Customization of DateTimeEdit

7 Nov 202413 minutes to read

The appearance of each and every part in the DateTimeEdit can be customized. The SfDateTimeEdit allows you to customize the drop-down icon, calendar, and up-down buttons by using Style properties.

Customize DateTimeEdit appearance

The BackColor, ForeColor, and BorderColor of the control can be customized by using the following Style properties of the SfDateTimeEdit. The up-down and drop-down buttons of the SfDateTimeEdit control can also be customized using the Style.

  • BackColor - To change the background color of DateTimeEdit.
  • ForeColor - To change the foreground color of date-time text in DateTimeEdit.
  • WatermarkForeColor - To change the color to draw the Watermark Text that displays in DateTimeEdit when the Value is null.
  • BorderColor - To change the border color of DateTimeEdit.
  • DisabledBackColor - To change the border color of DateTimeEdit in disabled or readonly state.
  • DisabledForeColor - To change the foreground color of date-time text in disabled or readonly state.
  • FocusedBorderColor - To change the border color of DateTimeEdit in focused state.
  • HoverBorderColor - To change the border color of DateTimeEdit in mouse hover state.

The following code snippets illustrates the customization.

sfDateTimeEdit1.Style.BorderColor = Color.Red;
sfDateTimeEdit1.Style.BorderColor = Color.Red

Border color customization

Customize drop-down appearance

The BackColor and ForeColor of drop-down icon to open the calendar can be customized by the following DropDown style properties. The following style properties of DropDown are used to change the color of drop-down icon in different states.

  • BackColor - To change the background color of dropdown icon in DateTimeEdit.
  • HoverBackColor - To change the background color of dropdown icon in mouse hover state.
  • PressedBackColor - To change the background color of dropdown icon in pressed state.
  • ForeColor - To change the foreground color of dropdown icon in DateTimeEdit.
  • HoverForeColor - To change the foreground color of dropdown icon in mouse hover state.
  • PressedForeColor - To change the foreground color of dropdown icon in pressed state.

The following code snippets illustrates the same.

//Setting the DropDown Fore color

    this.dateTimeEdit.Style.DropDown.ForeColor = Color.Purple;
    this.dateTimeEdit.Style.DropDown.HoverForeColor = Color.Yellow;
    this.dateTimeEdit.Style.DropDown.PressedForeColor = Color.Green;

    //Setting the DropDown Back color

    this.sfDateTimeEdit1.Style.DropDown.BackColor = Color.Aqua;
    this.sfDateTimeEdit1.Style.DropDown.HoverBackColor = Color.Gray;
    this.sfDateTimeEdit1.Style.DropDown.PressedBackColor = Color.Orange;
'Setting the DropDown Fore color

    Me.dateTimeEdit.Style.DropDown.ForeColor = Color.Purple
    Me.dateTimeEdit.Style.DropDown.HoverForeColor = Color.Yellow
    Me.dateTimeEdit.Style.DropDown.PressedForeColor = Color.Green

    'Setting the DropDown Back color

    Me.sfDateTimeEdit1.Style.DropDown.BackColor = Color.Aqua
    Me.sfDateTimeEdit1.Style.DropDown.HoverBackColor = Color.Gray
    Me.sfDateTimeEdit1.Style.DropDown.PressedBackColor = Color.Orange

Customize the drop down

Customize the drop down

Customize default calendar Icon in drop-down button

The DateTimeIcon property in the SfDateTimeEdit control allows you to customize the calendar icon displayed in the drop-down button. By setting this property, you can replace the default icon with your own image, helping to match the design of your application.

Note: The recommended size for the custom image is 16x16 pixels. If the image is larger than this size, it will be automatically resized to 16x16 pixels.

this.dateTimeEdit.DateTimeIcon = Image.FromFile(@"Images/calendar.png");
Me.dateTimeEdit.DateTimeIcon = Image.FromFile(@"Images/calendar.png");

Customize drop-down calendar appearance

Change visibility of drop-down button

The drop-down button in the SfDateTimeEdit allows you to open the pop-up calendar by using the mouse interaction. The visibility of drop-down button can be changed by the ShowDropDown property.

//Enable the DropDown Button
<<<<<<< HEAD

    this.dateTimeEdit.ShowDropDown = true;

    //Disable the DropDown Button

    this.dateTimeEdit.ShowDropDown = true;

    //Disable the DropDown Button

>>>>>>> 664175cf483e78a9bac155018dbdc92b8216b891
    this.dateTimeEdit.ShowDropDown = false;
'Enable the DropDown Button

<<<<<<< HEAD
     Me.dateTimeEdit.ShowDropDown = true

    'Disable the DropDown Button

     Me.dateTimeEdit.ShowDropDown = false
    Me.dateTimeEdit.ShowDropDown = true

    'Disable the DropDown Button

    Me.dateTimeEdit.ShowDropDown = false
>>>>>>> 664175cf483e78a9bac155018dbdc92b8216b891

Hide the dropdown button

Customize up-down appearance

The ForeColor of up-down icon in the SfDateTimeEdit can be customized by the following Style properties. The following style properties of the SfDateTimeEdit can be used to change the color of up-down icon in different states:

  • UpDownForeColor - To change the foreground color of updown icon in DateTimeEdit.
  • UpDownHoverForeColor - To change the foreground color of updown icon in mouse hover state.
  • UpDownBackColor - To change the background color of updown icon in DateTimeEdit.
  • UpDownHoverBackColor - To change the background color of updown icon in mouse hover state.

