Sorting in UWP Charts (SfChart)

7 Jan 202512 minutes to read

Chart provides the support for sorting the data point rendering either in ascending or descending based on X or Y axis.

Enable Sorting

This IsSortData property used to enable the sorting in series.

Changing sorting direction

The SortDirection property defines the direction of sorting either in Ascending or Descending based on x or y value.

Changing sorting axis

This SortBy property decides whether sorting should be done based on X or Y values.

The following example illustrates a simple chart (without apply sorting):

Axis without sorting in UWP Chart

Sorting for category(non-linear) axis

Sorting x axis in ascending order:

<syncfusion:ColumnSeries IsSortData="True" SortBy="X"  

                         ItemsSource="{Binding Demands}" Interior="#4A4A4A"

                         XBindingPath="Demand"  YBindingPath="Year2011"/>
ColumnSeries columnSeries = new ColumnSeries()

    IsSortData = true,

    SortBy = SortingAxis.X,

    SortDirection = Direction.Ascending,

    ItemsSource = new ViewModel().Demands,

    XBindingPath = "Demand",

    YBindingPath = "Year2011",

    Interior = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(0x4A, 0x4A, 0x4A))



Axis with sorting in UWP Chart

Sorting x-axis in descending order:

<syncfusion:ColumnSeries IsSortData="True" SortBy="X"  

                         ItemsSource="{Binding Demands}" Interior="#4A4A4A"

                         XBindingPath="Demand"  YBindingPath="Year2011"/>
ColumnSeries columnSeries = new ColumnSeries()

    IsSortData = true,

    SortBy = SortingAxis.X,

    SortDirection = Direction.Descending,

    ItemsSource = new ViewModel().Demands,

    XBindingPath = "Demand",

    YBindingPath = "Year2011",

    Interior = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(0x4A, 0x4A, 0x4A))



Sorting x-axis in descending order in UWP Chart

Sorting y axis in ascending order:

<syncfusion:ColumnSeries IsSortData="True" SortBy="Y" 

                         ItemsSource="{Binding Demands}" Interior="#4A4A4A"

                         XBindingPath="Demand"  YBindingPath="Year2011"/>
ColumnSeries columnSeries = new ColumnSeries()

    IsSortData = true,

    SortBy = SortingAxis.Y,

    SortDirection = Direction.Ascending,

    ItemsSource = new ViewModel().Demands,

    XBindingPath = "Demand",

    YBindingPath = "Year2011",

    Interior = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(0x4A, 0x4A, 0x4A))



Sorting y-axis in ascending order in UWP Chart

Sorting y axis in descending order:

<syncfusion:ColumnSeries IsSortData="True" SortBy="Y"  

                         ItemsSource="{Binding Demands}" Interior="#4A4A4A"

                         XBindingPath="Demand"  YBindingPath="Year2011"/>
ColumnSeries columnSeries = new ColumnSeries()

    IsSortData = true,

    SortBy = SortingAxis.Y,

    SortDirection = Direction.Descending,

    ItemsSource = new ViewModel().Demands,

    XBindingPath = "Demand",

    YBindingPath = "Year2011",

    Interior = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(0x4A, 0x4A, 0x4A))



Sorting y-axis in descending order in UWP Chart


This feature is primarily applicable for indexed (non-linear) axis like CategoryAxis. For linear axis like NumericalAxis, only the order of rendering will be sorted. i.e., the order in which the data point is being rendered.

Sorting for linear axis

As mentioned above, the sorting for the linear axis is different from CategoryAxis. Here the rendering order of the data point (x or y) will be sorted.

This will be useful especially when we have one or more values added in same data point. Also this rendering order sorting will be captured by applying Palette to each point.

The following example illustrates a simple chart having AutumnBrights palette (without apply sorting):

Axis with sorting in UWP Chart

Sorting x axis in ascending order

<syncfusion:ColumnSeries IsSortData="True" SortBy="X" Palette="AutumnBrights"


                         ItemsSource="{Binding Demands}" 

                         XBindingPath="Position"  YBindingPath="Year2011"/>
ColumnSeries columnSeries = new ColumnSeries()

    IsSortData = true,

    SortBy = SortingAxis.X,

    SortDirection = Direction.Ascending,

    Palette = ChartColorPalette.AutumnBrights,

    ItemsSource = new ViewModel().Demands,

    XBindingPath = "Position",

    YBindingPath = "Year2011",

    Interior = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(0x4A, 0x4A, 0x4A))



Sorting x-axis in ascending order in UWP Chart

Sorting x axis in descending order

<syncfusion:ColumnSeries IsSortData="True" SortBy="X" 


                         ItemsSource="{Binding Demands}" 

                         XBindingPath="Position"  YBindingPath="Year2011"/>
ColumnSeries columnSeries = new ColumnSeries()

    IsSortData = true,

    SortBy = SortingAxis.X,

    SortDirection = Direction.Descending,

    Palette = ChartColorPalette.AutumnBrights,

    ItemsSource = new ViewModel().Demands,

    XBindingPath = "Position",

    YBindingPath = "Year2011",

    Interior = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(0x4A, 0x4A, 0x4A))



Sorting x-axis in descending order in UWP Chart

Sorting y axis in ascending order

<syncfusion:ColumnSeries IsSortData="True" SortBy="Y" 


                         ItemsSource="{Binding Demands}" 

                         XBindingPath="Position"  YBindingPath="Year2011"/>
ColumnSeries columnSeries = new ColumnSeries()

    IsSortData = true,

    SortBy = SortingAxis.Y,

    SortDirection = Direction.Ascending,

    Palette = ChartColorPalette.AutumnBrights,

    ItemsSource = new ViewModel().Demands,

    XBindingPath = "Position",

    YBindingPath = "Year2011",

    Interior = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(0x4A, 0x4A, 0x4A))



Sorting y axis in ascending order in UWP Chart

Sorting y axis in descending order

<syncfusion:ColumnSeries IsSortData="True" SortBy="Y" 


                         ItemsSource="{Binding Demands}" 

                         XBindingPath="Position"  YBindingPath="Year2011"/>
ColumnSeries columnSeries = new ColumnSeries()

    IsSortData = true,

    SortBy = SortingAxis.Y,

    SortDirection = Direction.Descending,

    Palette = ChartColorPalette.AutumnBrights,

    ItemsSource = new ViewModel().Demands,

    XBindingPath = "Position",

    YBindingPath = "Year2011",

    Interior = new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(0x4A, 0x4A, 0x4A))



Sorting y-axis in descending order in UWP Chart