Constraints in WPF Diagram (SfDiagram)

29 Nov 202424 minutes to read

Constraints are used to enable/disable certain behaviors of the diagram, node, connector, port and annotation. Constraints are provided as flagged enumerations, so that multiple behaviors can be enabled/disabled with bitwise operators (&, |, ~, «, etc.).
To know more about bitwise operators, refer to Bitwise Operations.

Graph Constraints

GraphConstraints allows to enable or disable the following behaviors.By default , Zoomable , Pannable , PanRails , Relationship , Events , AutoScroll , PageEditing constraints are enabled for diagram.

Constraints Description
AllowPan Enables or disables diagram panning
AutomaticPortCreation Enables or disables the automatic port creation while start or end the connection on or over the node or connector
AutoScroll Enables or disables the autoscrolling behavior of diagram
Bridging Enables or disables the line bridging while two connectors intersecting with each other.
Commands Enables or disables the default diagram commands such as.
Connectable Enables or disables the connector creation in the diagram.
ContextMenu Enables or disables the opening of context menu during right-clicking on diagram or node or connector.
Default Enables or disables all the default behaviors of the diagram.
Draggable Enables or disables the drag of element from one diagram to the other.
DrawingTool Enables or disables to draw any kind of node/connector during runtime by clicking and dragging on the Diagram page.
Drop Enables or Disables the dropping of element from one diagram to the other.
Events Enables or disables all events of the control.
FloatElements Enables or disables the dragging of objects between multiple Diagrams.
None Disable all SfDiagram constraints
Outline Enable or disables the outline of diagram elements while loading.
PageEditing Enables or disables the page editing options such as Selectable, Draggable, Connectable, Drop, Resizable, Rotatable, ContextMenu, DrawingTool, Commands.
Pannable Enables or disables the panning of diagram over both X and Y axis.
PannableX Enables or disables the panning of diagram over X-axis.
PannableY Enables or disables the panning of diagram over Y -axis.
PanRails Enables or disables the panning actions on the x-axis (horizontal panning) and y-axis (vertical panning) in SfDiagram.
PanRailsX Enables or disables the pan rails of diagram in X-axis
PanRailsY Enables or disables the pan rails of diagram in Y -axis
Relationship Enables or disables the properties based on Node and Connector relationships on dragging at run time.
Resizable Enables or disables the resize action on diagram or node.
Rotatable Enables or disables the rotation action on diagram or node.
Routing Enables or disables the line routing when node intersects with the connector.
Selectable Enables or disable the selection action of diagram and its child elements.
Undoable Enables or disables the undo or redo action on diagram.
Virtualize Enables or disables the virtualizing behavior of diagram.
Zoomable Enables or disables the zooming of diagram.

The following code example illustrates how to disable page editing.

diagram.Constraints = GraphConstraints.Default & ~GraphConstraints.PageEditing;

Node Constraints

NodeConstraints allows to enable or disable the following behaviors of Node.By default Selectable, Connectable, Inherit, RoutingObstacle, PivotDraggable, Delete and ThemeStyle constraints are enabled for Node.

