Accessibility in SfTextInputLayout

28 Dec 20211 minute to read

The text input layout control has built-in AutomationId for inner elements. To keep unique id for inner elements, AutomationId of inner elements are updated based on SfTextInputLayout’s AutomationId. For example, if SfTextInputLayout’s AutomationId is set as sfTextInputLayout.AutomationId = “textInputLayout”, then AutomationId of inner elements will be updated as follows.

Element Element AutomationId Qualified AutomationId
Password Toggle VisibleIcon show password textInputLayout show password
Password Toggle CollapsedIcon hide password textInputLayout hide password
DropDown Button drop down textInputLayout drop down

The following code snippet demonstrates how to set the AutomationId to SfTextInputLayout.

    <Entry Text="John" />
SfTextInputLayout inputLayout = new SfTextInputLayout();
inputLayout.Hint = "Name";
inputLayout.EnablePasswordVisibilityToggle = true;
inputLayout.InputView = new Entry() { Text = "John" };
inputLayout.AutomationId = "textInputLayout";

Refer to the following code snippet to access the inner elements of SfTextInputLayout from the automation script.

[Description("SfTextInputLayout Automation Id")]
public void SfTextInputLayout_AutomationId()
   // To tap the Password Toggle VisibleIcon
   App.Tap("textInputLayout show password");

   // To tap the Password Toggle CollapsedIcon
   App.Tap("textInputLayout hide password");