Navigation in Windows Forms DateTimePicker (SfDateTimeEdit)

10 Jun 20213 minutes to read

The SfDateTimeEdit provides navigation and Value changes through the keyboard and mouse interaction in mask mode of the DateTimeEditMode, and also provides free style text editing support for date and time information. The SfDateTimeEdit allows you to change the SelectedField by using Right and Left arrows through keyboard interaction and this can be restricted by setting the InterceptArrowKeys to false.

The drop-down calendar control to pick the date Value for SfDateTimeEdit can be opened by Alt+Down arrow combinations. The drop-down calendar can be closed by Alt+Up and Alt+Down key combinations if the drop-down calendar is already opened. The state of drop-down calendar can be obtained from ShowDropDown of the SfDateTimeEdit.

The drop-down calendar provides key board support to change the selected date by using the keyboard. The date from different month, year, or decade can be selected by navigating to next view on pressing Ctrl+Up and navigate back to the old view on pressing Ctrl+Down key combinations. The selection in views can be changed by Right and Left arrows.

Handle drop-down calendar programmatically

The drop-down calendar can be opened by ShowPopup method of the SfDateTimeEdit. The following code illustrates how to open the drop-down calendar programmatically:


The drop-down calendar can be closed by the ClosePopup method of the SfDateTimeEdit. The following code illustrates how to close the drop-down calendar programmatically:


Change value by keyboard

In Mask edit mode, the Value of SfDateTimeEdit can be changed through Up and Down arrows. The SfDateTimeEdit spins the value of SelectedField (month, day, year, hour, second, and minute) to one step up or down based on the pressed arrows. Changing the value by Up and Down arrows can be applicable for Mask mode only, because the control does not aware of SelectedField of the SfDateTimeEdit in Default editing mode. This value change by Up and Down arrows can be restricted by setting the InterceptArrowKeys to false.

Change value by mouse

In Mask edit mode, the Value of SfDateTimeEdit can be changed through up and down buttons. To make DateTimeEdit to up-down control, set the ShowUpDown to true, and the DateTimeEdit control can be used as up-down only when the DateTimeEditMode is Mask. The SfDateTimeEdit spins the value of SelectedField (month, day, year, hour, second, and minute) to one step up or down based on the up and down buttons press. The SelectedField of SfDateTimeEdit provides the information about FieldType and FieldValue. The FieldType of SelectedField in the SfDateTimeEdit mention the type of selected DateTimeField, and the FieldValue of SelectedField in the SfDateTimeEdit provides text in the selected DateTimeField.

The SfDateTimeEdit allows you to change the Value by mouse wheel action. But this mouse wheel changing of value can be applicable only in mask mode DateTimeEditing. This value change by mouse wheel can be restricted by setting the AllowValueChangeOnMouseWheel to false.

Syncfusion.WinForms.Input.SfDateTimeEdit dateTimeEdit = new  Syncfusion.WinForms.Input.SfDateTimeEdit();


dateTimeEdit.Value = new DateTime(2017, 07, 05);

dateTimeEdit.DateTimePattern = DateTimePattern.LongDate;

dateTimeEdit.AllowValueChangeOnMouseWheel = true;
Dim dateTimeEdit As New Syncfusion.WinForms.Input.SfDateTimeEdit()


dateTimeEdit.Value = New DateTime(2017, 7, 5)

dateTimeEdit.DateTimePattern = DateTimePattern.LongDate

dateTimeEdit.AllowValueChangeOnMouseWheel = True

After selecting any part in the DateTime value by pressing the Up and Down arrows (or scrolling the mouse up or down), the selected value will change automatically.

Navigation support