Quick Access ToolBar in WPF Ribbon

18 Feb 202524 minutes to read

RibbonContextMenu allows to customize the Ribbon with the Right Click and it displays different functions for Ribbon and RibbonItems.

<syncfusion:Ribbon x:Name="Ribbon"  VerticalAlignment="Top">
<syncfusion:QuickAccessToolBar syncfusion:WindowChrome.IsHitTestVisibleInChrome="True"/>
<syncfusion:RibbonTab Caption="Home" >
<syncfusion:RibbonBar   Header="Clipboard"  >
<syncfusion:RibbonButton  Label="Paste" SizeForm="Large" LargeIcon="/Resources/Paste32.png"  />
<syncfusion:RibbonButton  Label="Cut" SizeForm="Small" SmallIcon="/Resources/Cut16.png" />
<syncfusion:RibbonButton  Label="Copy" SizeForm="Small"  SmallIcon="/Resources/Copy16.png"  />
<syncfusion:RibbonButton  Label="Format Painter" SizeForm="Small"  
SmallIcon="/Resources/FormatPainter16.png"  />

The below RibbonContextMenu gets generated when the user right click on the ribbon

Displaying ContextMenu while Right-clicking on WPF Ribbon

It displays along with “Add to Quick Access ToolBar” function while clicking at the RibbonItem as like in the below screenshot

WPF Ribbon displays RibbonItems Context Menu

Adding custom item to the ContextMenu

Ribbon Context Menu supports display of custom items. To add the custom item, set an attached property called CustomContextMenuItems of the RibbonContextMenu

<syncfusion:Ribbon x:Name="Ribbon"  VerticalAlignment="Top" syncfusion:RibbonContextMenu.IsCustomContextMenuItemsOnTop="True" >
<syncfusion:RibbonContextMenu.CustomContextMenuItems >
<syncfusion:RibbonMenuItem Header="Edit" IsCheckable="True" />
<syncfusion:RibbonMenuItem Header="Delete" IsCheckable="True"  />
<syncfusion:RibbonMenuItem Header="Rename" IsCheckable="True"  />

Adding Custom Items to WPF Ribbon Context Menu

How to disable the RibbonContextMenu

In order to disable the ContextMenu handle the RibbonContextMenuOpening event

<syncfusion:Ribbon x:Name="Ribbon"  VerticalAlignment="Top"  RibbonContextMenuOpening="Ribbon_ContextMenuOpening">
<syncfusion:QuickAccessToolBar syncfusion:WindowChrome.IsHitTestVisibleInChrome="True"/>
<syncfusion:RibbonTab Caption="Home"  >
<syncfusion:RibbonBar Header="Clipboard" >
<syncfusion:RibbonButton Label="Paste" SizeForm="Large"
LargeIcon="/Resources/Paste32.png" />                    
<syncfusion:RibbonButton  Label="Cut" SizeForm="Small"   SmallIcon="/Resources/Cut16.png" />
<syncfusion:RibbonButton  Label="Copy" SizeForm="Small"  SmallIcon="/Resources/Copy16.png"  />
<syncfusion:RibbonButton  Label="Format Painter" SizeForm="Small"  
SmallIcon="/Resources/FormatPainter16.png"  />
private void Ribbon_ContextMenuOpening(object sender, ContextMenuEventArgs e)
    e.Handled = true;
Private Sub Ribbon_ContextMenuOpening(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ContextMenuEventArgs)
e.Handled = True
End Sub

The following snapshot gets generated before handling the RibbonContextMenu event

WPF Ribbon with Context menu

After the event is handled, the output gets display as follows

Disabling Context Menu in WPF Ribbon

Add items to QuickAccessToolBar (QAT)

Quick Access Toolbar is used to group the frequently used commands above or under the Ribbon, and it allows to add or remove commands to it. It is placed next to the ApplicationMenu to provide end users with the easy accessibility.

