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ToolTip Support in Windows Forms TreeMap
17 Feb 20251 minute to read
Tooltip shows additional information on the tree map control. Visibility of tooltip can be controlled using the IsToolTipVisible
property. The format of the tooltip header and item can be customized using the HeaderToolTipInfo
and ItemToolTipInfo
Code sample
ToolTipInfo itemInfoHead = new ToolTipInfo();
itemInfoHead.ToolTipHeaderPattern = "<b>{Label}</b>";
itemInfoHead.ToolTipContentPattern = "Growth \t : {Growth} % ";
TreeMap1.HeaderToolTipInfo = itemInfoHead;
ToolTipInfo itemInfo = new ToolTipInfo();
itemInfo.ToolTipHeaderPattern = "<b>{Country}</b>";
itemInfo.ToolTipContentPattern = "Growth \t : {Growth} % \nPopulation : {StrPopulation} ";
TreeMap1.ItemToolTipInfo = itemInfo;