Crosshair in WPF Charts (SfChart)

6 Jan 202511 minutes to read

ChartCrossHairBehavior is used to view the values at mouse point or touch contact point. By moving these lines horizontally, you can get the X values and by moving these lines vertically, you can get the Y values.

Adding CrossHairBehavior to SfChart

You can create an instance ChartCrossHairBehavior and add it to the Behaviors collection.


<syncfusion:ChartCrossHairBehavior />

ChartCrossHairBehavior behavior = new ChartCrossHairBehavior();


To view the axis labels then set the ShowTrackBallInfo property to true as in the below code snippet.


<syncfusion:CategoryAxis  ShowTrackBallInfo="True"/>



<syncfusion:NumericalAxis  ShowTrackBallInfo="True"/>

ChartCrossHairBehavior behavior = new ChartCrossHairBehavior();


chart.PrimaryAxis = new CategoryAxis()

    ShowTrackBallInfo = true


chart.SecondaryAxis = new NumericalAxis()

    ShowTrackBallInfo = true


Cross hair support in WPF Chart

Cross hair is composed of the following parts:

  1. Vertical and horizontal line

  2. Axis Labels

Vertical and Horizontal Line

If you add ChartCrossHairBehavior to chart you can see horizontal and vertical lines.The horizontal and vertical lines can be customized using HorizontalLineStyle and VerticalLineStyle properties.


The following code snippet demonstrates the line style for horizontal line in cross hair.

<syncfusion:SfChart x:Name="chart">


        <Style TargetType="Line" x:Key="lineStyle">

            <Setter Property="Stroke" Value="Green"></Setter>

            <Setter Property="StrokeThickness" Value="1"></Setter>



        <syncfusion:ChartCrossHairBehavior HorizontalLineStyle="{StaticResource lineStyle}"/>


ChartCrossHairBehavior crosshair = new ChartCrossHairBehavior()

    HorizontalLineStyle = chart.Resources["lineStyle"] as Style



Cross hair line style in WPF Chart


<syncfusion:SfChart x:Name="chart">


        <Style TargetType="Line" x:Key="lineStyle">

            <Setter Property="StrokeDashArray" Value="10,5"/>

            <Setter Property="Stroke" Value="Red"/>

             <Setter Property="StrokeThickness" Value="1"/>



                <syncfusion:ChartCrossHairBehavior VerticalLineStyle="{StaticResource lineStyle}"/>


ChartCrossHairBehavior crosshair = new ChartCrossHairBehavior()

    VerticalLineStyle = chart.Resources["lineStyle"] as Style



Cross hair line style in WPF Chart

Horizontal axis label

The vertical line in contact with the x axes shows axis label. The horizontal axis label can be aligned using HorizontalAxisLabelAlignment property.

Axis Label can be aligned by Near, Far, Center, Auto and None Options.

  • Auto – Axis label is aligned in Near/Far positions based on the movement of vertical line.

  • Far - Axis label is positioned far from the position of vertical line in cross hair.

  • Near - Axis label is near to the position of trackball.

  • Center - Axis label is aligned to the center of the vertical line. By default the axis label will positioned in center.

The following image demonstrates the horizontal axis label positioned center to the vertical line.

Axis label alignment support for cross hair in WPF Chart



<syncfusion:ChartCrossHairBehavior HorizontalAxisLabelAlignment="Far ">


ChartCrossHairBehavior behavior = new ChartCrossHairBehavior()

    HorizontalAxisLabelAlignment = ChartAlignment.Far



Axis label alignment support for cross hair in WPF Chart



<syncfusion:ChartCrossHairBehavior HorizontalAxisLabelAlignment="Near ">


ChartCrossHairBehavior behavior = new ChartCrossHairBehavior()

    HorizontalAxisLabelAlignment = ChartAlignment.Near



Axis label alignment support for cross hair in WPF Chart

Vertical axis label

Vertical axis label is displayed when the horizontal line in contact with x axis.The label can be aligned using VerticalAxisLabelAlignment property.

Axis Label can be aligned by Near, Far, Center, Auto, and None Options.

The following image demonstrates the horizontal axis label positioned center to the vertical line.

Axis label alignment support for cross hair in WPF Chart



<syncfusion:ChartCrossHairBehavior VerticalAxisLabelAlignment="Near">


ChartCrossHairBehavior behavior = new ChartCrossHairBehavior()

    VerticalAxisLabelAlignment = ChartAlignment.Near



Axis label alignment support for cross hair in WPF Chart



<syncfusion:ChartCrossHairBehavior VerticalAxisLabelAlignment="Far"  >


ChartCrossHairBehavior behavior = new ChartCrossHairBehavior()

    VerticalAxisLabelAlignment = ChartAlignment.Far



Axis label alignment support for cross hair in WPF Chart

Customization of Crosshair axis labels

The default appearance of the crosshair axis labels can be customized by using the CrosshairLabelTemplate property of chart axis. It can be set as shown in the following code example.

    <chart:CategoryAxis ShowTrackBallInfo="True">
                 <Border Background="Orange" 
                          BorderThickness="1" BorderBrush="Black">

                 <TextBlock Margin="2" Text="{Binding ValueX}"/>


       <chart:NumericalAxis ShowTrackBallInfo="True">
                    <Border Background="Orange" 

                    <TextBlock  Margin="2" Text="{Binding ValueY}"/>


    <chart:ChartCrossHairBehavior />

Crosshair axis labels customization in WPF