Add default QAT items

Use the following code to add items to the QuickAccessToolbar

<syncfusion:RibbonButton Label="Undo" SmallIcon="/Resources/Undo16.png" SizeForm="ExtraSmall"   
ToolTip="Undo" syncfusion:RibbonCommandManager.SynchronizedItem="Undo" />
<syncfusion:RibbonButton Label="Redo" SmallIcon="/Resources/Redo16.png" SizeForm="ExtraSmall"
ToolTip="Redo" syncfusion:RibbonCommandManager.SynchronizedItem="Redo"/>
RibbonButton RibbonButton = new RibbonButton();
RibbonButton.SmallIcon = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/Resources/Redo16.png", UriKind.Relative));
RibbonButton.SizeForm = SizeForm.ExtraSmall;
QuickAccessToolBar QAT=new QuickAccessToolBar();
Ribbon.QuickAccessToolBar = QAT;
Dim RibbonButton As New RibbonButton()
RibbonButton.SmallIcon = New BitmapImage(New Uri("/Resources/Redo16.png", UriKind.Relative))
RibbonButton.SizeForm = SizeForm.ExtraSmall
Dim QAT As New QuickAccessToolBar()
Ribbon.QuickAccessToolBar = QAT

WPF Ribbon with Default Items for QuickAccessToolBar

Add items to QAT Menu items

Ribbon also supports to add the items to QAT Menu items. To add the items to the Drop Down Menu of the QuickAccessToolBar, use the attached property, QATMenuItems of the Quick Access ToolBar . QATMenuItems can be added to the QAT by making the Selection.

<syncfusion:RibbonButton Label="Save" syncfusion:RibbonCommandManager.SynchronizedItem="Save" />
<syncfusion:RibbonButton Label="Quick Print" syncfusion:RibbonCommandManager.SynchronizedItem="Quick Print"/>
<syncfusion:RibbonButton Label="Print Preview" syncfusion:RibbonCommandManager.SynchronizedItem="Print Preview"/>
<syncfusion:RibbonButton Label="Undo" syncfusion:RibbonCommandManager.SynchronizedItem="Undo"  />
<syncfusion:RibbonButton Label="Redo" syncfusion:RibbonCommandManager.SynchronizedItem="Redo" />
<syncfusion:RibbonButton Label="Paste" syncfusion:RibbonCommandManager.SynchronizedItem="Paste"/>
<syncfusion:RibbonButton Label="Undo" SmallIcon="/Resources/Undo16.png" SizeForm="ExtraSmall"   
ToolTip="Undo" syncfusion:RibbonCommandManager.SynchronizedItem="Undo" />
<syncfusion:RibbonButton Label="Redo" SmallIcon="/Resources/Redo16.png" SizeForm="ExtraSmall"
ToolTip="Redo" syncfusion:RibbonCommandManager.SynchronizedItem="Redo"/>
RibbonButton pasteRibbonButton = new RibbonButton() { Label = "Paste", SmallIcon = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/Resources/Paste32.png", UriKind.Relative))};
Dim pasteRibbonButton As New RibbonButton() With {
	.Label = "Paste",
	.SmallIcon = New BitmapImage(New Uri("/Resources/Paste32.png", UriKind.Relative))

The “Paste” QATMenuItem has been selected and it is displayed as one of the items in the QAT.

Customizing QuickAccessToolBar Items in WPF Ribbon

Customizing QuickAccessToolBar Items in WPF Ribbon

Add items to QAT customize window

To open QAT Customize Window, select MoreCommands option from the ContextMenu of the QAT. In the QAT Customized Window, the list of Commands is available. The Commands can be filtered only from the Particular tab by using Choose commands from option. Then, select the Command to add to the QuickAccessToolBar and add commands to the right Pane of the Quick Access ToolBar Dialog by clicking Add Button. Finally click OK.

