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Sorting in Windows Forms ComboBox (SfComboBox)
6 Oct 20221 minute to read
The Windows Forms ComboBox (SfComboBox) supports sorting the data either in ascending or descending order by using the sfComboBox1.DropDownListView.View.SortDescriptors property.
You can sort the data by creating the SortDescriptor
with required name and direction and add it to the SortDescriptors property.
object holds the following three properties:
: Describes the name of the sorted property. -
: Describes an object of typeListSortDirection
that defines the sorting direction. -
: Describes the comparer to be applied when sorting the items.
sfComboBox1.DropDownListView.View.SortDescriptors.Add(new Syncfusion.DataSource.SortDescriptor() { PropertyName = "LongName", Direction = Syncfusion.DataSource.ListSortDirection.Descending });
sfComboBox1.DropDownListView.View.SortDescriptors.Add(New Syncfusion.DataSource.SortDescriptor() With {.PropertyName = "LongName", .Direction = Syncfusion.DataSource.ListSortDirection.Descending})