Flowchart layout in WPF Diagram (SfDiagram)

29 Nov 202423 minutes to read

The flowchart layout is a diagrammatic representation of a process, workflow, system, or computer algorithm. Flowcharts uses various kind of symbols to illustrate the different types of actions and symbols connected together with arrows showing the flow direction of process.

Common flowchart symbols

Different flowchart symbols have different meanings that are used to represent different states in flowchart. The following table describes the most common flowchart symbols that are used in creating flowchart.

Symbol Built-in resource key in SfDiagram Description
WPF Diagram displays Terminator Symbol Terminator/StartOrEnd Indicates the beginning and ending of the process.
WPF Diagram displays Data Symbol Data Indicates data input or output for a process.
WPF Diagram displays Process Symbol Process Represents an operation or set of operations and data manipulations.
WPF Diagram displays Decision Symbol Decision Shows a branching point where the decision is made to choose one of the two paths
WPF Diagram displays Document Symbol Document Represents a single document or report in the process.
WPF Diagram displays SubProcess Symbol SubProcess/PredefinedProcess Represents a sequence of actions that combine to perform a specific task that is defined elsewhere.
WPF Diagram displays DirectData Symbol DirectData Represents a collection of information that allows searching, sorting, and filtering.
WPF Diagrma displays StoredData Symbol StoredData Represents a step where data get stored within a process.
WPF Diagram displays ManualInput Symbol ManualInput Represents the manual input of data into a field or step in a process.
WPF Diagram displays ManualOperation Symbol ManualOperation Represents an operation in a process that must be done manually, not automatically.
WPF Diagram displays Preparation Symbol Preparation Represents a setup or initialization process to another step in the process.
WPF Diagram displays OnPageReference Symbol OnPageReference Represents a pair of labeled connectors used to link long or confusing line on a flowchart.
WPF Diagram displays OffPageReference Symbol OffPageReference Represents a labeled connector used to link two flowcharts on different pages.
WPF Diagram displays MultiDocument Symbol MultiDocument Represents multiple documents or reports in the process.
WPF Diagram displays Connector Symbol   Represents a direction of flow from one step to another. It will get created automatically based on the relationship between the parent and child.


We have provided some more built-in Shapes as ResourceDictionary. For more Shapes, refer to this page.

    <!--Initialize Shapes-->
    <ResourceDictionary Source="/Syncfusion.SfDiagram.Wpf;component/Resources/BasicShapes.xaml"/>

<local:DataItems x:Key="Dataitems">
<local:ItemInfo Id="1" NodeShape="{StaticResource Terminator}" Width="80" Height="35" Name="Start"/>
<local:ItemInfo Id="2" NodeShape="{StaticResource Data}" Width="90" Height="35" Name="Input">
<local:ItemInfo Id="3" NodeShape="{StaticResource Decision}" Width="80" Height="60" Name="Decision?">
<local:ItemInfo Id="4" NodeShape="{StaticResource Process}" Width="80" Height="40" Name="Process1">
<local:ItemInfo Id="5" NodeShape="{StaticResource Process}" Width="80" Height="40" Name="Process2">
<local:ItemInfo Id="6" NodeShape="{StaticResource Data}" Width="90" Height="35" Name="Output">
<local:ItemInfo Id="7" NodeShape="{StaticResource Data}" Width="90" Height="35" Name="Output">
<local:ItemInfo Id="8" NodeShape="{StaticResource Terminator}" Width="80" Height="35" Name="End">
<!--Initializes the Layout-->
<syncfusion:FlowchartLayout x:Key="Layout" Orientation="LeftToRight" 
                            HorizontalSpacing="50" VerticalSpacing="30" 

<!--Initializes the LayoutManager-->
<syncfusion:LayoutManager x:Key="layoutmanager" Layout="{StaticResource Layout}"/>

<!--Initializes the DataSourceSettings -->
<syncfusion:FlowchartDataSourceSettings x:Key="DataSourceSettings" 
                                        DataSource="{StaticResource Dataitems}" 
                                        ParentId="ParentId" Id="Id" 