Adding WPF Ribbon Items to QAT Customize Window

Adding WPF Ribbon Items to QuickAccessToolbar

Finally, the Items gets displayed in the QAT

Added WPF Ribbon Items in QuickAccessToolbar

Customize image of RibbonBar in QAT

Ribbon control provides an option to customize image of RibbonBar in the QAT. These images can be defined in the DataTemplate of the xaml file and can be accessed using IconTemplate.

        <DataTemplate x:Key="PasteTemplate">
                <Path Data="M2.5549936,7.1569824L2.5549936,29.490997 20.737007,29.490997 20.737007,7.1569824 17.521002,7.1569824 17.521002,10.377991 5.7709984,10.377991 5.7709984,7.1569824z M11.646,1.3519897C10.678989,1.3519897 9.8949928,2.0939941 9.8949928,3.0099792 9.8949928,3.9259949 10.678989,4.6679993 11.646,4.6679993 12.613011,4.6679993 13.397008,3.9259949 13.397008,3.0099792 13.397008,2.0939941 12.613011,1.3519897 11.646,1.3519897z M11.646,0C13.402013,0,14.824011,1.3469849,14.824011,3.0099792L17.521002,3.0099792 17.521002,3.9729919 23.292,3.9729919 23.292,32 0,32 0,3.9729919 5.7709984,3.9729919 5.7709984,3.0099792 8.4679899,3.0099792C8.4679899,1.3469849,9.8899879,0,11.646,0z"
                                    Fill="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=Self}, Path=(TextBlock.Foreground)}" >

                 IconTemplate="{StaticResource PasteTemplate}">
var pasteTemplate = FindResource("PasteTemplate") as DataTemplate;
 var ribbonBar = new Syncfusion.Windows.Tools.Controls.RibbonBar
    KeyTip = "FN",
    ShowInMoreCommands = true,
    IsLauncherButtonVisible = false,
    Header = "Paste",
    IconTemplate = pasteTemplate
Dim pasteTemplate = TryCast(FindResource("PasteTemplate"), DataTemplate)
Dim ribbonBar As New Syncfusion.Windows.Tools.Controls.RibbonBar With 
    .KeyTip = "FN",
    .ShowInMoreCommands = True,
    .IsLauncherButtonVisible = False,
    .Header = "Paste",
    .IconTemplate = pasteTemplate

Customize RibbonBar items in QAT

Add custom QAT items

Ribbon control provides an option to add items to the QAT that will not be present in the Ribbon. These items can be defined in the CustomQATItems collection of the QuickAccessToolbar and can be accessed from the QAT Window in the “Commands Not in the Ribbon” and “All Commands” section.

    <syncfusion:QuickAccessToolBar QATDropDownVisiblity="Visible">
            <syncfusion:RibbonButton Label="Undo" SmallIcon="/Resources/Undo_01.png" />
            <syncfusion:RibbonButton Label="Redo" SmallIcon="/Resources/Redo_01.png" />
            <syncfusion:RibbonButton Label="New" Command="ApplicationCommands.Open" SmallIcon="/Resources/Document-01.png"/>
RibbonButton undoRibbonButton = new RibbonButton() { Label = "Undo", SmallIcon = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/Resources/Undo_01.png", UriKind.Relative))};
RibbonButton redoRibbonButton = new RibbonButton() { Label = "Redo", SmallIcon = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/Resources/Redo_01.png", UriKind.Relative))};
RibbonButton newRibbonButton = new RibbonButton() { Label = "New", SmallIcon = new BitmapImage(new Uri("/Resources/Document-01.png", UriKind.Relative))};
Dim undoRibbonButton As New RibbonButton() With {
	.Label = "Undo",
	.SmallIcon = New BitmapImage(New Uri("/Resources/Undo_01.png", UriKind.Relative))
Dim redoRibbonButton As New RibbonButton() With {
	.Label = "Redo",
	.SmallIcon = New BitmapImage(New Uri("/Resources/Redo_01.png", UriKind.Relative))
Dim newRibbonButton As New RibbonButton() With {
	.Label = "New",
	.SmallIcon = New BitmapImage(New Uri("/Resources/Document-01.png", UriKind.Relative))

Once the CustomQATItems are added to the Quick Access Toolbar using the Add button, it will be visible in the Ribbon QAT and in the QAT Dropdown menu. The visibility of this item in the Ribbon QAT can be toggled by checking/unchecking from the QAT Dropdown menu.

