaptionRow class. It implements the IGridTableCellStyleCache and keeps a cache with style information for individual cells. |
The section with the CaptionRow. |
A ChildTable is either a TopLevelGroup or a group that can be referenced as a nested table from a record in a parent table. ChildTable groups are created for every new key found based on RelationKeys. You can get access to a ChildTable through the ChildTable property of a NestedTable in a record. |
GridColumnDescriptor provides mapping information to a column of the underlying datasource. Columns are managed by the GridColumnDescriptorCollection that is returned by the Columns property of a GridTableDescriptor. |
Represents a collection of GridColumnDescriptor columns with mapping information to columns of the underlying datasource. An instance of this collection is returned by the Columns property of a GridTableDescriptor. |
Implements the enumerator class for GridColumnDescriptor elements of a GridColumnDescriptorCollection. |
Represents a call that implements with an IComparer implementation to compare the Name of two GridColumnDescriptor objects. |
Implements the type converter for GridColumnDescriptor objects. GridColumnDescriptorTypeConverter is a DescriptorBaseConverter. It overrides the default behavior of the ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext, CultureInfo, Object, Type) method and adds support for design-time code serialization. |
Represents the row for the column header row in a group. |
The section with the ColumnHeaderRow(s): |
The GridColumnSetDescriptor class provides information about columns that can spread multiple grid rows or columns. ColumnSets are managed by the GridColumnSetDescriptorCollection that is returned by the ColumnSets property of a GridTableDescriptor. |
Represents a collection of GridColumnSetDescriptor with GridColumnSpanDescriptor information about columns that can spread multiple grid rows or columns. An instance of this collection is returned by the ColumnSets property of a GridTableDescriptor. |
Enumerator class for GridColumnSetDescriptor elements of a GridColumnSetDescriptorCollection. |
Represents the IComparer implementation that compares the Name of two GridColumnSetDescriptor objects. |
Represents the type converter for GridColumnSetDescriptor objects. GridColumnSetDescriptorTypeConverter is a DescriptorBaseConverter. It overrides the default behavior of the ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext, CultureInfo, Object, Type) method and adds support for design-time code serialization. |
Represent a class that provides information about a column that can span multiple grid rows or columns. The GridColumnSpanDescriptor are managed by the GridColumnSpanDescriptorCollection that is returned by the ColumnSpans property of a GridColumnSetDescriptor. |
A collection of GridColumnSpanDescriptor with information about columns that can spread multiple grid rows or columns. An instance of this collection is returned by the ColumnSpans property of a GridColumnSetDescriptor. |
Represents the enumerator class for GridColumnSpanDescriptor elements of a GridColumnSpanDescriptorCollection. |
The type converter for GridColumnSpanDescriptor objects. GridColumnSpanDescriptorTypeConverter is a DescriptorBaseConverter. It overrides the default behavior of the ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext, CultureInfo, Object, Type) method and adds support for design-time code serialization. |
Converts the DataBarRule class properties to descriptor base converter. |
Represents a class that provides filter criteria for displaying a subset of records from the underlying data source with conditional cell formatting. Conditional format descriptors are managed by the GridConditionalFormatDescriptorCollection that is returned by the ConditionalFormats property of a GridTableDescriptor. |
Represents a collection of GridConditionalFormatDescriptor which provide filter criteria for displaying a subset of records from the underlying data source with conditional cell formatting. An instance of this collection is returned by the ConditionalFormats property of a GridTableDescriptor. |
Represents an enumerator class for GridConditionalFormatDescriptor elements of a GridConditionalFormatDescriptorCollection. |
Represents the type converter for GridConditionalFormatDescriptor objects. GridConditionalFormatDescriptorTypeConverter is a DescriptorBaseConverter. It overrides the default behavior of the ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext, CultureInfo, Object, Type) method and adds support for design-time code serialization. |
Converts the RuleBase class properties to the descriptor base converter. |
An empty section with 1 visible element. Can be used as a place holder to appear in DisplayElements. GetYAmountCount will return DefaultEmptySectionHeight of the ParentTable. |
