Tree Map Legend in Windows Forms TreeMap

29 Apr 20213 minutes to read

The tree map legend is used to demonstrate the color value of the leaf nodes. This legend may be appropriate only for tree maps whose leaf nodes are colored by using the RangeBrushColorMapping.

The icon shapes of the legend items can be set using the LegendType property of the tree map control. The gap between each legend icon can be specified using the LegendGap property.

Legend can be positioned at the left, right, top, or bottom of the tree map control using the LegendPosition property.

Code sample

TreeMap TreeMap1 = new TreeMap();

PopulationViewModel data = new PopulationViewModel(); 

TreeMap1.ItemsSource = data.PopulationDetails;
TreeMap1.WeightValuePath = "Population";
TreeMap1.ColorValuePath = "Growth";  
TreeMap1.ItemsLayoutMode = Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.TreeMap.ItemsLayoutModes.SliceAndDiceAuto; 

TreeMap1.LegendPosition = LegendPositions.Top; 

TreeMap1.LegendType = LegendTypes.Ellipse; 
TreeMap1.LegendGap = 100;    

TreeMapFlatLevel treeMapFlatLevel1 = new TreeMapFlatLevel(); 

treeMapFlatLevel1.GroupPath = "Continent"; 
treeMapFlatLevel1.ShowLabels = true;   

TreeMapFlatLevel treeMapFlatLevel2 = new TreeMapFlatLevel(); 

treeMapFlatLevel2.GroupPath = "Country";  
treeMapFlatLevel2.ShowLabels = true;
treeMapFlatLevel2.HeaderHeight = 25;   

RangeBrushColorMapping rangeBrushColorMapping = new RangeBrushColorMapping();
rangeBrushColorMapping.Brushes.Add(new RangeBrush() { 

Color = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#77D8D8"), From = 0, To = 1, LegendLabel = "1% Growth" });  
          rangeBrushColorMapping.Brushes.Add(new RangeBrush() 
		  Color = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#AED960"), From = 0, To = 2, LegendLabel = "2% Growth" });  

		  rangeBrushColorMapping.Brushes.Add(new RangeBrush() 
		  Color = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFAF51"), From = 0, To = 3, LegendLabel = "3% Growth" });            rangeBrushColorMapping.Brushes.Add(new RangeBrush() { Color = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#F3D240"), From = 0, To = 20, LegendLabel = "20% Growth" });    

		  this.TreeMap1.LeafColorMapping = rangeBrushColorMapping;
