Coded UI Automation in Windows Forms GridGrouping

21 Jan 202514 minutes to read

The GridGroupingControl can be automated with Coded UI testing automation. Using Visual Studio Premium, Visual Studio Ultimate or Visual Studio Enterprise, user can create a coded UI Test Project which will be used to test and automate the UI of the GridGroupingControl. The validation can be done at grid level or cell level.

Levels of Microsoft Coded UI Test (CUIT) support,

  • Level 1 - Record and Detecting the UIElement
  • Level 2 – Rich text property validation
  • Level 3 - Code Generation with custom classes
  • Level 4 - Support of intent aware action


All these levels are supported in GridGroupingControl.

Getting Started

A Coded UI Test Project needs to be created for testing the application. The following steps are used to test the user application with Coded UI test,

  1. Create Coded UI Test Project ,


  2. A Generate Code for Coded UI test dialog box will be opened. Click OK button,


  3. The Coded UI Test Builder will be displayed above the notification bar,


  4. Then run the sample application which needs to be automated.

The GridGroupingControl supports Coded UI as the two ways,

  • In-built support
  • External plugin

Control Assertion

The Coded UI Test performs action on the user interface (UI) controls and verifies that the UIElement properties are displayed with the correct values. The assertion of the UI element can be done by the following steps,

  1. Create the Coded UI Test Project as explained in the Getting Started section.
  2. In the Coded UI Test Builder dialog, select and drag the assertion button to the UI element which needs to be tested,


  3. The GridGroupingControl or Cell will be highlighted with a rectangular bounds like below,


Assertion of GridGroupingControl

For asserting the GridGroupingControl, the whole grid will be highlighted with that rectangular bounds. After assertion, the properties related to GridGroupingControl will be displayed in Coded UI Test Builder.


Assertion of a Cell

For asserting a particular cell, the cell will be highlighted with that rectangular bounds. After assertion, the properties related to that particular cell will be displayed in Coded UI Test Builder.


Assertion of Merged Cells

For asserting the merged cell, the merged range will be treated as a single cell and it will be highlighted with rectangular bounds. After assertion, the properties related to the merged cell will be displayed in Coded UI Test Builder.


Assertion of GridGroupDropArea

The GridGroupDropArea of the GridGroupingControl can also be asserted. For asserting the GridGroupDropArea, the GridGroupDropArea will be highlighted with that rectangular bounds. After assertion, the properties related to that GridGroupDropArea will be displayed in Coded UI Test Builder.


Record and Playback

The GridGroupingControl lets you record the automation and play back those automated actions whenever application needs to be tested.


The following steps are used to record and playback the application,

  1. Create the Coded UI Test Project as explained in the Getting Started section,
  2. Select the Start Recording button as follows,


  3. Perform the needed actions in the application. Ensure that a notification is displaying for each and every actions performed in the application like below,


  4. Then Click the Generate Code button as follows,


  5. The Coded UI test code will be generated in Coded UI Test Project as follows,


  6. The each and every recorded actions will be generated in Coded UI like below,



The recorded automation codes can be played back. The following steps are used to playback the automated methods,

  1. Open the Coded UI Test class file.
  2. Run the application which is tested for automation.
  3. Right Click on the CodedUITestMethod1 method.
  4. Select the Run Tests option.


In-built Support

The GridGroupingControl supports automated UI testing with Coded UI technology without any external plugin. In this technique, the grid will be detected as an MSAA object and the automation code will be generated based on MSAA technology element.

System Requirements

The following IDEs and .NET frameworks are supported for automating the GridGroupingControl.

Visual Studio

Premium, Ultimate, Enterprise editions of
  • VS2015 or higher
  • .Net framework

  • 4.0,
  • 4.6.2
  • Enabling Coded UI support

    The Coded UI support for GridGroupingControl can be enabled using AccessibilityEnabled property.

    this.GridGroupingControl1.AccessibilityEnabled = true;
    Me.GridGroupingControl1.AccessibilityEnabled = True


    The GridGroupingControl lets you test the user application by asserting the properties which are displayed in the Coded UI Test Builder. The grid and the cell bounds will be asserted as an MSAA object and the properties will be displayed based on cell types.

    For example, TextBox cell will be asserted as WinText MSAA control, CheckBox cell will be asserted as WinCheckBox MSAA control. The GridGroupingControl will be detected as WinWindow MSAA control.