The engine lets you set the main datasource for the whole engine. The TableDescriptor will pick up the ItemProperties (schema information) from the datasource and the table will be initialized at run-time with records from the list. |
The engine lets you set the main data source for the whole engine. The TableDescriptor will pick up the ItemProperties (schema information) from the data source and the table will be initialized at run-time with records from the list. |
A global factory class with the purpose of instantiating a GridEngine object. |
A factory class object with the purpose of instantiating a GridEngine object. |
Used internally. |
A place holder section with 1 visible element for showing a filter bar. |
A Group defines a group of records that belong to a category. A group has multiple sections such as CaptionSection, SummarySection, GroupsDetailsSection, and RecordsDetailsSection. |
Defines a class that implements the drag window. Used internally. |
Represents a control class that implements a drop area for groups control which is bound to a GridTableDescriptor. It lets the user to drag and drop column headers into its bounds and change the GroupedColumns at runtime. |
Implements the model or data part of the group drop area. Used internally. |
Used internally. |
A place holder section with 1 visible element for showing a footer below a group in DisplayElements. |
A place holder section with 1 visible element for showing a header above a group in DisplayElements. |
Defines a helper class for drawing and caching bitmaps from the DataBound.Resources folder of the Grid assembly |
GridCellModelFactory creates GridCellModelBase objects to be used in a GridModel. |
Represents a control that provides support for displaying ADO.NET data and other datasources in a grid. Data will be loaded from the given datasource and changes will be written back to the datasource. Both flat tables and hierarchical data can be displayed. Records can be grouped into categories and summaries can be displayed for each group. |
Defines the class that provides data for cancelable events. |
Implements the class that provides data about OfficeScrollBarsChanged event of a ScrollControl. |
Defines a form that hosts a System.Windows.Forms.PropertyGrid and lets you browse schema information of a GridGroupingControl. |
Defines a class with default cursors for the grid. |
Represents the class that manages the localization for syncfusion controls. |
Implements the class that provides support for serializing and restoring the look and feel of a GridGroupingControl. The GridGroupingLookAndFeel maintains a copy for properties of the GridGroupingControl and offers methods to read and write these settings. After creating a GridGroupingLookAndFeel object from an XML file, you can apply its settings to a GridGroupingControl. |
Implements a class that provides event arguments for the RaiseGroupOptionsChanged(GridGroupOptionsChangedEventArgs) and RaiseGroupOptionsChanging(GridGroupOptionsChangedEventArgs) methods of the IGridGroupOptionsSource interface. |
Properties in this class let you control the look and behavior of the top level group, child groups and nested child tables. You can control the caption text, where and if AddNewRow will be displayed, or whether captions, footers, previews and summaries are displayed. |
The type converter for GridGroupOptionsStyleInfo objects. GridGroupOptionsStyleInfoConverter is a StyleInfoBaseConverter. It overrides the ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext, CultureInfo, Object, Type) method and returns a string with descriptive information about the properties that were set in the GridGroupOptionsStyleInfo object. |
Represents a class that adds design-time support for custom properties by adding empty custom property objects and later calling Add(GridGroupOptionsStyleInfoCustomProperties), which will result in changing the GridGroupOptionsStyleInfo property for this object and forces copying all properties of this object to the style object. |
Implements a collection of custom property objects that have at least one initialized value. The primary purpose of this collection is to support design-time code serialization of custom properties. |
Provides identity information for GridGroupOptionsStyleInfo objects and methods for inheriting default setting from parent elements. |
GridGroupOptionsStyleInfoStore holds the plain data for a style object excluding identity information. |
A preview section with one visible element for showing a preview below a group in DisplayElements when a group is collapsed. |
The details section of a group with nested child groups. |
Defines a class that provides the typed list collections for the record in the table of GridGroupingControl class. Used internally. |
A hidden section with 1 visible element. Used as a place holder at the very first row in the GridNestedTableControl needed for scrolling logic. |
