Selection in WinUI ComboBox (SfComboBox)

20 Sep 202212 minutes to read

The ComboBox allows user to select single or multiple items from the drop-down list. The selection mode can be set by using the SelectionMode property. There are two different selection modes: Single, and Multiple.

Single selection

The ComboBox allows user to select a single item from the drop-down list.

UI Selection

The selected item can be changed interactively by selecting from the drop-down list or entering the value using keyboard and clicking the Enter key or losing the control focus. The selected item can be retrieved from the SelectedItem or SelectedIndex property of ComboBox control.

<editors:SfComboBox IsEditable="True"
                    ItemsSource="{Binding SocialMedias}"
                    TextMemberPath="Name" />

Single selection in WinUI ComboBox

Programmatic selection

The selected item can be changed programmatically by using the SelectedItem or SelectedIndex property of ComboBox control.

<editors:SfComboBox x:Name="comboBox"
                    ItemsSource="{Binding SocialMedias}"
                    SelectedIndex="2" />
comboBox.SelectedIndex = 2;

Single selection in WinUI ComboBox programmatically

Decide when to update selected item

The SelectionChangeTrigger property of the ComboBox can be used to update the selected item when the user commits a selection or each time the user navigates to a new selection in the ComboBox. The default value is Committed. The available SelectionChangeTrigger modes are:

  • Committed - Selected item is updated when the user commits a selection in the ComboBox.
  • Always - Selected item is updated when each time the user navigates to a new selection in the ComboBox.
<editors:SfComboBox IsEditable="True"
                    ItemsSource="{Binding SocialMedias}"
                    SelectionChanged="OnComboBoxSelectionChanged" />
private async  void OnComboBoxSelectionChanged(object sender, ComboBoxSelectionChangedEventArgs e)
    var cd = new ContentDialog
        Content = "Selected item was changed.",
        CloseButtonText = "Close"

    cd.XamlRoot = this.Content.XamlRoot;
    var result = await cd.ShowAsync();

The following screenshot demonstrates, while typing f in ComboBox control Facebook will be set as selected item.

Updates selected item each time the user navigates to a new selection in ComboBox


You can refer more information about SelectionChanged event from this link.

Multiple selection

The ComboBox allows user to select multiple values from the drop-down list. The multi-select ComboBox mode can be enabled by setting the SelectionMode property as Multiple.

There are two different display modes to perform multiple selection in ComboBox: Delimiter, and Token. The multiple selection display modes will be briefly explained in the upcoming section.

Programmatic selection

The selected items can be changed programmatically by using the SelectedItems property of ComboBox control.

<editors:SfComboBox x:Name="comboBox"
                    ItemsSource="{Binding SocialMedias}"
                    TextMemberPath="Name" />
SocialMediaViewModel socialMediaViewModel = (this.comboBox.DataContext as SocialMediaViewModel);
ObservableCollection<SocialMedia> socialMediasList = socialMediaViewModel.SocialMedias;

Multiple selection in WinUI ComboBox programmatically

How to hide the check box

The checkbox that is displayed in a drop-down list can be hidden by using the IsMultiSelectCheckBoxEnabled property of ComboBox control. The default value of IsMultiSelectCheckBoxEnabled property is true.

<editors:SfComboBox x:Name="comboBox"
                    ItemsSource="{Binding SocialMedias}"
                    TextMemberPath="Name" />
comboBox.IsMultiSelectCheckBoxEnabled = false;

WinUI ComboBox hide the checkbox in drop down list

Multiple selection display

Display multiple selected items with token representation or simply divide them with a delimiter text. The multiple selection display mode can be set by using the MultiSelectionDisplayMode property. The default value of MultiSelectionDisplayMode property is Delimiter.


When selecting the multiple items, the selected items can be separated from each other with a desired character given for a delimiter.


The IsEditable property has no effect when MultiSelectionDisplayMode is Delimiter.

UI selection

The selected items can be changed interactively by using keyboard or by selecting from a drop-down list. The selected items can be retrieved from the SelectedItems property of ComboBox control.

<editors:SfComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding SocialMedias}"
                    TextMemberPath="Name" />

Multiple selection in WinUI ComboBox

Separate items using delimiter

The ComboBox supports various delimiter characters to separate the selected items. The delimiter character can be set by using the DelimiterText property. The default delimiter character is ,.

<editors:SfComboBox x:Name="comboBox"
                    ItemsSource="{Binding SocialMedias}"
                    TextMemberPath="Name" />
comboBox.DelimiterText = "-";

WinUI ComboBox seperate the selected items using delimiter text


Selected items will be displayed with a customizable token representation and the users can remove each tokenized item by clicking the close button. Token mode supports both editable and non-editable text boxes for selecting items from a data source.

UI selection

The selected items can be changed interactively by using keyboard or by selecting from a drop-down list. The selected items can be retrieved from the SelectedItems property of ComboBox control.

    <editors:SfComboBox x:Name="comboBox"
                        ItemsSource="{Binding SocialMedias}"
                        TextMemberPath="Name" />

    <CheckBox Margin="20,0,0,0"
              IsChecked="{Binding ElementName=comboBox, Path=IsEditable, Mode=TwoWay}"
              Content="IsEditable" />

Multiple selection in WinUI ComboBox


Refer more information about customization of ComboBoxTokenItem from this link.

Auto-append UI

The ComboBox control provides auto-append support with the selection of text as well as text alone. The auto-append UI can be defined by using the AutoAppendType property. There are two types of auto-append UI: The TextWithSelection and Text. When the auto-append UI is set to Text, the appended text appears with a faded foreground, similar to Windows 11.

Auto-append UI as TextWithSelection

When entering a text in the text box selection area, if the AutoAppendType property is TextWithSelection, the appended text appears with the selection.

<editors:SfComboBox AppendType="TextWithSelection">

WinUI ComboBox control with auto-append UI as TextWithSelection

Auto-append UI as Text

When entering a text in the text box selection area, if the AutoAppendType property is Text, the appended text appears in a fading foreground.

<editors:SfComboBox AutoAppendType="Text">

WinUI ComboBox control with auto-append UI as Text

Selection changed notification

When selecting an item from the drop-down list, the SelectionChanged event is triggered. The SelectionChanged event contains the newly selected and removed items in the AddedItems and RemovedItems properties. The SelectionChanged contains the following properties:

  • AddedItems - Contains the items that were selected.
  • RemovedItems - Contains the items that were unselected.
<editors:SfComboBox x:Name="comboBox"
                    ItemsSource="{Binding SocialMedias}"
                    SelectionChanged="OnComboBoxSelectionChanged" />
comboBox.SelectionChanged += OnComboBoxSelectionChanged;

The SelectionChanged event can be handled as follows.

private async  void OnComboBoxSelectionChanged(object sender, ComboBoxSelectionChangedEventArgs e)
    var cd = new ContentDialog
        Content = "Selected item was changed.",
        CloseButtonText = "Close"

    cd.XamlRoot = this.Content.XamlRoot;
    var result = await cd.ShowAsync();

WinUI ComboBox selection change notification