- Single selection
- Multi-selection
- Clear selection
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Selection in Windows Forms ComboBox (SfComboBox)
18 Mar 20229 minutes to read
The Windows Forms ComboBox (SfComboBox) allows you to select single or multiple items in the drop-down list. The selection mode can be set by using the ComboBoxMode property.
Combo box has two different modes:
- SingleSelection: Selects single item.
- MultiSelection: Selects multiple items.
Single selection
Getting the selected index
Index of the selected item can be retrieved by using the SelectedIndex property.
Getting the selected value
Value of the selected item can be retrieved by using the SelectedValue property. It returns the property value bind to the ValueMember property. If the ValueMember
is not initialized, it will return the value of the property bind to DisplayMember.
Getting the selected item of underlying data object
The selected item of the SfComboBox can be retrieved by using the SelectedItem property.
SelectedIndexChanged event
The SelectedIndexChanged event is raised while selecting an item.
sfComboBox1.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(SfComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged);
private void SfComboBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
sfComboBox1.SelectedValueChanged += new EventHandler(SfComboBox1_SelectedValueChanged);
private void SfComboBox1_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
SelectedValueChanged event
The SelectedValueChanged event is raised while selecting an item.
sfComboBox1.SelectedValueChanged += new EventHandler(SfComboBox1_SelectedValueChanged);
private void SfComboBox1_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
AddHandler sfComboBox1.SelectedValueChanged, AddressOf SfComboBox1_SelectedValueChanged
Private Sub SfComboBox1_SelectedValueChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
End Sub
The SfComboBox allows you to select multiple values from the drop-down list. The WinForms multi-select combo box mode can be enabled by setting the ComboBoxMode property as MultiSelection
sfComboBox1.ComboBoxMode = ComboBoxMode.MultiSelection;
sfComboBox1.ComboBoxMode = ComboBoxMode.MultiSelection
Select all
The SfComboBox support to choose all items in the drop-down list for multiselect combo box by setting the AllowSelectAll property to true
sfComboBox1.AllowSelectAll = true;
sfComboBox1.AllowSelectAll = True
Changing the delimiter character to separate selected items
The SfComboBox supports various delimiter characters to separate multiple selected items in the multi selected combo box. The delimiter character can be set by using the DelimiterChar property. The default delimiter character is “,”.
sfComboBox1.DelimiterChar = "-";
sfComboBox1.DelimiterChar = "-"
Hiding the buttons in the drop down
Buttons in the drop-down list can be hide by setting the DropDownControl.ShowButtons property to false
sfComboBox1.DropDownControl.ShowButtons = false;
sfComboBox1.DropDownControl.ShowButtons = False
Accessing the checked items
The checked items can be retrieved by using the CheckedItems
property. The items can also be added programmatically by using the CheckedItems property.
Multi-select combo box supports to show the whole text in the editor portion by using the tooltip when hovering the mouse on the editor portion of the control. Tooltip can be enabled by setting the ShowToolTip
property to true
The SfToolTip control is used for the tooltip support.
sfComboBox1.ShowToolTip = true;
sfComboBox1.ShowToolTip = True
Tooltip options
Setting tooltip delay
Tooltip support you to set delay when showing the tooltip values by using the ToolTipOption property.
The following properties can be used to set the tooltip delay time:
- InitialDelay
- AutoPopDelay.
The InitialDelay property enables you to shorten or lengthen the time that the tooltip waits before displaying the tooltip values. The default value is 500 milliseconds.
sfComboBox1.ToolTipOption.InitialDelay = 3000;
sfComboBox1.ToolTipOption.InitialDelay = 3000
The AutoPopDelay property enables you to shorten or lengthen the time duration that the tooltip is displayed when the mouse pointer is on a control. The default value is 5000 milliseconds.
sfComboBox1.ToolTipOption.AutoPopDelay = 2000;
sfComboBox1.ToolTipOption.AutoPopDelay = 2000
ToolTip shadow
Shadow of the tooltip can be enabled or disabled by setting the ShadowVisible property. Default value is true
sfComboBox1.ToolTipOption.ShadowVisible = false;
sfComboBox1.ToolTipOption.ShadowVisible = False
Appearance of the tooltip can be customized by using the ToolTipStyle property.
sfComboBox1.Style.ToolTipStyle.BackColor = Color.Green;
sfComboBox1.Style.ToolTipStyle.ForeColor = Color.White;
sfComboBox1.Style.ToolTipStyle.BorderColor = Color.Red;
sfComboBox1.Style.ToolTipStyle.BorderThickness = 5;
sfComboBox1.Style.ToolTipStyle.BackColor = Color.Green
sfComboBox1.Style.ToolTipStyle.ForeColor = Color.White
sfComboBox1.Style.ToolTipStyle.BorderColor = Color.Red
sfComboBox1.Style.ToolTipStyle.BorderThickness = 5
Conditional styling
Appearance of the tooltip can be customized before showing the tooltip based on the control in which it is configured by using the ToolTipOpening event.
sfComboBox1.ToolTipOpening += new EventHandler<ComboBoxToolTipOpeningEventArgs>(SfComboBox1_ToolTipOpening);
private void SfComboBox1_ToolTipOpening(object sender, ComboBoxToolTipOpeningEventArgs e)
if (e.DisplayText.Contains("California"))
sfComboBox1.Style.ToolTipStyle.ForeColor = Color.Red;
AddHandler sfComboBox1.ToolTipOpening, AddressOf SfComboBox1_ToolTipOpening
Private Sub SfComboBox1_ToolTipOpening(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ComboBoxToolTipOpeningEventArgs)
If e.DisplayText.Contains("California") Then
sfComboBox1.Style.ToolTipStyle.ForeColor = Color.Red
End If
End Sub
Canceling tooltip opening
The ToolTipOpening event can be used to cancel the tooltip opening by setting the e.Cancel
to true
sfComboBox1.ToolTipOpening += new EventHandler<ComboBoxToolTipOpeningEventArgs>(SfComboBox1_ToolTipOpening);
private void SfComboBox1_ToolTipOpening(object sender, ComboBoxToolTipOpeningEventArgs e)
e.Cancel = true;
AddHandler sfComboBox1.ToolTipOpening, AddressOf SfComboBox1_ToolTipOpening
Private Sub SfComboBox1_ToolTipOpening(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ComboBoxToolTipOpeningEventArgs)
e.Cancel = True
End Sub
Clear selection
The SfComboBox
allows to show or hide the clear button by using the ShowClearButton
property. When pressing the clear button it will clear the selected items and editor portion.
This clear button will be visible only when the selection or editing takes place inside the SfComboBox.
sfComboBox1.ShowClearButton = true;
Clear button appearance
Appearance of the clear button can be customized by setting the ClearButtonStyle
sfComboBox1.ShowClearButton = true;
sfComboBox1.Style.ClearButtonStyle.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
sfComboBox1.Style.ClearButtonStyle.ForeColor = Color.Red;
sfComboBox1.Style.ClearButtonStyle.HoverBackColor = Color.OrangeRed;
sfComboBox1.Style.ClearButtonStyle.HoverForeColor = Color.Yellow;