Summarizes string fields and lets you determine the maximum length of a string in the column. |
A nested table inside a record. You can access nested tables in a record with the NestedTables property of a Record. Each nested table has a ChildTable that provides the link to the to the child records in a related table. |
Represents a windowless grid control that displays rows with DisplayElements of a nested GridTable inside a parent table control. One GridNestedTableControl is created for every nested relation. A GridNestedTableControl is shared among all ChildTable tables for a relation. |
Defines a class that draws GridNestedTableControl with the GridTableModel and a Table. Within the table, the FilteredChildTable will be set before the cell is drawn or accessed. |
Defines a class that creates a GridTableControl as a view for the GridNestedTableControlCellModel. The GridTableControl is drawn static using the GridTableControl DrawGrid method. GridTableControl is being used in a windowless mode. All mouse and keyboard interaction is forwarded from a parent grid control to the nested table control. The table control has no window handle. |
Defines the class that provides the switching between the nested tables and disposes the un-used nested table. Internal only. |
An entry for the GridPropertyTypeDefaultStyleCollection |
A collection of GridPropertyTypeDefaultStyle with default GridTableCellStyleInfo information for RecordFieldCell elements based on the column's System.Type. Each basic type has default style information registered with this collection. |
Enumerator class for GridPropertyTypeDefaultStyle elements of a GridPropertyTypeDefaultStyleCollection. |
Internal only. |
Provides data for the QueryAddColumn event.
It is called for each column and lets you control at run-time if the column should be added to the GridColumnDescriptorCollection. You can set e.Cancel = True to avoid specific columns being added. |
Provides data for QueryAddVisibleColumn event.
It is called for each column and lets you control at run-time if the column should be added to the GridVisibleColumnDescriptorCollection. You can set e.Cancel = True to avoid specific columns being added. |
Provides event data for the QueryAllowArrowKeyNavigateTo event. You can set AllowNavigateTo if you want arrow keys to skip over specific display elements (e.g. skip caption rows). |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the event and the column that is affected. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the event and the column that is affected. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the event and the column that is affected. |
Holds a reference to a GridSummaryColumnDescriptor and SummaryDescriptor and lets you fill in the CreateSummaryMethod or CreateSummaryFromElementMethod with a CreateSummaryFromElementDelegate that can instantiate custom ITreeTableSummary objects. |
Defines a class that provides data for the QueryFilterBarChoices event which occurs when GridTableDescriptor is initializing columns with AllowFilter is set to "True" and gives you the options to handle filterbarchoices through custom code. In such case the event is also raised when the user clicks on dropdown button of a GridTableFilterBarCellRenderer |
Represents a record with data. Each record in the datasource has an associated Record object in the engine. Records are created when the datasource is assigned to a table and before they are sorted or filtered. Also when a new record is inserted in the datasource, a Record is created. When the grouping or sorting of a Table changes, all Record elements stay in sync with their underlying record-counterparts in the datasource. By default a record will not appear in the DisplayElements. Instead a record serves as a container of multiple row elements and nested tables. |
The part of a record with nested tables. You can access nested tables in a record with the NestedTables property of a Record. |
A RecordPreview row is an optional element shown only in the DisplayElements when a record is collapsed. You get access to this element through the RecordPreviewRows property of a Record. |
A Record row is a place-holder element shown in the DisplayElements for each row in a record. Each record can have multiple record rows. You get access to this element through the RecordRows property of a Record. |
A part in a record that serves as container for RecordRow elements in a record. |
This is a specialized version of the GridRecordRow class. It implements the IGridTableCellStyleCache and keeps a cache with style information for individual cells. |
The details section of a group with records. |
Record that shadows values in table and can gives hints which values were changed in ListChanged event. The new GetOldValue method also gives access to the previous value before a change and can be used for calculating the difference between two values. |