Constraints Description
AllowDrop Enables or disables interaction events(DragEnter,DragOver,ItemDrop and DragLeave) for diagram nodes.
AllowPan Enables or disables the panning action for node.
AspectRatio Enables or disables the node to be resized proportionally.
AutomaticPortCreation Enables or disables the automatic port creation while start or end the connection on or over the node
Connectable Enables or disables the node to be connected with connector.
Default Enables Selectable, Draggable, Resizable, Rotatable, Connectable, Inherit, RoutingObstacle, PivotDraggable, Delete, ThemeStyle constraints.
Delete Enables or disables the delete operation on node.
DragAnnotation Enables or disables the node’s annotation to be draggable.
Draggable Enables or disables the node to be dragged from one point to other.
DynamicPortConnection Enable or disables to create connector with port point when mouse hover on Node’s bounds.
ExcludeFromLayout Enables or disables to exclude the node from layout.
InConnect Enables or disables the connection creation from or to the incoming Connector.
Inherit Enables or disables to inherit all the Dragging, Resizing, Rotating, Snapping, SnapToObject, and PortVisibility from diagram.
InheritAllowPan Enables or disables a node to pan from graph level
InheritAutomaticPortCreation Enables or disables to inherit the value for automatic port creation from diagram.
InheritDraggable Enables or disables to inherit the value for draggable from diagram.
InheritHitPadding Enables or disables to inherit the value for hit-padding from diagram.
InheritMenu Enables or disables to inherit the context menu from diagram.
InheritPortVisibility Enables or disables to inherit the value of SfDiagram.PortVisibility.
InheritResizable Enables or disables to inherit the value for resizable from diagram.
InheritRotatable Enables or disables to inherit the value for rotatable from diagram.
InheritSnapping Enables or disables to inherit the value of snap-to-lines and snap angle from diagram by using SnapSettings.SnapConstraints property value.
InheritSnapToObject Enables or disables to inherit the value to SnapToObject from diagram by using SnapSettings.SnapConstraints property value.
Menu Enables or disables to create new context menu on the node.
None Disable all Node Constraints.
OutConnect Enables or disables the connection creation to or from outgoing connector.
PivotDraggable Enables or disables a pivot thumb dragging for node.
Resizable Enables or disables the node to be resizable.
ResizeEast Enables or disables the node to be resized in east direction.
ResizeNorth Enables or disables the node to be resized in North direction.
ResizeNorthEast Enables or disables the node to be resized in NorthEast direction.
ResizeNorthWest Enables or disables the node to be resized in NorthWest direction.
ResizeSouth Enables or disables the node to be resized in South direction.
ResizeSouthEast Enables or disables the node to be resized in SouthEast direction.
ResizeSouthWest Enables or disables the node to be resized in SouthWest direction.
ResizeWest Enables or disables the node to be resized in West direction.
Rotatable Enables or disables the node to be rotated.
RoutingObstacle Enables or disables the node to be treated as obstacle while in routing.
Selectable Enables or disables the node to be selected.
SnapAngle Enables or disables the node to be snapped while rotating.
SnapToHorizontalLines Enables or disables the node to be snapped to horizontal gridlines.
SnapToLines Enables or disables the nodes to be snapped to gridlines.
SnapToVerticalLines Enables or disables the node to be snapped to vertical gridlines.
ThemeStyle Enables or disables the theme style for node.

The following code example illustrates how to disable rotation.

//Create NodeViewModel collection
diagram.nodes = new ObservableCollection<NodeViewModel>();

//Create NodeViewModel 
NodeViewModel node = new NodeViewModel()
  Constraints = NodeConstraints.Default & ~(NodeConstraints.Rotatable|NodeConstraints.InheritRotatable),
  UnitWidth = 50,
  UnitHeight = 50,
  OffsetX = 100,
  OffsetY = 100,  
//Add NodeViewModel to Nodes Collection
(diagram.Nodes as ObservableCollection<NodeViewModel>).Add(node);

Connector Constraints

ConnectorConstraints allows to enable or disable the following behaviors of Connectors. By default Selectable, EndDraggable, Inherit, Thumbs, Connectable, Delete, BridgeObstacle and ThemeStyle constraints are enabled for connector.

Constraints Description
AllowDrop Enables or disables interaction events(DragEnter,DragOver,ItemDrop and DragLeave) for diagram connectors.
AllowPan Enables or disables the panning action for connector.
AutomaticPortCreation Enables or disables the automatic port creation while start or end the connection on or over the connector
BridgeObstacle Enables or disables bridge can be created over a connector.
Bridging Enables or disables the line bridging while two connectors intersecting with each other.
Connectable Enables or disables the node or port to be connected to the connector.
Default Enables Selectable, EndDraggable, Inherit, Thumbs, Connectable, Delete, BridgeObstacle, ThemeStyle behaviors for connector.
Delete Enable or disables the connector to be deleted.
DragAnnotation Enables or disable the connector’s annotation to be dragged.
Draggable Enables or disables the connector to be dragged from one point to another in diagram.
EndDraggable Enables or disables the connector source or target end to be dragged.
EndThumbs Enables or disables the connector’s end thumbs to be dragged.
InConnect Enables or disables the connection creation from the incoming connector.
Inherit Enables or disables to inherit the Snapping, SnapToObject,Bridging, Smoothness, Menu, PortVisibility, Pan, HitPadding and Routing from SfDiagram.
InheritAllowPan Enable or disables the panning of connector over graph.
InheritAutomaticPortCreation Enables or disables to inherit the value of automatic port creation from diagram.
InheritBridging Enables or disables to inherit the value of bridging from diagram.
InheritHitPadding Enables or disables to inherit the value of SfDiagram.HitPadding.
InheritMenu Enables or disables to inherit the context menu from diagram.
InheritPortVisibility Enables or disables to inherit the value from SfDiagram.PortVisibility.
InheritRouting Enables or disables to inherit the value of routing from diagram.
InheritSmoothness Enables or disables to inherit the value of Smoothness from diagram.
InheritSnapping Enables or disables to inherit the value of SnapToLines from diagram by using SnapSettings.SnapConstraints.
InheritSnapToObject Enables or disables to inherit the value of SnapToObject from diagram by using SnapSettings.SnapConstraints.
Menu Enables or disables to create new context menu for connector.
None Disable all behaviors for connector.
OutConnect Enables or disables the connection from the outgoing connector.
Routing Enables or disables the connector to be routed
SegmentThumbs Enables or disables the control point and end point of every segment in a connector for editing.
Selectable Enables or disables the connector to be selected.
SnapToHorizontalLines Enables or disables the connector to be snapped to horizontal gridlines.
SnapToLines Enables or disables the connector to be snapped to gridlines.
SnapToVerticalLines Enables or disables the connector to be snapped to vertical gridlines.
SourceDraggable Enables or disables the connector’s source end to be dragged
TargetDraggable Enables or disables the connector’s target end to be dragged.
ThemeStyle Enables or disables the theme style for connector.
Thumbs Enables or disables the connector’s thumbs to be dragged.

