Themes in Windows Forms PopupMenu
29 Apr 20211 minute to read
Theming is the process of applying rich look and feel to visual elements of a control. The Style
property is used to set the visual style of PopupMenu control. This control provides the following theming options:
- Default
- Metro
- Office2003
- Office2007
- Office2007Outlook
- Office2010
- Office2016Black
- Office2016Colorful
- Office2016DarkGray
- Office2016White
- OfficeXP
- VS2005
- VS2010
The below code snippet will sets the visual style as “Office2016Black”.
this.popupMenu1.ParentBarItem.Style = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.VisualStyle.Office2016Black;
Me.popupMenu1.ParentBarItem.Style = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.VisualStyle.Office2016Black