Represents a RelationDescriptor defines constraints for a relation between two tables and schema information of child tables. RelationDescriptors are managed by the GridRelationDescriptorCollection which is returned by the Relations property of a GridTableDescriptor. |
Represents a collection of GridRelationDescriptor elements with constraints for a relation between two tables and schema information of child tables. An instance of this collection is returned by the Relations property of a GridTableDescriptor. |
Represents the type converter class for GridRelationDescriptor objects. GridRelationDescriptorTypeConverter is a DescriptorBaseConverter. It overrides the default behavior of the ConvertTo method and adds support for design-time code serialization. |
A base class for sections that can contain one or multiple row elements. |
Represents a class that implements the GridStackedHeaderDescriptor and declares a StackedHeader column within a StackedHeader row. GridStackedHeaderDescriptor descriptors are managed by the GridStackedHeaderDescriptorCollection which is returned by the Headers property of a GridStackedHeaderRowDescriptor. |
Represents a collection class of GridStackedHeaderDescriptor that declares StackedHeader columns within a StackedHeader row. An instance of this collection is returned by the Headers property of a GridStackedHeaderRowDescriptor. |
Represents an enumerator class for GridStackedHeaderDescriptor elements of a GridStackedHeaderDescriptorCollection. |
Represents the type converter for GridStackedHeaderDescriptor objects. GridStackedHeaderDescriptorTypeConverter is a DescriptorBaseConverter. It overrides the default behavior of the ConvertTo method and adds support for design-time code serialization. |
A stackedHeader row element that is contained in the StackedHeaderRows collection of a GridStackedHeaderSection. A stackedHeader row is added to a GridStackedHeaderSection for every visible GridStackedHeaderRowDescriptor. |
A collection of GridStackedHeaderRow elements that are children of a GridStackedHeaderSection. An instance of this collection is returned by the StackedHeaderRows property of a GridStackedHeaderSection object. |
Enumerator class for GridStackedHeaderRow elements of a GridStackedHeaderRowCollection. |
Represents a class of GridStackedHeaderRowDescriptor which declares a stackedHeader row with one or multiple GridStackedHeaderDescriptor elements. GridStackedHeaderRowDescriptor descriptors are managed by the GridStackedHeaderRowDescriptorCollection which is returned by the StackedHeaderRows property of a GridTableDescriptor. |
Represents a collection of GridStackedHeaderRowDescriptor objects that declares StackedHeader rows each with one or multiple GridStackedHeaderDescriptor elements. An instance of this collection is returned by the StackedHeaderRows property of a GridTableDescriptor. |
Represents an enumerator class for GridStackedHeaderRowDescriptor elements of a GridStackedHeaderRowDescriptorCollection. |
The type converter for GridStackedHeaderRowDescriptor objects. GridStackedHeaderRowDescriptorTypeConverter is a DescriptorBaseConverter. It overrides the default behavior of the ConvertTo method and adds support for design-time code serialization. |
The stackedHeader section that contains one or multiple row elements for showing the stackedHeader below a group in DisplayElement. The stackedHeader information can be determined by calling GetSummaries(Table, out Boolean) on the Group that this stackedHeader section belongs to. |
Represents a GridStackedHeaderVisibleColumnDescriptor which binds a Column or ColumnSet to a StackedHeader cell. The GridStackedHeaderVisibleColumnDescriptor descriptors are managed by the GridStackedHeaderVisibleColumnDescriptorCollection which is returned by the VisibleColumns property of a GridStackedHeaderDescriptor. |
Represents the collection of GridStackedHeaderVisibleColumnDescriptor with information about headers that can spread columns. An instance of this collection is returned by the VisibleColumns property of a GridStackedHeaderDescriptor. |
Represents an enumerator class for GridStackedHeaderVisibleColumnDescriptor elements of a GridStackedHeaderVisibleColumnDescriptorCollection. |
Represents the type converter for GridStackedHeaderVisibleColumnDescriptor objects. GridStackedHeaderVisibleColumnDescriptorTypeConverter is a DescriptorBaseConverter. It overrides the default behavior of the ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext, CultureInfo, Object, Type) method and adds support for design-time code serialization. |
A GridSummaryColumnDescriptor declares a summary column within a summary row. GridSummaryColumnDescriptor descriptors are managed by the GridSummaryColumnDescriptorCollection which is returned by the SummaryColumns property of a GridSummaryRowDescriptor. |
