Column Sizer
1 Mar 202219 minutes to read
The data grid applies column sizer for the grid columns by setting the SfDataGrid.ColumnSizer property.
The following code example illustrates how to apply ColumnSizer
in the data grid.
dataGrid.ColumnSizer = ColumnSizer.None;
The data grid applies width for all the grid columns in the SfDataGrid.Columns collection based on the SfDataGrid.ColumnSizer
property. The following list of options are available to set the width of the columns.
- None
- LastColumnFill
- Star
- Auto
No Column sizing is applied when the SfDataGrid.ColumnSizer is set to None. Columns are arranged in the view based on the SfDataGrid.DefaultColumnWidth property. This is the default value of the SfDataGrid.ColumnSizer
dataGrid.ColumnSizer = ColumnSizer.None;
When the SfDataGrid.ColumnSizer is LastColumnFill, the column width of the grid columns are adjusted with respect to SfDataGrid.DefaultColumnWidth property. In this case, if the columns does not fill the entire view space, the width of the last column fills the unoccupied space in the view.
dataGrid.ColumnSizer = ColumnSizer.LastColumnFill;
When the SfDataGrid.ColumnSizer is Star, all the grid columns are adjusted to an equal column width to fit within the view. Setting ColumnSizer to Star
will disable the horizontal scrolling in the data grid.
dataGrid.ColumnSizer = ColumnSizer.Star;
When the SfDataGrid.ColumnSizer is Auto, the width of the GridColumns
are adjusted based on the header text or cell contents.
dataGrid.ColumnSizer = ColumnSizer.Auto;
If any column is specified a width explicitly using the GridColumn.Width property, that column is not considered for column sizing the width and skipped while applying the column sizer for grid columns.
How to
Apply ColumnSizer for a particular column
You can apply column sizing to an individual column by using the GridColumn.ColumnSizer property. The GridColumn.ColumnSizer
property is also a type of ColumnSizer. If the GridColumn.ColumnSizer
is not explicitly set to a value, it takes the value of the SfDataGrid.ColumnSizer and applies the width to the columns accordingly.
The following code example illustrates how to apply ColumnSizer
for a particular column.
GridTextColumn textColumn = new GridTextColumn();
textColumn.MappingName = "CustomerID";
textColumn.HeaderText = "Full Name";
textColumn.ColumnSizer = ColumnSizer.Auto;
Apply ColumnSizer based on device orientation
You can apply different column sizer based on the orientation of the device and the data grid will rearrange the view accordingly.
Refer to the following code example in which the SfDataGrid.ColumnSizer
is customized based on the orientation by checking the orientation of the device in the ViewLayoutSubViews
override method of the ViewController
which will be fired when the view changes.
public override void ViewDidLayoutSubviews()
if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.Orientation == UIDeviceOrientation.LandscapeLeft || UIDevice.CurrentDevice.Orientation == UIDeviceOrientation.LandscapeRight)
this.datagrid.ColumnSizer = ColumnSizer.Star;
this.datagrid.ColumnSizer = ColumnSizer.Auto;
datagrid.Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(0, 0, View.Frame.Width, View.Frame.Height );
Fill remaining width for any column
The SfDataGrid
allows to fill the remaining width in the view for any column using the GridColumn.ColumnSizer property.
The GridColumn.ColumnSizer
has higher priority than the SfDataGrid.ColumnSizer property. Hence, the individual columns having the GridColumn.ColumnSizer
property set will not be included in the column sizer calculations of the SfDataGrid
. To fill the column with remaining width in the view, set the GridColumn.ColumnSizer
property as ColumnSizer.LastColumnFill. Refer to the following code example to achieve the same.
In the following code snippet, the data grid is applied with ColumnSizer.Star
, and the second column is applied with ColumnSizer.LastColumnFill
. Hence, the second column will take up the remaining space after the other columns are rendered with star size.
SfDataGrid dataGrid;
ViewModel viewModel;
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
dataGrid = new SfDataGrid(this.BaseContext);
viewModel = new ViewModel();
dataGrid.ItemsSource = viewModel.OrdersInfo;
dataGrid.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
GridTextColumn orderIDColumn = new GridTextColumn();
orderIDColumn.MappingName = "OrderID";
GridTextColumn customerIDColumn = new GridTextColumn();
customerIDColumn.MappingName = "CustomerID";
customerIDColumn.ColumnSizer = ColumnSizer.LastColumnFill;
GridTextColumn freightColumn = new GridTextColumn();
freightColumn.MappingName = "Freight";
GridTextColumn countryColumn = new GridTextColumn();
countryColumn.MappingName = "Country";
Refreshing column sizer for the data grid at runtime
To refresh the column sizing for SfDataGrid.Columns
at runtime, use the SfDataGrid.GridColumnSizer.Refresh property.
Consider that ColumnSizer.Auto
is applied to the data grid. If the underlying values are changed at runtime, refresh the column sizer as follows.
SfDataGrid dataGrid;
ViewModel viewModel;
UIButton button;
public MyViewController()
dataGrid = new SfDataGrid();
viewModel = new ViewModel();
button = new UIButton();
button.TouchDown += ColumnSizerChanged;
dataGrid.AutoGenerateColumns = true;
dataGrid.ItemsSource = viewModel.OrdersInfo;
dataGrid.AllowEditing = true;
dataGrid.ColumnSizer = ColumnSizer.Auto;
private void ColumnSizerChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Refreshes the column sizer of the SfDataGrid
Resetting column width to apply column sizer
By default, the columns having the GridColumn.Width property set will not be included for column sizer calculations of the data grid. To include the width columns and reset the column sizer at runtime, set the GridColumn.Width
property to double.NaN before calling the GridColumnSizer.Refresh() method. Refer to the following code example to achieve the same.