The following code example illustrates how to disable selection.

diagram.connectors = new ObservableCollection<ConnectorViewModel>();

//Create ConnectorViewModel 
ConnectorViewModel connector1 = new ConnectorViewModel()
	Constraints = ConnectorConstraints.Default & ~ConnectorConstraints.Selectable

(diagram.Connectors as ObservableCollection<ConnectorViewModel>).Add(connector1);

WPF Diagram displays graphconstraints.

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Port Constraints

PortConstraints allows to enable or disable the following behaviors of port.By default Inherit constraints are enabled for port.

Constraints Description
Connectable Enables or disables the connector creation from port.
ConnectionDirection Decides the connection direction of port based on PortBase.ConnectionDirection
Default Enables or disables the Inheritable constraints.
Draggable Enables or disables whether port to be dragged at boundaries of node
Dynamic Defines whether port to be connected at boundaries of node and pointed to the port.
InConnect Enables or disables the connection creation to the incoming Connector.
Inherit Enables or disables to inherit the value of Node.PortVisibility, Node.HitPadding and NodeConstraints.Connectable from Node.
InheritConnectable Enables or disables to inherit the value of Connectable from Node.
InheritHitPadding Enables or disables to inherit the value of SfDiagram.HitPadding.
InheritPortVisibility Enables or disables to inherit the value of PortVisibility from diagram or Node.
None Disable all port Constraints.
OutConnect Enables or disables the connection creation from the outgoing Connector.
Snapping Enables or disables snapping behavior of port on node

The following code example illustrates how to disable creating connections with a port.

NodePortViewModel port=	new NodePortViewModel()
  UnitWidth= 10,
	UnitHeight= 10,
	Constraints = PortConstraints.Default & 

WPF Diagram displays port connection.

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Annotation Constraints

AnnotationConstraints allows to enable or disable the following behaviors of Annotation.By default Inherit and Editable constraints are enabled for annotation.

Constraints Description
Default Enables all Annotation constraints.
Draggable Enables or disables whether the annotation to be dragged.
DragLimit Specifies whether the annotation to be dragged with in the specified limit
Editable Enables or disables the annotation to be edited.
Inherit Enables or disables to inherit the Dragging, Rotation,Selection,Resize and Editable constraints from Node or Connector
InheritDraggable Enables or disables to inherit the value of Draggable from Node or Connector.
InheritEditable Enables or disables to inherit the value of Editable from Node or Connector.
InheritResizable Enables or disables to inherit the value of Resizable from Node or Connector.
InheritRotatable Enables or disables to inherit the value of Rotatable from Node or Connector.
InheritSelectable Enables or disables to inherit the value of Selectable from Node or Connector.
None Disables all behaviors of annotation.
Resizable Enables or disables the annotation to be resized.
ResizeEast Enables or disables the annotation to be resized in east direction.
ResizeNorth Enables or disables annotation to be resized in north direction.
ResizeNorthEast Enables or disables the annotation to be resized in northeast direction.
ResizeNorthWest Enables or disables the annotation to be resized in northwest direction.
ResizeSouth Enables or disables the annotation to be resized in south direction.
ResizeSouthEast Enables or disables the annotation to be resized in southeast direction.
ResizeSouthWest Enables or disables the annotation to be resized in southwest direction.
ResizeWest Enables or disables the annotation to be resized in west direction.
Rotatable Enables or disables whether the annotation to be rotated.
Selectable Enables or disables whether the annotation to be selectable.

The following code example illustrates how to enable annotation dragging.

AnnotationEditorViewModel anno = new AnnotationEditorViewModel()
    //Assign Constraint to Drag

WPF Diagram displays annotation constraints.