Represents a collection of GridSummaryColumnDescriptor which declares the summary columns within a summary row. GridSummaryColumnDescriptor descriptors. An instance of this collection is returned by the SummaryColumns property of a GridSummaryRowDescriptor. |
Implements the enumerator class for GridSummaryColumnDescriptor elements of a GridSummaryColumnDescriptorCollection. |
Represents the type converter for the DataMember string of a GridSummaryColumnDescriptor. GridSummaryColumnDescriptorDataMemberConverter overrides the GetStandardValues method and returns a list of names for the DataMember. |
Represents the type converter for the Format string of a GridSummaryColumnDescriptor. GridSummaryColumnDescriptorFormatConverter overrides the GetStandardValues method and returns possible properties for the chosen SummaryType. |
Represents the type converter for GridSummaryColumnDescriptor objects. GridSummaryColumnDescriptorTypeConverter is a DescriptorBaseConverter. It overrides the default behavior of the ConvertTo method and adds support for design-time code serialization. |
A summary row element that is contained in the SummaryRows collection of a GridSummarySection. A summary row is added to a GridSummarySection for every visible GridSummaryRowDescriptor. |
A collection of GridSummaryRow elements that are children of a GridSummarySection. An instance of this collection is returned by the SummaryRows property of a GridSummarySection object. |
Enumerator class for GridSummaryRow elements of a GridSummaryRowCollection. |
A GridSummaryRowDescriptor declares a summary row with one or multiple GridSummaryColumnDescriptor elements. GridSummaryRowDescriptor descriptors are managed by the GridSummaryRowDescriptorCollection which is returned by the SummaryRows property of a GridTableDescriptor. |
A collection from GridSummaryRowDescriptor that declares summary rows each with one or multiple GridSummaryColumnDescriptor elements. An instance of this collection is returned by the SummaryRows property of a GridTableDescriptor. |
Enumerator class for GridSummaryRowDescriptor elements of a GridSummaryRowDescriptorCollection. |
The type converter for GridSummaryRowDescriptor objects. GridSummaryRowDescriptorTypeConverter is a DescriptorBaseConverter. It overrides the default behavior of the ConvertTo method and adds support for design-time code serialization. |
The summary section that contains one or multiple row elements for showing the summary below a group in DisplayElement. The summary information can be determined by calling GetSummaries(Table, out Boolean) on the Group that this summary section belongs to. |
Manages all the records from the underlying source list. The source list can be any IList collection. If it implements IBindingList, the GridTable will listen to the ListChangedEvent and update its internal data whenever changes are made to the source list. |
Implements the class that manages all the records from the underlying source list. The source list can be any IList collection. If it implements IBindingList the GridTable will listen to the ListChangedEvent and update its internal data whenever changes are made to the source list. |
A GridTableBaseStyle declares BaseStyles for the whole engine. GridTableBaseStyles are managed by the GridTableBaseStyleCollection which is returned by the BaseStyles property of a GridEngine. |
A collection from GridTableBaseStyle that declares BaseStyles for the whole engine. An instance of this collection is returned by the BaseStyles property of a GridEngine. |
Enumerator class for GridTableBaseStyle elements of a GridTableBaseStyleCollection. |
The type converter for the Name string of a GridTableBaseStyle. GridTableBaseStyleNameConverter overrides the GetStandardValues method and returns possible BaseStyles from the BaseStyles of the GridEngine. |
The type converter for GridTableBaseStyle objects. The GridTableBaseStyleTypeConverter is a DescriptorBaseConverter. It overrides the default behavior of the ConvertTo method and adds support for design-time code serialization. |
The GridTableCellAppearance class stores GridTableCellStyleInfo information for all cell elements in a grouping grid. GridTableCellAppearance has an inheritance mechanism that allows child elements to inherit default settings from parent elements. GridTableCellAppearance lets you control almost any aspect of the appearance of the grouping grid such as cell back color, font, or the cell type. |
Represents a class that provides identity information for a GridTableCellStyleInfo object of a GridTableCellAppearance and defines the inheritance of style properties. |