    The following table provides the information about the cell types and its equivalent MSAA control on asserting,

    S.No Grid Cell Type MSAA control
    1. TextBox WinText
    2. ComboBox WinCombobox
    3. CheckBox WinCheckBox
    4. PushButton WinButton
    5. NumericUpDown WinSpinner

    The below example shows the properties that are displayed in the Coded UI test builder,



    The properties will be displayed based on the respective MSAA control properties.

    Getting Cell Values

    As GridGroupingControl and cell are asserted like MSAA control, a value of a cell will be displayed in the HelpText property.

    The below example shows the checkbox is asserted and the checked state of the check box is displayed in HelpText property,


    Finding a cell and getting the cell value

    To find a cell in the GridGroupingControl, SearchProperties property can be used and to get the cell value, GetPropertyValue method can be used. The corresponding cell name has to be given for searching the control.

    public void GetGridCell()
        UITestControl grid = this.UIMap.UIGettingStartedWindow.UITableControl1Window;
        UITestControl cell = new UITestControl(grid);
        cell.SearchProperties["Name"] = "GridCell_R6_C3";
        if (cell.TryFind())
    Public Sub GetGridCell()
        Dim grid As UITestControl = Me.UIMap.UIGettingStartedWindow.UITableControl1Window
        Dim cell As New UITestControl(grid)
        cell.SearchProperties("Name") = "GridCell_R6_C3"
        If cell.TryFind() Then
        End If
    End Sub

    The below example shows the getting of a cell value from grid,


    Highlighting a cell

    To highlight a cell in GridGroupingControl, DrawHighlight method of corresponding UITestControl can be used.

    public void HighlightCell()
    UITestControl grid = this.UIMap.UIGettingStartedWindow.UITableControl1Window;
     UITestControl cell = new UITestControl(grid);
     cell.SearchProperties["Name"] = "GridCell_R7_C5";
     if (cell.TryFind())
    Public Sub HighlightCell()
     Dim grid As UITestControl = Me.UIMap.UIGettingStartedWindow.UITableControl1Window
     Dim cell As New UITestControl(grid)
     cell.SearchProperties("Name") = "GridCell_R7_C5"
     If cell.TryFind() Then
     End If
    End Sub

    The below example shows the highlighting of a cell,


    Highlighting a grid

    To highlight a GridGroupingControl, DrawHighlight method of corresponding UITestControl can be used.

    public void HighlightGrid()
    UITestControl grid = this.UIMap.UIGettingStartedWindow.UITableControl1Window;
    if (grid.TryFind())
    Public Sub HighlightGrid()
    Dim grid As UITestControl = Me.UIMap.UIGettingStartedWindow.UITableControl1Window
    If grid.TryFind() Then
    End If
    End Sub

    The below example shows the highlighting of grid,


    External Plugin

    The GridGroupingControl also provides Coded UI support via external plugin. In this technique, the grid will be detected as SyncControl technology instead of detecting as MSAA object. The properties will be displayed based on the inner control of the asserted cell or grid.

    System Requirements

    The following IDEs and .NET frameworks are supported for automating the GridGroupingControl.

    Visual Studio

    Premium, Ultimate, Enterprise editions of
  • VS2015 or higher
  • .Net framework

  • 4.0,
  • 4.6.2
  • Enabling Coded UI support

    To enable the Coded UI support for grid, the following steps has to be implemented,

    • Deploying Extensions Assemblies
    • Preparing Grid sample application

    The assemblies and copydrop.bat file can be downloaded from this link.

    Deploying Extensions Assemblies

    This section explains about deploying the external assemblies through batch file or manual deployment.

    Using copydrop.bat file
    • Navigate to copydrop.bat file in UI test folder.
    • Edit the copydrop.bat file destination path to ship the assemblies.
    • Run the batch file to place the Extension and Provider assemblies in the appropriate directories. These assemblies are needed as reference for the Visual Studio IDE.
    Manual deployment

    The following Extensions assemblies can be located in the UI test folder and these should be deployed in the below mentioned directory manually,

    • Syncfusion.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.GridCommunication.dll
    • Syncfusion.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.GridExtension.dll

    The above extension assemblies should be deployed to the following locations,

    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VSTT\<Visual Studio Version>\UITestExtensionPackages*
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio <Visual Studio Version>\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies*
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio <Visual Studio Version>\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies*

    For example, the assemblies can be deployed for the Visual Studio 2015,

    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VSTT\12.0\UITestExtensionPackages
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies

    Modifying the Sample Application for Communication

    The grid application host runs with .NET Remoting channel hosted internally to communicate with test plugin through an interface. Data is then channeled across the Visual Studio Test Framework to identify the Cells and GridGroupingControl. The following steps helps the users to prepare the grid sample application to support Coded UI plugin.