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Selector Constraints

Selector visually represents the selected elements with certain editable thumbs. The visual representation of the thumbs can be controlled with SelectorConstraints. The part of selector is categorized as follows.

Constraints Description
Default Enables all behaviors for selector.
HideDisabledResizer Enables or disables the visibility of disabled resizer thumbs.
None Disables all the behaviors for Selector.
Pivot Enables or disables the visibility of the pivot.
QuickCommands Enables or disables the visibility of the QuickCommands.
Resizer Enables or disables the Resizer of the selected node.
Rotator Enables or disables the Rotator of the selected node.
Tooltip Enables or disables the Tooltip of the selected node.
TooltipAngle Enables or disables the Tooltip when rotate the node at runtime.
TooltipPosition Enables or disables Tooltip when drag the node at runtime.
TooltipSize Enables or disables the Tooltip when resize the node at runtime.

The following code example illustrates how to hide rotator.

(diagram.SelectedItems as SelectorViewModel).SelectorConstraints = (diagram.SelectedItems as  SelectorViewModel).SelectorConstraints & ~SelectorConstraints.Rotator;

WPF Diagram displays selector constraints.

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Snap Constraints

SnapConstraints control the visibility of gridlines and enable or disable snapping. Snap constraints allow to set the following behaviors.

Constraints Description
All Enables or disables all Snap Constraints.
HorizontalLines Enables or disables the node to be snapped to horizontal lines.
None Disables all the behaviors for Snapping.
Rotation Enables or disables the node to be snapped to rotation.
ShowLines Enables or disables the node to be snapped to horizontal or vertical lines.
SnapToHorizontalLines Enables or disables the node to be snapped to vertical gridlines.
SnapToLines Enables or disables the node to be snapped to gridlines
SnapToVerticalLines Enables or disables the node to be snapped to horizontal gridlines.
VerticalLines Enables or disables the node to be snapped to vertical lines.

The following code example illustrates how to show only Horizontal Gridlines

diagram.SnapSettings.SnapConstraints = SnapConstraints.SnapToHorizontalLines;

Refer Snapping for details.

Inherit behaviors

Some of the behaviors can be defined through both the specific object (Node/Connector) and Diagram. When the behaviors are contradictorily defined through both, the actual behavior is set through inherit options.

The following code example illustrates how to inherit the line bridging behavior from the Diagram.

diagram.Constraints = GraphConstraints.Default | GraphConstraints.Bridging;

ObservableCollection<ConnectorViewModel> connectors = new ObservableCollection<ConnectorViewModel>();

ConnectorViewModel connector1 = new ConnectorViewModel()
	SourcePoint=new Point(100,100),
	TargetPoint=new Point(200,200),
	Constraints = ConnectorConstraints.Default | ConnectorConstraints.InheritBridging

diagram.Connectors = connectors;

Bitwise Operations

Bitwise Operations are used to manipulate the flagged enumerations [enum]. In the section, Bitwise Operations are illustrated by using Node Constraints. The same is applicable while working with Node Constraints, Connector Constraints, or Port Constraints.

Add Operation

You can add or enable multiple values at a time by using Bitwise | (OR) operator or Add() method of constraints.

//Using OR operator
node.Constraints = NodeConstraints.Selectable | NodeConstraints.Rotatable;

//Using Add method to add constraints
node.Constraints = node.Constraints.Add(NodeConstraints.Rotatable);

In the above example, you can do both the selection and rotation.

Remove Operation

You can remove or disable values by using Bitwise ‘&~’ (XOR) operator or Remove() method of constraints.

//Using XOR operator
node.Constraints = node.Constraints & ~(NodeConstraints.Rotatable);
//Using Remove method to remove constraints
node.Constraints = node.Constraints.Remove(NodeConstraints.Rotatable);

In the above example, Rotation is disabled but other constraints are enabled.

Check Operation

You can check any value by using Bitwise ‘&’ (AND) operator.

if ((node.Constraints & (NodeConstraints.Rotatable)) == (NodeConstraints.Rotatable))

In the above example, you can check whether the rotate constraints are enabled in a Node. When NodeConstraints have rotate constraints, the expression returns a rotate constraint.

See Also

How to do Panning the diagram in all the directions at a time?

How to enable the behaviour of drag the node from one diagram to another diagram?

How to enable the virtualization?

How to disable the page editing behaviour?

How to remove the rotator thumb of the node?

How to disable the selection of diagram objects?

How to enable Undo/Redo feature for Diagram?

How to enable the AspectRatio for node?

How to disable the events of Diagram?