<!--Initializes the SfDiagram --> 
<syncfusion:SfDiagram x:Name="diagram" Grid.Column="0" 
                      LayoutManager="{StaticResource layoutmanager}" 
                      DataSourceSettings="{StaticResource DataSourceSettings}">
//Initialize Diagram
SfDiagram diagram = new SfDiagram();

//Initialize Node Collection
diagram.Nodes = new ObservableCollection<NodeViewModel>();           

//Initialize Connector Collection
diagram.Connectors = new ObservableCollection<ConnectorViewModel>();

(diagram.Info as IGraphInfo).ItemAdded += MainWindow_ItemAdded;

//Initialize DataSourceSettings for SfDiagram
diagram.DataSourceSettings = new FlowchartDataSourceSettings()
    ParentId = "ParentId",
    Id = "Id",
    DataSource = GetData(),
    ConnectorTextMapping = "Label",
    ContentMapping = "Name",
    ShapeMapping = "NodeShape",
    WidthMapping = "Width",
    HeightMapping = "Height"

//Initialize LayoutManager
LayoutManager layoutManager = new LayoutManager();

//Initialize Layout for SfDiagram
layoutManager.Layout = new FlowchartLayout()
    Orientation = FlowchartOrientation.TopToBottom,
    YesBranchDirection = BranchDirection.LeftInFlow,
    NoBranchDirection = BranchDirection.RightInFlow,             
    HorizontalSpacing = 50,
    VerticalSpacing = 30

//Initialize theming style for SfDiagram
diagram.Theme = new OfficeTheme();

//Initialize LayoutManager
diagram.LayoutManager = layoutManager;
//Adding Sfdiagram as children to mainwindow grid.

//Initializes the DataSource collection
private DataItems GetData()
    DataItems itemscollection = new DataItems();
    itemscollection.Add(new ItemInfo()
        Id ="1",
        NodeShape =App.Current.Resources["Terminator"] as string,
        Name = "Start",
        Height =35,
        Width =80
    itemscollection.Add(new ItemInfo()
        Id = "2",
        ParentId =new List<string> { "1" },
        NodeShape = App.Current.Resources["Data"] as string,
        Name = "Input",
        Height = 35,
        Width =90
    itemscollection.Add(new ItemInfo()
        Id = "3", ParentId =new List<string> { "2" },                
        NodeShape = App.Current.Resources["Decision"] as string,
        Name = "Decision?",
        Height =60,
        Width = 80
    itemscollection.Add(new ItemInfo()
        Id = "4",
        ParentId = new List<string> { "3" },
        Label =new List<string> {"Yes" },
        NodeShape = App.Current.Resources["Process"] as string,
        Name = "Process1",
        Height = 40,
        Width = 80
    itemscollection.Add(new ItemInfo()
        Id = "5",
        ParentId = new List<string> { "3" },
        Label = new List<string> { "No" },
        NodeShape = App.Current.Resources["Process"] as string,
        Name = "Process2",
        Height = 40,
        Width = 80
    itemscollection.Add(new ItemInfo()
        Id = "6",
        ParentId = new List<string> { "5" },                
        NodeShape = App.Current.Resources["Data"] as string,
        Name = "Output",
        Height = 35,
        Width = 90
    itemscollection.Add(new ItemInfo()
        Id = "7",
        ParentId = new List<string> { "4" },                
        NodeShape = App.Current.Resources["Data"] as string,
        Name = "Output",
        Height = 35,
        Width = 90
    itemscollection.Add(new ItemInfo()
        Id = "8",
        ParentId = new List<string> { "6","7" },                
        NodeShape =App.Current.Resources["Terminator"] as string,
        Name = "End",
        Height = 35,
        Width = 80
    return itemscollection;

//Data Object Class
public class ItemInfo
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Id { get; set; }
    public List<string> ParentId { get; set; }
    public string NodeShape { get; set; }       
    public List<string> Label { get; set; }
    public double Width { get; set; }        
    public double Height { get; set; }

//Collection to hold the Data Object class
public class DataItems : ObservableCollection<ItemInfo>

WPF Diagram with Flowchart

Customize flowchart layout orientation

Sequence of the node’s direction can be customized by flowchart orientation either vertically from top to bottom or by horizontally from left to right.
The Orientation property of FlowchartLayout class allows you to define the flow direction for flowchart as TopToBottom or LeftToRight.

