- Exporting to Excel
- Exporting mode
- Exporting to Word
- Exporting to PDF
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Exporting in Windows Forms Pivot Grid
21 Jan 20254 minutes to read
WinForms Pivot Grid provides support to export its data into following formats.
- Excel
- Word
Exporting to Excel
Exporting data to an Excel is one of the most commonly preferred features in the .NET world. The contents of pivot grid can be exported to an Excel document for future archival, references and analysis purposes.
The following references need to be added to the application to achieve this support.
- Syncfusion.PivotConverter.Windows
- Syncfusion.XlsIO.Base
Refer the Getting Started section of the documentation for creating the pivot grid control.
The ExcelExport class is a helper class that provides the support for exporting the data from the pivot grid control to the Excel document.
Refer to the below code sample to export the pivot grid contents to an Excel document.
ExcelExport excelExport = new ExcelExport(this.pivotGridControl1, Syncfusion.XlsIO.ExcelVersion.Excel2010);
Dim excelExport As New ExcelExport(Me.pivotGridControl1, Syncfusion.XlsIO.ExcelVersion.Excel2010)
Exporting mode
Pivot grid consists of two exporting modes that are explained below. It is possible to switch the exporting modes using the ExportMode property of excel export class.
Cell by cell export
In the cell-by-cell export mode, the contents of pivot grid control are exported cell by cell with all the formats applied on it.
Refer to the below code sample to export cell by cell content of pivot grid control.
ExcelExport excelExport = new ExcelExport(this.pivotGridControl1, Syncfusion.XlsIO.ExcelVersion.Excel2010);
excelExport.ExportMode = ExportModes.Cell;
Dim excelExport As New ExcelExport(Me.pivotGridControl1, Syncfusion.XlsIO.ExcelVersion.Excel2010)
excelExport.ExportMode = ExportModes.Cell
Pivot table export
In the pivot table export mode, the contents of pivot grid control are exported along with its functionalities such as sorting and filtering. The pivot grid provides support to pivot the data via drag and drop in the pivot table.
Refer to the below code sample to export the content of pivot grid control in pivot table mode.
ExcelExport excelExport = new ExcelExport(this.pivotGridControl1, Syncfusion.XlsIO.ExcelVersion.Excel2010);
excelExport.ExportMode = ExportModes.PivotTable;
Dim excelExport As New ExcelExport(Me.pivotGridControl1, Syncfusion.XlsIO.ExcelVersion.Excel2010)
excelExport.ExportMode = ExportModes.PivotTable
Exporting to Word
Pivot grid provides support to export its contents to Word. Users can export the data from the pivot grid control to the Word document for offline verification and/or computation.
The following reference needs to be added to the application to achieve this support.
- Syncfusion.PivotConverter.Windows
Refer the Getting Started section of the documentation for creating the pivot grid control.
The PivotWordExport class is a helper class that provides the support for exporting the data from the pivot grid control to the Word document.
Refer to the below code sample to export the pivot grid contents to a Word document.
PivotWordExport wordExport = new PivotWordExport(this.pivotGridControl1);
Dim wordExport As New PivotWordExport(Me.pivotGridControl1)
Exporting to PDF
Pivot grid provides support to export its content to a PDF file. The data in the pivot grid control can be converted to a PDF document for offline verification and/or computation.
The following reference needs to be added to the application to achieve this support.
- Syncfusion.PivotConverter.Windows
Refer the Getting Started section of the documentation for creating the pivot grid control.
The PivotPdfExport class is a helper class that provides the support for exporting the data from the pivot grid control to the PDF document.
Refer to the below code sample to export the pivot grid contents to a PDF document.
PivotPdfExport pdfExport = new PivotPdfExport(this.pivotGridControl1);
Dim pdfExport As New PivotPdfExport(Me.pivotGridControl1)
A demo sample is available in the following location.
<Installed Drive>\Users\Public\Documents\Syncfusion\Windows\<Version Number>\PivotGrid.Windows\Samples\Exporting\Exporting Demo