Customizing Leaf Nodes in Windows Forms TreeMap

17 Feb 20257 minutes to read

Leaf nodes can be customized by raising the LeafItemDrawing event of the tree map control.

Code sample

TreeMap TreeMap1 = new TreeMap();

PopulationViewModel data = new PopulationViewModel();

TreeMap1.ItemsSource = data.PopulationDetails;

TreeMap1.WeightValuePath = "Population";

TreeMap1.ColorValuePath = "Growth";

TreeMap1.ItemsLayoutMode = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.TreeMap.ItemsLayoutModes.SliceAndDiceAuto;

TreeMapFlatLevel treeMapFlatLevel1 = new TreeMapFlatLevel();

treeMapFlatLevel1.GroupPath = "Continent";

treeMapFlatLevel1.ShowLabels = true;


TreeMapFlatLevel treeMapFlatLevel2 = new TreeMapFlatLevel();

treeMapFlatLevel2.GroupPath = "Country";

treeMapFlatLevel2.ShowLabels = true;

treeMapFlatLevel2.HeaderHeight = 25;


RangeBrushColorMapping rangeBrushColorMapping = new RangeBrushColorMapping();   

rangeBrushColorMapping.Brushes.Add(new RangeBrush() { Color = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#77D8D8"), From = 0, To = 1, LegendLabel = "1% Growth" });

rangeBrushColorMapping.Brushes.Add(new RangeBrush() { Color = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#AED960"), From = 0, To = 2, LegendLabel = "2% Growth" });

rangeBrushColorMapping.Brushes.Add(new RangeBrush() { Color = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFAF51"), From = 0, To = 3, LegendLabel = "3% Growth" });

rangeBrushColorMapping.Brushes.Add(new RangeBrush() { Color = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#F3D240"), From = 0, To = 20, LegendLabel = "20% Growth" });

this.TreeMap1.LeafColorMapping = rangeBrushColorMapping;

void treeMap_LeafItemDrawing(object sender, LeafItemDrawingEventArgs e)

	e.Cancel = true;

	if (e.Graphics != null && e.Cancel)

		e.Graphics.FillRectangle((e.Color), e.RectSize);

		e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.White), 5), e.RectSize);

		e.Graphics.DrawString(e.Label, new Font("Segoe UI", (float)12), new SolidBrush(Color.White), e.RectSize.X, e.RectSize.Y);

		Image image = (e.Data as OlympicMedals).GameImage;

		if (image != null)
			e.Graphics.DrawImage(image, new Point(e.RectSize.X + (e.RectSize.Width / 2) - image.Width / 2, e.RectSize.Y + (e.RectSize.Height / 2) - image.Height / 2));



#region View Model

public class OlympicMedalsViewModel

	public ObservableCollection<OlympicMedals> OlympicMedalsDetails { get; set; }

	public OlympicMedalsViewModel()

		var directoryPath = Application.StartupPath.Replace("bin\\Debug", "Images"); ;

		this.OlympicMedalsDetails = new ObservableCollection<OlympicMedals>();

		this.OlympicMedalsDetails.Add(new OlympicMedals { Country = "US", GameName = "Swimming", GoldMedals = 16, SilverMedals = 9, BronzeMedals = 6, TotalMedals = 31, GameImage = this.GetImage("Swimming") });

		this.OlympicMedalsDetails.Add(new OlympicMedals { Country = "US", GameName = "Track and Field", GoldMedals = 9, SilverMedals = 13, BronzeMedals = 7, TotalMedals = 29, GameImage = this.GetImage("TrackAndField") });

		this.OlympicMedalsDetails.Add(new OlympicMedals { Country = "US", GameName = "Gymnastics", GoldMedals = 3, SilverMedals = 1, BronzeMedals = 2, TotalMedals = 6, GameImage = this.GetImage("Gymnastics") });

		this.OlympicMedalsDetails.Add(new OlympicMedals { Country = "US", GameName = "Boxing", GoldMedals = 1, SilverMedals = 0, BronzeMedals = 1, TotalMedals = 2, GameImage = this.GetImage("Boxing") });

		this.OlympicMedalsDetails.Add(new OlympicMedals { Country = "US", GameName = "Cycling", GoldMedals = 1, SilverMedals = 2, BronzeMedals = 1, TotalMedals = 4, GameImage = this.GetImage("Cycling") });

		this.OlympicMedalsDetails.Add(new OlympicMedals { Country = "US", GameName = "Shooting", GoldMedals = 3, SilverMedals = 0, BronzeMedals = 1, TotalMedals = 4, GameImage = this.GetImage("Shooting") });

		this.OlympicMedalsDetails.Add(new OlympicMedals { Country = "US", GameName = "Wrestling", GoldMedals = 2, SilverMedals = 0, BronzeMedals = 2, TotalMedals = 4, GameImage = this.GetImage("Wrestling") });

		this.OlympicMedalsDetails.Add(new OlympicMedals { Country = "US", GameName = "Archery", GoldMedals = 0, SilverMedals = 1, BronzeMedals = 0, TotalMedals = 1, GameImage = this.GetImage("Archery") });

		this.OlympicMedalsDetails.Add(new OlympicMedals { Country = "US", GameName = "Soccer", GoldMedals = 1, SilverMedals = 0, BronzeMedals = 0, TotalMedals = 1, GameImage = this.GetImage("Soccer") });

		this.OlympicMedalsDetails.Add(new OlympicMedals { Country = "US", GameName = "Diving", GoldMedals = 1, SilverMedals = 1, BronzeMedals = 2, TotalMedals = 4, GameImage = this.GetImage("Diving") });


	public Image GetImage(string image)

		Image _image = null;

			   _image = Image.FromFile(@"..\..\..\..\..\images\" + image + ".png");


		   return _image;



public class OlympicMedals

	public string Country { get; set; }

	public string GameName { get; set; }

	public double GoldMedals { get; set; }

	public double SilverMedals { get; set; }

	public double BronzeMedals { get; set; }

	public double TotalMedals { get; set; }

	public Image GameImage { get; set; }


