Paging in WPF DataGrid (SfDataGrid)

16 Oct 202324 minutes to read

SfDataGrid provides support to manipulate the data using SfDataPager control. You can refer SfDataPager control user guide for more information.

Getting started

Follow the below steps to bind SfDataGrid with SfDataPager.

  1. Create IEnumerable collection that you want to bind and set it to SfDataPager.Source property.

  2. Set SfDataPager.PageSize property to specify the number of records to be displayed per page.

  3. Bind SfDataPager.PagedSource to SfDataGrid.ItemsSource property. So whenever the page is changed, PagedSource will be update based on current page.

            <RowDefinition Height="*" />
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
        <syncfusion:SfDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
    	ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=dataPager,Path=PagedSource}"/>
        <syncfusion:SfDataPager x:Name="dataPager"
                    Source="{Binding Orders}"/>
    public class ViewModel
        private ObservableCollection<OrderInfo> _orders;
        public ObservableCollection<OrderInfo> Orders
            get { return _orders; }
            set { _orders = value; }
        public ViewModel()
            _orders = new ObservableCollection<OrderInfo>();
        private void GenerateOrders()
            _orders.Add(new OrderInfo(1001, "Maria Anders", "Germany", "ALFKI", "Berlin"));
            _orders.Add(new OrderInfo(1002, "Ana Trujilo", "Mexico", "ANATR", "Mexico D.F."));
            _orders.Add(new OrderInfo(1003, "Antonio Moreno", "Mexico", "ANTON", "Mexico D.F."));
            _orders.Add(new OrderInfo(1004, "Thomas Hardy", "UK", "AROUT", "London"));
            _orders.Add(new OrderInfo(1005, "Christina Berglund", "Sweden", "BERGS", "Lula"));
            _orders.Add(new OrderInfo(1006, "Hanna Moos", "Germany", "BLAUS", "Mannheim"));
            _orders.Add(new OrderInfo(1007, "Frederique Citeaux", "France", "BLONP", "Strasbourg"));
            _orders.Add(new OrderInfo(1008, "Martin Sommer", "Spain", "BOLID", "Madrid"));
            _orders.Add(new OrderInfo(1009, "Laurence Lebihan", "France", "BONAP", "Marseille"));
            _orders.Add(new OrderInfo(1010, "Elizabeth Lincoln", "Canada", "BOTTM", "Tsawassen"));
    public class OrderInfo
        int orderID;
        string customerId;
        string country;
        string customerName;
        string shippingCity;
        public int OrderID
              get {   return orderID;  }
              set {   orderID = value; }
        public string CustomerID
              get {  return customerId; }
              set {  customerId = value; }
        public string CustomerName
              get {  return customerName; }
              set {  customerName = value;}
        public string Country
              get { return country; }
              set  {  country = value; }
        public string ShipCity
             get {  return shippingCity; }
             set {  shippingCity = value; }
        public OrderInfo(int orderId, string customerName, string country, string customerId,string shipCity)
             this.OrderID = orderId;
             this.CustomerName = customerName;
             this.Country = country;
             this.CustomerID = customerId;
             this.ShipCity = shipCity;

WPF DataGrid diplays Multiple Pages using SfDataPager


  1. SfDataPager doesn’t accepts DataTable as Source.
  2. AddNewRow is not supported in SfDataPager.
  3. FilterRow is not supported in SfDataPager.

Load data in on-demand

SfDataPager allows you to load data for current page alone using OnDemandPaging instead of loading data for all pages.

Follow the below steps to load the ItemsSource for page in on-demand,

  1. Set SfDataPager.UseOnDemandPaging as true.

  2. Set SfDataPager.PageCount based on total number of records and SfDataPager.PageSize property.

  3. Use OnDemandLoading event to load the ItemsSource for current page using LoadDynamicItems method.

OnDemandLoading event is raised when SfDataPager moves to another page and you can load the ItemsSource for corresponding page through OnDemandLoading event.

OnDemandLoadingEventArgs has the following members,

  1. StartIndex - returns the start index based on PageIndex (Number of previous pages * PageSize).

  2. PageSize - denotes the number of records to be displayed in the page.


Do not assign SfDataPager.Source property while using OnDemandPaging.

           <RowDefinition Height="*" />
           <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
       <syncfusion:SfDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
                                                  ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=dataPager,Path=PagedSource}"/>
       <syncfusion:SfDataPager x:Name="dataPager" 
private ObservableCollection<OrderInfo> source;
   public MainWindow()
       dataPager.OnDemandLoading += dataPager_OnDemandLoading;
   private void dataPager_OnDemandLoading(object sender, Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Controls.DataPager.OnDemandLoadingEventArgs args)
       source = (this.DataContext as ViewModel).Orders;
       dataPager.LoadDynamicItems(args.StartIndex, source.Skip(args.StartIndex).Take(args.PageSize));

Resetting cache

While navigating between the pages, records are loaded through OnDemandLoading event and the records of navigated pages will be maintained in cache. If you navigate to already navigated page, the records are loaded from cache instead of loading from OnDemandLoading event. You can clear the cache by using PageCollectionView.ResetCache method. Once this method is invoked, the OnDemandLoading event will be raised while navigating multiple times to the same page.