    • Add the Syncfusion.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.GridCommunication.dll which contains implementation to easily change an existing application to the test application that the plugin would require.
    • Let the parent container inherit GridGroupingControlTestApplication class as shown below,
    public class Form1 : GridGroupingControlTestApplication
    Public Class Form1
            Inherits GridGroupingControlTestApplication
    End Class


    The GridGroupingControl can be detected as Window control type and Cell can be detected as Cell control type with custom rich properties.

    The following table provides the details about the list of properties that will be displayed for Cell,

    Asserting a Cell

    S.No Property name Description
    1. CellValue Indicates a value of a cell.
    2. Text Indicates a text of a cell.
    3. Description Indicates the description of a cell. This used for checkbox cell which needs to be displayed with text.
    4. Format Indicates the number format of the cell.
    5. CellWidth Indicates the width of a cell.
    6. CellHeight Indicates the height of a cell.
    7. FormattedText Indicates the formatted text of a cell.
    8. CellType Indicates the type of a cell.
    9. FormulaTag Indicates the formula information if it is formula cell.
    10. Checked Indicates the checked state information if it is checkbox cell.
    11. AutoCompleteInEditMode Indicates the autocomplete behavior of a cell if it is combobox cell.
    12. DropDownStyle Indicates the dropdown style behavior of a cell if it is combobox cell.

    Finding a cell and getting the cell value

    To find a cell in the GridGroupingControl, SearchProperties property can be used and to get a cell value, the GetPropertyValue method can be used. The corresponding control type, RowIndex and columnIndex has to be given for searching the control.

    public void HighlightCell()
      var dataGrid = this.UIMap.UICellCustomizationWindow.UIGridGroupingControl1Window.UIGridGroupingControl1Table;
      UITestControl dataGridCell = new UITestControl(dataGrid);
      dataGridCell.SearchProperties["ControlType"] = "Cell";
      dataGridCell.SearchProperties["RowIndex"] = "6";
      dataGridCell.SearchProperties["ColumnIndex"] = "3";
      if (dataGridCell.TryFind())
    Public Sub HighlightCell()
      Dim dataGrid = Me.UIMap.UICellCustomizationWindow.UIGridGroupingControl1Window.UIGridGroupingControl1Table
      Dim dataGridCell As New UITestControl(dataGrid)
      dataGridCell.SearchProperties("ControlType") = "Cell"
      dataGridCell.SearchProperties("RowIndex") = "6"
      dataGridCell.SearchProperties("ColumnIndex") = "3"
      If dataGridCell.TryFind() Then
      End If
    End Sub

    The below example shows the getting of a cell value from grid,


    Highlighting a cell

    To highlight a cell in GridGroupingControl, the GridGroupingControl has to be searched with the needed searching properties and DrawHighlight method of corresponding UITestControl can be used.

    public void HighlightCell()
      var dataGrid = this.UIMap.UICellCustomizationWindow.UIGridGroupingControl1Window.UIGridGroupingControl1Table;
      UITestControl dataGridCell = new UITestControl(dataGrid);
      dataGridCell.SearchProperties["ControlType"] = "Cell";
      dataGridCell.SearchProperties["RowIndex"] = "4";
      dataGridCell.SearchProperties["ColumnIndex"] = "2";
      if (dataGridCell.TryFind())
    Public Sub HighlightCell()
      Dim dataGrid = Me.UIMap.UICellCustomizationWindow.UIGridGroupingControl1Window.UIGridGroupingControl1Table
      Dim dataGridCell As New UITestControl(dataGrid)
      dataGridCell.SearchProperties("ControlType") = "Cell"
      dataGridCell.SearchProperties("RowIndex") = "4"
      dataGridCell.SearchProperties("ColumnIndex") = "2"
      If dataGridCell.TryFind() Then
      End If
    End Sub

    The below example shows the highlighting of a cell,