TopToBottom orientation

Arranges the element in the layout vertically from top to bottom.

<syncfusion:FlowchartLayout x:Key="Layout" Orientation="TopToBottom"/>
//Initialize LayoutManager
LayoutManager layoutManager = new LayoutManager();
//Initialize Layout for SfDiagram
layoutManager.Layout = new FlowchartLayout()
    Orientation = FlowchartOrientation.TopToBottom,            

WPF Diagram with FlowChart in Vertical Layout

LeftToRight orientation

Arranges the element in the layout horizontally from left to right.

WPF Diagram with FlowChart in Horizontal Layout

Customize the decision output directions

Decision symbol denotes the question that can be answered in binary format (Yes/No, True/False). The output direction of the decision symbol can be controlled by the direction of “Yes” and “No” branches using the YesBranchDirection and NoBranchDirection properties of FlowchartLayout class.

Left In Flow: Arranges the Yes/No branch to the Left of the Decision symbol.

Right In Flow: Arranges the Yes/No branch to the Right of the Decision symbol.

Same As Flow: Arranges the Yes/No branch as same as the flow of the Decision symbol.

The following table will explain the pictorial representation of the behavior:

YesBranchDirection NoBranchDirection TopToBottom LeftToRight
Left In Flow Right In Flow WPF Diagram displays Decision Output at Left Flow Direction in Vertical WPF Diagram displays Decision Output at Right Flow Direction in Horizontal
Right In Flow Left In Flow WPF Diagram displays Decision Output at Right Flow Direction in Vertical WPF Diagram displays Decision Output at Left Flow Direction in Horizontal
Same As Flow Right In Flow WPF Diagram displays Decision Output at Both Direction in Vertical WPF Diagram displays Decision Output at Right Flow Direction in Horizontal
Same As Flow Same As Flow WPF Diagram displays Decision Output at Both Direction in Vertical WPF Diagram displays Decision Output at Both Direction in Horizontal


If both branch directions are same, Yes branch will be prioritized.

Custom Yes and No branch values

The decision symbol will produce the two branches as output, which will be Yes branch and No branch. If the output branch connector text value matches the values in the YesBranchValues property of FlowchartLayout class, it will be considered as Yes branch and similarly if connector text value matches the values in the NoBranchValues property, it will be considered as No branch. By default, the YesBranchValues property will contain Yes and True string values and the NoBranchValues property will contain No and False string values.

Any text value can be given as a connector text to describe the flow. Also, any string value can be given in the YesBranchValues and NoBranchValues. To decide the flow based on if or else, that connector text should match the values in the YesBranchValues and NoBranchValues.

<syncfusion:FlowchartLayout x:Key="Layout" Orientation="TopToBottom" 
//Initialize LayoutManager
LayoutManager layoutManager = new LayoutManager();

//Initialize Layout for SfDiagram
layoutManager.Layout = new FlowchartLayout()
    Orientation = FlowchartOrientation.TopToBottom,
    YesBranchDirection = BranchDirection.LeftInFlow,
    NoBranchDirection = BranchDirection.RightInFlow,
    YesBranchValues=new List<string> { "Accept","Yes"},
    NoBranchValues=new List<string> { "Reject","No"},
    HorizontalSpacing = 50,
    VerticalSpacing = 30

WPF Diagram with CustomFlowChart

Customize vertical and horizontal spacing

Control the spacing between the nodes both horizontally and vertically using the HorizontalSpacing and VerticalSpacing properties of FlowchartLayout class.

<syncfusion:FlowchartLayout x:Key="Layout" HorizontalSpacing="50" VerticalSpacing="30"/>
//Initialize LayoutManager
LayoutManager layoutManager = new LayoutManager();

//Initialize Layout for SfDiagram
layoutManager.Layout = new FlowchartLayout()
    HorizontalSpacing = 50,
    VerticalSpacing = 30

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