Adding CustomQATItem to QAT in WPF Ribbon

Accessing CustomQATItem through QAT DropDownMenu in WPF Ribbon

The added CustomQATItems in the QAT Dropdown menu can be removed through the QAT Window using the Remove button.

Removing CustomQATITem from QAT DropDownMenu in WPF Ribbon

Add items from Ribbon context menu

QAT can also customized by adding the items from the Ribbon ContextMenu. Select Add to Quick Access Toolbar by right clicking the Ribbon item required to add to the QAT. Then, the respective item gets added as one of the items in the QAT.

Accessing Items from WPF Ribbon Context Menu

Adding Items from WPF Ribbon Context Menu

Add custom items using RibbonItemHost

The control hosted in RibbonItemHost can be added to the QuickAccessToolBar using ribbon context menu or through QAT customization dialog. In the QAT customization dialog, all the ribbon items are displayed using its Label and IconTemplate properties. Similarly, the RibbonItemHost also allows us to set the label and icon using its Label and IconTemplate properties respectively.

In the below example, the Label and IconTemplate are set for the RibbonItemHost controls which will be used when the items are displayed in the QAT customization dialog.

<syncfusion:RibbonWindow x:Class="Ribbon.MainWindow"
        skin:SfSkinManager.Theme="{skin:SkinManagerExtension ThemeName=FluentLight}"
        Title="Custom items demo" Height="450" Width="650">
        <local:ViewModel />
        <DataTemplate x:Key="OnePage">
                        Data="M0,0 L11,0 11,15 0,15 z"
                        Stretch="Fill" />
                         Data="M1,1 L1,15 11,15 11,1 z M0,0 L12,0 12,4.158 12,5.0689998 12,16 0,16 z"
                         Stretch="Fill" />
                         Data="M0,8.9999991 L5.9999999,8.9999991 5.9999999,9.999999 0,9.999999 z M3.2782552E-06,5.9999998 L6.0000033,5.9999998 6.0000033,6.9999996 3.2782552E-06,6.9999996 z M3.2782552E-06,2.9999995 L6.0000033,2.9999995 6.0000033,3.9999995 3.2782552E-06,3.9999995 z M3.4272668E-06,0 L6.0000033,0 6.0000033,0.99999952 3.4272668E-06,0.99999952 z"
                         Stretch="Fill" />
        <DataTemplate x:Key="AlignLeft">
                        Data="M0,12 L10,12 10,13 0,13 z M0,8 L14,8 14,9 0,9 z M0,4 L10,4 10,5 0,5 z M0,0 L14,0 14,1 0,1 z"
                        Fill="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=Self}, Path=(TextBlock.Foreground)}"
                        Stretch="Fill" />
        <DataTemplate x:Key="Tables">
            <Grid MaxHeight="32" MaxWidth="32">
                          Data="M0,0 L27,0 27,23 0,23 z"
                          Stretch="Fill" />
                          Data="M0,0 L27,0 27,4 0,4 z"
                          Stretch="Fill" />
                          Data="M9,8 L9,14 17,14 17,8 z M8,0 L9,0 9,7 17,7 17,0 18,0 18,7 26,7 26,8 18,8 18,14 26,14 26,15 18,15 18,22 17,22 17,15 9,15 9,22 8,22 8,15 0,15 0,14 8,14&#xa;8,8 0,8 0,7 8,7 z"
                          Stretch="Fill" />
                          Data="M0.99999994,5.0000001 L0.99999994,27 27,27 27,5.0000001 z M0.99999994,1 L0.99999994,4.0000002 27,4.0000002 27,1 z M0,0 L28,0 28,4.0000002 28,5.0000001 28,28 0,28 0,5.0000001 0,4.0000002 z"
                          Stretch="Fill" />
        <syncfusion:Ribbon x:Name="mainRibbon">
            <syncfusion:RibbonTab Caption="Design">
                <syncfusion:RibbonBar Header="Table Style Options" IconTemplate="{StaticResource Tables}">
                    <syncfusion:RibbonItemHost Label="Header Row" IconTemplate="{StaticResource OnePage}">
                                <CheckBox Content="Header Row" Height="22"/>
                    <syncfusion:RibbonItemHost Label="First Column" IconTemplate="{StaticResource AlignLeft}">
                                <RadioButton Margin="4,0,0,0" Content="First Column" Height="22"/>
                    <syncfusion:BackStageCommandButton Header="Save" >
                                <Path Width="12" Height="12" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center"
                         Data="M5.0000019,11 L5.0000019,15 11.000002,15 11.000002,11 z M4.0000019,1 L4.0000019,6 12.000002,6 12.000002,1 z M1,1 L1,13.174 2.7160001,15 4.0000019,15 4.0000019,10 12.000002,10 12.000002,15 15,15 15,1 13.000002,1 13.000002,7 3.0000019,7 3.0000019,1 z M0,0 L3.0000019,0 13.000002,0 16,0 16,16 12.000002,16 4.0000019,16 2.2840004,16 0,13.57 z"
                         Fill="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=Self}, Path=(TextBlock.Foreground)}" Stretch="Uniform" />
                    <syncfusion:BackStageCommandButton Header="Close" >
                                <Grid Width="12" Height="12" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" SnapsToDevicePixels="true">
                                        Width="12" Height="12" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center"
                                        Data="M1.4139423,0L7.0029922,5.5845888 12.592018,0 14.006015,1.4149939 8.4180527,6.9985202 14.006,12.582007 12.591996,13.997001 7.0030056,8.4124444 1.4140122,13.997001 1.5026823E-05,12.582007 5.5879484,6.9985092 0,1.4149939z "
                                        Fill="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=Self}, Path=(TextBlock.Foreground)}" 
                                        SnapsToDevicePixels="True" Stretch="Fill" />