The type converter for GridTableCellAppearance objects. The GridTableCellAppearanceTypeConverter is an System.ComponentModel.ExpandableObjectConverter. It overrides the GetProperties(ITypeDescriptorContext, Object, Attribute[]) method and returns only appearance properties that were not filtered out with PropertyFilter of the GridTableCellAppearance object. |
Lets you control almost any aspect of the appearance of the grouping grid like cell backcolor, font, or the cell type. Objects of this class are accessible through the GridTableCellAppearance class, e.g. the AnyCell property. |
Represents a class that provides data about Changed and Changing events raised by GridTableCellAppearance which occur when a style property of a GridTableCellStyleInfo is changed. |
The type converter for GridTableCellStyleInfo objects. GridTableCellStyleInfoConverter is a StyleInfoBaseConverter. It overrides the ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext, CultureInfo, Object, Type) method and returns a string with descriptive information about the properties that were set in the GridTableCellStyleInfo object. |
Represents a class that provides the data about QueryCellStyleInfo events raised by GridEngine and GridTableDescriptor which occur for each cell before a grid starts painting and lets users customize the display of cells. |
Provides identity information for a GridTableCellStyleInfo object that is created by GridTable for each cell in the grid. GridTableCellStyleInfoIdentity defines the inheritance of style properties from parent elements inside the grid. |
Holds the plain data for a style object excluding identity information. |
Defines a class that provides the grid table cell type converter. Used internally. |
Represents a class that provides identity information for a temporary GridTableCellStyleInfo object that is created by the GetTableViewStyleInfo(Int32, Int32) of a GridTableControl just before a cell is drawn and disposed afterwards. |
Used internally. |
This MouseController handles mouse events for cell elements. In its HitTest method, the cell renderer for the cell under the mouse cursor is determined and based on the cell renderer's HitTest result, mouse events will be forwarded to that cell. |
Implements the DataModel part of a column header with sort indicator. |
Implements the renderer part of a column header with sort indicator. |
Represents a grid control that displays rows with DisplayElements of a GridTable and allows grouping and filtering of records and editing, deleting, and adding of records. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner CancelMouseEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridCellButtonClickedEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridCellClickEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridCellCursorEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridCellHitTestEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridCellMouseEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridCellPushButtonClickEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner System.Windows.Forms.ControlEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridCurrentCellActivateFailedEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridCurrentCellActivatingEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridCurrentCellControlKeyMessageEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridCurrentCellDeactivatedEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridCurrentCellErrorMessageEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridCurrentCellInitializeControlTextEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridCurrentCellMovedEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridCurrentCellMoveFailedEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridCurrentCellMovingEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridCurrentCellShowingDropDownEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridCurrentCellValidateStringEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Defines a class that provides the mouse controller support for dragging column headers within the GridTableControl or dragging them to the GridGroupDropArea. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridDrawCellBackgroundEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridDrawCellButtonBackgroundEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridDrawCellButtonEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridDrawCellDisplayTextEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridDrawCellEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridDrawCurrentCellBorderEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner System.EventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GraphicsEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner System.Windows.Forms.InvalidateEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs contains the event data. