Data Binding in Windows Forms ComboBox (SfComboBox)

29 Sep 20237 minutes to read

The data source can be bound by using the DataSource property. The following properties controls the data binding:

  • DisplayMember: To display the underlying datasource for Windows Forms ComboBox.
  • ValueMember: To use as the actual value for the items.
//Bind the data source to combo box control
List<State> list = GetData();
sfComboBox1.DataSource = list;
//Bind the Display member and Value member to the data source
sfComboBox1.DisplayMember = "LongName";
sfComboBox1.ValueMember = "ShortName";

List<State> GetData()
    List<State> states = new List<State>();
    states.Add(new State("Alaska", "AK"));
    states.Add(new State("Arizona", "AZ"));
    states.Add(new State("Colorado", "CO"));
    return states;

public class State
    private string shortName;
    private string longName;

    public State(string LongName, string ShortName)
        this.longName = LongName;
        this.shortName = ShortName;

    public string ShortName
        get { return shortName; }

    public string LongName
        get { return longName; }
'Bind the data source to combo box control
Dim list As List(Of State) = GetData()
sfComboBox1.DataSource = list
'Bind the Display member and Value member to the data source
sfComboBox1.DisplayMember = "LongName"
sfComboBox1.ValueMember = "ShortName"

Private Function GetData() As List(Of State)
    Dim states As List(Of State) = New List(Of State)()
    states.Add(New State("Alaska", "AK"))
    states.Add(New State("Arizona", "AZ"))
    states.Add(New State("Colorado", "CO"))
    Return states
End Function

Public Class State
    Private shortName As String
    Private longName As String

    Public Sub New(ByVal LongName As String, ByVal ShortName As String)
        Me.longName = LongName
        Me.shortName = ShortName
    End Sub

    Public ReadOnly Property ShortName As String
            Return ShortName
        End Get
    End Property

    Public ReadOnly Property LongName As String
            Return LongName
        End Get
    End Property
End Class

View sample in GitHub

Binding Data from Microsoft Access

The WinForms ComboBox (SfComboBox) control supports to bind data from Microsoft Access database. This section describes about how to bind the data from Microsoft Access database to SfComboBox.

Importing Microsoft Access Database

To load the data from Microsoft Access database, follow the below steps.

1) On the View menu, select Other Windows > Data Sources.

2) In the Data Sources window, click Add New Data Source, the DataSource configuration wizard will be opened.

WinForms SfComboBox Datasource type choosing through the visual studio

3) Select Database on the Choose a Data Source Type page, and then select Next.

WinForms SfComboBox Datasource model choosing through the visual studio

4) On the Choose your Data Connection page, select New Connection to configure a new data connection and Change the Data source to .NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB.

WinForms SfComboBox data connection choosing through the visual studio

5) In OLE DB Provider, select Microsoft Office 12.0 Access Database Engine OLE DB Provider. In Server or file name, specify the path and name of the .accdb file to which want to connect, and then select OK.

WinForms SfComboBox data provider choosing through the visual studio

6) Select Next on the Choose your Data Connection page.

7) Select Next on the Save connection string to the Application Configuration file page.

8) Expand the Tables node on the Choose your Database Objects page.

WinForms SfComboBox data base objects choosing through the visual studio

9) Select whatever tables or views in the dataset, and then select Finish.

Loading Data from Microsoft Access Database

To access the Microsoft Access database, follow the below steps.
1) The DataSource property can be customized at designer level like below,

WinForms SfComboBox Datasource choosing through the visual studio

2) The value for DisplayMember and ValueMember properties can be selected as like below,

WinForms SfComboBox display member choosing through the visual studio

WinForms SfComboBox value member choosing through the visual studio

3) Based on the DataSource binding with the SfComboBox control, the items can be displayed by using DisplayMember and ValueMember properties.

WinForms SfComboBox items displayed using Datasource binding through the visual studio

Binding Data from LINQ to SQL

The SfComboBox control supports to bind data from LINQ to SQL. This walkthrough, describes about binding data from LINQ to SQL and save back the changes to the Database.

Adding Data Model using LINQ to SQL

To create data model using LINQ to SQL in WF project follow the below steps.
1) Right click on the project, Select Add option and then click New Item.
2) The Add New Item wizard appears, Select LINQ to SQL Classes from the Visual C#.
3) Name the file as Northwind and then select Add option to add the Northwind.dbml in the project.

WinForms SfComboBox data model choosing from LINQ to SQL from the visual studio

4) Once the Northwind.dbml is added in the project, then the design view is opened.

WinForms SfComboBox database connection through the visual studio

5) New Database connection can be added by clicking add icon button in Server Explorer.

6) The Add Connection wizard appeared with the default data source as Microsoft SQL Server Database File (SqlClient).

WinForms SfComboBox database connection adding through the visual studio

7) Click Change to open the Change Data Source dialog box and select the type of data source as Microsoft SQL Server Database File (SqlClient).

WinForms SfComboBox database changing through the visual studio

8) Select the Database file name and click on Test Connection to check the connection with the database.

WinForms SfComboBox connection test with the database

9) Once the connection is succeeded, click OK button to add database in the server explorer.

WinForms SfComboBox connected databases in the projects

10) Drag Employees table in to design view of Northwind.dbml. The Entity model diagram for Employees table is generated once it is dropped in to design view.

Loading Data from LINQ to SQL Classes

The data from the defined data model of the LINQ to SQL classes can be loaded as a data source to the SfComboBox by loading the Employees table by the created data context for the Northwnd database.

1) The DataSource property can be customized at designer level like below,

WinForms SfComboBox Datasource choosing through the visual studio

2) The value for DisplayMember and ValueMember properties can be selected as like below,

WinForms SfComboBox display member choosing through the visual studio

WinForms SfComboBox Choose the value member through the visual studio

3) Based on the DataSource binding with the SfComboBox control, the items can be displayed by using DisplayMember and ValueMember properties.

WinForms SfComboBox Items displayed using data source binding through the visual studio

See Also

How to disable some items WinForms ComboBox dropdown?