System Requirements for Xamarin Components

9 Jan 20257 minutes to read

The system requirements for using our Syncfusion® Xamarin platform are as follows

Operating Systems

  • Windows XP
  • Windows Vista SP2
  • Windows 7 SP1
  • Windows 8, 8.1
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11
  • Android 4.1 & later
  • iOS 9 & later

Hardware Environment

  • Processor: x86 or x64
  • RAM : 512 MB (minimum), 1 GB (recommended)
  • Hard disc: up to 3 GB of free space will be required.

Development Environment

See the link below for the recommended Xamarin development environments

Supported Platforms

The platforms supported by our Xamarin.Forms controls are listed in the table below.


Device Types


Supported versions


Phone, Tablet

All controls

API level 21 and later versions


iPhone, iPod, iPad

All controls

iOS 9.0 and later versions


Desktop, Tablet

All controls

Windows 10 and later


iMac, Mac book, Mac mini

SfChart, SfDataGrid and SfListView

macOS 10.11 and later versions



SfChart, SfDataGrid, SfListView, SfSchedule, SfBorder, SfButton, SfChip, SfSwitch, SfRadioButton, SfCheckBox, SfGradientView, SfSegmentedControl, SfTextInputLayout

Windows 10 and later

Target Framework (Compile SDK Version) for Android

The target framework or compile SDK version of the application for the Android platform should be equal to or greater than the latest API available at the time of our release. More information on setting the target framework can be found at the following link.