Display image in bar items in Windows Forms PopupMenu

4 Feb 20252 minutes to read

Displaying an image besides each bar item helps users to easily identify the operation through iconic representation and also to improve the visual appearance of the popup menu. Images can associated with a bar item depending upon its state either it is enabled, disabled, highlighted upon it.

In this illustration we have set image for BarItem. Similarly, we have to set for ParentBarItem, DropDownBarItem, ComboBoxBarItem, ListBarItem, StaticBarItem and TextBoxBarItem.

Adding enable state images

Images can be added to bar items directly via the Image property. The following code snippet illustrates the same.

this.barItem4.Image = new ImageExt(System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(@"..\..\..\PasteIcon.png"));
Me.barItem4.Image = New ImageExt(System.Drawing.Image.FromFile("..\..\..\PasteIcon.png"))

Display image in menu items

Adding disabled state images

When a bar item is in disabled state, it’s appropriate image can be also be disabled using the DisabledImage property.

The following code snippet illustrates how to add disabled image for bar item.

this.barItem4.DisabledImage = new ImageExt(System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(@"..\..\..\Paste16.png"));
Me.barItem4.DisabledImage = New ImageExt(System.Drawing.Image.FromFile("..\..\..\Paste16.png"))

Display image in menu items

Adding highlighted state images

When a bar item is selected or highlighted, it’s appropriate image can also be highlighted using the HighlightedImage property.

The following code snippet illustrates how to set highlighted image for a bar item.

this.barItem4.HighlightedImage = new ImageExt(System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(@"..\..\..\PasteHS.png"));
Me.barItem4.HighlightedImage = New ImageExt(System.Drawing.Image.FromFile("..\..\..\PasteHS.png"))

Display image in menu items