RibbonTextBox in WPF Ribbon

18 Feb 20254 minutes to read

RibbonTextBox control provide similar set of functionalities like normal TextBox control in Ribbon Instance. 

Add TextBox to the RibbonBar

<syncfusion:Ribbon Name="_ribbon" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Top">
<syncfusion:RibbonTab Name="_ribbonTab1" Caption="HOME"  IsChecked="True">
<syncfusion:RibbonBar Name="_ribbonBar2" Header="RibbonBar1">
<syncfusion:RibbonButton   Label="Cut"/>
<syncfusion:RibbonBar  Name="_ribbonBar2" Width="150" Header="RibbonBar2">
<syncfusion:RibbonTextBox  Width="140" Text="RibbonTextBox"></syncfusion:RibbonTextBox>
<syncfusion:RibbonTab Caption="EDIT"  IsChecked="False"/>

Create instance of RibbonTextBox and add it to RibbonBar through code behind.

RibbonTextBox _ribbonTextBox = new RibbonTextBox(){Text = "RibbonTextBox"};
Dim _ribbonTextBox As New RibbonTextBox() With {.Text = "RibbonTextBox"}

Adding text box to the ribbon

Add TextBox to the simplified layout

When the simplified layout is enabled, the RibbonTextBox can be added and displayed in a single line as shown below. To know more about the simplified layout, refer here.

<syncfusion:RibbonWindow x:Class="RibbonButton_IconTemp.Window1"
        xmlns:local="clr-namespace:RibbonButton_IconTemp" xmlns:skin="clr-namespace:Syncfusion.SfSkinManager;assembly=Syncfusion.SfSkinManager.WPF"
        mc:Ignorable="d" xmlns:syncfusion="http://schemas.syncfusion.com/wpf"
        Title="Untitled 1 - Ribbon Control" Height="450" Width="800">
    <Grid x:Name="grid">
        <syncfusion:Ribbon VerticalAlignment="Top" EnableSimplifiedLayoutMode="True" LayoutMode="Simplified">
            <syncfusion:RibbonTab Caption="HOME"  IsChecked="True">
                <syncfusion:RibbonBar Header="Font">
                    <syncfusion:RibbonTextBox  Width="140" Text="RibbonTextBox"></syncfusion:RibbonTextBox>
Ribbon ribbon = new Ribbon();
ribbon.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
ribbon.EnableSimplifiedLayoutMode = true;
ribbon.LayoutMode = LayoutMode.Simplified;
// Creating new tabs
RibbonTab homeTab = new RibbonTab();
homeTab.Caption = "Home";
homeTab.IsChecked = true;

// Creating new bar
RibbonBar fontBar = new RibbonBar();
fontBar.Header = "Font";

// Creating items
RibbonTextBox ribbonTextBox = new RibbonTextBox() { Text = "RibbonTextBox" };

// Adding items to bar

// Adding bars to the tabs

// Adding tabs to ribbon
SfSkinManager.SetVisualStyle(this, VisualStyles.MaterialLight);

RibbonTextBox during simplified layout

When arranging in simplified layout alone, the Margin, Width and Height values of the RibbonTextBox can be ignored as it will be resized automatically to the standard width and height. If the RibbonTextBox is to be shown in both normal and simplified layout, the Margin, Width and Height properties can be set for normal layout alone using triggers.

<syncfusion:RibbonTextBox Text="Enter text" syncfusion:SimplifiedLayoutSettings.DisplayMode="Normal,Simplified" >
        <Style TargetType="syncfusion:RibbonTextBox" BasedOn="{StaticResource SyncfusionRibbonTextBoxStyle}">
                <Trigger Property="syncfusion:SimplifiedLayoutSettings.LayoutMode" Value="Normal">
                    <Setter Property="Height" Value="25"/>
                    <Setter Property="Width" Value="48"/>
                    <Setter Property="Margin" Value="2"/>
</syncfusion:RibbonTextBox >