States and Colors in Xamarin Text Input Layout (SfTextInputLayout)

24 Sep 20218 minutes to read

Based on the states, the colors will be applied to the hint labels and borders. So, when the input view is in focused state, the focused color will be applied; it is similar to other states also. The current hint color or active color can be obtained from the CurrentActiveColor property.


Since error is not a state, the error color will not be set to CurrentActiveColor when HasError property is set to true.

Focused color

When the input view is focused, the FocusedColor property value will be applied to the hint label and border.


Cursor color of the input view will be same as the Accent color of the application in each platform.

    Hint="User name" 
    HelperText="Enter your name"
    <Entry Text="John" />
var inputLayout = new SfTextInputLayout();
inputLayout.Hint = "User name";
inputLayout.FocusedColor = Color.FromHex("#00AFA0");
inputLayout.ErrorText = "User name available";
inputLayout.InputView = new Entry() { Text = "John" };

Focused color

Unfocused color

When the input view is unfocused, the UnfocusedColor property value will be applied to the hint label and border.


Thickness of the border will also vary between the focused and unfocused states.

    Hint="User name" 
    HelperText="User name available">
    <Entry Text="John" />
var inputLayout = new SfTextInputLayout();
inputLayout.Hint = "User name";
inputLayout.UnfocusedColor = Color.Silver;
inputLayout.ErrorText = "User name available";
inputLayout.InputView = new Entry() { Text = "John" };

Unfocused color

Error color

The error color can also be customized by setting the ErrorColor property.

    ErrorText="Should not contain special characters"
    <Entry Text="John/" />
var inputLayout = new SfTextInputLayout();
inputLayout.Hint = "Name";
inputLayout.ErrorColor = Color.FromHex("#B00020");
inputLayout.ErrorText = "Should not contain special characters";
inputLayout.HasError = true;
inputLayout.InputView = new Entry() { Text = "John/" };

Error color

Container color

The color of the container can be customized by setting the ContainerBackgroundColor property. It is applicable when the ContainerType property is set to Filled and Outlined.


The color of the container is customized when the ContainerType is Filled.

    <Entry Text="John" />
var inputLayout = new SfTextInputLayout();
inputLayout.Hint = "Name";
inputLayout.FocusedColor = Color.FromHex("#0450C2");
inputLayout.ContainerBackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E6EEF9");
inputLayout.ContainerType = ContainerType.Filled;
inputLayout.InputView = new Entry() { Text = "John" };



The color of the container is customized when the ContainerType is Outlined.

    <Entry Text="John" />
var inputLayout = new SfTextInputLayout();
inputLayout.Hint = "Name";
inputLayout.ContainerType = ContainerType.Outlined;
inputLayout.FocusedColor = Color.FromHex("#0450C2");
inputLayout.ContainerBackgroundColor = Color.FromHex("#E6EEF9");
inputLayout.InputView = new Entry() { Text = "John" };


Disabled state

The text input layout is disabled by setting the IsEnabled property to false. The color of the container and other UI elements will also be changed to the disabled state, but its color cannot be customized.

    <Entry />
var inputLayout = new SfTextInputLayout();
inputLayout.Hint = "Name";
inputLayout.IsEnabled = false;
inputLayout.InputView = new Entry();

Disabled state

Customizing the text color of label

You can customize the text color of the hint label, counter label, helper label and error label using the Color property of the LabelStyle.

    Hint="Name" ContainerType="Outlined" HelperText="Enter your name"
    ErrorText="Invalid text" ErrorColor="#B00020"
    ShowCharCount="true" CharMaxLength="3">
        <inputLayout:LabelStyle Color="Green"/>
        <inputLayout:LabelStyle Color="Blue"/>
        <inputLayout:LabelStyle Color="Brown"/>
        <inputLayout:LabelStyle Color="Maroon"/>
    <Entry Text="John" />
SfTextInputLayout inputLayout = new SfTextInputLayout();
    inputLayout.Hint = "Name";
    inputLayout.ContainerType = ContainerType.Outlined;
    inputLayout.HelperText = "Enter your name";
    inputLayout.ErrorColor = Color.FromHex("#B00020");
    inputLayout.CharMaxLength = 3;
    inputLayout.ShowCharCount = true;
    inputLayout.ErrorText = "Invalid text";
    inputLayout.InputView = new Entry();

    inputLayout.HintLabelStyle = new LabelStyle() { Color = Color.Green };
    inputLayout.HelperLabelStyle = new LabelStyle() { Color = Color.Blue };
    inputLayout.CounterLabelStyle = new LabelStyle() { Color = Color.Brown };
    inputLayout.ErrorLabelStyle = new LabelStyle() { Color = Color.Maroon };
    this.Content = inputLayout;

Label text color

See also

How to validate with required verification in SfTextInputLayout

How to customize the properties of outline border colors, hint name, helper text, error text, and char count

How to change the cursor color in SfTextInputLayout

How to customize the color of border and labels in SfTextInputLayout