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridMoveCurrentCellDirectionEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner PopupClosedEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridPrepareViewStyleInfoEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridQueryCanOleDragRangeEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridQueryNextCurrentCellPositionEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridQueryScrollCellInViewEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridResizingColumnsEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridResizingRowsEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridRowColIndexChangedEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridRowColIndexChangingEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridScrollPositionChangedEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridScrollPositionChangingEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner ScrollTipFeedbackEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridSelectionDragEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Implements the cell selection behavior of a grid control. |
Holds a reference to a GridTableControl that initiates the original event and the inner GridWrapCellNextControlInFormEventArgs that holds the event data of the underlying original event. |
Maintains schema information for a table. Collections define columns, column sets, fields, expressions, sorted, grouped columns, and related tables. |
Defines the model or data part of a drop-down ListControl-like grid. |
Defines the renderer part of a drop-down ListControl-like grid that lets users drop-down a grid with information about a related foreign key table that was set up using a RelationKind.ForeignKeyReference, RelationKind.ListItemReference or RelationKind.ForeignKeyKeyWords relation. |
Represents class that implements the dropdown list control. Used internally. |
Implements the DataModel part for a TableFilterBar cell. |
Implements the renderer part of a TableFilterBar cell. |
Implements the DataModel part for a TableFilterBar GridListControl cell. |
Implements the renderer part of the filterbar cell. |
Implements the DataModel part of a column or row header. |
Implements the renderer part of a column or row header. |
Implements the DataModel part for an indent cell in a GridTableModel. |
Implements the renderer part of an indent cell which is used inside the grouping grid to display indention of groups or tables and optionally draw tree-lines. |
Defines a class that provides a System.Windows.Forms.ListControl with the specified list-control model. Used internally. |
Implements the Data or model part of the list control used in dropdown container. Used internally. |
Represents a grid model that displays rows with DisplayElements of a GridTable and allows grouping, filtering, editing, deleting, and adding of records. |
Represents the class that provides event arguments for the RaiseGroupOptionsChanged(GridGroupOptionsChangedEventArgs) and RaiseGroupOptionsChanging(GridGroupOptionsChangedEventArgs) methods of the IGridGroupOptionsSource interface. |
Properties in this class let you control the look and behavior of the top level group, child groups, and nested child tables. You can control the caption text, where and if AddNewRow will be displayed, or whether captions, footers, previews, and summaries will be displayed. |
The type converter for GridTableOptionsStyleInfo objects. GridTableOptionsStyleInfoConverter is a StyleInfoBaseConverter. It overrides the ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext, CultureInfo, Object, Type) method and returns a string with descriptive information about the properties that were set in the GridGroupOptionsStyleInfo object. |
Represents a class that adds design-time support for custom properties by adding empty custom property objects and later calling Add(GridTableOptionsStyleInfoCustomProperties), which will result in changing the GridTableOptionsStyleInfo property for this object and forces copying all properties of this object to the style object. |
Implements a collection of custom property objects that have at least one initialized value. The primary purpose of this collection is to support design-time code serialization of custom properties. |
Provides identity information for GridTableOptionsStyleInfo objects and methods for inheriting default setting from parent elements. |
GridTableOptionsStyleInfoStore holds the plain data for a style object excluding identity information. |
Provides data about the QueryCoveredRange event which can be marked as handled. |
Implements the DataModel part for a row header cell in a GridTableModel. The row header cell will display an arrow for the current row, a star for the append row, and a pencil when the row is being edited. |
Implements the renderer part of a row header. |
Implements the cell selection behavior of a grid control. |