The following code snippets illustrates the same.

//Setting the UpDown Fore color

    this.dateTimeEdit.Style.UpDownForeColor = Color.HotPink;
    this.dateTimeEdit.Style.UpDownHoverForeColor = Color.Blue;
    this.dateTimeEdit.Style.UpDownBackColor = Color.LightGray;
    this.dateTimeEdit.Style.UpDownHoverBackColor = Color.Yellow;
'Setting the UpDown Fore color

    Me.dateTimeEdit.Style.UpDownForeColor = Color.HotPink
    Me.dateTimeEdit.Style.UpDownHoverForeColor = Color.Blue
    Me.dateTimeEdit.Style.UpDownBackColor = Color.LightGray
    Me.dateTimeEdit.Style.UpDownHoverBackColor = Color.Yellow

Up down button customization

Change visibility of up-down

The up-down allows you to change the value by increment or decrement of values of the date, month, and year based on the selected field. The value change by up and down buttons are only applicable when the DateTimeEditingMode is mask. The visibility of up-down buttons can be changed by the ShowUpDown property.

//Enable the UpDown Button

    this.dateTimeEdit.ShowUpDown = true;

    //Disable the UpDown Button

    this.dateTimeEdit.ShowUpDown = false;
'Enable the UpDown Button

    Me.dateTimeEdit.ShowUpDown = true

    'Disable the UpDown Button

    Me.dateTimeEdit.ShowUpDown = false

Customize the visibility of up down

Customize drop-down calendar appearance

The drop-down calendar of the SfDateTimeEdit can be obtained from the MonthCalendar property. All the customization with calendar will be reflected in drop-down calendar of the SfDateTimeEdit. The following code snippets illustrates how to change the visibility of footer in the drop-down calendar of the SfDateTimeEdit:

dateTimeEdit.MonthCalendar.ShowFooter = false;
dateTimeEdit.MonthCalendar.ShowFooter = false

Customize drop-down calendar appearance

The size of the drop-down calendar can be customized by using the DropDownSize property.

//Setting DropDownSize

    this.dateTimeEdit.DropDownSize = new Size(294, 293);
    this.dateTimeEdit.Width = 294;
'Setting DropDownSize

    Me.dateTimeEdit.DropDownSize = New Size(294, 293)
    Me.dateTimeEdit.Width = 294

Drop-down calendar size customization

Show Week Numbers

Week numbers can be displayed by setting ShowWeekNumbers property as true.

//Setting ShowWeekNumbers

    sfDateTimeEdit1.MonthCalendar.ShowWeekNumbers = true;

Display Week Numbers


SfDateTimeEdit offers four built in themes for professional representation as follows.

  • Office2016Colorful
  • Office2016White
  • Office2016DarkGray
  • Office2016Black

Theme can be applied to SfDateTimeEdit by following the below steps:

  1. Load theme assembly
  2. Apply theme

Load theme assembly

Syncfusion.Office2016Theme.WinForms assembly should be added as reference to set theme for SfDateTimeEdit in any application:

Before apply theme to SfDateTimeEdit, required theme assembly should be loaded as follows.

using Syncfusion.WinForms.Controls;

    static class Program
        /// <summary>
        /// The main entry point for the application.
        /// </summary>
        static void Main()
            Application.Run(new Form1());
Imports Syncfusion.WinForms.Controls

    Friend Module Program
        ''' <summary>
        ''' The main entry point for the application.
        ''' </summary>
        Sub Main()
            Application.Run(New Form1())
        End Sub
    End Module

Apply theme

Appearance of SfDateTimeEdit can be changed by ThemeName of SfDateTimeEdit.


This option helps to set the Office2016Colorful Theme.

// Office2016Colorful

    this.dateTimeEdit.ThemeName = "Office2016Colorful";
' Office2016Colorful 

    Me.dateTimeEdit.ThemeName = "Office2016Colorful"

SfDateTimeEdit Office2016Colorful appearance


This option helps to set the Office2016White Theme.

// Office2016White

<<<<<<< HEAD
    this.dateTimeEdit.ThemeName = "Office2016White";
     this.dateTimeEdit.ThemeName = "Office2016White";
>>>>>>> 664175cf483e78a9bac155018dbdc92b8216b891
' Office2016White 

<<<<<<< HEAD
    ' Office2016White 

>>>>>>> 664175cf483e78a9bac155018dbdc92b8216b891
    Me.dateTimeEdit.ThemeName = "Office2016White"

SfDateTimeEdit Office2016White appearance


This option helps to set the Office2016DarkGray Theme.

// Office2016DarkGray

<<<<<<< HEAD
    this.dateTimeEdit.ThemeName = "Office2016DarkGray";
     this.dateTimeEdit.ThemeName = "Office2016DarkGray";
>>>>>>> 664175cf483e78a9bac155018dbdc92b8216b891
' Office2016DarkGray 

    Me.dateTimeEdit.ThemeName = "Office2016DarkGray"

SfDateTimeEdit Office2016DarkGray appearance


This option helps to set the Office2016Black Theme.

// Office2016Black

<<<<<<< HEAD
    this.dateTimeEdit.ThemeName = "Office2016Black";
     this.dateTimeEdit.ThemeName = "Office2016Black";
>>>>>>> 664175cf483e78a9bac155018dbdc92b8216b891
' Office2016Black 

    Me.dateTimeEdit.ThemeName = "Office2016Black"

SfDateTimeEdit Office2016Black appearance