Featured Samples for Syncfusion WinUI Controls
11 Feb 20221 minute to read
Syncfusion WinUI control panel
To explore Syncfusion WinUI controls and components, open the Syncfusion WinUI Controls Panel
by searching it from Start and Open.
In another way, open the Control Panel from the following installed location.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Syncfusion\Essential Studio\WinUI\27.2.2\Infrastructure\Launcher\Syncfusion WinUI Control Panel.exe
In the above section, latest Essential Studio version details has been provided. Refer installed Essential Studio version instead of mentioned version.
Syncfusion Controls Gallery for WinUI Desktop
The Syncfusion WinUI desktop controls can be explored in the Visual Studio by clicking Run Local Demos
Offline samples
- The individual control samples can also be run by exploring the individual control project.
For example, following is a demonstration to run an individual Chart
control project in Visual Studio.
- Open a standalone executable project desktop (not a lib project) in the Visual Studio, which is available under the category name.
- Build and deploy the individual control executable project, then run the application.
Online Sample
- Download and install demos from Microsoft Store.
Download demos from online (clone from github repository)
Explore the Syncfusion WinUI controls using GitHub WinUI demos, where all WinUI demos are configured using NuGet
to run without installing Syncfusion WinUI Studio.