GridVisibleColumnDescriptor references a GridColumnDescriptor or GridColumnSetDescriptor. The order of GridVisibleColumnDescriptors in the VisibleColumns collection defines the left to right order of columns shown in the grid. Columns are managed by the GridVisibleColumnDescriptorCollection that is returned by the VisibleColumns property of a GridTableDescriptor. |
A collection of GridVisibleColumnDescriptor columns each referencing a GridColumnDescriptor or GridColumnSetDescriptor. The order of GridVisibleColumnDescriptors in the VisibleColumns collection defines the left to right order of columns shown in the grid. An instance of this collection is returned by the VisibleColumns property of a GridTableDescriptor. |
Enumerator class for GridVisibleColumnDescriptor elements of a GridVisibleColumnDescriptorCollection. |
The type converter for GridVisibleColumnDescriptor objects. GridVisibleColumnDescriptorTypeConverter is a DescriptorBaseConverter. It overrides the default behavior of the ConvertTo(ITypeDescriptorContext, CultureInfo, Object, Type) method and adds support for design-time code serialization. |
Defines an abstract base class used by GridTableControlDragHeaderMouseController and GroupDropAreaDragHeaderMouseController. It implements the IMouseController interface to be used with MouseControllerDispatcher and provides common functions for hit-testing and drag and drop functionality used by both derived classes. |
Defines a class that implements the helper methods of the drag window. Used internally. |
Defines an abstract base class used by GridTableControlDragHeaderMouseController and GroupDropAreaDragHeaderMouseController. It implements the IMouseController interface to be used with MouseControllerDispatcher and provides common functions for hit-testing and drag and drop functionality used by both derived classes. |
Defines a class that provides support for dragging headers from the GroupDropArea. |
Implements the data or model part of a grouped column header with sort indicator. |
Implements the Data or model part for grouped header cell renderer. |
Implements the methods and properties to support UI Automation for GridGroupingControl. |
Implements the UI Provider for the grouping grid. |
Defines the class that denotes the GroupPanel. It has been initiated to override the Hide() method. |
Customized collection editor form. |
Interface for hosting a GridGroupOptionsStyleInfo |
This interface provides routines for getting and setting row heights for elements. Implement it in derived elements when custom row heights are needed. |
Interface for hosting a GridTableCellAppearance. |
Implement this interface for elements and keep a cache with style information for individual cells if you want reduce the number of QueryCellStyleInfo calls being raised for cells of this element. |
IGridTableCellStyleChanged |
Interface for hosting a GridTableOptionsStyleInfo. |
Enumerator having axis bar position options. |
Specifies the blink state for a cell indicating whether the cells value was increased or decreased or if the record has been recently added. The BlinkState will be reset to BlinkState.None after the interval specified in BlinkTime elapsed. |
Determines the blink update mode while blinking support is enabled. |
provide enumeration to choose data bar rule fill style. |
Defines the constants that specify the options for filtering the column. |
Defines the constants that specify the strategy for resizing columns to optimal width. See also GridColumnDescriptor.MaxLength, GridSummaryColumnDescriptor.MaxLength, GridTableOptionsStyleInfo.ColumnsMaxLengthStrategy and GridTableOptionsStyleInfo.ColumnsMaxLengthFirstNRecords |
Specifies delayed update behavior when changes are made to the underlying engine from outside of WndProc of this control, for example when changes made through an external PropertyGrid attached to the engine. |
Determine the GridGroupDropAreaAlignment. |
Defines the type of group options: TopLevelGroup, ChildTable or inner groups. |
Defines the constants that can be specified for the appearance of selected cells in the grid. |
Defines the constants that can be specified for the behavior and appearance of the current cell when ListBoxSelectionMode was set. |
Defines the constants that specify the sort position of the current record when edited interactively by user. |
Defines the reason why QueryAllowDragColumn event was raised (Show Red Indicator, MouseUp or HitTest). |
Summaries locations. |
Defines the constants whether a summary should fill the entire row, only a column or if it should be hidden. |
Defines cell types used by GridTableCellAppearance. For each GridTableCellType, the GridTableCellStyleInfo can be modified in a GridTableCellAppearance. |
Defines the type of TableOptions. |
Defines the constants that specify the Header Image alignment. |