<syncfusion:SfDataPager x:Name="dataPager" 
ObservableCollection<OrderInfo> source;

public MainWindow()
    dataPager.OnDemandLoading += dataPager_OnDemandLoading;
    source = (this.DataContext as ViewModel).Orders;

private void dataPager_OnDemandLoading(object sender, Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Controls.DataPager.OnDemandLoadingEventArgs args)
    dataPager.LoadDynamicItems(args.StartIndex, source.Skip(args.StartIndex).Take(args.PageSize));

    //resetting cache for all pages.
  (dataPager.PagedSource as PagedCollectionView).ResetCache();

You can also clear the cache to particular page by specifying the PageIndex in PageCollectionView.ResetCacheForPage method.

(dataPager.PagedSource as PagedCollectionView).ResetCacheForPage(this.dataPager.PageIndex);

Loading data from database in on-demand

You can read the data from database in on-demand (here, records are retrieved from Northwind data provider) in OnDemandLoading event handler.

        <RowDefinition Height="*" />
        <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
    <syncfusion:SfDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
                                               ItemsSource="{Binding Path=PagedSource,
            <syncfusion:GridTextColumn MappingName="OrderID" TextAlignment="Left" />
            <syncfusion:GridTextColumn MappingName="CustomerID" />
            <syncfusion:GridTextColumn MappingName="EmployeeID" TextAlignment="Right" />
            <syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Ship Name" MappingName="ShipName" />
            <syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Ship Address" MappingName="ShipAddress" />
            <syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Ship City" MappingName="ShipCity" />
            <syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Ship Country" MappingName="ShipCountry" />
    <syncfusion:SfDataPager x:Name="dataPager"
                                                 UseOnDemandPaging="True" />
public partial class MainWindow : Window
    Northwind northWind;
    public MainWindow()
        dataPager.OnDemandLoading += dataPager_OnDemandLoading;
        string connectionString = string.Format(@"Data Source = {0}", ("Northwind.sdf"));
       //northWind dataProvider connectivity.
        northWind = new Northwind(connectionString);

    private void dataPager_OnDemandLoading(object sender, Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Controls.DataPager.OnDemandLoadingEventArgs args)
        dataPager.LoadDynamicItems(args.StartIndex, northWind.Orders.Skip(args.StartIndex).Take(args.PageSize).ToList());

Changing PageCount at run time while filtering

You can change the SfDataPager.PageCount at runtime based on the records count in OnDemandPaging.
Here, PageCount are modified by filtering the records in run time.

            <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
            <ColumnDefinition Width="250" />
            <RowDefinition Height="*" />
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />

        <StackPanel Grid.Column="1">
            <TextBlock Width="250"
                       Text="Enter value to filter the ShipName column (Filter by contains)"
                       TextWrapping="Wrap" />
            <TextBox Name="fitlerTextBox"
                     Margin="10" />
            <Button Width="100"
                    Content="Filter" />
        <syncfusion:SfDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
                               ItemsSource="{Binding Path=PagedSource,
                <syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Ship Name" MappingName="ShipName" />
                <syncfusion:GridTextColumn MappingName="OrderID" TextAlignment="Left" />
                <syncfusion:GridTextColumn MappingName="CustomerID" />
                <syncfusion:GridTextColumn MappingName="EmployeeID" TextAlignment="Right" />
                <syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Ship Address" MappingName="ShipAddress" />
                <syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Ship City" MappingName="ShipCity" />
                <syncfusion:GridTextColumn HeaderText="Ship Country" MappingName="ShipCountry" />
        <syncfusion:SfDataPager x:Name="dataPager"
                                UseOnDemandPaging="True" />
public partial class MainWindow : Window
    List<Orders> source = new List<Orders>();
    Northwind northWind;
    public MainWindow()
        dataPager.OnDemandLoading += dataPager_OnDemandLoading;
        string connectionString = string.Format(@"Data Source = {0}", ("Northwind.sdf"));
       //northwind dataprovider connectivity.
        northWind = new Northwind(connectionString);      
source = northWind.Orders.ToList(); 

    private void dataPager_OnDemandLoading(object sender, Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Controls.DataPager.OnDemandLoadingEventArgs args)
        dataPager.LoadDynamicItems(args.StartIndex, source.Skip(args.StartIndex).Take(args.PageSize));

private List<Orders> ApplyFilter(Northwind NorthwindSource)
   //records are filtered based on ShipName column
    return NorthwindSource.Orders.Where(item => item.ShipName.Contains(fitlerTextBox.Text)).ToList();

private void FilterBtn_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    source = ApplyFilter(northWind);
   //page count resets based on filtered records.
    if (source.Count() < dataPager.PageSize)
        this.dataPager.PageCount = 1;
        var count = source.Count() / dataPager.PageSize;
        if (source.Count() % dataPager.PageSize == 0)
            this.dataPager.PageCount = count;
            this.dataPager.PageCount = count + 1;