SfDataGrid dataGrid;
ViewModel viewModel;
UIButton button;
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
layout = new LinearLayout(this.BaseContext);
layout.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
button = new Button(this.BaseContext);
button.Text = "Reset ColumnWidth";
button.Click += ColumnSizerChanged;
dataGrid = new SfDataGrid(this.BaseContext);
viewModel = new ViewModel();
dataGrid.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
dataGrid.ItemsSource = viewModel.OrdersInfo;
GridTextColumn orderIDColumn = new GridTextColumn();
orderIDColumn.MappingName = "OrderID";
orderIDColumn.Width = 20;
GridTextColumn customerIDColumn = new GridTextColumn();
customerIDColumn.MappingName = "CustomerID";
GridTextColumn freightColumn = new GridTextColumn();
freightColumn.MappingName = "Freight";
GridTextColumn countryColumn = new GridTextColumn();
countryColumn.MappingName = "Country";
private void ColumnSizerChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Resets the widths for the columns having GridColumn.Width property set
private void ResetColumnsWidth()
foreach (var column in dataGrid.Columns)
// Setting NaN values to columns for which width is applied
if (!double.IsNaN(column.Width))
column.Width = double.NaN;
Star column sizer ratio support
To customize the ColumnSizer.Star
width calculation, write a custom GridColumnSizer class derived from GridColumnSizer and assign it to the SfDataGrid.ColumnSizer
property. To implement your own logic to divide the column widths in different ratios, override the SetStarWidthForColumns method in your custom GridColumnSizer class.
To set star sizer ratio for an individual column, follow the code example.
SfDataGrid dataGrid;
ViewModel viewModel;
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
dataGrid = new SfDataGrid(this.BaseContext);
viewModel = new ViewModel();
dataGrid.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
dataGrid.ItemsSource = viewModel.OrdersInfo;
dataGrid.ColumnSizer = ColumnSizer.Star;
// Assigns the custom column sizer to the SfDataGrid
dataGrid.GridColumnSizer = new CustomColumnSizer(this.dataGrid, viewModel);
GridTextColumn orderIDColumn = new GridTextColumn();
orderIDColumn.MappingName = "OrderID";
//Assigns the ratio for OrderID column
viewModel.ColumnRatio.Add(orderIDColumn.MappingName, 3);
GridTextColumn customerIDColumn = new GridTextColumn();
customerIDColumn.MappingName = "CustomerID";
//Assigns the ratio for CustomerID column
viewModel.ColumnRatio.Add(customerIDColumn.MappingName, 2);
GridTextColumn freightColumn = new GridTextColumn();
freightColumn.MappingName = "Freight";
GridTextColumn countryColumn = new GridTextColumn();
countryColumn.MappingName = "Country";
The following code example demonstrates how the width is calculated for column, based on the GetRatio
property in SetStarWidthForColumns
public class CustomColumnSizer : GridColumnSizer
SfDataGrid dataGrid;
ViewModel viewModel;
public CustomColumnSizer(SfDataGrid grid, ViewModel view) : base(grid)
dataGrid = grid;
viewModel = view;
protected override void SetStarWidthForColumns(double columnsWidth, IEnumerable<GridColumn> columns)
var removedColumn = new List<GridColumn>();
var column = columns.ToList();
var totalRemainingStarValue = columnsWidth;
double removedWidth = 0;
bool isRemoved;
while (column.Count > 0)
isRemoved = false;
removedWidth = 0;
var columnsCount = 0;
foreach (var data in column)
columnsCount += viewModel.GetRatio(data.MappingName);
double starWidth = Math.Floor((totalRemainingStarValue / columnsCount));
var col = column.First();
//Calculate the ColumnSizer ratio for every column
starWidth *= viewModel.GetRatio(col.MappingName);
var columnSizer = DataGrid.GridColumnSizer;
var method = columnSizer.GetType().GetRuntimeMethods().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "SetColumnWidth");
var width = method.Invoke(columnSizer, new object[] { col, starWidth });
double computeWidth = (double)width;
if (starWidth != computeWidth && starWidth > 0)
isRemoved = true;
foreach (var remColumn in removedColumn)
if (!column.Contains(remColumn))
removedWidth += remColumn.ActualWidth;
totalRemainingStarValue += removedWidth;
totalRemainingStarValue = totalRemainingStarValue - computeWidth;
if (!isRemoved)
if (!removedColumn.Contains(col))
The following code example explains the GetRatio
property of the ViewModel
public class ViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged
public Dictionary<string, int> ColumnRatio;
public ViewModel()
ColumnRatio = new Dictionary<string, int>();
#region ItemsSource
private ObservableCollection<OrderInfo> ordersInfo;
public ObservableCollection<OrderInfo> OrdersInfo
get { return ordersInfo; }
set { this.ordersInfo = value; }
internal int GetRatio(string mappingName)
if (ColumnRatio.ContainsKey(mappingName))
return ColumnRatio.GetValueOrDefault(mappingName);
return 1;
#region ItemSource Generator
public void SetRowsToGenerate(int count)
OrderInfoRepository order = new OrderInfoRepository();
ordersInfo = order.GetOrderDetails(count);
#region INotifyPropertyChanged implementation
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public void RaisePropertyChanged(string propertyName)
if (PropertyChanged != null)
this.PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));