WPF Ribbon Custom Items in MoreCommands Window

Adding WPF Ribbon Custom Items in RibbonBar

To know more about the RibbonItemHost, refer here.

Add custom RibbonTab and RibbonBar

The following section illustrates how to customize Ribbon at the run time

QAT customized window

This topic illustrates in detail about the QAT topic.

First, select MoreCommands option from the QAT to open the QAT Customized Window.

QAT can be Customized further by using the following options

  1. Add

    In the QAT Customized window, the list of Commands is available. The Commands can be filtered only from the Particular tab by using Choose commands from option. Then, select the commands to be added to the QAT and add the command to Right Pane of the QAT Dialog by clicking Add Button. Finally, Click OK. Now, the selected command gets added in the QAT.

    Adding WPF Ribbon Items to QuickAccessToolBar

    WPF Ribbon Items displayed in QccessAccessToolBar

  2. Remove

    QAT items can be removed at the Run time. In the QAT Customize window, select the Command to be deleted from the QAT Dialog,and then click Remove Button. In the following screenshot, Redo command gets deleted and the output is changed according to it.

    Removing WPF Ribbon Items from QAT

    Removed RibbonItems from WPF Ribbon QuickAccessToolBar

  3. Reset

    To restore the QAT to its default content, use this Reset option.

    Resetting WPF Ribbon QuickAccessToolBar

  4. Reorder

    QAT also supports to reorder the items by clicking the Up and down arrow at the left of the QAT Dialog.