Here, records are filtered based on the textbox text in clicking event of Filter button. Initially PageCount is 5 and it is changed as 3 once the records are filtered.
WPF DataGrid displays Altering Page Count for DataPager while Filtering

You can refer the sample from here.

Sorting complete collection

You can sort the complete collection with ‘OnDemandPaging’ by using SfDataGrid.SortColumnChanging event.
In this event, you can sort the complete underlying collection instead of sorting current page alone by resetting the caches.

    <local:ViewModel />
        <RowDefinition Height="*" />
        <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />

    <syncfusion:SfDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
                                               ItemsSource="{Binding ElementName=dataPager,Path=PagedSource}"/>
    <syncfusion:SfDataPager x:Name="dataPager" 

using Syncfusion.Data.Extensions;
List<OrderInfo> source;

public MainWindow()
    source = new List<OrderInfo>();
    dataPager.OnDemandLoading += dataPager_OnDemandLoading;
    source = (this.DataContext as ViewModel).Orders;
    this.dataGrid.SortColumnsChanging += DataGrid_SortColumnsChanging;

private void DataGrid_SortColumnsChanging(object sender, GridSortColumnsChangingEventArgs e)
    (dataPager.PagedSource as PagedCollectionView).ResetCache();
    (dataPager.PagedSource as PagedCollectionView).ResetCacheForPage(dataPager.PageIndex);

    if (e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add || e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace)
        var sortDesc = e.AddedItems[0];

        if (sortDesc.SortDirection == ListSortDirection.Ascending)

        //records are sorted in ascending order.
            source = source.OfQueryable().AsQueryable().OrderBy(sortDesc.ColumnName).Cast<OrderInfo>().ToList();


        //records are sorted descending order.
            source =

private void dataPager_OnDemandLoading(object sender, Syncfusion.UI.Xaml.Controls.DataPager.OnDemandLoadingEventArgs args)
    dataPager.LoadDynamicItems(args.StartIndex, source.Skip(args.StartIndex).Take(args.PageSize));

WPF DataGrid displys Sorting with loaded DataPager

Loading ItemsSource for page using async and await

When you fetch the data from external server, it takes some time to load the data. In this case, you can delay the loading in SfDataPager.OnDemandLoading event using async and await.
Here dataPager_OnDemandLoading event is defined with async keyword to load the data by time delay. GetEmployeesDetailsListAsync method is invoked in dataPager_OnDemandLoading with await keyword which holds the execution until returning the data.

private EmployeeInfoRepository repository;

public MainWindow()
    repository = new EmployeeInfoRepository();

//async method which return data with some delay

public async Task<List<Employees>> GetEmployeesDetailsListAsync(int startIndex, int pageSize)
    var employees = new List<Employees>();

    //wait the method Execution to 2000 milliseconds

    for (int i = startIndex; i < (startIndex + pageSize); i++)

        //Get the Data's to SfDataPager from ViewModel class
    return employees;

//Delegate handler marked as async to use await inside

private async void dataPager_OnDemandLoading(object sender, OnDemandLoadingEventArgs args)
    var source = await GetEmployeesDetailsListAsync(args.StartIndex, args.PageSize);

    //Data's loaded to SfDataPager dynamically     
     dataPager.LoadDynamicItems(args.StartIndex, source.Take(args.PageSize));

    //Resets the previously loaded page data's. It’s optional         
    (dataPager.PagedSource as PagedCollectionView).ResetCache();

GetEmployees method in EmployeeInfoRepository returns the record to SfDataPager.

public class EmployeeInfoRepository

    public EmployeeInfoRepository()

    public List<Employees> GetEmployees(int startIndex, int pageSize)
        int j = 0;
        var employees = new List<Employees>();

        for (int i = startIndex; i < (startIndex + pageSize); i++)
            Employees employee = GetEmployee(employees);
        return employees;



  1. UI Filtering is not supported. You can code in application level to filter the data.
  2. Data processing operations (Sorting, Grouping) are done only in the current page.
  3. Deleting is not supported. You can code to delete row in application level.
  4. Only the navigated pages are exported when `OnDemandPaging’ is enabled, if the navigated page cache is cleared then the corresponding page will not be exported.