    Reordering RibbonItems in WPF Ribbon QuickAccessToolBar

    WPF Ribbon displays Reordered RibbonItems in QAT

Customize Ribbon with RibbonTab and RibbonBar

QAT can also support to customize Ribbon Tab and RibbonBar while running. To customize the Ribbon, enable the ShowCustomizeRibbon property of the Ribbon to true and follow the steps.

  1. Click the Quick Access Toolbar drop-down button and click the MoreCommands menu.

  2. Then, select the Customize Ribbon options from the left-side column.

  3. You can add RibbonTab and RibbonBar by selecting New Tab and New Group Options Respectively.

    Customizing WPF Ribbon with RibbonTab and RibbonBar from QAT

  4. To move the tab up and down, select the tab to be moved and click the button at the right-side corner accordingly. Similarly, the group can be moved within the tab.

  5. By using the Rename option, rename any particular Tab/Group present in the Ribbon by selecting it.

    Renaming RibbonTab and RibbonBars through QAT in WPF Ribbon

  6. The visibility of any particular Tab can be changed by enabling the checkbox of the corresponding selection.

    Changing RibbonTabs Visibility through QAT in WPF Ribbon

  7. By using Delete option, the Custom RibbonBar and RibbonTab can be deleted. But, this option does not work in the case of original content.

    Deleting RibbonTabs and RibbonBars through QAT in WPF Ribbon

  8. To delete all the Ribbon Customization, use Reset All Customization from the Reset Drop Down Menu.

    Reset WPF Ribbon Items in QAT

After customizing the RibbonTab and RibbonBar, RibbonItems can be customized. Customizing Ribbon Item concepts are explained as follows.

Add items to the customized RibbonTab

The steps to customize the Ribbon Item are as follows

  1. The Choose commands from drop-down list is used to filter the commands only from the Particular Tab.

  2. To add the item under the right-side column of a newly added RibbonBar and RibbonTab, select the item from left-side column and click the Add button.

    WPF Ribbon Items Added to Newly Ribbontab

  3. Also, the Ribbon Item from the RibbonBar can be removed that is added recently by using Remove option

    Removing WPF Ribbon Items from Ribbontab through QAT

  4. The order of the RibbonItem within the RibbonBar can be changed by using Up and Down arrow

  5. By using the Rename option,the RibbonItem can be renamed

    Renaming WPF Ribbon Items in QAT

  6. Click OK button. The Changes are reflected in the output window.

    WPF Ribbon with Changed RibbonItems

How to disable the customization in Ribbon

To disable the customization in the Ribbon, set ShowCustomizeRibbon property of the Ribbon as False

<syncfusion:Ribbon  VerticalAlignment="Top" x:Name="Ribbon" ShowCustomizeRibbon="False">
<syncfusion:QuickAccessToolBar >
<syncfusion:RibbonButton Label="Undo" SmallIcon="/Resources/Undo16.png" SizeForm="ExtraSmall"   
ToolTip="Undo" syncfusion:RibbonCommandManager.SynchronizedItem="Undo" />
<syncfusion:RibbonButton Label="Redo" SmallIcon="/Resources/Redo16.png" SizeForm="ExtraSmall"
ToolTip="Redo" syncfusion:RibbonCommandManager.SynchronizedItem="Redo"/>
<syncfusion:RibbonTab  Caption="HOME" >
<syncfusion:RibbonBar  Header="Respond">
<syncfusion:RibbonButton Label="Reply" SizeForm="Large"/>
<syncfusion:RibbonButton Label="Reply All" SizeForm="Large"/>
<syncfusion:RibbonButton Label="Forward" SizeForm="Large"/>
<syncfusion:RibbonButton   Label="Paste" SizeForm="Large" SmallIcon="/Resources/Paste32.png" syncfusion:RibbonCommandManager.SynchronizedItem="Paste" />
<syncfusion:RibbonTab Caption="SEND/RECIEVE"/>

In the following screenshot, customizing Ribbon is disabled and it shows only the QAT Customize window

Disabling Customize Option in WPF Ribbon